The Road to Freedom

  • Thread starter The Rainbow Cat Bandit
  • Start date
"What the fuck is your's goat boy?!" Hannah stood up suddenly with her fists curled. While Hannah had never really been in fights, she had a feeling that she could at least do something with the combination of adrenaline and her animal instincts. Her chest heaved as she took deep breaths, a look of intimidation suddenly became present on her face. "I've done NOTHING but mind my damn business, while you sit there and complain like a little BITCH. Oh you're crying too much. Or. Toughen the fuck up kid. Why don't you allow your fucking balls to drop before you start worrying about someone else." Hannah managed to attract a lot of attention, along with it were a few supportive chuckles from around the dungeon-like area.

"Huh.....well that confirms that there's some sort of oppressive....something on this place. Have you checked the bars? Do you think that the material is at all possibly cuttable?" Katarina had considered attempting to shimmie through them, considering she had a rather thin frame could possibly make a squeeze through. But had come to the conclusion that no matter how thin she was....the space was too narrow. And even then...if they did get out. What the hell would they do? They werei n the heart of human civilization.
Sam puffed out his chest a bit, ears more erect and jaw set angrily. "I have done nothing. You are the one crying like a little bitch. I can't wait until you get flayed in the arena since you won't last a single setup, even with a fake tough get up."he said as he stood up quickly and looked down at her as he spoke. He was not imitated in the least, as he wasn't even at times when he should be, like when facing a creature twice his size or something. He was merely pissed off by the girl. Like Hannah had received, the satyr also received a few murmurs of support.
"Of course I've checked the bars, which are solid steel and laced with silver to keep my kind on their toes. If someone were to break one, the exposed silver could burn me."Sarah replied as she sighed and tried to run a hand through her hair.
Hannah looked up at the Satyr, not faltering whatsoever. She was no longer acting on her normal and intelligent thoughts, but rather her primitive and limited instincts and emotions. Her blood was beginning to boil, and she had no idea how to control herself. She felt the sudden urge to tear into the larger figure's flesh with her teeth and devour it. She opened her mouth, the look on her face unfaltering, and her teeth suddenly became sharper; an involuntary growl came from the back of her throat as she took a fighting stance. Normally, Hannah would back down from a fight and act as a lesser being, but she had a point to prove.

"Huh....." Katarina looked around the room, nothing out of the ordinary caught her interest. "As much as I hate to admit defeat, I suppose we'll have to play the waiting game. There's always the possibility we could ambush the guards when they come in...." Katarina took notice that there were two little indentions on either side of the cell that provided perfect cover form any outside onlookers. Someone would have to look from the direct opposite side. Therefore, no matter what happened, they would only be able to see one. Katarina's mind began rushing rapidly, her eyes bouncing from the two places that could act as potential cover.
Sam almost laughed at the girl's fangs and growl. "Oh please, kid. Spare me the theatrics and hope you don't end up with a hoof to your defiant little face."he replied, taking a more casual fighting stance. Sure he had no teeth or claws, but claws wouldn't be helpful with shackled wrists and teeth could be bashed in with a good old goat head butt. Hooves however, would do some damage if he wanted to use them. For the time being, he was too prideful to fight someone he thought he'd easily beat.
Sarah moved to the back of the cell and sat down. "I suppose I'll fight when I can, but here we stand no chance. Don't try anything stupid."she warned in an almost stern way. She didn't see why she had to treat this cellmate like royalty, after all they were only potential allies at best, relationship wise.
Just as Hannah had lurched forward and her fangs had sunk into the upper arm of the satyr, a guard quickly unlocked the cell and rushed into it, swinging a club of sorts to knock both of them ontop of their heads with terrifying force. Hannah was knocked down onto the floor, unconscious with a humongous knot on her head from where she'd been hit.

"I'm not going to try anything." Katarina pointed down to her leg, which still looked pretty nasty from the crossbow bolt having penetrated it. "I couldn't, even if I tried." Katarina let out a small chuckle and let out a deep sigh.
(Just to say something for future reference to have things run smoothly: Try to change some parts so their is a reaction time. For example, you could just say she tried to bite him. I would write him to take the bite or not, mostly being take. But this is just to allow some reaction time to being bitten and clubbed over the head. Also, it will keep an future combat scenes fair to write an attempt and not a direct action.)
Sam winced when the fangs dug into his arm and went down with the force of the club. He lay on the ground, mouth tasting of blood and head ringing. He groaned as the guard left them and locked the cell. He managed to scoot away and let himself fall unconscious, hoping to gore that bitch with his horns when he woke up.

Sarah had of course seen and smelled the wound earlier, but hadn't cared much. Her level of caring hadn't changed, but she was glad the fox girl couldn't pull anything stupid and land them both and trouble. At this point Sarah knew escape was futile until a vulnerable opportunity arouse anytime soon.
(Ah. Right. I normally do that, but for some reason I didn't this time. Noted.)

Hannah awoke with her vision blurred. There was a loud ringing in her ears still present from the clubbing that had occurred an untellable amount of time ago. There wasn't a window or any source of natural light that infiltrated the area, and therefore clouded Hannah's judgement of time passing. All she knew is that she could barely see, and her head hurt like hell.

Katarina leaned back against the wall of the cell and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep for the first time in a while. A thought that kept coming to her as she was falling asleep was that she had no idea what day it was, or how long she'd been gone from her house. The only thing that she was certain of is that she wanted to get out, and get Hannah to safety.
Sam woke up a while later with a low groan. His head throbbed and his muscles had gone stiff as he lay on the cement ground. He turned his head slightly and saw a girl in a similar position. His memories returned to him as he slowly struggled to sit up. "You fucking bitch."he said lowly as he managed to prop his back up against a nearby wall.
Sarah couldn't sleep, but rested her eyes. Her thoughts were soon interrupted when a well dressed man in a suit approached the cell and peered in. Sarah roused and narrowed her eyes at the weaselly looking man. She bared her fangs at him with a low growl but he didn't seem to mind much.
Hannah said nothing in response, just staring blankly at the wall parallel to her. She was done with the fighting. That wasn't the kind of person she was.

With the sound of a growl, Katarina had awoken. She wasn't in much deep of sleep regardless, so it took very little for her to wake up. Her attention went from Sarah, then to the human male who'd stood outside the cell. Kat did nothing but sit there in silence, refraining from doing anything "stupid" as Sarah had told her not to.
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Sam glared over at Hannah. "You are lucky I don't fucking gore or strangle you right now."he said bitterly, feeling a bit dazed and disoriented still.
(He didn't enter the cell)
The man looked over the two in the cell from the safe vantage point outside of it. Sarah stood up and approached, snarling at him with her ears angled backwards. "Keep walking."she growled at him, hoping he'd move on and leave her alone.
He seemed more intrigued than frightened. He examined her wolf ears, fangs, and her very willful nature. Even though Sarah was aware of these markets, no one had warned her that they actually looked for the willful ones. A sniveling one would cooperate better, but often wouldn't last as long as the fierce ones.

"Do you ever shut up? Seriously. All you can fucking do is complain and complain." Hannah shook her head, letting out a tiny chuckle at the goat's pathetic threats. Hannah knew that she'd gotten the better end of the deal due to the evidence of the bite wound.

Katarina didn't share the hatred for humans that Sarah apparently had. Sure, her father had died years ago...but she had very few memories of her father even being taken off to go fight. Sarah, however, came off to Kat as someone who'd love to make every one of them squirm underneath her. Kat remained at a distance, only watching the spectacle between the unphased male and the rather intimidating werewolf.
Sam managed to get to his hooves and stumbled over to her. He wasn't ready to beat her up, but he surely wasn't happy with what she had done. He leaned down and spat at her face, ears pulled back angrily. The stinging of his bite mark made him want to cream the little brat who acted all high and mighty with fangs worthy for a puppy.
Sarah increased the volume of her growl, chest rumbling a bit from the sound. She was clearly not happy, but the man seemed interested instead of afraid. "Tell me girl, what gives you the confidence to act superior towards someone who could have complete control over you in a few seconds?"he asked, voice nasally.
Sarah didn't want to answer that stupid question. She knew many reasons she was hostile towards him. After all, he knew well his kind imprisoned mythics, killed them, and tortured them so of course there were hard feelings. She answered by spitting on his shiny black dress shoes. He gave her a disgusted look before looking Katrina up and down.
"Looks like your captor didn't do a good job with keeping all of you intact."he commented as he looked-over her leg wound. He wasn't too phased though since he could easily have someone fix the wound if he was interested in buying her.
Hannah wiped the spit that landed from her forehead and then made an awkward hand motion as she attempted to sling it back towards the midsection of the satyr. Regardless of how disgusting it was, Hannah was trying extraordinarily hard to keep her cool. She did, however, look down at the goat's legs and contemplate disabling him that way. Then it would be damn near impossible for the stupid satyr to continually walk over to her and bother her such as times like this.

Katarina saw the opportunity to take a jibe at the man. "Oh, we've got an smart one today." She said with a tone that was heavy with sarcasm, looking over at Sarah and realizing how much angrier she was getting. While Katarina realized that she couldn't do anything in the state she was in, every bit of anything she could do at the moment was just verbally belittle the man. "What was your first clue big guy?" Katarina looked down at her leg wound and then brought her hand up to her forehead and felt the knot at her head from the fall she'd taken when she was at the cottage in the woods. "Was it the leg wound? Yeah. Probably gave it away, didn't it? You humans are petty creatures." Katarina eyed the man from head to foot. She silently dared him to enter the cell. With that, she went silent. Katarina gave a shrug of his shoulders and wiped a bit of dried blood from her face.
Sam took a step back and managed to keep his cool. He sat down again as far away from her as possible. "You're lucky I don't break your stupid fucking face with my hoof. It would be pretty easy."he said, once again not wanting to take on an apparent weaker opponent. Well, weaker in his opinion. No one had the right to come in sniveling to his cell and expect the respect of a warrior. He knew her kind, always acting tough but they weren't. He scoffed aloud.
"Ooh. You mythics and the idea that you can make any human feel inferior. It's a laugh really."The man replied in an authoritative and professional tone without skipping a beat.
Sarah snarled and angrily spat at the man again, who dodged the saliva this time. "Whenever I buy you I'll make sure your mouth is sewn shut."the man said in an almost serious way. Sarah couldn't tell if he would do that or not, been knowing humans he probably would.
"Whatever dude. Whatever'll keep your pride in tact and help you sleep better." Hannah gave a cocky smile and tilted her head backwards, staring at the ceiling of the cell and noticed a crack in the stone. Huh...

"It's not a matter of making you feel inferior, but a matter of clarifying that you are inferior. Without your shiny toys, you pathetic pieces of flesh and blood would be nothing but wildstock waiting to be slaughtered and devoured by more evolved species. You lot will get yours in due time." Katarina recited philosophically. I want nothing more than to torture that cocky piece of shit and have him begging for it to stop. Thoughts ran wild in her head of breaking this man until he cried. Breaking every human until they begged to be killed. That was now at the top of Katarina's priority. She made a silent covenant that if she ever got out of captivity, she was going to kill ever single fucking human and make them suffer. If fire could literally be present in one's eyes, it certainly would have been in Katarina's.
"You think your so cool, foxy, don't you?"Sam asked after a brief silence.
Sarah looked back at Hannah and offered a look of pride and praise. She believed that was a well spoken way to put that. Maybe they could be allies, as she seemed to share some of the fire Sarah also had. Hopefully she was as tough as she talked. Sarah looked back at the man and just bared her teeth, challenging him.
He rolled his eyes at the two, though secretly the comment had surprised him a bit. He recovered quickly and snorted at them. "I think I'll buy you willful bitches just to make you suffer."he said as a guard approached. He turned and began to discuss business and purchasing with the worker.
With that, Hannah felt no more need to say anything. She swished her tail around behind her a few times, and stared down at the floor. Thoughts of escape began to fill her head. How can I get out of this hellhole?

"Buying us will be the greatest mistake your ass will ever make. Mark my fucking words pathetic human." Katarina practically spat the words out. Katarina began forming diabolical plans in her head. If she had the chance to be near the man more often than not, she could easily see how she could take advantage of him. For one, she could practically sever his neck with her teeth. A nice bite to sever the carotid could do a lot of damage. Katarina's blood began to boil as new thoughts entered her head. I'll get Hannah one day. But for now. I'll make these humans suffer. I'll burn down this whole damn city in the process if I have to.
Sam scoffed, taking her silence in a way he thought she had no proper comeback. He leaned back with a sigh and looked around. His eyes locked on the cell bars as a well dressed, professional looking woman had stopped and peered inside.
The man finished his discussion and walked off, having paid for his "goods" and was now heading to drive elsewhere and let these two be transported to where his other slaves were held. Four guards appeared, having known the wolf would give them hell and the fox was pissed off. Two of them had long poles extended with tips that shocked whatever they came into contact with. The other two wore padding and helmets and seemed ready to help escort them out in a rude fashion if needed, as both were large and muscled.
Hannah looked up at a woman who had stopped at their cell. Keep moving petty human. Keep fucking moving. She thought as she clenched her jaw.

As the man walked off, for some strange reason, Katarina felt safe. However, once the guards showed up, that was a different story. She knew that she wouldn't want to just hand herself over, but she didn't have much of a choice. She couldn't walk even if she tried. Therefore, she couldn't resist either. As the guards were preparing themselves to enter the cage, Katarina prepared herself and was unmoving from her spot. If she couldn't fight back, she would at least stand her ground.....well, sit, in this case.
The woman didn't move, so Sam voiced Hannah's thoughts. "Hey, lady. Take a picture, it'll last longer. Then you can fuck off."he said. The woman didn't react, observing the two and taking the defiance as an interest.
The cell opened Sarah snarled. She backed up into the corner, not in fear, but in preparation. The guards all entered. A pair approached each werecreature, with a shock pole wielding and padded guard each. As the padded one approached, Sarah lunged and kicked the chest of him and sent him backwards. A pole was jabbed into her side and she cried out in pain as she crumpled to the ground from the force of the electricity.