The Run Away

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It took him a second to realize the older man was behind him. The pants he was put in where two sizes to big but he didn't care. He snuggled into the blanket before remembering his new friend was deaf. He leaned his head back so that the other could see his lips moving. "There isn't any movement out there. The dogs aren't barking and there's an owl outside the mouth of the cave."
He looked at him and nodded. "I'm Oliver," he said, hoping he managed to say his own name right. The worst part was understanding others name though. He could only lip read words he knew, new one made little sense to him. Especially with new people who were harder to read than those he had known for a bit. "You can sleep if you want. I'll keep watch," he said and glanced to the entrance before looking at him again. "Or do you want to tell me what happened?" Why was a whole village chasing him.
Ace smiled a bit. "My name is Ace." He toned a bit. "The village is after me because my fathers the mayor. He would have bordered them to hunt me down and drag me back to him." He explained
Oliver tilted his head slightly. Well, he guessed they made sense. Most people were sheep and easily did what ordered to. "Who hurt you? And why did you run away?" he asked, not knowing that both question had the same answer. Normally you would run to your family if someone hurt you.
Ace laughed a bit then finches because it aggravated some bruises across his chest. "Father. He didn't like what I made for dinner. Its the first time he's broken something but I think mom and he liked the sound of the bone snapping." He opened his eyes and stared at the roof of the cave brokenly. "I had to run, I didn't want to be hurt anymore."
Parents hurting their children wasn't anything new, but this was a whole other lever. Oliver looked shocked, and then sad. "It's good that you ran away," he said, trying his best to speak softly while still talking loud enough to be heard. "I'm sorry that happened to you." People like that should never have children. "Sleep now. I'll keep guard. Tomorrow we'll go further away." He wanted to put a nice bit of distance from the place before he would count them safe. And leaving Ace behind wasn't an option until he knew he would be safe.
Ace's gaze shifted from staring that ceiling to surching his eyes. He watched him for a few moments before nodding. He didn't know why but he could trust this man. "I'll never be able to repay you. No matter how hard I try, how hard I want to, it'll never be enough. Thank you." He half whispered before his eyes drifted shut and sleep claimed his mind.
Oliver sat there holding him for a while, just making sure he was warm and keeping an eye at the entrance. When the rain stopped, he got up and wrapped him in the blanket before hanging up their wet clothes by lying them flat against the rock walls. When it started to lighten outside, he gathered some dry wood that was lying inside the cave and made a fire. He also sat by the entrance and kept watch, but he saw now sign of people at all. They were deep into the woods now, few people ventured this far.

He got some fishing equipment from his backpack, and an hour later he had managed to get a couple fish. Not as satisfying as that rabbit would have been, but it was food. He cooked them in the fire with some salt and herbs from his backpack, and ate one of the fish when they were done. The other he saved from Ace for whenever he woke up. For now he would just let him sleep, the boy seemed completely exhausted.
Ace was running. He could feel someone behind him coming closer and closer. The voices of his Father and Mother where whispering in his ear and his heart was beating so fast he could hear it in his ears. In the sleepingbag he was sweating and shaking his head. His breathing sped up and suddenly as the shadows of his dream turned in on him and reached out he snapped his eyes open.
Oliver was back at the entrance, keeping watch. If someone came this way, looking for Ace, they would be trapped inside the cave. Not good. But, he could fight if it came to that. Hopefully the people would be smart enough to just turn away if it ever came to that.
Ace forced himself to sit up, rubbing his good hand threw his shaggy black hair. He stumbled to his feet and looked around smiling when he found the man from before sitting at the opening of the cave. He padded his way to the man and lay his hand on his shoulder.
Oliver jumped when someone touched his shoulder and his had snapped around. Oh, right. He wasn't alone. "You're up," he said and got up on his feet, blushing a bit. He hated not being able to hear people come. "I got you some fish," he said and pointed at the fish beside the fire inside the cave. "How is you arm feeling?"
Ace chuckled a bit. "I'm fine than you. That was the best night sleep I've had in a long time." He walked to the edge of the fire and slowly sat down. "My arms fine by the way. He said turning so that the older man could see him clearly.
Oliver nodded and followed after him. "Let me know if the pain gets too bad, I have some things that might help," he said to him and picked down the clothes that had been hanging on the walls. They were dry now, so he handed a shirt to Ace and put some pants on himself. Now they were both fully dressed. "We're leaving as soon as you've eaten," he said and started packing up his things into his bag. "Do you have any money?"
Ace shook his head. "No sorry." He said as he he picked the meat from the fishbones. He ate as fast as he could. "This is the best thing I've ever eaten. Your an amazing cook." He smiled up at the older man
Oliver smiled a bit. "You must have eating some very bad food then." He sat on his heels, waiting for him. "So, I know a few farms on the other side of this forest. I think we should try getting a horse there, and then get as far away from here as possible."
He finished the fish and licked his lips. "You know you don't have to do this. You don't have to come with me." He said as he threw the bones into the fire.
Oliver's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. He actually hadn't even considered that. "Sorry," he said, feeling bad for just assuming things. "So you don't need my help?"
" that's not what I mean." he quickly said "I just don't want you to be hurt because of me. Father won't stop hunting me for a long time. His son running away will be a disgrace to his office." He stood carefully "its not fare to ask you to watch over me when you have your own life to live."
"Don't worry, I can take care of myself," he said and stood up. "Ready to go? You can walk yourself today, right?" Now he just hoped that didn't meet any of the guys chasing them.
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