Name: Fruit Jackson
Age: 15
Zodiac Sign: Don't try to define me with your archaic astrological symbolism! You'll fail!
Backstory: Fruit was born with chronic hipsterism, a genetic enhancement that grants him coolness that only he and a select few chosen ones can see. Fruit first knew he was different when, during family movie night, he alone recoiled in disgust at Transformers and its ungodly sequels. His parents and siblings never understood him, but how could they? Their intellects and tastes were so mainstream – and they were naked all the time! He denounced them from a safe distance while they slept, then grabbed a knapsack and fedora, leaving New Zealand-7 forever.
He fell in love, fell out of love, fell back in love but refused to indulge the wretched institution of marriage, worked as a pepsi taste tester, decried Beyonce for the drowzee that she really is, joined a peace movement, left the peace movement after it got too big and had its values displaced by sheeple, embraced Jesus-7 as a social experiment, got addicted to cranberry, and finally joined the pepsi war effort, fully self-aware that war changed nothing but, with an amused kiwi shrug, ironically going ahead with it anyway.
A lesser kiwi would have chosen to side with the superior coca-cola empire; but Fruit was never one for the popular option.
Personality: He seems like a lovely drinking buddy – too bad he's a straight edge vegan that's better than you, sheep.
Abilities: Fruit has the ability to burn the conformity out of an individual with a touch – along with the individual itself. He can immediately differentiate between the mainstream and the indie, and marketing techniques do not work on this savvy kiwi consumer. He can shoot concussive laser beams from his eyes, and exhibits mild telekinesis to compensate for his lack of arms – ironically.
Likes: H-have you been reading?
Dislikes: Fruit's too enlightened for petty hate