The stream of Time is ever changing... will you twist your own destiny?

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Original poster
Hello everyone!

Tonight I ask if anyone would be willing to make a half slice of life, half diary rp, where we would all be the same character... at different points of his or her life. I explain myself, we would all take a sole phase of development of the average adult and add events at random, these events affecting the others' own events as a result and liking all of our snippets into a hopefully relatively coherent tale.

While our character would have been a baby at one point, it would probably be boring to portray, so we will have someone create a toddler, another add to this toddler as a child, then a preteen, a teenager, a young adult, an adult, a middle-aged adult, a retired adult and then an elder, for a total of nine people working together, though there is the possibility of merging these for a more manageable number if interest is not keen enough.

This is, of course, a new idea for me, but I hope this will make a great rp. Are you in?
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