The Secret Society Of Assassins

  • Thread starter LifeAsALittleSister
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Lilith was seated on a corner of a dark alley when she noticed a woman being followed by a guy not far behind. The woman seems oblivious so Lilith thought she could warn her.

When she was near enough, Lilith pretended to trip in front of her. The woman stopped to help her. She seized the opportunity. "He's almost behind you." Then in a pretend voice she said, "Oh my! Thank you! I'm sorry about that." She then sneaked a peek at the guy following her. He seemed to stopped walking.
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Tyberion cursed his luck. Whether he had the element of surprise with her or not, he still had her under surveillance. Now this woman interferes with his scheme. He didn't know if she had done it on purpose or accident..but it hardly mattered now.
He walked up to both ladies.

"Well..seems you got a bit of help there Elizabeth. No matter..I'll have my answers regardless..and I know that you already know what I'm going to ask. So don't play coy."
He was in no mood for games. He wanted answers and he wanted
"Dear sir I have no idea what your talking about, I'm just helping out this young woman," Elizabeth helped the girl up and brushed off dirt from her outfit "there you are" she said then winked at her. "Good day miss" she said and walked away.
He shook his head smirking lightly watching her round a corner before grabbing the woman by the arm and putting a hand over her mouth, dragging her into a nearby alley.
"you scream and it'll be the last thing you do in this life..understand?"
She nodded and he removed his hand. "So tell me why you helped that woman? I know you spotted me following her and you warned her. tell me why..."
Tyberion looked up suddenly when he saw a flicker of shadows pass through. Elizabeth's allies were watching him, informing Elizabeth of what he was doing. One had a weapon ready to attack if he had done any harm to the girl.
Tyberion snickered. " think you all threaten me? you think you scare me? I have killed your kind before and plus..."
He pulled the girl closer to him, his hand on his blade.
"..I have a hostage. Now back off or I will kill the ' name of the kings justice'. "

His tone set the stage. Whether or not they attacked him mattered little to him...he was the enforcer to the king. He was above most skill as well as rank. If they attacked him..the girl would die and they would fight.
If they let him go, he would take the girl with him...and finish questioning her.
Lilith smirked at the guy saying, "You know, you're handsome..Wanna date?"
*Gasp, what are you doing idiot?!* She continues, "Coz you're a creep that's why"
Tyberion turned swiftly, his cloak swirling up and covering his movements. He could hear the assassin running in to help..that was his mistake. A crossbow bolt sliced through the cloak and impaled the assassin in the chest, propelling him backwards into the street. People screamed and fled. The remaining assassins bolted for cover as he ran, the girl clutched tightly in his arms.

He had a hiding spot not too far from here. One he kept secret from everyone. It would be here that he'd question her and figure out exactly what she was up to.
He glanced around..not seeing anyone. He fled down a long alley and stopped in the middle, opening a secret entrance in the cobblestone and shoving her inside, following soon after.
No-one would find them here.
*Grins and whispers* "This is so exciting! Mind you, I'm a lady.." *laughs* "Are you a guard or something?" "Where are we going by the way?"
Elizabeth kept walking then finally stopped at a building and walked into it. A man was standing there with a group of people. "Elizabeth so nice to see you again"
Elizabeth sat down "hello..."
One of the men showed the woman the map. "At least three countries want the king dead....what do you plan to do?"
Elizabeth sighed, "we cant kill the king...." she finally said.
The men glared at her, "let me's because of your lover that you don't want to kill the king"
Elizabeth blushed, "he did have a good point...if the king is killed then-"
The men get up and walked away, Elizabeth sighed and put her head down frustrated.
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Tyberion put his hand over her mouth once more.
"You talk too much. Answer my questions only....or shut up."

He watched her to make sure she understood. If she kept it up, he just might kill her to save him the trouble. She already irked him once by blowing his cover and now he lost sight of Elizabeth.
If this day got any worse, he'd seriously have to kill someone.
"Ok then. What do you want?" *sighs*
"I really should have minded my own business and not poked my nose to anyone's problems." she told herself.

She looks around the place surreptitiously so she can plan how to escape this creepy guy.
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Elizabeth walked out and suddenly got ambushed by three assassins. She fought them off and ran, suddenly she felt a sharp pain but she kept running. Looking around she noticed an alleyway and ran behind it, "shit!" she breathed and looked at her wound, she was loosing a lot of blood.
She took out her wallet and had a picture of Tyberion in it. She smiled and looked at it for a while, holding her wound.
"There's trouble brewing" she muttered. "I really need to get out of here. I dont like this psycho yapping about "king's justice" stuff"
Tyberion listen to the commotion outside. Sounded like someone was being hunted.
As he turned to ask the woman some more questions, he felt something drip onto his face. He touched it. That's Blood.. no doubt it was. Someone was right above his secure hideaway..bleeding.

If they noticed it flowing inside, his secret hideout would no longer be secret. "Shut up and sit down."
He opened the hatch and crawled out to see Elizabeth there..clutching a photo of him. Great...just great.

"Hello Lizzy!"
Right as she turned around, he punched her in the gut. Hearing the breath escape her lungs, she collapsed into his arms.
She wouldn't know where his hideaway was. He pushed her down the hole and jumped down after her, sealing the cobblestone entrance.

The woman started to freak when she saw him return with the assassin.
"Shut it..unless you want to get caught by bloodthirsty assassins...."
He picked up Elizabeth and brought her to the bed, examining her wound.
Lilith heard footsteps but knew she shouldn't let someone knew they were there. She stood up trying to see that the woman she tried to help was bleeding all over the place. "Let me help her" she told to Tyberion. At least she knew that her training in healing can be some help here.
Tyberion said nothing, but moved out of the way. His right hand rested on the hilt of his sword, his other hand grasped the loaded crossbow. If Elizabeth or this girl tried anything...they would be dead faster than they knew what happened.
She still owed him answers and he would collect.

As for the woman, she was just collateral damage at this point. Long as she did what he asked and didn't try anything funny, she would likely be fine.
She smiled at Tyberion, "Don't worry. She'll be fine." She took her small dagger from her boots then cut a small piece of cloth from her handkerchief since it's the only clean in her. "Do you have like clean water or something? Brandy is fine, too."

She wiped the blood first and saw that the wound is pretty deep. She cut another strip of cloth and turned to Tyberion. "Can you tie this just a little bit above the wound? We have to stop her bleeding first." He looked skeptical at her, unsure whether to help her or not. Exasperated she said, "Please? And bring the water or brandy here"
Suddenly Lillith felt something grab her "what are you doing?"
Elizabeth was awake, she tried standing up only to bleed out more, she gritted her teeth slowly sitting up. "I have to leave..."
*rolled her eyes* Yeah, as if you can just run like you're not really bleeding yourself to death. You just have to lie down or I'll cut your throat for you since you wanted to die that much" *smiles sweetly* "Right, mister?" she turned to Tyberion.
Turning back to Elizabeth, "Besides, we can deal with whoever tried to do you in. You'll just die if you insist we let you go."
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