The Scrolls of Gelbaron: The Forsaken Saga (Sign Up/OoC|Open)

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Probably, considering those were the earliest bullets. So I'd say yes. weren't.

The earliest bullet was just a single piece of lead. Cartridge is the sort of bullets we have now. Those were invented in 1845 or something around that time. I am asking if we have to muzzle load our guns or just slide a single piece of brass filled with powder, cap and a bullet. weren't.

The earliest bullet was just a single piece of lead. Cartridge is the sort of bullets we have now. Those were invented in 1845 or something around that time. I am asking if we have to muzzle load our guns or just slide a single piece of brass filled with powder, cap and a bullet.
It literally says in the technology part of the rules that firearms are flintlock and therefore would be using 'black powder' and a lead pellet. Please check the rules before asking these kinds of things.

And owl I doubt anyone would ever purposefully make a race obviously much more powerful than another in a role-play, it would kinda break it.
When it comes to fire arms, it was mostly lead. So in that regard, ball of lead is the earliest. then became more shaped to add a bit more accuracy.
When it comes to fire arms, it was mostly lead. So in that regard, ball of lead is the earliest. then became more shaped to add a bit more accuracy.
Ah, so you mean the earliest form of firearm, the fire lance, developed in china and fired small darts...You should really specify before criticising someone's response.
THat thing was a close quarter shot gun. Fired darts OR small projectiles such as Pellets.

As for more specific.
Trigger, Barrel, gunpowder, aim to shoot at someone you really dislike from a distance.
Eitherway. 30% or so done with cs. Way in my first post on 1st page.
THat thing was a close quarter shot gun. Fired darts OR small projectiles such as Pellets.

As for more specific.
Trigger, Barrel, gunpowder, aim to shoot at someone you really dislike from a distance.
I couldn't care less how close or far range the thing is, China barely had lead at that point so I very much doubt they would have used it for ammunition. But yes, you finally got more specific. Shame I've already answered the question.
Cartridge bullets were invented in the 1590's... but oh well.
Yessss but it's still a cartridge.

You know what? There's fricking magic. So your gun could be powered by lasers. I don't know.
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XD Never thought I'd see a debate about the history of bullets lol
XD Never thought I'd see a debate about the history of bullets lol
I know right xD I've seen it several times before.... I study history, yet weaponry doesn't really interest me, so I find it quite amusing haha.
Everything looks good, PostingOwl. Just a couple niggles that I have seen (RPing the history and adding it when it comes is fine by me):
  • I would say that Confidence and willingness to try new things are more of a personality trait than actual attributes that contribute to their strength. That's more my opinion.​
  • Teleportation isn't really included in Void magics. They can, however, teleport themselves into the Void itself and use that to then teleport to another place, but because it is too time consuming and the need to be 100% precise to get the 'cut' into the normal plane is something that even Void Creatures avoid. So that could really be omitted from the character sheet.​
  • All magics cost spirit to use (even to Void Creatures). Though Void Magic is confusing in some of the phrasing that I have said (the description is a couple of years old), it would still cost an amount of spirit to cast. Void magic, when compared with all except for Aura magic, has a lot of destructive power when using the same amount of spirit to cast a particular spell. However, while some magics often allow for spells to last for about 4-5 seconds to take effect for the spirit usage, this magic only takes about 1-2 seconds (the quickness is slower than Electricity magic, but for that elemental magic it is offset by it being weak that only becomes damaging over time and the low spirit cost). With a Void Creature, they are more adept at using it, so the cost is less than if someone from the normal plane, but the costs are still comparatively large.​
  • The armour, while it is allowed to be created by Void Magic, definitely looks overpowered. Toning it down would definitely be needed here.​

One final note, Void Creatures are a powerful race in Gelbaron, but they do have their drawbacks (which I will address when answering the questions). Once the above is addressed, then Kielo would be added to the Cast List. Now, to those questions:
Other Information : Just a few questions:
  1. Can void creatures be injured? If so, then do they bleed or does some kind of void matter come out of the wound? Can they heal themselves?
  2. Can they become 'Hollows' if they use too much magic?
  3. When they die do they dissolve back into the void or is a body left behind?
  4. How do they reproduce?
  5. Do they require sleep and/or food like normal humans?
  6. Are there a lot of void creatures?
  1. Void Creatures can be injured and do bleed. Their blood is purple in colour, which is representative of the Void matter that is laced in it. While they can heal themselves with regenerating their form, they have to go back into the Void to do so. Even then, a scar will remain.
  2. They have a small chance in becoming Hollows if they use a certain amount of too much magic. If they go beyond this threshold, then they violently self-destruct. Think of this as when a giant star goes into a supernova. Before a certain mass, it would fizzle out into a white dwarf. Between two critical masses, a star would go into a supernova and produce a quasar. Anything beyond the second, higher mass would produce a black hole. That's the sort of thing that would happen to the Void Creature, but without the explosion when turning into a Hollow.
  3. The void matter in the dying creature would return to the Void without too much difficulty. The form that they were in just becomes an object and remains behind. In other words, a body is left behind, but there would be no Void matter for someone to study.
  4. They reproduce normally like other races, though they have a larger preference to finding other Void Creatures.
  5. They do require food. However, this only slows down their need to return to the Void to regain their energy and only regain a small amount of spirit for that lost in using magic. Their main way of regaining spirit and energy is by going back to the Void. If the Creature (like Kielo) needs to return to a particular place in the normal plane, then they would need two objects that are magically bound together, one going to the Creature in question and another left at the place where or who they would like to return to. These objects are then drawn to each other. So in the Void, the object is drawn to a particular location where the creature can then 'cut' to go back into the normal plane.
  6. There are a few Void Creatures in Gelbaron, but they tend to be more hostile towards each other. The only exception to the hostility is if a group of Void Creatures were to go to the normal plane together.

So to summarise, Void Creatures do possess a powerful use of Void Magic and can use their body to create objects for their needs. However, those abilities use spirit and energy, respectively, which is large in capacity, but glacial in regeneration in the normal plane. Their only way of getting these back normally is to go back into the Void and then come back. Time-wise, the time in the Void is longer than in the normal plane (2x, so for a creature to disappear into the Void for 10 minutes would be gone for 20 minutes in the normal plane), so for a wound to have a scab over it would take at least 4-5 hours in normal-plane time (dunno the biology of healing, so I'm throwing a number at that). Even though their energy and spirit regeneration is quickened in the Void, it is still slower than magisters in the normal plane. It would take a Void Creature over a day to regenerate the spirit level from 60%, the same amount of time for magisters who fall below 45%. If they want to come back to a particular place, they need to have perfect precision or have an object with them to specify that location (which is dangerous in the Void as itreacts to foreign objects-beings like the immune system). Another drawback is that a lot of the normal-plane non-magical objects does harm to the creatures, which causes their reliance on creating things they need from the matter that they are made of, with the precious metals harming them the most (prolonged exposure to them reduces their spirit and energy).

As Temm summarized, it would break an RP if a race is overpowered. That's why some creatures have balances (like the Void Creature with the restrictions above and Werepyres, which are physically strong and flight capabilities, but are incapable of magic and are slow when flight is removed).

And to answer any firearm related questions, it is the black powder and lead pellet technology, which means using a ramrod to load up the weapons. While the debate about firearms is amusing (as I've learnt stuff about them in my final year of university), there are a lot of resources online that could answer all your firearms needs and we don't want this to become an argument.

Also, Mercinus, to make sure we're all on the same page; would you prefer all of us to start in Terrubane or would you rather see our characters slowly journey towards one another?
Also, Mercinus, to make sure we're all on the same page; would you prefer all of us to start in Terrubane or would you rather see our characters slowly journey towards one another?

While I do like people to start around one location at the beginning, I have no preference. If you want Cailinn to be in another location away from the battle, then that's fine. I'll need a couple more characters grouped with her so there are more character interactions (perhaps Rasiro and the other characters that are in the making) with a smaller thing that the group can work together with. How does that sound?

While I do like people to start around one location at the beginning, I have no preference. If you want Cailinn to be in another location away from the battle, then that's fine. I'll need a couple more characters grouped with her so there are more character interactions (perhaps Rasiro and the other characters that are in the making) with a smaller thing that the group can work together with. How does that sound?

That sounds marvelous! I was thinking of a reason for her to be near Terrubane, but while she's quite curious about things such as battles and unknown places, I doubt she would end up in an enormous battle just like that.

It'd be quite interesting if Cailinn and Rasiro meet. Perhaps they could both happen to stumble upon an inn in a small village near Galbeez? I could imagine that Rasiro would have to visit small settlements from time to time, and the place could get invaded by bandits or my Silvæan companions could cause a scene upon seeing a Krimntaar. Or he could offer his services to the lady, seeing that she has a lot of coin to offer (in which he seems to be in need of) and she could certainly use an extra bodyguard or guide.

(These are just a random suggestion, so if you have anything more specific in mind Mercinus or if you have any remarks or suggestions @kikinki I'll be glad to hear them ^_^)
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