The Siren's Song [ OOC ]

When the party gets a boat. How big should it be?

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I had a really busy last couple of days, and I'm waiting on Andromena, but she hasn't been on in days either, so I'll get up a post soon.
Alright, the fabulous birdman is ready for the next day to come. I'll be waiting until the rest of you get there as well. ;3
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So just to get a sense who has to post before be do "the next day" posts?
I'm going to throw in another post, but we are also waiting on the Orc to respond as well as Andromena.
You should tag them here, that way they'ill know that we arr waiting for them...
I will be on it presently.

After I shower.​
Ill be able to post later today im still oo school and need to nake a call after
There you go guys.
Sorry about the long wait, wasn't very cool of me.​
Dx I know. ~(>.>)~ My awesomeness has fond chu T^T
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Sorry guys, me and Andromena will be dropping out. You guys are really cool but I'm going to be working on another RP and perhaps a workshop. Just wanted to let you know so you're not all waiting on me.

Sorry again. :(

Awwwww, we'll miss you~ .3.
Sad to see you go Angel. But I understand. We all get busy at times(except me...I am just a lazy-ass f***er.)
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