The Seed of Life Characters


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The Baladuri But Not Really
⦙⦙ RACE | Human ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Baladur ⦙⦙ MAGIC | None ⦙⦙ AGE | 27 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 6'2" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 156lbs.

Hal is often said to be a considerate man by his peers, his adoptive father often endearingly telling him he did not belong with the Baladuri. His compassion is near empathetic, driving him to brash decisions that have often gotten himself into trouble with the Champions of the land. He can't help himself but meddle in the affairs of the Baladuri to fight against the slavery, and he has often taken part of what was known as "freedom raids" to free the natives from their chains and labor. The efforts of the "freedom raids" drastically affected the economy as their mines lacked workers, and thus ale became their primary export once again.

Many of the poorer homes were left without coal to warm them through the cold seasons bringing about conflict within Hal's mind. Had he done the right thing? It was a hard lesson to learn in having to consider the bigger picture. Instead of freeing the slaves and having them run into hiding, diplomacy should have been in place to bring these natives into the world as workers earning wages for their work. Now the natives had to hide away in the Northern Mountains to avoid being hunted down, meanwhile children were dying in their own homes as they froze to death.

He feels like he has to save the world, but he constantly stretches himself too thin. Hal constantly seeks out the elders and attends gatherings to hear the stories of the Dragon Wardens and of the history of the Four Kingdoms and of the first King Nalth. While he is still prone to being brash, in his older age he has matured to understand thinking before acting is very important.

Weapon specialization || Short sword

Profession || Coal miner (for half a year as punishment), Thatcher

Skills || Rock climbing, survivalist skills, tracking

Hal was found by his adoptive parents within the Mouth of the Mountain as just a small child. Living so close to the infamous dormant volcano, they often traveled up its slope to check on the tree that grew within its chasm. No matter what season or how cold it would get, that tree always kept its leaves and never cycled through the seasons. But they noticed after a blizzard the tree's branches that barely peeked out of the Mouth no longer carried leaves. When they went to investigate, they noticed a glow like a fire down within the cave.

Nor and Kathan Midigan came across a young boy no older than four who sat beside a small fire quietly sobbing. When asked where his parents were, he could not answer. When asked what his name was, he could not answer. And so they left a note upon the wall in case his parents were to ever return that they were taking their child under their care and named him Hal after the name engraved within a jutting, broken slab of granite that rested next to the dead tree.

From there, Hal grew up under the Midigan name and eldest of three sons and two daughters. Despite being different, he was quite the influence over his younger siblings, and in their teenage years they all took part in the "freedom raids" at some point. It was all from the inspiration of Hal, and it was only within his immediate family did he feel welcome.

Despite never remembering his past, Hal doesn't have a desire to search for his true parents or learn of his blood heritage. To him, the Midigan name is his bloodline, and his only true parents are Nor and Kathan. His adventurous nature seems to stem more in his want to help others wherever he can. The farthest he's ever been has been to Muld.

Very few outsiders came and went in his life. He was very honored to meet an orc or two, and had several run ins with Thalls, but anyone with magic did not traverse through the Northern Mountains. The most notable outsider encounter comes from Sothal Blaine, a Fallenite adventurer and procurer of artifacts. Hal had the pleasure of coming to know the man at age eight when Sothal came upon their doorstep pleading for a warm meal away from the cold. When asked what a Fallenite was doing so far North, he chuckled and shrugged saying he just felt like perusing.

To earn his meal, the next day Sothal set out to help Nor with tasks around the land, Hal in starry-eyed tow as the Fallenite regaled his many adventures and encounters with strange beasts and magic. Nor was admittedly just as enamored with the stories, and Sothal was deemed welcome in their home for as long as he was in Baladur. It was there Hal followed Sothal on some minor adventures up the mountains and into the Mouth of the Mountain.

But then one day Sothal left, and Hal could not follow. The man never returned, and for years Hal waited eagerly. Eventually, his waiting turned into his own bouts of adventures, leading him to join causes of great purpose in Baladur that threatened civil war. While he has moved on from his boyish daydreaming, he still feels the call to adventure and to helping the world become a better place to live.






Thick, brown hair rests atop Hal's crown in a disheveled mess so thick he can't seem to grow it out like a Baladuri without it sticking straight up. Stubble lines his angular jaw as he flips between wanting a beard and going without. A thick brow hangs low above green eyes, the only true indication that he was not born of Baladuri blood. The other indication would be his naturally thin physique, more built athletically than in bulk with his genetics. His skin is coarse, almost feeling as if constantly chapped despite the efforts of Woodland Oils.

His favored attire is that of the Fallenite adventurer Sothal Blaine's, who, in his travels to the Mouth of the Mountain, ended up accidentally leaving some of his clothes after disappearing one day. Hal kept the clothes for when the man would return, and when he finally grew up to fit in them he decided to wear them as his own. Soft, dark leathers comprise the ensemble not just within the heft of the coat, but in a rather fanciful vest decorated with silver and finished off with a pair of boots.
writing sample
Sothal's stride was far wider than Hal's through the woodland as they made their way up through a small mountain. It had been about two miles now and the young boy was starting to get winded with keeping up to the Fallenite's pace. A small chuckle escaped the adventurer's lips as a smirk crested his features with amusement evident in the boy's dedication to an unknown cause. The man's pace slowed, and Hal nearly rammed right into the man's hip before he fell back into line.

"We'll take a little rest here," Sothal said as he nodded towards a bolder. The rock looked like it had tumbled down the mountain side long ago, the trees far younger in the wake it once gave before finding its resting place. Hal breathed a heavy sigh of relief, his arms dangling heavily in front of him in a dramatic flare. "Oh, come now, it hasn't been all that bad! The snow's all up ahead, anyway. We should unpack some of the heavier coats."

"What are you looking for up there anyway?" Hal asked curiously as he climbed up on the large rock. His hand shielded the sun from his eyes as he looked up in the clear sky. The far snowy slope looked just as uninviting as the rest of them.

"Seeds!" Sothal responded bombastically as he sat next to the boy. His hand rummaged through his pack to produce a thicker coat to add to his already warm ensemble.

"Seeds?" Hal repeated curiously. "What kind of seeds? I don't think anything grows up there but evergreens." He looked back up at the peaks through the sparse canopy of naked wood and pulled out his own coat from his sack.

"These are magic seeds," explained the adventurer. "And I'll make a pretty penny off of them. Just you wait! They're somewhere out there."

Hal just laughed and shook his head in disbelief. The notion of finding any seeds of worth up there seemed silly, but he enjoyed Sothal's company immensely. Even if the endeavor was pointless, he wanted to go with the man on one of his adventures just to see how great it could be.

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The Bleeding Heart
⦙⦙ RACE | Sur ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Emalnahar ⦙⦙ MAGIC | Ice ⦙⦙ AGE | 21 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 5'7" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 115lbs.

Wyn is a creature born of wishful thought and mischief - a curious nature imbued in her from childhood. However sprightly she may be, she is not entirely without focus. In spite of all she and her people have endured, her disposition rarely falters. Strong willed, young and impulsive, Wyn does not take well to orders and can be quite defiant when told something exceeds her grasp, but ultimately what she sets her mind to, she does with absolute scrutiny, passion and dedication.

She knows little of the world outside of her home and consciously, she is drawn to the idea of humankind, captivated most particularly towards those things about which she is uneducated. Contrary to the sentiment of the vast majority of her people, she finds humanity attractive and is particularly fascinated by the concept of their rounded ears.

However determined she is to prove herself, Wyn is sub par in all things battle oriented. She is a weak fighter and having never properly completed her magical studies, she is only somewhat aware of her talents in her attunement. She is, however, relatively skilled at tracking and isn't half bad at hunting, she has a definitive knowledge of both flora and fauna, and is respectfully talented in drawing.

UPDATE || Following the devastating disaster and subsequent loss of her dearest friend at the monastery, Wyn has found her world to be a little darker, but she is forging on, determined to complete the task set before her by unlikely allies...

Weapon specialization || Duel knives; flat sword that belonged to her brother Oremi.

Profession || Tracking/Hunting

Skills || Drawing

Raised in Emalnahar, Wyn lived a pleasant, but less than extraordinary life. From a young age, she held a fascination with the world beyond her home, but through lack of experience and a lapse in courage, she never ventured further than the border of her village. After coming into her Magic, Wyn traveled for the first time with her brother Oremi to Syth, where she was trained, briefly, at the school there. Before she could complete her studies, however, Wyn's father was killed and she and Oremi were called home.

Another year passed, and outraged by the circumstances beyond the safe haven of Emalnahar's walls, Oremi left to take part in the crusade against the Shadow, leaving Wyn and her mother on their own. Shortly into his journey, Oremi's battalion was ambushed and he and the vast majority of the men with him were tragically set upon. The few surviving soldiers carried Oremi home, where he was laid to rest beside his father.

While hardly a seasoned warrior, and despite her mother's adamant protestation, it was Rem's death which became the near immediate catalyst in Wyn's decision to join the fight. Leaving home with little more than the clothes on her back, a pair of knives, her brother's sword, she nevertheless carried with her the bitter determination that she would not join her father and brother in death, but would instead avenge their murders and stop the Shadow's encroachment upon their lands...

Heretofore, Wyn has encountered little more than rumor of her enemy, and beyond the ever present threat of prejudice, her journey to Rosenfall has thus far gone uncompromisingly without event. Still, she remains stalwart in her quest, diligently seeking those who would stand with her against the oppressive terror, no matter the cost.

UPDATE || Shortly following their arrival, Wyn and several others were held captive in the Elssar Monastery. To her knowledge, she was the only one to escape, aided by a trio of Dragon Wardens who left Wyn with explicit instructions on where to travel next... Alone and afraid, Wyn nevertheless embarked on the journey.






Young and fair, Wyn is in essence grace imparted to form. In her features, she possesses a quality of impish youth, most evident in her round, pale face. A nose, more knob than hook and full lips measure out the lower portion, while large hazel eyes beneath light brow and long, dark lashes make up the upper portion. Her ears, long and tipped stick out beneath hair the color of wheat, a mess of waves intricately braided and long, reaching the small of her back.

Her form is tall and full, womanly curves in both bust and hips, with long, slender legs and arms, ending in delicate hands. She tends towards plain clothes in shades of greys and blues, as well as a thin, simple leather corset and a thick riding cloak with a hood.
writing sample
"He's dead, Wyn."

The words hit like a mallet to the gut, stunning Wynleth to silence. Her brother, esteemed and noble, the dearest of her kin, felled by the swift hand of Shadow. She'd left the council at a run, her bare feet flying as she raced to her home, no thought on her mind but one. It was a mistake. They couldn't be right.

But it was there, plain as the words had been spoken, the red cloth tied to the post of the door, the basin of water for the cleansing of hands...

Hand to the knob, she pushed the door inward and inching past the threshold, her legs quivering, her gaze moved to the cot, to the figure lying prone beneath the silken shroud. Even in death, he was magnificent, his dark features cast in the ethereal glow of the moonlight, stretched across the room through a hole in the ceiling.

Approaching, Wyn dropped to a knee and with shaking fingers, drew the shroud away from her brother's face. Her fingers touched his cheek, the chill of death like ice beneath his skin. Finding purchase in the soft brown locks upon his head, she pulled herself to him, forehead to his and softly, released a sob.

"Oh, Rem. You promised not to leave me..."

"I told him not to go..." She heard her mother whisper, "...I told him not to go."

A sudden, fierce fire of indignation roiled in Wyn's gullet. "He was trying to stop it!" She hissed, whirling towards the woman, curled hapless in the corner. Her mother straightened, ivory skin flushed, and her eyes narrowed.

"He was playing at being a hero, and it got him killed! Just like your father..."

"...He was fighting for what he believed in. They both were." Sniffing, hand swiping tears from her face, Wyn rose up to her feet, "Some things are worth the sacrifice."

"Oh, stop it, Wyn! You're as bad as them... with your ideals, your... twisted sense of nobility! How many more have to die before it's clear enough that we've already lost?"

Jaw set, hands clenched at her side, Wyn looked down at her brother, shaking her head. There would be no questioning it... her mind had been made, and she would not alter her course. Her mother was wrong. They had not lost. Not yet... The shadow would fall, and in their honor, in the honor of all who had fallen, she would do whatever she could to bring it to it's fate...

"Maybe just one more, Mother. Maybe just one more..."

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Scar Face McGee
⦙⦙ RACE | Human ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Eversyth ⦙⦙ MAGIC | None ⦙⦙ AGE | 34 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 6'4" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 205lbs.

Trynten is a watcher, usually content to merely sit back, smoke his pipe, and observe. He is therefore very slow and deliberate about his actions, consistently taking the time to consider them before he does anything. As such, he can sometimes come across as dim witted or stupid. This caution and consideration has served him well, however, and has allowed the Thall to survive ordeals and circumstances that he otherwise would probably not have.

But when Tryn comes to a decision, the Underworld itself cannot budge him. Whether it be the giving of friendship or the need to act with force, he is firm and will not be dissuaded. And this fastness of loyalty and patient passion can readily be seen by those he interacts with, both in his expression and in his words.

But there lies something in his eyes, some haunted look that none seem to be able to account for, and though any would call him the most amiable of people, if perhaps distant, it subconsciously disturbs all who meet him.

Weapon specialization || Hand and a half sword

Profession || Some hunting/trading

Skills || Tracking and trap making, plant identification.

The Lothorsens were an established family of farmers, living quietly in the small village of Malkath. They regularly brought in bountiful harvest of corn and wheat, and many of their poorer neighbors would often find much needed work during the family's Days of Reaping. What extra there was got passed around the the elder and infirm, and the entire Lothorsen family was beloved for their generosity. Trynten in particular was fairly popular, as he was always around to help those who needed it.

And the whole family mourned with Feldin and Misal when their eldest son went missing. Trynten had been sent out to gather wood during a particularly cold spell of late autumn, and the young man had never returned. Hours turned to days turned to weeks, but none could find signs of the boy. Barely seventeen, all mourned him.

Miraculously, he returned two months after he'd gone missing. All were overjoyed, visiting the newly returned lad and celebrating with his family, and even the increased rumor of activity in the Twisted Woods couldn't dampen the town's spirits. The screams did that.

Three weeks after his return, the night watchman roused the militia, crying murder. Men and women of combat strength grabbed what weapons they could and followed him to the Lothorsen house. The scene they found left a scar upon Malkath's societal memory, and on later years none would speak of it. Indeed, none now look toward the Lothorsen Acres for fear of rousing the angry spirits of the patron, matron, and five of their six children, wrongfully killed. The monster or villain that was to blame had fled before it could be confronted, and the bitter cold prevented pursuit. The bravest among them ventured into the house itself, seeking to account for the family, but Trynten wasn't there. The villagers, sorrow filled that Tryn was lost to them again, mourned. But the mourning was deeper, for they had lost much more than the cheerful presence of Trynten or the welcoming arms of his family: they'd lost a major economic support of Malkath. In the following years, the village never fully recovered, and with the ever encroaching Twisted Woods, all felt their doom drawing slowly but inexorably closer.

Tryn later discovered himself in Eversyth, far from his home in a land strange to him. Knowing with a certainty he couldn't explain that he couldn't go back to his family, he pressed on, eventually coming to live in the Western Woods of Eversyth. He would occasionally make himself known to the Naveri in order to trade for supplies, but Tryn usually remained hidden away in the woods. That is, until he received a letter one fateful day during a trade with a particularly belligerent old elf...




Emotionally distant

Will not compromise with others easily

Trynten is a taller man, tending toward the lean. His dark brunette hair hangs loosely about his face, framing hard cheekbones and a strong jaw. A scraggly beard, little more than scruff, covers his face, almost hiding a sad smile. As to garb, the Thall wears a leather jerkin over a shirt of thin cloth, covered in the stitches of constant repair. His breeches, also leather, are similarly covered, having been evidently regularly patched. On his feet are black boots caked in mud and dirt, and they are nearing the end of their torturously extended life.

About his shoulders he wears a hooded woolen cape, treated to protect against the weather, though it too has seen better seasons. On his hip is a long hand and a half sword; by the way his left hand rests on its pommel, it has clearly hung there for some time. On his back rides a pack full of traveling supplies for the wild, as well as a short hunting bow for the odd brush or water fowl.
writing sample
Get away. Just. Get. Away.

It griped him again. The panic. The terror. The fury. But it was a product of his mind as it wandered the changing halls of sleep. Tryn tossed and turned, clinging desperately to the sleep that he needed but frightened of the night terrors that came with it. Finally he saw red and smelled iron, and the man awoke, yanking out in readiness a skinning knife. Clarity came to him. A deep breath in; a deep breath out. Calm relaxed his muscles, and he sighed. The soft light of pre-dawn trickled down through the holes in his rough hewn shelter. Once again it was time to rise; once again he did so without enough rest. But food must be had and furs must be gathered. So up he got.

Even familiar as he was with the merchants he traded with, Trynten always felt on edge in a populated place. Nevertheless, he crushed his discomfort to focus on the task at hand. He'd brought thirty furs of a variety of animals, each of pristine quality. It was a landfall, a bounty like he's not seen since he first came west, and his foot tapped impatiently, imagining all the comforts he might be able to trade them for. His customer, a pretty young elf that he'd traded with once or twice before, was practically jumping with eagerness.

"You've no idea how long I've waited for a fox with a coat this red!" She stroked it lovingly, clearly imagining it around the shoulders of some aristocrat. "I'll give you six candles for it."

Six. Six. He'd have liked more, but Tryn had plenty of supply with him. He could be a bit generous. "Rivel, you know as well as I do that it's worth more than that." He paused, just long enough to see her squirm. "But you've done well by me, and I've always appreciated it. Six it is."

Rivel squealed. Reaching under her counter, she slapped down a handful of long wax sticks onto the stall's countertop. One hand resting on the pile of furs he'd dropped onto the same surface, Tryn smiled.

"Wonderful. Now I just-"

The words caught in his throat, and he stared, expressionless, into the crowd of shoppers. Suddenly he turned and bolted, sprinting for his life back the way he's come, for the safety of the woods. Behind him, still stacked on Rivel's stall, lay his precious and hard won furs. And there they sat, despite the she-elf's protestations. Eventually she shrugged. They shouldn't just go to waste. With a sigh she began gathering them up, glancing on occasion in the direction Trynten had fled and wondering why he'd done so.

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"These hobknockers couldn't tell their head from an empty flower pot."
⦙⦙ RACE | Orc ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Asshaz'duun ⦙⦙ MAGIC | None ⦙⦙ AGE | 43 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 5'10" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 175lbs.

Tzahal is not the kind of person to suffer fools lightly. She has little patience for others and prefers to keep moving at a punishing pace, believing that those who cannot keep up do not deserve to, and that helping those who are in difficult, but not dire, situations only weakens them. She has a gruff personality, though that is not to say she is humorless. She laughs and smiles if she does, indeed, find something funny, but this occurrence is more seldom than not. Tzahal is given to brute honesty, analysis, and straightforwardness, which can at times appear to be rudeness. She means no offense, but rather she finds it better to communicate as directly as possible as soon as possible. She has little time for beating around the bush, and she would prefer someone give her bad news immediately.

She is also quite disciplined with regards to herself, keeping a strict vegetarian diet, exercising daily, and meditating three times a day. While she may not appear to have peace of mind given her rather brusque attitude, she is not at all filled with anger. It is difficult to raise her ire, though it is easy to test her patience. These two are completely different things, however. When alone, she is given to deep contemplation of life's more complex questions. When with others, she will participate in conversation if one has already begun, but otherwise she is not likely to begin conversation unless prompted by some interesting artifact. She does not like small talk, finding it a waste of valuable time and mental energy.

Tzahal is also one who prefers solitude to company, but company does not bother her, given they do not go out of their way to get underfoot. She enjoys listening to conversation, and debate is a favorite of hers, particularly on the philosophy of morals and epistemology. However, it is easy to get heated in these sorts of debates, and she limits her most challenging inquiries to people she knows best (and are least likely to leave because their feelings have been threatened).

She does harbor the typical orcish belief that magic is a crutch and a weakness, used only by those unable to do for themselves. However, she is also fascinated by magic and its workings, intent on understanding this strange force that has been so long been neglected by the Orcs. While she appreciates magic use and its history, she has a poor opinion of magic users, and her bias sometimes shows more intently at times than others.

Weapon specialization || Pikes and Polearm

Profession || Lumin Monk of the Order of the Lynx

Skills || Cooking and memorization by rote.

Tza'Hal was born to a scholarly mother and a menial laborer father in the capital. Their marriage was largely frowned upon, but the two clans could do nothing about this strange union, which both lovers were adamant on. Thus, Tza'Hal was born into a family already mostly split in two over the affair, and she grew up in a climate of backbiting and familial strife, as each side sought to wound the other. Even her own parents were not safe from the prying gossips of the family, and by the time she was ten, they were seemingly at constant war with each other over the problem of family.

In a bid to get away from such turmoil, Tza'Hal took to academics, as she was extraordinarily good at the art of math. Her mother, recognizing her ability, wanted her to go the route of mathematician and astrologer, a highly respected art, though not particularly well-paid. Her father, on the other hand, recognized this gift for its more practical usage -- construction and architecture, specifically carpentry. He sought to turn her to the career of architect and engineer, a field he himself would have chosen had he been gifted with the means to do so, as well as the brains. Split between her parents, Tza'Hal went to the only person who seemed unbiased -- her grandmother on her father's side, a staunch believer in minding one's own business. The matriarch firmly told Tza'Hal to follow her own leaning, that she know the best course of action for her own life than anyone else. She also very bluntly stated that if anyone should get in her way, a mace was a good method of dispatching the problem.

And so, to spite both parents, Tza'Hal chose instead to do, not astrology, not mathematics, not architecture, nor construction... but artillery. Siege engines. Weapons of destruction, lobbed from the sky in beautiful, even parabolas. She chose the art of death at a young age, fascinated and disgusted, and that fascination continued as she went to the Academy of Science and Engineering in the capital city Assaz'Duun. There, she learned how to arc a boulder into a phalanx, and she learned how to live off the land as part of the army. Yet, she had not yet seen death in its entirety, not even among her own clans, who were a healthy lot. It wasn't until she finally held a stint on the battlefield, did she realize what she had gotten herself into.

In her first skirmish, she helped to kill something like 300 people, all from her calculations on the siege engine. The enormity of that many deaths only struck her after purveying the field from the ground, rather than her perch in the air. As disturbed as she was, she recognized that this was the toll of her gruesome work. She fought many battles as an artillery commander, directing the different projectiles toward her chosen victims, and still the thorn struck her in the heart, though she did not know what it was.

When she was thirty-seven years old, something snapped. After years of continuing death's duties, she realized that she could find no inner peace regarding so many dead before her. She felt dissatisfied with her lot, that there were so many things she did not yet know, not to mention the thorny moral questions she wrestled with regarding the death of one's enemies. That day, she vowed she could no longer in good conscience continue as a warrior and artillery engineer, and she joined an organization she had only heard of briefly from an acquaintance -- the Order of the Lynx.

Founded a few years after the fall of Sol'davur, an Orc by the name of Kazzad G'dak formed a priestly organization and movement to confront the ongoing materialism of the orc world at the time, especially after the destruction of the Sur elve's home in their bid to expand. While others sought to destroy what the elves had learned and done, as magic was a mere tool overused and petty, Kazzad sought to preserve knowledge, even that which others considered useless or too dark to keep. He named it after the all-seeing Lynx, and other members of the Academy at the time also joined him, creating a small enclave of peaceful scholars who maintained that the body and mind must be disciplined in order to find inner peace and promote the arts and scholarship, and that outward glory or riches only distracted from Truth. Kazzad G'Dak saved countless documents from the flames, and he fostered orcish scholars who adopted his lifestyle of pacifism, benevolence, poverty, humility, and rigorous, philosophical questioning. Years and years after, the Order of the Lynx, while small, still survives as a multi-racial group now including humans, and Tza'Hal found herself drawn to their radical, but nonetheless attractive, tenets.

She has been with them for over ten years now, and she is considered a Lumin, a senior monk. Recently, she has become interested in the workings of magic, if indeed there are any "workings" to be said of them, and in doing so, she has learned of the Sickness that has begun to take root in the magical races.






Slightly bigoted
Tza'Hal has a wide-shouldered frame, more top-heavy than anything else, with thick forearms, but skinnier legs. She inherited nice teeth from her father, and decent nose ridges from her mother. While her hair was long, it was black as coffee, but now it is shaved short in a tonsure. She wears the robes of her order, which are white and saffron, and while in casual wear she wears what is pictured. Her tusks are filed as a show of humility, and her hands and feet are bound in bandages rather than wearing shoes and gloves as a sign of poverty. She carries all her belongings in a small sack on her back.
writing sample
She sat in the peony position, feet together in front of her with her hands settled in palms up in her lap. She took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, focusing solely on this motion of lungs and diaphragm. Her mind slowly cleared, as if a pond emerging from fog, and she took in another deep breath. After a few more of these, she opened her eyes and gazed out.

It was a small outpost in the Sur lands that lay before her down, and she hardened her heart. It would be difficult to walk in. The meditation could only do so much.

She stood up and picked up her spear, on its end her bag. She slung it over her shoulder, the tip pointed to the ground in order to deter any particularly wary Sur from thinking she was a mere Orc raring for a fight. She had no time for such pleasantries.

The orc walked into the town and, as she expected, there were no people on the roads or out in the town square, beside the few who were still healthy enough to walk. They stared at her with haunted eyes, bruised and dark, but they were far too exhausted to protest this orc entering their town. The orc glanced down at a piece of paper in her hand, the directions to a particular house. Another monk of the Order was here as well, and he had wanted her to see something he found pressing. Tza'Hal had already guessed what it was, after traveling through several villages that had been overtaken with the Sickness.

At last, she came to a small cottage overgrown with ivy within a stand of tall pines. She knocked on the door, and it was quickly opened by a Sur woman with red-rimmed eyes holding a kerchief. The orc let herself in, despite the Sur woman gasping in surprise, and there was a dark chuckle from inside.

"Mara, it's alright. She is another monk," an elderly man said from inside on a small bed, and Tza'Hal surveyed the small house to find him. She approached and bent on one knee before him respectfully, ignoring the glare from the Sur woman behind her.

"You asked me to come quickly, Darian," Tza'Hal said brusquely. "What is the matter you wished to speak of?"

"As rude as I remember," Darian sighed. He looked behind him on the bed, and Tza'Hal's heart constricted. A small lump lay there unmoving. Darian pulled back the blanket gently, and soft sobbing emanated from behind Tza'Hal.

"She was five," Darian muttered quietly. Tza'Hal bowed her head.

"It's getting worse," Darian said.

"I know," Tza'Hal spat.

"I believe it has become... a moral imperative to consider our position," the old human stated. "We must search for information on these... Seeds of Life. We have the means and the expertise."

"And these magicians cannot? They are more familiar than we with their art," Tza'Hal grunted, but her eyes were locked on the girl behind the monk.

"Much has happened and little was kept when your kind took the Surian capital in ages past. Only that which is still in the archives there at Sol'davur is left of their magic workers."

Tza'Hal hummed and closed her eyes. She knew what he was asking of her, and while her inclination was to refuse, she had seen the Sickness in many other towns, though this was the first death she had witnessed. Could she even tacitly allow a death, after having so long ago vowed never again to take another life if she could prevent it?

"I will leave tomorrow, if you will find me provisions. I can be there in a fortnight."

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"Courage is most importaa-I STUBBED MY TOE OH MY GOD!"
⦙⦙ RACE | Sur ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Emalnahar ⦙⦙ MAGIC | Fire ⦙⦙ AGE | 19 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 6'1" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 178lbs.

A rather confident young man always ready to greet one with a wink and a smile, some describe Charlie as egotistical or self centered, and truly, he does portray himself that way. From the numerous times he's hammered down his thumb instead of a nail (ouch), and the days where he's done nothing but fruitlessly flirt with a pretty lass, many have labeled him as simply an idiot.

Yet they do not know what lays beneath the surface. He holds a heart of gold, always giving more than he gets. Though he does try his best, Charlie can often deterred if he is called weak, and will be lead to question his own actions. Some part of him never did seem to grow up. He takes orders better then he should, he can be easily swayed, and despite enjoying causing a little prank here or there, he's never done anything horrifying. He thinks he has. He is terribly naive in some cases, simply because he has not seen much of the world. This is going to change.

Weapon specialization || Carries axe and daggers (for non-violent means)

Profession ||Chopping wood, some carpentry work, cleaning, cooking

Skills || Chopping wood, preparing meals, and performing repairs, whittling

Charlie never met his parents, being born a half elf in Eversyth, he was separated from his family and placed in the care of Elder Lannya. He was quite content with his life for a time; enjoying the company of children of his own kind and the shelter and environment Lannya provided. It was a kind life, compared to what most half elves were forced to endure.

He learned to hold his own. From an early age his body was strong and able, so he was put to work. He didn't mind it at all, but his life felt somewhat empty. The days were routine and predictable, and he longed for a thrill or something to brighten the mood. He began to play tricks and pranks, bringing in smaller children on it to see them smile. Despite the stern scoldings and beatings it was so filling to spice up an ordinary day.

It was around the age of thirteen that Charlie discovered his magical attunement to fire, and he was as excited as could be. He'd watched many of the older half-elves gain their abilities and he envied them greatly. He was, after all, one of the only magical races that could experience life both before discovering their magic and after, and the difference it made simply stunned Charles. However, it was harder then he expected, and things went up in flames numerous times. It took a lot of effort before Charlie could keep fire in his palm without it swallowing the curtains. Though it was grueling work, he loved using magic. It felt right. There was no doubt in his mind where he wanted to go next; Syth. He wanted nothing more but to be the best fire mage he possibly could. Sadly, destiny had other plans.

Elder Lannya protected them all from the Dark Armies well, in fact, life continued on as normal for a good amount of time. But Charlie - he simply did not feel at peace. No matter how safe he was, just knowing that he was hiding while others were having their loved ones taken from them did not sit right with him. Yet, he could not find the courage to leave. He was partially disgusted by himself, knowing he was a coward when their world needed any help they could get against the Dark Army.

That was until a new half elf was brought in. Not a toddler or baby like the rest, a six year old girl. Her parents had hidden her so they could stay a family, but they had been killed by the Dark Army. He could not sleep, after seeing how broken she was. That was the last straw. He abandoned his dreams of studying at Syth, even though he had just turned nineteen and was all ready to go. He left his home in Emalnahar, the children who he so dearly loved, but he simply could not stay any longer..






Charlie is undoubtedly handsome. Sharp, defined features, big brown piercing eyes, fluffy and stylishly unkempt brown hair. He is rather well muscled from the days he's spent doing manual labor, as well as fairly tall. Despite his childish personality, he does not look very childish at all. Perhaps only his smile is the one thing that shows how innocent he really is.

Charlie wears simple cloths and boots, he is not one to care a whole lot about his appearance. He does often carry his axe with him, slung over his shoulder with a strap, and lots of times wears wool caps, especially to cover his slightly pointed ears if need be.
writing sample
Elder Lanya had brought in a girl earlier in the day. She was wrapped tightly in blankets, shivering and shaking. Not a infant, certainly. Lannya had set up the girl in the living room. Brought her soup. Had him start a fire. She was absolutely not to be disturbed. But it was Charlie, after all. Where people told him not to go, he went.

He'd pushed open the door as slowly as possible, doing his best to stop it from creaking. He poked his head in the room to be met with the gaze of the girl. Her eyes were so.. dark. A little girl's eyes shouldn't be filled with so much sadness, and fear. His heart hurt. Charlie found himself unable to speak.

"Who are you?" The girl whispered, and her voice only furthered his ache for whatever she had gone through. "I'm.. Lannya sent me.. to.. check on your fire." He blabbed, darting into the room and to the fire place, not even noticing how the girl had scooched back in her seat, clearly terrified. Only after he had knelt down near the fireplace and willed it to be a little stronger did he turn back and realize how he stared at her, eyes alive with fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He said quietly. "My name's Charlie. You're perfectly safe here." In his eyes, she was. No place was safer. But the Dark Army was growing stronger with every day and though he tried believed every word he said, was it true? Some part of him felt like.. soon, no place was going to be safe.

But she didn't need to know that. Not in a million years, if he could help it.

"You think so?" The girl mumbled, and he nodded vigorously. "..why?" Now that was a question he had not been prepared to answer. Charlie blinked. Why? Because.. because.. it was.. it was just.. safe.

"Because I'll protect you." The words spilled out of his mouth, and some part of him was panicking, panicking because he wasn't sure if he could. Because he didn't want to fail her, or fail anyone. But the other part of him realized he was going to try.

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"character quotes goes here"
⦙⦙ RACE | Sur ⦙⦙ LOCATION | Emalnahar ⦙⦙ MAGIC | Earth ⦙⦙ AGE | 43 ⦙⦙ WEIGHT | 5'10" ⦙⦙ HEIGHT | 147lbs.

Sarcastic with a dark, self deprecating humor, Inara is somewhat of a miscreant. She prefers to "stay in the shadows" and observe before she acts. Though she likes her silent world in the trees, Inara can be quite social if the need arises. It takes effort, mostly observation and instinct, but she can charm her way past most of those she meets. That being said, it takes effort, and lately her efforts have been placed elsewhere.

Inara strives for anonymity among the masses, but enjoys the company of friends and close acquaintances. For the past two years, after the death of her father, she and her only remaining relative, her brother Zaharin have been somewhat estranged. The memories of their past come bubbling to the surface whenever they're around each other and it's uncomfortable for each. Inara hasn't seen Zaharin since last Winter, when he left for Syth to further practice his magic, where he was welcomed back - as far as she could tell from his vague and infrequent letters.

She's hardheaded, difficult to debate with, and too curious for her own good. Intelligent and mentally strong, Inara loves finding partners to verbally spar with. All in good humor of course. If she doesn't know you, she'll answer your questions with questions, mainly because of her cynicism, and lack of trust in good people. Her thoughts and emotions are reserved and neatly tucked away. She doesn't know how to cope with her emotions, and sees them as a waste of time to be quite frank. Her thoughts are calculating and logical, and rarely straying from these guidelines. Acts of compassion and morality issues are usually the rare exceptions, as Inara follows her own "code" and won't stray too far from it.

Weapon specialization || Longbow, kukri daggers, and a family sword

Profession || Woodland guide

Skills || Skilled survivalist, excellent climber, weather-predictor

Born and raised in Emalnahar, Inara spent most of her childhood and early adolescent years exploring the forest around her home under the guidance of her father, and then eventually on her own. She enjoyed the silence of the woods and quickly learned that she was attuned to earth-magic. When her family was still whole and all her brothers were alive, her parents convinced two of their four children to travel to Syth and attend the prestigious School of Magic. Inara was among the pair, and traveled to Syth with her older brother. They left in Autumn and returned at the end of Spring. Her eldest brother Zaharin enjoyed the sprawling city and the melting pot of cultures that it produced, but Inara craved for her woods, for the silent trees she felt most comfortable in. Not that she didn't enjoy learning her craft, but the hustle and bustle of the city was just too much for the twelve year old.

It was a long journey back, and everything seemed to be getting in their way. To this day Inara still remembers the earnest angst she felt waiting to get home. Thinking back on it, she should have known something was wrong. When they finally arrived home, they were welcomed with a funeral for their youngest sibling. There was some kind of freak accident that never got fully explained, and left their mother in a weakened state, both mentally and physically. Through the next years of her life Inara spent more and more time in the woods, honing her earth magic as well as picking up, and redoubling her efforts with the longbow. She had always used one, but during this time it became an extension of herself rather than a weapon.

A few years before her mother and father passed away from the Sickness, but after the attack on the Guard that killed her second eldest brother, there were places in the northern region of Eversyth that Inara had never ventured to, that felt like Shadows were approaching. She could feel the earth fighting a battle that it would soon lose. It was this fleeting moment when she decided that fighting the Shadows was all she wanted to do.

Keen observation and deduction skills


Experienced survivalist



With a tall but slender physique, Inara, at first sight, is nothing much to behold. Years of experience and hard work has toned and hardened her body, but only subtly so - keen observation is necessary to decipher the reserved Inara. She has shoulder length, russet brown hair, that is just long enough to tie up. It falls in straight, messy locks, that are constantly being tucked behind her pointed ears.

Up close, you can see her soft but angular features displayed upon her heart shaped face. With hazel eyes that seem to constantly change color (light brown and green) depending on what she wears or her surroundings. She could be pretty, if only she washed the dirt and leaves out of her hair more often than once a week, scrubbed the dirt from beneath her fingernails, or slept more often to cure the dark marks beneath her eyes.
writing sample
Beads of sweat glistened across her brow as she sneaked up the tree and with a willowy grace, vaulted across the canopy to the nearest branch. She refused to let herself be heard in the soft summer breeze. Hidden in the upper branches, she stalked silently behind her prey. She leapt from branch to branch, landing with nothing more than a muted thud.

The two men she followed were similar in stature, similar in looks - even their gaits seemed to coincide. They had been avoiding her for weeks now, sending her out on trips into the woods to keep her away. '"Go get some pelts Inara, we could use the extra money"' they would say. Inara this, Inara that. Just to keep her away from her mother. She already knew about the Sickness, she just needed to hear it. She felt rather than saw her way through the trees; keeping her eyes on the men who stopped a few paces beyond the tree she crouched in, and ears on the voices that were floating her way.

"...- We should tell her the truth father, I'm sure she already knows."

Her suspicions were confirmed, obviously - her brother was right, she already knew. Had known for awhile now.

"She doesn't need to be worried-" The grizzly voice of her father was interrupted by the husky, but now suddenly haughty voice of her brother Zaharin.

"She deserves to know. By us. The dark mark upon her breast has grown three times in size and twice as disgusting. We need to tell her before she starts bleeding."

"That's still a rumor, we don't know for sure if they bleed to death." Her father said sternly, more to himself than his son.

"It's not, I've seen it, an entire family came down with in in town last week."

Inara shifted uncomfortably in her crouch, heart catching in her throat as the tree creaked and her brother, ever so hawk-eyed, glanced up her way. He didn't make eye contact, but Inara couldn't tell if he had seen her. She flattened her back against the bark, not daring to move another inch.

Her heart jumped again as her father swore, causing a few sparrows that were tucked in the foliage above her head to take flight in fear. "These !@#$%^&* Shadows and their corrupted magic!" Inara leaned forward ever so slightly despite of herself, never had she heard her father talk about the Shadows. "Our people, magic and non-magic alike, need to plan for a war unlike we've ever seen. Only Shadow Magic could spawn something like this new Sickness."

Something stirred inside Inara and she fled, leaping lithely from branch to branch, not realizing where her feet were taking her until she felt her arm extend, and she found herself climbing into her beloved thinking tree. Settling herself in the natural seat the gnarled tree graciously grew, Inara pondered on what she heard. So Shadow Magic was to blame for her mother's soon demise… Inara shook her head to dispel the negative thoughts, but who was she kidding? Her mother was going to die, like her brothers did, like her father will, death was certainly inevitable.

But, she thought to herself, natural death is inevitable, this Shadow-born Sickness isn't.

Inara sat in the silence of her trees for hours, contemplating on the Shadows, wishing that they were just regular shadows… The kind that disappeared in the light. In the end, she decided her father was right, that Shadow Magic must be fought. She planned on doing just that. It wasn't until twilight was well past and the stars were in full blossom, did she make her way home through the trees, not knowing what she could do to help fight, but taking a vow to make sure she was ready and capable - body, mind, and soul - whenever she figured it out.

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