The Realm of Gods OOC (Peregrine x Nemopedia)


Waiting for Wit
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  2. Multiple posts per week
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On fairly regularly, every day. I'll notice a PM almost immediately. Replies come randomly.
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  1. Adept
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  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
High fantasy is my personal favorite, followed closely by modern fantasy and post-apocalyptic, but I can happily play in any genre if the plot is good enough.

The Story of the Gods


Once upon a time, the World of Gods was only a single plane, which will come to be known as the Prime Plane. This space was a single, massive tract of land, like a piece of paper. The first god was a powerful mortal, who protected a group of people. These people began to worship him as their protector, forming a church. As the people worshiped this hero, he was able to generate power through their faith. When he gained enough power he shed his mortal form, he used that power to rip off a piece of the Prime Plane, moving it into a new space. This became the first god's Godly Realm. It was like the prime plane, except smaller, and imbued with the first god's power. This allowed the first god to transform and use his power as abilities.

The first god grew more powerful as his religion grew, and he was able to use this increase in power to take more pieces from the Prime Plane, expanding his Godly Realm and his abilities. Meanwhile, other mortals followed in the footsteps of the first god. They gathered together mortals to worship them, built up power through faith, and then used that power to escape their mortality and take away a piece of the Prime Plane, transforming it into their own Godly Realm.

However, as more mortals transformed into gods, the Prime Plane began to get smaller, and the competition for land grew more intense. Gods started competing over small pieces of land, and they would have to use a greater portion of their power to defeat the power of the other gods and claim the land. This conflict over land led to some of the gods neglecting their followers, causing their religion to weaken as their followers converted to other religions. When this happened, the gods would lose some of their power, because there were no longer as many faithful worshiping them. As gods lost power, they would no longer have the level of power required to hold on to the land in their Realm. This caused pieces of the Godly Realms to return to the Prime Plane, weakening the god.

One of the Gods noticed the relationship between the number of faithful and the level of power a God possessed. He realized that he could force gods to relinquish their land by killing their followers, and then quickly claim the land for himself. This worked for a short time, until the other gods banded together, to completely kill all of the greedy god's followers. When the last member of his religion died, his Godly Realm fully returned to the Prime Plane, and the God was forgotten, and therefore killed.

However, the example set by the dead god didn't not vanish, and many other gods began to follow his example. This led to a war between the gods on the Prime Plane, which led to the death of countless gods, and also decimated the world's population. Many gods even moved some of their most loyal followers to their Godly Realm, in an attempt to protect them from the slaughter and death. However, even that did not save the weaker gods, as the stronger gods would invade their Realm directly, and kill the last of their followers. This caused the war to be fought on two fronts, as the gods turned their attention to breaching each other's Realms, while they imbued their power into loyal followers on the Prime Plane to continue the battle there.

As the number of gods continued to fall, a large number of the weaker gods banded together, forming an alliance and temporarily combining their Realms. This allowed them to share the power from the faith of their followers, distributing it as each member of the group needed it. This allowed the individual gods to temporarily strengthen themselves, and made their combined Realm much stronger. Through this combination, they became the most powerful group. They used their power to end the war, and set up rules to keep the gods from directly using their power outside of their Godly Realms. Any god that did not agree to follow their rules was suppressed by the might of the alliance, and subsequently killed. This brought the War of the Gods to an end.

However, many of the stronger gods were not content to enter into an equal relationship with the weaker gods. One of these gods found a very weak god, about to completely lose his faith, and offered him a deal. The weaker god could join in an alliance with the stronger god, and bring his Godly Realm into the stronger god's Realm. The stronger god would then protect the last of the weaker god's followers, and help him reestablish a religious presence on the Prime Plane. However, the weaker god would not have access to the stronger god's power, and would, instead, have to pay tribute by giving a portion of all the power he acquired to the stronger god. Desperate to survive, the weaker god agreed, and became subservient to the stronger god. This established the first hierarchical relationship among the gods, and many of the stronger gods followed in this god's footsteps, taking in subordinate gods of their own.

By this age, the Prime Plane has recovered from the devastation of the godly battle. New gods have risen, while some of the older gods have fallen through the changing flow of faith. While the gods still compete for land and followers, they maintain an internal balance, as the weaker gods create their own alliances, or enter under the protection of a stronger god as a subservient god. All of the competition on the Prime Plane is now accomplished by proxy, as gods imbue their power into devout followers to act as the gods' champions and avatars.

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Record of Gods, Hierarchies, and Alliances

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Elisha Paille

The Fallen Paladin

"Through grim perseverance, I will triumph."

Once respected as one of the most noble and faithful followers of the God of Justice, Elisha's name is now taboo, spoken in whispers among new recruits as a horror story of what can happen to a good person when the pursuit of justice goes wrong.

Elisha was put on a mission to hunt down Semenov Carse, a follower of the God of Massacre who had infiltrated the paladin organization. Her hunt led her all across the Prime Plane, and came to an end at Nervarus, the City of Evil Gods. There, she tracked down Semenov, before being betrayed by her superior, and beaten to within an inch of her life. He returned to the Holy City with Carse in tow, bearing a tale of Elisha's betrayal.

Unconscious and bleeding, Elisha was 'rescued' by a group of thieves, who stripped her of her armor and prepared to nurse her back to health just enough to sell her to the slave market. Instead, when she woke back up, they found a woman with a caustic tongue and steely nerve,who dared to stand up to the traditional establishment to not only protect her own life, but carve out a niche in a society that wanted nothing to do with her.

Elisha toppled several underworld hierarchies through a combination of careful planning and risky maneuvers, earning a reputation as a vicious foe, only to find herself butting up against one of the City Chancellors, against whom all tactics were useless. She found herself surrounded, cornered, and subsequently captured, sentenced to death for treason. As the ultimate irony, her armor was returned to her shortly before her death.

Aeron Armiger

The Plaguebearer

"All that I am, or hope to be, is lost."

The Goddess of Plague was a capricious goddess, known to strike without logic and sense. Even the evil gods did not welcome the presence of her followers, for she was known to attack without reason or sense. She was not an overwhelmingly powerful goddess, but maintained a loose following through fear, and had a small, elite core of devoted zealots. These zealots would roam across the Prime Plane, enacting her will, and occasionally stealing an infant from a deceased family, raising it in hiding and brainwashing them to become another zealot.

Aeron was one such individual, but unlike his fellows he was not brought into the Plaguebearers at infancy. Instead, he was stolen from a royal family as a threat to the king in his early years, and although he cooperated to preserve his life, he still remembered the time of joy and happiness when he lived with his family.

These memories were the only thing that kept Aeron sane as his body was warped by the power of the Goddess of Plague and the scourge of potent poisons. But no small flicker in his heart could spare him from the fate of the Plaguebearer, to be filled to the brim with the "blessings" of their Goddess, and sent on a mission to contaminate whatever destinations she saw fit. All it could do was give him one brief moment of clarity through the haze of the Goddess' indoctrination, causing him to stumble at the gates of Nervarus, and allow his markings as a Plaguebearer to be recognized.

He was captures immediately, and held in prison until the plague was cleansed from his body to ensure he could not accidentally contaminate any victims. But that would not spare him from the fate of execution that awaited him.

Mara Song

The Lady of Dreams

"A dream is nothing more than a figment."

Mara was born on the streets of Nervarus, an ugly child with a twisted leg and mismatched eyes, abandoned by her prostitute mother as soon as she was able to walk. She grew up with a gang of orphans, her inability to move quickly forcing her to trade in speed for guile.

In many ways she was unfortunate, but her ruined appearance saved her from a worse fate, and a stroke of luck brought her into the hands of a follower of the Goddess of Pleasure, who brought her from Nevarus. There Mara served, apparently zealous in her loyalty, until she got the opportunity to rebuild her body with the Goddess' power.

As soon as she obtained this piece of grace she disappeared back into the streets, becoming the Lady of Dreams. She flirted with the churches of countless gods, gaining benefits from the order that hoped to tempt her in, before vanishing back into the mist. Among her conquests numbered the God of Alchemy, the Goddess of Beauty, the God of Thieves, the God of Massacre, the Goddess of Art, the God of Wind, and the God of Secrets.

However, as Mara's renown began to grow, it became harder and harder for her to pull off her divine scams. After a failed attempt to work her way into the church of the God of Light left her wounded and pursued, and she fled back to Nervarus to seek refuge.

Unfortunately for Mara, the God of Massacre had not forgotten her crime, and upon her arrival in the City of Evil Gods, she was captured by the city guard and carted to jail, sentenced to immediate execution.

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Philosopher; Crimson Text;

The Wildling
"We all come from the vast emptiness."
With the Prime Planes unstable as it is there are many nomadic tribes scattered around. Each with their own practises and their traditions. Tirza came from one such a tribe travelling around the Prime Planes. Moving whenever the wind bid them to do so Tirza had known no better than the lifestyle of her hunting tribe. Men and women stood alike, all that mattered was survival and the redhead was good at surviving.

Tirza was born with an immense physical strength within, able to throw down peers twice her size and unafraid of any wildlife that jumped upon them. She was everything her tribe represented, a honourable member that possessed the strength and the character of a leader in a group that thrived on sheer muscle. However, not all appreciated the lifestyle of her tribe. Some called them savages, for their rituals and their beliefs. Liabilities were sacrificed, for their group could hold no weakness. Rumours even had it that they consumed the hearts of their enemies --and the tribe had many enemies-- believing that it would give them strength through the sheer hatred they possessed towards strangers.

It was through these malicious rumours that Tirza's tribe was shunned and hunted, ultimately leading up to her capture. Caught and bound they charged her for crimes unknown to the female. Crimes she didn't know were crimes, crimes only charged through rumour. Fierce Tirza faced the cave that even her tribe feared the most with only strangers at her side.

Philosopher; Crimson Text;
Barthy Scourge

The Scoundrel
"Reckless, me? No, I live."
Sobriety, abstinence, penance, these were the values impressed upon Barthy since a young age. Honour the old, discipline the young. That was all he knew, but he wanted more. Growing up with nothing to his name believing that he had to give everything he had to some god he never saw. Barthy just knew deep down that was no life for him, what he wanted instead he was unclear on, but he knew that the rules of the god bound to the place he was born in was no god for him.

As Barthy grew up his thoughts turned into actions, turning into attention and into conviction. At first it was blamed to his youth, blaming his parents for not raising him to be obedient enough. However, as soon as Barthy had tasted the thrill of chaos he had continued. First small, little pranks any child would play, then malicious pranks, turning into petty crimes. Ultimately it would be theft that got him exiled. Chewed out by the place that had fostered him for so long Barthy then set off in the Prime Plane, indulging himself in all the pleasures his birthplace had barred him from. It was a sinful life, as per the definition of his youth, but Barthy could say he had lived and done all he wanted and missed on nothing.

Who had known that his hedonism and general disrespect towards the gods would have earned him a charge all feared? He certainly hadn't expected his life to take such an unexpected twist for the worse.
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