The Secret World

Sean felt Kaeli crawl into bed beside him. He loved the way she would curl up next to him, the feel her gentle, warm breath on his shoulder as she slept. He doubt she knew, but he would sometimes lay awake, total content , next to her as she slept. He loved her, that much was certain, and by hell or high water he would get her out of here. There was no way he was going to let these freaks touch one hair on her body, or use her for their own stupid bullshit. That is exactly what Sean thought it was too, Bullshit, complete and utter. He got out of bed when he was sure she was asleep and went to the window. Outside, the Kaleidoscope city was lit up like the fourth of July.

Sean would let her sleep a little longer, and then an escape would be made.
Kaeli's dreams became more like nightmares as time wore on. She began tossing and turning, often rolling into Sean's side by accident. Her eyelids flickered rapidly, as visions of demons hunting the two of them filled her mind, followed by strange, black robed figures, carrying spell books, knives, and torches, running after her, separating her from Sean, and eventually cornering her, alone. The more she used her magic on them, the more they seemed to grow in numbers, until she was overwhelmed, and beaten unconscious. In her physical form, her fists clenched, her skin paled until she looked whiter than snow. Her dreams wouldn't let her go. And she was already scared.

Pitch blackness enveloped the earth. Outside there was no light, it seemed this planet was without a nearby moon. It was so dark, infact that for a moment Sean had no idea how they were going to escape. There was no way they would be able to see well enough to run away, but then it came t him, and it should have sooner. For as luck or fate would have it, Sean had, sealed within him, the power of fire. Fire, bright, path-lighting fire. He would simply use his hand as a torch! He had been up for a good hour now, mostly pacing and wishing he had a cigarette. He had yet to see anyone smoking here and had a bad feeling that tobacco might not exists at all in this world. It was hard enough to quit, but now...with their lives depending on it, more than ever he wanted a fucking cigarette. He put his ear to the door and heard nothing, but still he knew that leaving through that door would get them caught, sure as shit. So instead he woke up Helaine by gently shaking her.

"Hey. Kaeli, wake up."

He waited a minute until she had fully awaken then talked to her in a low voice.

"Alright, this is what were gonna do. I'm gonna use the bed sheets to make a rope ladder then we're gonna climb out through the window. After that, we run. Towards the outskirts of town. I think I saw a forest or something we can hide in, at least until we figure out what the hell thse freaks really want from us."

Sean paused, feeling his blood began to boil.

"Or else, I will burn this place to fucking ashes, there is no way I am letting them us you for their weird fantasy story bullshit!"

With that he tied the bed sheets together and threw them out the window. HE tied one end to a heavy table that they could use as leverage. Sean went first, knowing that if it would support him it would support Kaeli. When they both safely hit the ground, absolute blackness surrounded them both. It was like standing in a room, with the lights off and your eyes closed. Pitch, fucking black.

Sean grabbed one of Kaeli's hands and focused his hatred for being in this place into his other, effectively creating a small, white hot flame. The perfect torch! However they would have to move fast, because as it was they were the only thing outside the Kaleidoscope Kingdom that was visible in this darkness. They ran, first east, then North, towards a thick grove of trees about a mile away from the castle. Sean had no idea if it would be far enough, but he thought that it would be safe at least until dawn, at which point they would keep running, at least then they would have the natural light of the sun.

View attachment 3684They made their way into the grove of tress, when suddenly a iridescent light illuminated the scene. Sean loosened his grip on Kaeli's hand and let the fire die from his other hand. Although there was no light shinning from the sky, something else seemed to be lighting the forest, something from within.

"What the hell is that?"

Said Sean, still leading Kaeli deeper into the forest. The closer they got to the light, the stranger it became. It was as if they were walking towards the light, but it was also moving towards them. Finally they got to a sign that said:

DAY LIGHT 2 miles - then back the way they had come -MID NIGHT5 miles

Sean was utterly confused, but at the same, time not totally surprised. After all, didn't it make sense that in a up place like this there would be a sign that made no fucking sense? However, once they kept walking, Sean saw that the sign didn't lie. In fact, it was like someone had drawn a line on the ground and over the trees. There was a pencil thin line where the pitch black from the Midnight side and Bright light from the Day light side met. It was like, well, night and day, thought Sean. It seemed that this place was truly defined by no set of rules Sean had ever heard of. And for the time being, he was just happy that they had gotten away from that castle and those nut jobs that thought Kaeli was a Goddess.

"I can't believe what I am seeing"

Said Sean, truly amazed

"Should we rest for a while before heading into the Daylight?"

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> Kaeli was jostled awake by Sean sometime in the night, and it took a long time for the awful nightmare to fade. "Sean.. are we doing the right thing, leaving like this? What if they really do need our help? I don't think they'd hurt us." She said as she was practically dragged through a thick, almost impenetrable forest. She gazed sleepily around at the forest creatures, the eerily pretty trees, the grass that looked more like plush carpet, and the cold air seemed to make Kaeli shiver as the night wore on. When they reached Daylight, through various moments of her stumbling, she felt afraid, as if she'd seen this forest –and- Daylight in her nightmare somewhere. Clutching Sean's arm tightly to right herself again after tripping over a large tree-root, she attempted to look around again when his question registered in her foggy- mind. Should they stay and camp out here…? "No… we should, keep going. This forest is kind of scary." She admitted, all sorts of monster-like images appearing in her mind. It was then however, that a particularly nasty group of black robed people emerged from the shadows, looking downright ominous with their hoods over their heads, carrying……

Kaeli gasped, realizing her horrible nightmare was really happening.

They carried torches, a few spell books, and long, pointed knives or swords! "Sean… we have to run!" She said, her heart almost stopping entirely from how awful she felt. The leader, a tall, mysterious person surrounded by a black aura, stepped forward, ignoring Sean. "You can burn us boy, but there's plenty more than this group. And I'll just say now that we will only be transferred to new host bodies in the village. No telling who your next enemy might be. Such a pity. Give up the girl, and we won't hurt you." Several cultist members snickered at this, already chanting a spell to freeze the two of them if they needed to! Looked like they were in serious trouble indeed…~
There was no way Sean was giving in to these bastards without a fight. He was slightly confused over the whole ordeal, to be perfectly honest. It was as if everyone in this fucking place was hunting them down. These creatures had white pale skin, although there was only a second to actually inspect them before all hell broke loose, Sean did notice that their hands were covered in thick, green veins. After they had spoken, Sean took a step back, so he was directly in front of Kaeli.

"Listen, boy." The hooded figure said again "We don't want you, just give us the girl and you may live."

"Boy?" Said Sean, as he created two enormous flames from the palms of his hands "I'll show you boy, Fuck wad!"

Sean let loose with two bursts of Flame, just as one of them shot out a terrifyingly strong ice blast. They connected in air with a fierce explosion that sent tress falling to the ground. There were screams, and Sean noticed that they had a chance.

"We better get the hell out of here, Kaeli. If they catch us I don't think I can fight them all."
Kaeli would have laughed at Sean's insult to the occultist people, but she was too scared. She'd never been more terrified in her life, not even when they'd first arrived in this bizarre planet had she been so terrified. She hurtled a ball of electric energy at the occultists the same time Sean blasted his own fire, then turned and ran, dragging Sean with her. They needed somewhere safe to go to! But it looked like their safest bet would be the palace again. If only Sean wasn't so impulsive! They could be safe in bed right now, sleeping! But she did love him, for all his spazstic temper tantrums and protective fits. She understood him better than anyone, and he understood her. Right now he could probably tell she wasn't holding up for much longer. She wished there was something they could do to get back to Earth!
Sean, being practically pulled along by kaeli, followed her back towards the palace. He worried for a moment that the fire on his hands would burn her, but it seemed that her own magic was counteracting the effect. The hooded people that had cornered them seemed to have been delayed from both Sean and Kaeli's powers, but it didn't hold them for long as Sean whipped his head back and saw that they were right on their tails. The palace was coming into view just as Sean tugged on Kaeli's hand.

"Stop..Stop....Look" He pointed, out of breath.

in front of them were more of the hooded ones, their pale flesh visible in the places where the cloaks didn't cover.

"Don't run. It is useless. We are the last of the demonic race, known only as the Druidens. Your resistance in futile, The Kaleidoscope queen cannot protect you."

Within seconds they were surrounded.
Kaeli clutched Sean's arm tighter, horrified the group would pry them apart! "What do you want from us?!" She demanded, trying to sound braver than she felt. Being surrounded made her clausterphobic, and with good reason. She wished they'd just go away, it wasn't like they had anything for them! And why was she so instantly hunted in the first place? How could she even be considered a goddess?? Nothing in this damn world made any sense, and she was beginning to feel as frustrated as poor Sean!
"We want you, My dear! You are the last of the ancient blood line. You REAL purpose on earth must be fulfilled. The Queen is looking at things through candy-coated lenses." Said the cloaked man as he moved closer to Kaeli "She doesn't understand the true meaning of your returning to this planet. You will invoke a thousand year old war if you are kept alive! Unfortunately for you, however we have a plan to hide you from the Queen, thus preventing the terrible war that would surely destroy our world"

Sean listened as the mad man spoke. He was surprised that they were still willing to talk after Sean had burned a fair amoutn for them to ashes.
"Listen Jerk-off," Said Seth, patting his pockets, looking for the pack of cigarettes that wasn't there. "Go fuck your self. You, and your friends and the Queen, and whoever. This is my Girl friend and you aren't fucking touching her."
Kaeli gently put a hand over Sean's mouth, grabbing his wrists to stop the fire she felt building in his palms from exploding. She wanted answers! "Okay... let's... just for a moment, pretend- I'm the goddess of this planet... " she paused, closing her eyes from a horrible dizzying sensation that gave her the chills as much as these people did!

"If I'm some sort of ...goddess... what is it I'm actually -supposed- to do for this planet? Why does everyone want me?" She asked, feeling more and more scared by each question she managed to ask.

Her mind was really a million miles away, back on Earth. Where she would have been in P.E. class then, where the most terrifying part of her day would be clumsily playing a game of volley-ball, afraid of tripping over her own feet or losing the game! Why... why couldn't things -still- be that simple? She wanted to graduate from high-school, go to college with Sean, and live a peaceful life.

Why was that becoming more and more impossible to ask for? And worse... if they were taken away by these Satanic groups, would they be killed anyway? It was very apparent to Kaeli, that no one could be trusted on this hellish planet.
Sean was frustrated with Kaeli at the moment. Why did she want to talk to these assholes? What the hell was the point of any of this. He just wanted to burn this whole fucking place to the ground and be done with it. However, he loved her, and would do whatever she asked, in most cases. And for once, Sean was quite and kept his opinions to himself.

The hooded one, who seemed to be the leader of the group answered.

"You are the Goddess. The queen of the kaleidoscope kingdom wants to use to you win an un-winable war. We want to avoid that war altogether. The only hope to avoid total annihilation is to go into hiding, we cannot guarantee that you'll ever get back to the place your ancestors sent you called "Earth", but we can guarantee that you won't die an early death fighting a useless cause. Please believe me. We will let you and your guardian go, but we'll be back. Go to the Kingdom and ask the Queen exactly what she wants from you, you'll see."

And with that the hooded men vanished. Leaving the two, no doubt, with many unanswered questions.
Kaeli let go of Sean's hands and mouth, sagging against him, tiredly. "I want us to go home..." She said, her voice hoarse and her heart beating just a little too fast. She didn't know how to calm down anymore. She didn't know what to do, or really, where to go.

"Everything is against us here... no one's going to really help us." She said bitterly. She didn't have a single clue as to what their next move should be. Should they go to the palace and confront the queen? Or become more like outlaws and just hide themselves in the more dense areas of the forests, living off the land and trying to cope until they could find some way back to Earth?

Should they even, forget Earth and just hide forever? No option really sounded appealing to Kaeli, but she admitted to herself that she was at a total and complete loss, and the only thing she wanted to right now... was cry quietly on Sean's shoulder.~
"Well, I can tell you what I want to do. I want to burn this whole fucking place to the ground." Sean's anger was rising to a white hot peak. " I think these people are all just fucking with us, and we need to find home for ourselves." HE saw that Kaeli was tired and frustrated so he put his arm tightly around her shoulder and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. He didn't want to make her upset, but it was hard when everything was going to hell around them. He thought for a moment, then came to a decision.

"Kaeli, it is your powers they want. I'll let you decide where we go from here."
Kaeli eventually felt a little better, as she always did, simply being with Sean, alone and in his arms. She was just about to suggest living off the forest for a while, when a familiar voice cried out in relief. "Princess Kaeli! We've searched this whole city for you!" The sound of rushing footsteps made her look up, her face tired, her eyes dark beyond belief. They studied Sean, and one of them knew right away who's brilliant idea it had been to sneak away.

"Princess, none of us here, not the Queen herself, want to harm you or your Guardian. Please, let's get you and Sean back to the palace. You both need rest. We'll take you to the Queen in the afternoon, when you both feel better." With that, the armed group proceeded to escort Kaeli and Sean back to the enormous, city-like palace.

Once there, a servant girl hardly older than Kaeli herself, took care of getting the princess comfortable in bed, with a steaming tray of sandwiches and soups for her and Sean to enjoy. The tray was taken away as soon as it was emptied, and both were asked if they needed anything else. Kaeli assured them they'd be able to sleep, and thanked them for finding the two of them. In moments, she fell asleep, resting against Sean's side.

What new, shocking events would take place tomorrow?

Sean was more than a little frustrated, at first, but he was also growing tired. The idea of laying down in those comfortable beds within the Kaleidoscope palace sounded nice, especially after getting no sleep the night before. He felt himself cooling down as they were led back to the royal grounds. When the sandwiches and soup got there, Sean did not hesitate in taking a sandwich in each hand before talking to Kaeli. The walk back wasn't long, but with each step Sean's feet barked in distaste.

"Well.." he said in between unusually large bits of pastrami and swiss ".I guess burning this whole place to the ground isn't a very good plan, I am sorry for trying to get you to run. I guess it is just in my nature to want to protect you." A slight flush rose high on his cheek bones " So I guess our best plan of action is to cooperate?" He was unsure if this really was the best plan, but for the time being it seemed like the only one they had. Having finished eating, Sean lay down Next to Kaeli and closed his eyes. Sleep came fast for him, as all his worries, at least for the moment, faded into the back of his mind.
Kaeli managed a smile at Sean, which looked completely devious. "We cooperate... for now... if they do anything to hurt us though.... I'll let you have your fun burning them." She assured him, resting her own head on his shoulder, falling asleep as well.

Her dreams were haunting. She saw the satanic people again, surrounding her. Somehow they'd gotten Sean away from her, and she couldn't find him anywhere! She panicked and tried to run, but the leader held her tightly by the neck.

"We're going to repress the goddess Kaeli, and make her powers become -ours-!" Shouts and cheers echoed through the forest-like area, scaring away birds and any animals nearby. A flask was pulled out, and her jaw was forced to open with a pressure point maneuver. She fought like crazy, but ended up forced to drink the strange, bitter liquid that scalded her throat.

Agony washed through her system a moment later, and her eyes closed in seconds. The last thing she heard before her eyes closed in permanent sleep, was the satanic leader, laughing at her. "Now the world is safe, and so are you. Too bad you'll still be helping the wrong side of the game."

There was a balcony in Kaeli and Sean's room. As soon as the dream let her go, she sat up with a start, struggling to calm her breathing and not alert Sean. She wanted to let him sleep, but she also wanted fresh air. She quietly disentangled herself from his arms, and walked out to the balcony, opening the doors and standing against the rail, staring at the numerous stars...

She couldn't find a single constellation she knew in any of the patches, and the cold moon seemed a little ..... bluer than on Earth. Sighing, she sank down in a chair, her head still against the smooth white railing. The gardens below were gorgeous, and she loved the smell of so many different roses. Focusing on that, instead of the nightmare, eventually, Kaeli drifted off to sleep again, hardly aware how cold it was that night.~
Sean's dreams were more or less a blur. He wasn't sure, but he though that he had seen that locker in his dreams. The one he and Kaeli had gone through to get to this place. He wondered if there was any way to go back through, and somehow get back to earth. There had to be a way back! What goes up must come down! Sean felt a sudden burst of joy in his chest as this thought flooded his brain. All they had to do was play along, like Kaeli had said, for long enough to figure out a plan. One thing was sure, Sean realized, he probably wasn't going to get far if he kept setting everything on fire. It was motivational moments like this that Sean felt truly happy. Mind over matter, where there is a will there is a way and all that stuff.

The air from the open door was freezing, Sean felt himself shiver before he even woke up. With goose bumps on his skin he walked over to Kaeli and put his arm around her

"Aren't you cold?" he asked.
Kaeli nodded, leaning against Sean, still half asleep. "The cold distracted me from the nightmares a while..." She told him, her voice hoarse from sleep. She hadn't slept too great in a long while. Something always seemed to prevent it.

"I'm scared..Sean... those... satanic people. They're not letting us go so easy.... least that's what my dreams tell me." She said, her face pressed against his shirt, her arms clinging to him for warmth. She wished there was a solution to all these problems. But nothing came to her mind. It was a complete blank.
Sean held her close. Although he would never mention it, he was frightened. He was unsure if they would make it out of here alive, and unsure if he would be able to protect Kaeli. His body was hot against hers, and he moved away just in case he started to emit fire.

"I don't know who we should trust, those satanic followers seem much more hostile, but at the same time their story makes sense. If the queen wants to use you as a weapon, I can see why they would want to hide or destroy bad as it sounds. I swear, if they lay a hand on you I am going to burn this whole place to the ground, then they won't have to worry about a way."

Sean paused, looking at Kaeli

"Your dreams? What exactly happened in your dreams?"

Sean asked as he heard a voice coming from the door.

"The queen would like to see you again, if it pleases you..."

"It doesn't please us at all." Sean yelled from inside the room, the voice pause then continued, seeming to not notice Sean's outburst.

"And if you could be ready this evening, she would like to invite you to dinner. Please be in the dinning hall at sun set."
Kaeli covered Sean's mouth before he could say anything else to the poor people outside her door! "We'll be ready in just a moment..Thanks." She said, scowling to prove to Sean a little politeness never hurt!

She told Sean everything about the dreams, and what disturbed her the most. By the time late evening arrived, Kaeli was in a pretty sparkling green dress, and shoes, with her long hair placed in a neat braid. Sean had new clothes to wear as well.

"Let's go see what the queen wants from us..." She sighed warily, and allowed the guards to escort her and Sean to the dining table.~