BloodSoakedAngel Of GraveTerer
Original poster
laruess walked thru the doors noticeing the beautiful woman at the bar. he walked up ordering a drink and ask the bartender who the gorges girl situng across the bar? the bartender said her name is Nicole i dont know who she realy is but she a nice person he said . laruess stood up and walked over to say hi but befor he could a man walked up and said sir we have a note for u. laruess grabed the note and looked at it with curious eyes and read it hes eyes filled with sorrow as he walked out of the bar he thru the note in the bin hopeing never to read what was in it ever agen he picked up a rose and thru it to nicole he turn and left befor he could see if she caught it or not. he walked up to anouth man who was in black clouthes where is she? in the back allyway commanda he walked down noticeing the white tarp and the womans bodie laying there underneath he nild down and notice her neck was broken and the blood marks over the walls where made with a sword her hands had defencive marks and her left shoulder was broken.he yeled back to the other person whats ur name i am kilver i spoted this incerdent on my protroll there where foot prints leading in to the bar but i didnt see who did it laruess stood up and said report this to command and close the whole area off only allow personal from command il go inside the bar and check it out.