The Tavern

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Venna felt her heart drop when the sounds of anguish came to a halt, only the sound of the breeze breaking the silence for a few moments before the rider came out and charged off into the distance towards the forest with her horse. "Wait-!" She tried to stop the woman before she got too far out, but he'd efforts were in vain. The bard closed her eyes and turned away from what could possibly be the last time she would see the woman. With a soft, sorrowful sigh, she turned back towards the tavern and followed in alongside Adrian.

When her gaze traveled up from the floorboards, she noticed the same thing he did, the look on the barkeep's face, accompanied by peculiar actions. Without hesitation she approached. "You know what it is, don't you?" She paused, staring directly into the eyes of the frightened man. It may not have been clear to all, but she was scared as well, just more filled with concern than fear. "What do you suggest we do." She asked firmly. If he knew what it was, he likely knew what would be the wisest course of action. Should they remain there and wait? Should they hide? Should they run? Judging by the horrifying sounds she at first assumed to be inclement weather, she knew fighting would likely not be an option at all, which, at least to her, was a relief.
Rowen was guiding the white mare aroung the immense girth of an ancient looking tree when all of a sudden the ground came rushing up to her and the agonized screames of her mount filled her ears. She tried to roll as she hit the ground, but did not make it far. At least she was not pinned beneath the horse. Thunderous footsteps approached and she reached for her sheathed blade, but the motion caused immense pain to course through her arm. She tried to run, but soon discovered that the ground was no longer beneath her and a large, rough hand had grasped her. The creature was comparable to the size of a Kull, but clearly was not the ram-horned warrior being. She did not catch what the creature had said before she was thrown easily away, landing once again by her fallen mount. The white mare whinnied pitifully. A searing pain drove through her gut, narrowly missing her spine. She cried out in pain as her own blade was thrust through her and embedded into the earth, pinning her on the spot. Shelifted her arm and aimed her marked palm at the creature and shouted a single word. "Deyja!" Die. And passed out, not knowing whether the spell had any effect or not.
Roger's mind was filled with questions at what he saw; It was subsequently cleared by the -bonk!- of a peanut. Licking up the small treat he saw that it was not a kind gesture, but a mockery from nearby patrons who were laughing at him. His stomach growled in complaint at such a small meal, but he told it to be patient, as so often was the case. He eyed the men warily and realized he'd literally backed himself into a corner.

He'd made a mistake coming inside this place. He was obviously not welcome by the locals, and he was having trouble controlling his instinct to try and steal food like the typical dogs he'd met. Roger let out a determined snort and shook his head. He was better than this. He'd just have to hunt for something or find some scraps in a compost pile. He knew not all humans were mean, and maybe the pointy eared ones were different.

He trotted across the main floor of the inn and snuck along the bar. He was almost to the door when suddenly the elderly man in a booth stepped out! He dodged blindly to his left, and in doing so bumped into a young woman's leg on accident, smearing the beer in his fur on her pants/skirt ( @Azula ) .
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INTERACTION : @Saint Allison
MENTION : @Dakota K5 @Zell

[fieldbox="LEECIA MORAN, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]"My idiot question might save some lives you know," Leecia then heard the door opened and found the knight and bard elf went back. She was aching to know what the hell was happening out there. But right when she wanted to approach them, the dog she saw before bumped into her leg. Leecia was pissed off for a moment especially because he made her skirt dirty, but then she saw his adorable dog eyes, her heart melted.

"You should be careful, not everyone in here as kind as me, they might beat you if you bumped into them like this," Leecia crouched and reached her hand to his head, but she stopped before she patted him, "You won't... bite me right?" As her hand held out to touch the dog, Leecia observed him carefully. His stomach was somehow... empty, "You wanna eat? Should I order some meats for you?"

Leecia smiled and stood up, she approached the bartender again, but before she ordered anything, she looked at the dog, waiting for him to approach her. If he didn't approach her, maybe this dog wasn't as hungry as she thought.
Anders continued backing away, not seeing anyone pay any attention to him and turning around. He almost sprinted across the kitchen, throwing the rug on the floor to the side with reckless abandon. His hand found the brass ring and he gave it a hard pull. This passage was old, the undergrowth has done everything to keep it sealed. He pulled again, his grunt becoming pathetic whimpering. It wouldn't move, it wouldn't budge, and he sat down and cried.

Lenore was confused as ever, people rushing in and out, mangy dogs looking for scraps. She suddenly noticed that her brother was nowhere to be seen, and it made her heart stop for a split second. What is that sound, she thought, I thought the rain had passed. She heard crashing and shuffling about in the kitchen area and it was as if everything hit her at once. Her eyes widened and he heart started up, this time beating so fast that it was likely to burst from her chest.

"Everyone," she screamed, "Enact Plan 423, I repeat, Plan 423!"

The entire tavern seemed to halt at once, all of the talk ceased and every single patron stood up as one and began hurriedly walking to the kitchen area. Lenore turned her attention to the Leecia and Adrian, waving them back with an unfamiliar kindness. It was as if she was a different person altogether, she wasn't pouty or rude, but proud and domineering. This was something she had planned for a long time, and it seemed the entire town was in on it.

Outside, Frederick was frozen. He couldn't move from his spot, the cigarette in his mouth burning uselessly as he held his breath. The shadows were growing larger, the marching louder. He didn't see the girl run into the woods, he didn't hear Lenore talking about a plan of action. He heard his heart beat, he felt it resting in his throat. He knew they were done for.


The gargantuan creature recoiled slightly, anticipating the magic spell followed by the strange language she spoke. When nothing happened, he chuckled softly and pulled the sword from her stomach and tied it onto his belt. He grabbed her and placed her over his shoulder, he might still find a use for her.
Xavier shook his head and turned to walk away last "Damned fool." He mutters then looks towards the drunkard who had acted out, he saw the man's look of horror. He turns back around and sees the looming shadows and feels the presence of the creatures moving through the town...and due to his enhanced vision he could faintly make out the closest one, his own face drained of color and he grabs the man next to him, hoisting Frederick over his shoulders and moves back into the tavern and throws him towards the others, the man took a soft tumble as he did so. "Get moving." He says and turns back towards the door. He had a bad feeling about that other marked elf, rushing out like that was something reckless recruits did. He sighed, and looked to the others and shrugs "Guess I'm not that heartless as I thought." He says giving a wry smile and looks down at Frederick then back towards the others. "What are we waiting for, we do not want to meet whatever is out there." He says and looks to everyone motioning with his arms.
Adrian was conflicted, on one hand he knew discretion was the better part of valor and with the way people were acting it was most likely in his best interests to follow but on the other hand the elf who had rode out was still out there either dead or wounded but the decision was taken away when he was pushed by the crowd to where ever they were going. He lost sight or the princess and the bard as he slowly exhaled with his anger rising, first he and the others where treated with apathy or out right hostility now they are being treated like anyone Adrian had questions and he would get answers soon weather willingly or forcefully would be up to these people.

MENTION : @Uneasy Goat (Lenore)

[fieldbox="LEECIA MORAN, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]Before the dog could make response, suddenly the rude woman shouted some codes that Leecia didn't understand. However, the entire tavern seemed understand and walked hastily to the kitchen area, some even bumped into her and didn't say a single apology. Leecia grunted and tried to grab one of them, but they whacked her hands and pushed her to walk, "How rude! I need to ask, what the hell is happening?" she asked while still being pushed to walk, "Just follow the crowd, young lady," one of them shouted at her, but Leecia wasn't satisfied with the answer.

As she walked pass the woman who was now look like the leader of this crowd, Leecia tried to stop and talk to her, but again she was being pushed and ended up getting away from her. Leecia sighed and finally let herself walked like the other, heading somewhere she didn't know. She was confused and lost, for a second, she thought that she should have stayed at the castle. But she shook her head, she was better than this, giving up was not the best choice she had.
It was a peculiar hell Roger inhabited. He always understood what humans were saying in their language, but he could never offer up a reply himself. He'd tried many times before to mimic what they said, but he could never get anything more than a garbled whine to come out of his mouth. Madeline had always talked to him as if he were one of her human friends. She never dumbed down what she said or ignored him when he had a question. He'd come to realize it was very unusual, how easily she had understood his thoughts. He'd never met anyone else who could communicate without speaking, and frankly, he'd given up.

And so, as Roger slowly backed away from The Lady's leg, he raised his head to look at her with what he hoped was a sincere face of apology, knowing full well his gesture was entirely open to the viewer's interpretation.

"She's talking to me? And she knows I'm hungry?" he thought in amazement as The Lady asked if he'd like some meats to eat. His tail thumped on the floorboards as he sat down politely and he couldn't help but begin to shake in surprise and anticipation.
Yet it was not to be. He was pushed underneath the counter top of the bar as everyone in the tavern got up and started moving at once. He didn't know what was going on; he had not heard Lenore's instructions and when he looked for The Lady's legs again they were gone.

The door opened, and with a loud thump the body of the man who'd painted him with ale hit the floor. "Oh no! He must be back for vengeance!" he rapidly assumed, hearing the man's mumbled litany of curses trickled out of his bearded mouth. Again, unaware of what truly was going on, and feeling conflicting emotions of fear and hope, Roger decided that the best thing to do was bolt for the door.

As he entered the evening air, his nose began to burn with a scent too strong to be confused: Fresh Blood. His ears practically felt the weight of moving bodies. His eyes could not see anything. The smell was emanating from a path into the forests mouth.
Maybe it was a herd of elk that'd trampled their own? He didn't stop to question any of it, letting his now scorching hunger instinctually guide him into the tall underbrush.
As Lenore escorted everyone into hidden room, she tried to keep as calm as possible. Her fears could not show through to these people, and she knew the newcomers would have questions she could not answer. She hoped that this plan even worked in the first place, it had all be theory and hope before. As the crowd pushed through and dwindled she followed close behind, worriedly staring behind her as the thunderous footsteps grew so loud that it would be impossible to ignore. She hoped this would be enough.

The beast dropped Rowen's body when he came within sight of the tavern, it was right at the edge of the town and completely unguarded which meant it would be an easy target. He growled softly, as easy wasn't his intention. They were not the Marching Thousand to slaughter women and children because they were easy to kill, albeit children were generally harder because they were fast and small. This was something akin to a pilgrimage, a journey that would end with their acceptance into the Great Beyond as gods themselves. A world everlasting with neverending conquest, but they had to prove themselves first. A scout moved forward, into the clearing, and saw a mutt sprint from the door of the tavern and made a gesture to his ear signaling that there was a lot of noise inside.

Grogoth raised his hand and then suddenly clenched his fist, there were to be no witnesses to this fight. He looked down at Rowen, who seemed to be coming to consciousness but still badly bleeding, and smiled wickedly.
Adrian took to both of his knees' before taking out his sword alarming a few people though they calmed a little when he rested it across his lap and started to slow his breathing and his heart rate. He and his fellow knights had been taught this "battle meditation" as his teacher's had called it, it was a way of clearing yourself of distraction weather that be noise, wind, rain, anger, sorrow, joy or the sounds of death. He felt the fear of those around him, fear of whatever was causing those steps above like thunder but for Adrian their was no foot steps, no fear or emotion only himself and his blade remained; waiting for the moment of action.
Rowen Shadowmoon began to stir as she lay on the ground in front of the Tavern she had just left. Although she did not yet know where she was. She heard faint whispers, and massive, thudding heartbeats. The Kull-creatures were still nearby. She reached out with her mind, spreading her already weak consciousness. Celöbra was gone, the emerald blade no longer pinned her to the ground, but she was still bleeding, and heavily. She had to look for her sword, but first she had to heal at least enough to function. She could not cast such a spell in her current state. She had to draw the required energy from another source. The giant beings around her would be the best choice. She locked onto one, this one seemed a little smaller than the others, and drew upon its energy as she muttered her spell. "Waise, heill." Be healed. The spell at least closed her wounds enough to stop the bleeding. When she was out of danger, she could formulate a proper spell to heal her wounds. She still lay on the ground, covered in her own blood, as her own strength began, slowly, to build. She would remain on the ground and feign death. Maybe it would buy her some time.


[fieldbox="LEECIA MORAN, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]Leecia's breath slowly became heavier as the crowd started to gather in one place. Big enough to accommodate the whole tavern, small enough to give very tiny spaces to move. The sound of chatters filled the area, but it couldn't cover the sounds coming from outside. Big thumps marched its way here, something big in large numbers. It must be everyone's nightmare, seeing how they walked here in unison, leaving no single person outside.

Leecia hugged her body with both hands as cold and fear started to shade her body. She never thought that she WOULD face situation like this. She hoped she would, but now she wasn't sure. She NEVER faced real battle for once, now she had the chance and she wondered if she really wanted to take this opportunity. Her father used to teach her one prayer, a prayer that she should sang anytime she was scared. Leecia didn't pay attention to that prayer before, staying in castle never brought her any harm or fear. But now, she wished she remembered it better because in this exact time, Leecia felt that death was closer than the air she breathed.
Xavier moved through the crowd to the princess and put a hand on her shoulder, his other hand clutching his blade, the hand holding trembling slightly. He gave her a half-hearted smile and whispers "We shall all be fine princess, we are somewhere that is safe, and the townsfolk seem to have this down to a precise science." He says and looks up, hearing the almost heavy hoof beats of the things marching above them. He sighed looking down to his blade, the ornate symbols and the fiery adornments almost seemed to flicker themselves and he sets the blade up and against his shoulders as he let's go of the princess' shoulder. He rocks to and fro on his heels, something similar to what Adrian was doing on the ground, this was a way to keep his mind focused and his body ready to either fight or dash away. He couldn't help but look over the other people, thankfully being tall for his species made him tall for humans as well and he saw the terrified faces of the townsfolk and couldn't help but wonder what the hell was up in the village right now.
The scent was a hot molten mist that covered Roger and pulled him toward's its source. He squinted as blades of grass parted in front of his nose, and his feet moved silently in the soft earth. He hesitated as he reached a fallen log, realizing this to be a fork in the trail so to speak. His mind was conflicted... was the scent forward or was it flanking him? He admitted he didn't recognize the particular smell; it was not the lifestream of the small mammals he was accustomed to eating, but a larger one. In this moment haste was the ruler of hunger, which in turn was the ruler of roger. He instictively took the lead to the right, feeling more comfortable being close to civilization anyways (especially with the mysteriously measured stampede that was happening deeper in the forest.)

As his nose broke the last strand of brush, he stepped into a clearing. His eyes were finally able to win the battle with his stomach and his mind, and he dropped onto his furry belly. He saw what looked to be people, but their faces were scary! They looked angry... they looked predatory! He was confused. The wind shifted and the odor that struck him now was a combination of unwashed testicles and a pile of guts with dried blood caking it that no longer was delicious but disgusting. He was afraid, repulsed, and perplexed. The red ribbon of blood was still winding it's way around the breeze however, and it was its guidance that lead him to spot the woman lying on the ground. He recognized her from the tavern. She was the one who stared! He returned the favor, barely seeing through the low grass but effectively invisible to anyone who wasn't scanning the field for a mud colored dog like himself.

He couldn't tell if she was alive. The aroma of human life was strange to him. His time with Madeline had been very peaceful, and the forest in between the caravan and here was only populated by animals like himself. It was a subtle nudge that led him to charge. An awareness on the very edge of conciousness that somehow this woman was... searching for help. Pleading.

Canine adrenaline surged in his veins as he let out a short yet very stark howl into the evening air. If she was still breathing, maybe distracting the monsters would give her a chance to escape? His hunger was enraged, trying to stop his odd sense of selfless reason from retaining control. His ego, though, knew how nimble he really was, and that the lumbering beasts that made no effort to hide their location were of little threat to a determined beast as he.
Drawn by the howl of the ragged mutt, Grogoth stared at it angrily. This was their guard dog... fitting. A ragged little town with a disgusting animal to protect it, not that it would be safe. He stepped to the dog and kicked it hard in the stomach, causing a loud whimper to escape it's muzzle before the lumbering beast laughed. He didn't see Rowen steal the life force from Ulgar, but he did notice the lack of movement from the Tavern in front of him. He squinted as best he could, his focus on any slight movement but there was nothing to see. He grumbled softly, but looked back at his second in command and beckoned for him to move his unit forward. The footsteps began again, this time followed by the battle-drums and war chants of the Marching Thousand. The Death March.

The rumbling filled the ears of every person hiding in the small room, the war chants and drums causing their own heartbeats to speed up and their breath to escape. Lenore looked around at all the people inside, the room barely lit by the faint light still in the Inn, and realized how much luck would need to be involved to keep themselves safe. This plan was one of many, all preparing for the prophecies of the Dark Ones to be fulfilled, but she never thought she'd actually have to use one. They were children's tales, things one did out of habit rather than actual fear... But this was no children's story. It was a reality she didn't want to face, and as the floorboards creaked with the heavy boots of giants a child began to cry.
Adrian's eyes were open now as he sat on his knees still with his sword in his lap, the waiting was the worst for him his training always told him to attack and never give an opposing force the ability to make sense of the situation they found themselves in but now he had to wait and a rat. Though the sound of these beings above him told him that this was not just some raiding group, these people wouldn't be so afraid of just raiders no this was something worse to have these people in such a terror as to hide like this and the speed of which they all got down here spoke of rehearsed precision or great familiarity of the plan.

He saw the male elf was doing his own ritual in the event blood had to be shed. "Still better than the endless war back home." He thought to himself privately, the elf with the marking on her hand was also a note of concern she had rode off alone and was more than likely dead but until he saw a body Adrian would hold his opinion on the female's fate.
Venna watched as all those in the inn knowingly got up and flooded towards the back with fear painted on each face. Clearly the small group were the only ones who were clueless, though they all followed along anyways. The bard quickly grabbed her pack and threw something from within it out of one of the back windows before following the last bit of the crowd. Once everyone was in and everything was closed up it seemed dark. Not only due to the dim lighting, but also the morale of everyone who resided. It was terrifying enough to hear the sounds that came from whatever was going on, but a guess lay in her mind that these around her knew what it was, and the elf grew more and more uncertain if whether or not she wanted to know the secret.

Her eyes scanned as people shivered our froze in fear, some clutching into each other as it grew quieter as whatever was outside approached, getting closer and closer. She watched as the group prepared themselves and went into deep thought as to what may happen. Her questioning of whether or not she should inquire about what was going on disappeared as the sounds grew louder and louder. Silence would probably be the best thing at that point, certainly nothing above a whisper, she imagined that was part of plan 4.. Something..Something. The elf searched her person, checking in each nook and cranny of her being, every pocket and every pouch of her clothes and pack, make sure she had everything she needed, and making sure it was ready.

Color flushed from the elf's skin as a terrible sounds broke the hushed atmosphere. A child, whose presence had until now been unknown to the elf, began to cry. Not sob, or sniffle, or whine, but cry. As understandable as it was, it wasn't the correct time for that by any means. The bard acted quickly and silently, grabbing up the child and comforting her as sweetly and quietly as possible. Luckily for her, a certain charm and persuasion came with being a bard. Unlucky for all of them, the alarm already rang out, the child's cry was likely already heard by whatever lie above them.

INTERACTION : @NewKingofDrangleic

[fieldbox="LEECIA MORAN, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]As a gentle touch rested on her shoulder, Leecia glanced at the knight who was right beside her. He was much taller than her, she just realized it now. Leecia needed to crane her neck to see him better. No matter how much Leecia heard about being safe here, it wouldn't let her mind took any rest from thinking what would happen to her. She shrugged and huffed, still looking at the man, "How could you trust this folks? I don't think this place is safe from whatever lurking outside..."

The rumbling sounds outside turned louder and louder, followed by the battle-drums and war chants. Leecia couldn't hear it well, but she was sure it would bring no good to them. Waiting made her jittery, doing nothing and just stayed silent had driven her mad. She couldn't do anything too, but still... waiting for something unclear to come was not assuring her safety either.

The silence suddenly broke by a cry, child's cry. Unconsciously, Leecia turned her head, trying to find the sound. It was weird to have a child here, Leecia thought that this tavern was for adults, but then a child stuck in here. The cry stopped right away, someone must had done something to comfort the child. However, the cry was undoubtedly loud enough to be heard through the walls and floors.
As Rowen lay on the lawn gathering her strength, she sensed a slightly familiar presence. She risked cracking her eyes open. It was the dog from the tavern. A brave canine he was to face these hulking creatures alone. As they turned to search for the source of the howling, Rowan took the opportunity to rise to her feet. Reaching for Celöbra, her hand wrapped around air. The sword was not in its sheath. She looked on the ground near her. The emerald blade was nowhere to be seen. 'One of them must have it.' She thought. The creatures were far to large to wield the sword that was forged for her. Luckily, her father insisted she keep a dagger hidden on her person. Now was the time she needed it and was glad she had listened to her father. She drew the small blade and rushed at the reeking feet of the nearest of the beasts and slashed along the ankle.
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