The Theif's Prize

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He finishes cooking and hands her a plate. "Eat up. We've got a whole day ahead of us." He smiles.
Hannah hesitated in eating, not sure if she really should. The food was meant for Kyy, she was sure of that, so it made her feel a bit weird eating his food. Yet, ate she did. It certainly wasn't palace food, but it was unique so she liked it.
"Sorry if its not to your standards. It still helps fill you up, you know?" He finishes not long after. "Still want to look around town?"
"Oh, no, it's fine." Hannah said, finishing the pancakes. "Of course I still want to look around... I just need to change out of such gaudy clothes." She gestured to her dress, feeling a bit out of place.
He nods and grabs a shirt and pants for her. "Here. You can change in the bathroom. Just so you know though, the lock is broken."
"Noted, thank you." Hannah walked to the bathroom and quickly closed the door. She struggled to get the dress off, messing with the buttons and ties a bit irritably. She sighed as she finally got it off and started to put on the shirt and pants, enjoying not wearing the stuffy dress.
Kyy put his shoes on and waited to see how she looked. "Almost done in there?"
"Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute." Hannah called, grabbing a loose ribbon from her dress and using it to tie her hair back. It was slippery and hard to use, but she made it work. She walked out of the bathroom and tilted her head. "Well? Ready to go?"
Kyy looks at her and blushes. "You look good like that." He smiles and nods. "Ya, lets go."
Hannah looked down and shrugged before following Kyy. "So where to first?" She asked, not knowing just what she was going to see when she started walking through town with Kyy. She played with her gloves.
He shrugs. "Dunno. Figured walking around might give you an idea what its like here." A baby can be heard crying. "How about the stalls?"
"Sure..." Hannah said. When she heard the cry of the baby, she sighed. "Poor thing... I wonder what's wrong with it." She muttered to herself.
Kyy leads the way. On the way he grabs the wrist of a passing kid. "Let go of me!" Kyy sighs. "I will when you give it back." The kid scoffs and hands him a bag of money he stole from him. As the kid starts walking off Kyy stops him. "Here." He takes a few coins from the bag and hands it to him. "That should get you something to eat." The kid smiles. "Thanks Mr.!"
Hannah smiled at the kid before looking over to Kyy. "Things have really gone to shit, haven't they? If young kids are forced to steal..." She held her arms, shivering a bit as she wondered what they were going to do next.
Kyy nods as he finishes leading her to the stalls. "Ya, its bad." He buys some milk as a walks by, pushing a cart full off bodies. "A lot of people die of starvation and sickness."
Hannah bit her lip as she looked around. It seemed strange seeing such horrible things... And to think her parents hadn't even tried to stop it. She bit her lip a bit harder, feeling guilty.
Kyy takes her hand. "Come on. I have to do one more thing." He walks with her back to the well. "Go home. I don't want the ransom after all. I think that once you're in power, things will get better. Especially since you've seen what its like here. The tunnel runs under your room i believe so if you ever want out you can use it."
Hannah looked over at Kyy, surprised. "You're letting me go? Just like that? Really?" She asked, unsure of why he was doing this. She hesitated before shaking her head. "No, I can't go back. My parents... they would execute anyone associated with my kidnapper. That would be at least half the town. I can't go back." She played with the hem of her borrowed shirt. "Not until I figure out a way to ensure that no one is going to get hurt from this."
Kyy nods. "Thanks. If you want you can stay at my house until you figure it out."
Hannah smiled. "Thank you. I'd like that... So what do we do now?" She asked, looking around the run down town.
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