The Rose and her Thorns


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
I'm on after work, so a 12am - 6am ish on my off days I'm available 24/7
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
Wolf - Fantasy - Historical - Animal - Anime crossovers
Here are my characters and what I'm looking for in a roleplay! - WIP -

PM for ideas/to start a thread <3

Ross Acura

Available -
Name - Rosalina (Ross) Acura
Age - 26
Sexuality - Pansexual/Nonbinary
Hair Color
- Black with Lavender peek-a-boo
Eye Color - One silver, one blue
General description - Tall and lanky, standing at about 5'10 and weighing in around 145 lbs, don't let her size fool you, she packs a mean punch. Her hair flows down past her shoulder blades, straight with layers. When she pulls her hair up into a ponytail (which is how she has it 99.9% of the time) the underlayer of hair is a bright lavender color. She has a scar running across her face, a single line from the upper left above her eye down to the lower right side of her jaw. She is muscled, arms built and thighs a heavy hitter. No curves, and barely a chest. Often mistaken to be a man.

Personality - Overly protective, fast thinker, quick tempered, logical, aggressive, walls up, stubborn

Job - Part time Mechanic with family business (Undercover agent for the government full time)

History - Ross' father was a big time mafia boss, with strict family rules and a false set of a family run mechanic shop, she was set to inherit a hefty amount of wealth and power. For her though, a disappointment to the family, a disgrace, though her pops lets her help around the shop, she works for the government as a top agent. Her skills harboring from her family tree, and her ability to get information have put her from the bottom to the top in the span of just 6 years. She's been able to mostly cover her family's tracks and retain an image of no relation to the highly wanted mafia boss.

Family -
Dad - Living - 56 - Saniago Acura
Mom - Deceased - 25 - Lillianna Acura
Older Brother - Living - 34 - Lillian Acura (was Roberto but changed his name after the death of his mother)
Older Brother - Living - 32 - Luke Acura

Type of RP for this character - Modern - Captured Agent trying to survive - Romance? - Small town nobody knows she's an agent/they know she is the mafia bosses daughter/just everyday life

Orion Raine
Available -
- Orion Raine
Age - 4
Sexuality - Bisexual
Fur Color - Cream and tan
Eye Color - Gray
General description - Orion stands bulky among other wolves, more built for brute force then he was speed. Standing at 2.4 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing in at 190lbs, his size can be quite intimidating to the smaller sized wolves in his pack, though he was named the gentle giant. Long fluffy tail sweeping to the ground, his pelt an average coloration of cream and tans, light brown touching just the tip of his ears.

Personality - Gentle, Caring, Kind, Self-Sacrificing, Super Cinnamon roll, Silly, Playful

Title - Healer/Hunter

History - Orion was born to a small litter with just his two sisters, both very opposite to their brother, where he was large and gentle, they were average and daunting. His mother was gentle and raised them to be their very best before she passed away due to two packs breaking out in war, theirs, The Eclipse pack, and the Dawnbreakers pack. Even after the war and a truce was called, the two packs stayed tense. Orion was only 2 when he lost his mother, in which he swore to only be gentle and loving to every wolf he met.
Family -
Dad - Unknown
Mom - Deceased - Letti Raine
Sister - Living - 4 - Beta - Lava Raine
Sister - Living - 4 - Lead Warrior - Shadow Raine

Type of RP for this character - Wolf pack RP, Either Enemy Pack or same pack, depending on choice, Romance/Character Growth from gentle giant to enraged monster