The Rage of Morpheus

Garneil hissed back at the boy, his fangs bared and his eyes wide with fury. The boy sprinted at him, suddenly morphing into one of the grey creatures from before. "THIS ENDS HERE!" Garneil roared as his chains shot through the air, and aura of purple radiating around them and also his body. The chains wrapped around the creatures feet, tripping it as it hit the floor hard. It got back up and spun round to face Clara. It stared her in the eyes and screeched, dashing towards her with it's arms and claws tensed, ready to feed. As it reached the tree a chain wrapped round it's neck, the creature just missing Clara as it swung for her and was dragged back on it's heels. "Your death holds no glory creature." The chain quickly tightened and cracked like a whip upwards, snapping the creatures neck and releasing the hold, sending it flying and crashing through two nearby trees. Garneil rushed to Clara and hugged her, looking her over quickly and wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Are you hurt..." As Garneil said this a crunching and rustling noise was heard. The fallen trees slid of each other, the creature rsing back up, it's joints clicking and jolting as it stood up...more enraged than ever.
Clara watched everything.
She saw the fangs, and the chains.
SHe saw the ager in Garneils eyes.
It scared her.
Garneil wrapped her into a hug, and wipped the tears from her cheeks.
She was speechless.
She trusted Garneil more than anyone right now, he had just saved her.
But at the same time, she was afraid of Garneil.
The creature that once was a boy rose back up.
Clara clung to Garneil, "Don't let me go! IT's going to get me!"
"No it won't!" He shot out a few more chains which slithered along the ground with speed, coiling up around the creatures legs and arms. It screeched as its limbs were tied down. Garneil had used a lot the chains now and his body was more uncovered than usual. There were strange markings and symbols printed on parts of his body and the chains were pinned to his flesh. He grabbed the ends of them into a bunch and tugged on them, tightening their squeeze on the creature as it wailed in fury. "Don't worry, i'm still here." He looked down at Clara and smiled. "But i need my arm back" He pulled his arm from her hug and cracked his knuckles. He shot a large jet of water at the beast, frustrating it more. Garneil's face turned back to the glare from before, his brow furrowed. "Just try live though this." He sparked a chain of electricity down the chain and the creature screamed. The water conducting on it's skin and frying it alive, it struggled as smoke rose from it's body and it thrashed around. It stopped struggling and Garneil retracted his chains, letting them coil round his body and arms once more. The creature slammed face ground into the ground under its own weight, twitching still as electricity still jumped around its nerves. He knelt down and looked Clara in the eyes as they returned back to their original pattern. "Are you ok? You look a little shook up" He smiled and chuckled lightly, placing his arms around her and hugging tightly. "Me and Aryn are here for you".
SHe looked at Garneil, "How did you do that?"
She remembered the markings and symbols on his body.
"What were those?"
She looked to the monster.
"What was that?"
He looked at her and laughed. "Well...the elements i've learned to control are electricity and water. So it's basically just...well science" He chuckled. "Nothing special really? And these?" He rolled some chains out of the way and showed his pectoral which had a symbol on it along with smaller markings. "They've always been here. I'm not sure where they came from? All i know is that they grow when i use my powers" He traced his finger on it lightly, looking at it deeply. "Anyway! That creature. Well Aryn believes they are what are causing people to combust when they sleep. As if they haunt the people and drain their life in this dream world. Strike where you can't fight back. We could save you however because this isn't our world, it's yours. The only way i could kill mine is because i dragged it to the real world when i came back from my dreams. Another of my powers...pulling items from my dreams, but only stuff from my memory".
Aryn had been off to the side, protecting Clara with a shield she hadn't noticed- it was made of hardened air and clung to her body, light enough so she wouldn't feel it- and now he let it go, dropping to one knee with a huff. It wasn't easy for him to do things in the Dream World, mostly because the monster was still inside him... "Shit." He swore. "Garneil, quickly-" he started before he was pulled into his own mind, landing in a field similar to Clara's, except for one thing- it was on fire.
Garneil spun round to see Aryn disappear in a warp hole. "Aryn!" What was he to do? He couldn't get contact with Aryn physically so he couldn't go to his dream world. But at that moment Garneil hatched a plan. "Clara, you're safe now, all you need to do is wake up and you'll be back in the cave. I need to go save Aryn! He's powerful but he's not in reality, he can't defend himself!" Garneil looked more panicked then he had done before. He knew that they needed Aryn to win this war, no one else knew what was happening. "I'm going to go to the cave, i can use Aryn's body as a portal to his realm" Garneil ran a circle around the symbol on his forehead, preparing to depart Clara's dream.
Clara looked at Garneil terrified. "You're going to leave me!"
She started to panic, started to hypervenalte.
"How do I wake up? I don't know how. I don't know how. What's going to happen. Wait."
She stared at Garniel, soming to a conclsion. A insane smile of calmness streched across her face.
IN utter calmness she said, "I'm going to be stuck her forever, aren't I? Forever. Tell Aryn goodbye."
She felt anger build up and fear cover her body. She felt her four elements start to control her.
Vines and thorns shot from the ground.
Fire exploded in a circle around them.
Water made the air humid and seemed to swirl up into the air.
The wind howled and pushed through the two bodies.
Then, she blacked out once again.
"Clara listen to me! You're only asleep" He grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "You'll wake up soon! It's only sleep! Calm down ok! You need to trust us, we're you're friends here." She seemed to relax but it was all a ruse by her mind. Garneil felt a presence in her, something powerful, he knew what she was feeling...she was feeding her powers with pain and rage. Her smile as she looked up, he finally knew what it felt like to be on the other side of one of those faces. This was getting bad, she had no idea how to control it properly nor what her limits were. Through Garneil's eyes he knew they were high! He leapt backwards avoiding rubble of the earth and fanning his wings to bat away more debris and embers that flew at him. A large wind spun around him, he was tossed through the air, bouncing off the large bits of earth like he was made of rubber. He saw an opening and anchored himself to the floor using his chains. "CLARA! CLEAR YOUR MIND! STOP OR YOU COULD DIE! CLARA!!!" He could barely hear himself over the wind. He was beginning to loose his grip, how could someone this young and inexperienced be this powerful...the strength was so raw...Garneil envied her slightly. "I will get stronger" he whispered to himself, he tightened his grip and as he did so the winds settle down, he looked up to see Clara drop to the floor and all the earth drop around her. The humidity left in the air began to drop too, creating rain. Garneil walked over to Clara cautiously. Thank god she was still alive, she exerted so much energy he was surprised her body didn't give out. "You'll need your rest now. I'll be there when you wake up..." he smiled and rolled Clara onto her side so she would be comfier. "...Aryn too" He circled the symbol on his head and warped out of the dream and back to the cave, he was so tired, but her needed to save Aryn. He ran to his motionless body, his body still being there was a good sign. He tapped Aryn's head and delved into his mind...he was shocked at what he landed in. A field of flames.
Clara opened her eyes once more.
There again she sat in the darkness of her small little cave hole.
She saw a bit of the rubble gone.
Someone had tried getting in.
Clara was extremely on edge now.
She could only hear one thing in her mind, "I'll be there when you wake up, Aryn too."
She was awake now. Her body drenched in sweat.
She couldn't remember what happened.
She was extremely exhausted.
Clara held on to that last phrase. She took is as a promise. She waited for Garneil. And Aryn.
tHey had become her protectors, and the ones who made her feel safe.
She had fallen in love.
Garneil looked out over the fire lit grass, the flames seeming to stretch out to the sky, never ending and hungry. He ran his hand through them, they didn't burn. As he walked along he couldn't help but think of Clara. Was she ok? She had to be. She'd proven that she was sturdy, that she was powerful. Garneil picked a blade of lit grass, as he held it the sides crumbled, falling to ash in his palm. He gripped it tightly "I will get stronger..." He had to find Aryn as quickly as possible. There was no one to look after the kids back at the cave, they were alone and Aryn was the only hope they all had. "ARYN!?" Garneil shouted. "ARYN!?!?!" The air escaping with his voice moved the flames making them flicker and dance. Where on earth could he be. He looked at the cuts on his waist and arms from where Clara had held on to him so tightly early, he had only noticed them now he was calming down. "Don't worry Clara, i'm coming back...we're coming back" With a powerful jump Garneil took to the sky to find Aryn from above.
Aryn stood in the midst of the burning trees, protected by the shield of water he had cast around himself. But he was tiring fast. The flames closed around him, and a voice whispered to him. "Aryn..." he spun around and stopped dead. It was impossible. It couldn't be. Arisha was dead. Wasn't she?
And yet she stood before him, her brown hair untouched by the fire, as she herself was also shielded by water. She was his elemental power, where he had gained the ability from. Her green eyes locked on his and he stepped forward. "Arisha," he breathed. He heard someone calling from far off -Garneil?- but he ignored it, stepping closer to her.

"It's a trick you idiot!" A bolt of lightening flew through the air and Arisha jumped back into the flames out of sight, avoiding the blast, a black smoking mark left where she was stood. Garneil darted towards Aryn and landed in front of him. "What's wrong with you! Of all people i assumed that you were the smartest Aryn! How close were you willing to let it get to you? Do you know what would've...of course you know what..." He hugged Aryn tightly, as if he was worried that he could've lost him. "Come on! We need to kill this thing quick...we're both looking pretty tired now". Garneil turned round to face the silhouette hidden in flames.
The prince dived off the 100 story high building, watching the could get thinner and thinner as he dived through the. He hit the ground with a large smash leaving a crater in the ground. He stood up straight and sniffed the air, breathing in a bunch of smog and mist. He coughed once then popped his neck. He then sped down the road he was on at a very fast speed. He needed food, he needed a human, he needed blood.
Clara sat breathlessly.
The two seemed to be taking forever.
Couldn't they hurry up? She thought selfishly.
The heat from the field was rising and Garneil was becoming faint. "Aryn...we need to I can't...i can't hold much more." He knew he had used up to much energy, he'd tired himself from removing and fighting the monsters from some of the other kids before Clara. "I'm sorry Aryn" With his last attempts Garneil grabbed Aryn and warped them from the dream. They were back in the cave. Aryn seemed to be ok, a bit confused and shocked from seeing Arisha. Who was that women though? And why did Aryn freeze when he saw her. Garneil collapsed as he tried to get up. He lay face down on the cave floor, his wings spread out and slumped. He was deathly still.
Clara heard a THUMP on the cave floor.
She couldn't see anything, but something told her to look.
She brought her home-made wall down and looked to see Garneil on the floor Deathly still.
She looked to Aryn who looked very confused.
"What happened?"
Aryn didn't answer.
"What in the world did you do to Garneil!!"
Clara moved quickly over to Garneil's body and lifted his head onto her lap.
"Garneil! Garneil! Wake up! ARe you okay! Don't leave me! You promised you wouldn't!"
His was finding it hard to breathe, but he was breathing non the less. His chest felt heavy but with each breathe the weight lifted slightly. His vision was blurry and he could only make out faint shapes. He heard a muffled voice "Garneil!" Trying his hardest to get up Garneil couldn't feel his arms,legs or wings. "Cla...Clara? Where's Aryn?" He was struggling to keep himself concious, each word a fight for air. "Are both...ok?" His head slid back down onto Clara's lap as he fell into a deep sleep. The symbols on his body began to shake ever so slightly, as if they were dancing or trying to communicate with one another. After a small while they stopped wriggling and morphing and returned to normal.
Clara heard Garneil breathing.
That relieved her, at least he was alive.
"Where's Aryn?" she heard him ask.
She looked over to Ayrn who looked as dazed as ever.
SHe couldn't reply before he mumbled something else and fell asleep.
She felt him vibrate a bit, and saw some of his patterns move on his skin.
She kissed his forehead lightly, "I'm okay. You're going to be okay too. You promised."
Prince Terrence, soon to be King Terrence III, looked around for food. He was dressed in a red button up collared shirt with black stripes, skinny black Jeans, and black converse. The vampire prince was very teenage like. He carried around an axe that he had in disguise as a guitar. He loved performing. He was a typical teen that was hitting his 671st, birthday. He smiled as he ran on the road. It seemed that no one was on the streets. He eventually stopped and looked around. He started floating in the air for he didn't feel like using his legs anymore. 'Where is everyone?' He thought to himself. 'I'm starving!'