The Seven Dreaded- Lore & Universe



Original poster

The Great Lands Of Khartouma, surrounded by the ever reaching Ocean Scartarris

Hierarchy Of Gods

The Nameless Superior
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The absolute supreme being of any and all universes. This deity is rarely seen or interacted with. All other gods and deities fall under this entity and his power dwarfs any under him. It said that the Nameless Superior spoke everything into existence with a single word.

The High Celestials

A group of lesser deities that take up court in the star regions and the clouded heavens. Most of them are patron gods of virtuous endeavors such as wisdom, patience and loyalty.

The Compendium Of Chaos
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A group of lesser gods who act as antithesis to the High Celestials. They are responsible for the uncertain and acts of destruction and dis order throughout the cosmos

The Elemental Spirits

Four lesser deities and siblings who govern the essence of water, fire, earth and wind. Two, Water and Wind...commune with the High Celestials and are known as patient, generous and benign gods. However the other two, Fire and Earth...have a kinship with the Compendium of Chaos and are known to be brash, hot tempered and impulsive deities.

The Jaded Oracles
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The watchers, time keepers and guardians of past, present and future knowledge. They are forbidden by The Nameless Superior from directly interfering with mortal affairs.

The Nine Realms Of The Abyss
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The Underworld split into nine sections, each section lorded over by a set of demonic brothers who are constantly at civil war with each other.

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The Nine Lords Of the Abyss
The Nine Abyssal Lords are a set of nine demonic brothers who are the children of Karderacsh, an evil elder of the Compendium Of Chaos and his union with one Tetraterra, a wise founding mother of the High Celestials. They are ranked from youngest to eldest...

Lord Of The First Realm

Youngest of the Abyssal Lords and least powerful of the demon brothers. He is impetuous and while his allegiance is to the evil side of cosmic order, he is not completely devoid of compassion. His realm is the least severe in punishment for the souls sent to damnation.

Lord Of The Second Realm

Next in line of the Abyssal Lords. Hybor-Uru is the most martial and militant of his brothers. He is arguably the best warrior amongst the Abyssal Lords. He too is not devoid of compassion and has even known to release a few wary souls, provided they prove their worthiness in combat. If they can best him in battle, he will give them a second chance at life on the mortal plane.

Lord Of The Third Realm


One side of a set of twins born to Karderacsh and Tetraterra. Zeraster and his twin brother Zatrocittus can be seen as a pair of lethal tricksters who are more interested in engaging in diabolical games with the souls of their charges. They are poor sports and hate to lose.

Lord Of The Fourth Realm

Twin brother to Zeraster, Zattrocitus much like his brother can be seen as a psychotic prankster only interested in torturing the poor souls sent to his realm with lethal and diabolical games for his amusement. A few clever souls have managed to escape the Abyss by beating him at his own games, but again, much like Zeraster, this Abyssal Lord hates to lose.

Lord Of The Fifth Realm

This Abyssal Lord can be seen to be the most neglectful of the nine brothers. He is quite resentful about essentially being one of the guardians of Hell and finds it quite demeaning. Most of his time is spent seeking a reprieve amongst both the Compendium Of Chaos and the High Celestials, genuinely looking to upgrade his position in the higher realms of the gods.

Lord Of The Sixth Realm

This demonic brother favors the art of the wager. Known as the Gambler amongst his brothers, Kuth-Phobias loves betting on just about anything. If the souls sent to his realm are lucky enough to win in a game of infernal craps, they may have a chance to return from death.

Lord Of The Seventh Realm
Rath-Drakkis is the schemer of his demonic brethren. Much like his brother Teth-Arr, Rath-Drakkis thinks he's cut out for something much better than being a lord of Hell. However unlike his brother, Rath-Drakkis revels in the Machiavellian plot and actively conspires with anyone and anything to rise up the ranks.

Lord Of The Eighth Realm

This vengeful Abyssal Lord reserves most of his hatred not for The High Celestials or The Jaded Oracles, but for his brother, Scarr-Talos. Eons ago Karra-Thule lost a duel against his older brother for control of the Ninth Realm, ergo losing the most coveted dimension of the Abyss. He is seen as only the second most powerful of the demon lords. Karra-Thule would give anything to topple his brother and take control of the Ninth Realm for himself.

Lord Of The Ninth Realm

Eldest and most powerful of the Abyssal Lords. Scarr-Talos rules the final level of the underworld, reserved for the most wretched and evil souls of the mortal realm. Scarr-Talos can also be seen as the most ambitious of his demonic brothers. Not satisfied with being the most powerful of the demon lords of Hell, Scarr-Talos has his sights set firmly on ruling the mortal realm as well.
The Argosian Empire

Prince Valens
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Prince Valens is the eldest son of the former King Darris and was next in line to rule Argosian at the passing of his father. However Valens chose to betray his father and the rest of his family when he allied himself with his evil uncle, the demi-god Nastor. Nastor was the son of the demonic god of the Ninth Realm Of The Abyss and plotted to steal the throne from his brother Darris. Valens began studying the dark arts of the Blood Magics under the tutleage of first Nastor, than after the slaying of his father, under Scarr-Talos himself. He rules all of the Argosian Empire at Nastor's side and has become just as cruel as his monstrous uncle. Over the years Valens has become a powerful sorcerer and an adept practitioner of the black arts. He is ranked as Scarr-Talos' top pupil. He wears a hooded cloak and ceremonial mask to hide his deteriorating physical form...the price he must pay for all his vast power. The essence of the dark sorcery slowly consuming not only his mind, but his body as well. Any spark of humanity he may have had, died the day he betrayed his father, his kingdom and his family. Valens also serves as High Priest to the Order Of The Abyssal Shadows, the official "religion" of the Argosian Empire. It revolves around the worship of the demon lord of the Ninth Realm of the Abyss, Scarr-Talos. The demonic god demands a plethora of bloody human sacrifice on a monthly basis for his continued patronage and sanction. The Order has issued a mandate that all young men and women who are born with red hair become priests and priestesses in service to Scarr-Talos.

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The Shadow Legions
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The ground military forces of The Argosian Empire. The Legions number several hundreds of thousands in strength and are the most feared army on the face of the Great Lands of Khartouma.

The Dragon Born
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The "Air Force" of the Argosian Empire. These warriors fight with and control large, black winged dragons that belch forth black fire. The Dragon Born are fierce looking warriors, possessing strange powers all their own. Each Dragon Born is psychically and spiritually linked with their dragon, which they refer to as their "Steeds". They can also spit large quantities of black fire from their own mouths and eyes. Rider and dragon are so closely linked to one another, that if one is killed the other will die as well.

The Dark Slain
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The most elite, frightening and fearsome of all of Nastor's warriors. They are the Delta Force of The Argosian Empire and possess a number of demonic abilities. A Dark Slain must start out as a Shadow Legionnaire and work their way up, usually gaining notoriety in battle and be exceptionally skilled in combat. Than when a candidate is chosen worthy by "The One Defied" himself, they are granted passage to the Ninth Realm to be Blood Baptized by the god Scarr-Talos. A process in which their immortal souls are relinquished and replaced with the dark spirits of over a hundred slain warriors. It is than that the initiates are bathed inside the Cauldron of Damnation to which they emerge as a bestial creature outfitted with all sorts of powers. After a time they are returned to the mortal realm and presented before Nastor, who in turn awards them with their signature weapons, The Gauntlet of Souls. This is a weapon in which they use to capture an opponents very life essence, using it as a power source to fuel themselves. These demon warriors have an unwavering allegiance to both Nastor and Scarr-Talos. They are the most feared soldiers in the empire and have attained such infamy that opposing forces have been said to commit mass suicide to avoid the wrath of the "Slain".
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Name: Kharderash
Race: Warrior God

Pantheon Allegiance: The Compendium Of Chaos

Physical Appearance:


Kharderash is one of the founding Elders of the Compendium Of Chaos, a group of deities who favor the ways of unpredictability, random chance and the antithesis of order. This doesn't necessarily make them evil, they just view death, war and destruction as a vital and natural part of the universal cycle of creation. As one of the oldest beings in existence, Kharderash was created directly by the Nameless Superior and as such is seen as one of the most powerful gods in all pantheons. In the early days of creation, young Kharderash was seen to be at stark odds with his more light minded siblings. He favored war and the art of combat as an essential part of life, death and re-birth. In time he would split off with a few other of his divine cohorts to form the Compendium Of Chaos, while the rest of his brethren would organize into the High Celstials. From that time onward, the two factions would find themselves in near eternal opposition to another. With his combative nature, Kharderash would go onto to become the god of war itself and patent a divine fighting discipline he named The Chakra. The most deadly art of combat ever known. Kharderash is known far and wide to be the greatest warrior among all the gods, second only to the Nameless Superior.

Over the eons, Kharderash has taken many lovers and has had countless children both god and demi-god, divine and mortal. He has fathered all of the Nine Lords of the Abyss as well as his two daughters, Diedre'Tiri and Adrazna who serve as warrior goddesses within the Compendium. Kharderash is legendary for being brash, impulsive and fierce. Yet this does not mean he cannot be reasoned with, under the right circumstances, the warrior god can impart wisdom and a fair amount of patience.