Original poster
Alright so here is the last two posts:
(As I wrote for Soren, I was listening to 'Ship of Fools.')
Miyoko's words seemed to pierce Soren like a swift dagger; he had not been expecting this to come up, and therefore not fully prepared himself for it. As he made his reply, it was through gritted teeth.
"It makes no difference whether or not I would choose to leave from that place. There are powers at work that I cannot contend with, and besides..." For a moment, his voice trailed off, his expression filled with pain and nostalgia. "...I made my choice. My price is paid. And it cannot be returned."
(Don't really have anything else for Shane; just make them reach the outpost within your next post.)
Thank the gods they would be heading out by dawn the next morning. He didn't think he could stand another day sitting idly by, he could move after all with a few restrictions. Shane had healed him with her elven magik four days ago, but still, his companions had made him wait long.
Riker lunged with his scythe once more, gritting his teeth as the pain flared violently in his side. He planted his weapon firmly on the ground, his other hand pressed tightly to his bandaged wound. Ryuk, that bastard, he had spoken ill of the one matter Riker had no control over.
There she was, tending to the horses over on the other side of the field they had chosen to make camp upon. She was so openly gentle with any of nature's creatures, as though she wished to ease any hardships.
The only time Riker had encountered Shane acting as such was back in Da'Tak, that moment in the tent when he promised her his undying protection. How could he not protect that which was most important?
Shane looked up, their eyes meeting for a fleeting second before Riker suddenly became very interested with his scythe, his face reddening.
Gods, what was he to do? The very reason Ryuk had been so enraged was the way Riker had cared for her, and if it upset that elf, there were bound to be more.
He closed his eyes, "Shane..." It felt so natural to be able to say just her name. Yet she had no idea the true meaning of being able to say a birthtitle on it's own, and that left a bittersweet taste in his mouth.
He stood straight once more and took his grip on his weapon. The action caused pain in his side, but this time he ignored it as he attacked the wooden dummy, furiously striking at it with his deadly accuracy.
Perhaps it would better for the both of them if from now on, he would try to keep his focus on their Quest and repress the feelings he had for her until the end. After that, if there was a remote chance...
Pushing the image from his mind, Riker shook his head, his lips pursed.
"Shane?" Miyoko's voice rang slightly as she called out to her comrade. She stepped airly into the stables, seeing the girl she sought tending to a horse.
"Yes?" the elven girl responded, not taking her eyes off the animal. Miyoko kept her bearings being so close to the beast and focused on Shane, "N was just seeing if you're prepared to go already."
(As I wrote for Soren, I was listening to 'Ship of Fools.')
Miyoko's words seemed to pierce Soren like a swift dagger; he had not been expecting this to come up, and therefore not fully prepared himself for it. As he made his reply, it was through gritted teeth.
"It makes no difference whether or not I would choose to leave from that place. There are powers at work that I cannot contend with, and besides..." For a moment, his voice trailed off, his expression filled with pain and nostalgia. "...I made my choice. My price is paid. And it cannot be returned."
(Don't really have anything else for Shane; just make them reach the outpost within your next post.)
Thank the gods they would be heading out by dawn the next morning. He didn't think he could stand another day sitting idly by, he could move after all with a few restrictions. Shane had healed him with her elven magik four days ago, but still, his companions had made him wait long.
Riker lunged with his scythe once more, gritting his teeth as the pain flared violently in his side. He planted his weapon firmly on the ground, his other hand pressed tightly to his bandaged wound. Ryuk, that bastard, he had spoken ill of the one matter Riker had no control over.
There she was, tending to the horses over on the other side of the field they had chosen to make camp upon. She was so openly gentle with any of nature's creatures, as though she wished to ease any hardships.
The only time Riker had encountered Shane acting as such was back in Da'Tak, that moment in the tent when he promised her his undying protection. How could he not protect that which was most important?
Shane looked up, their eyes meeting for a fleeting second before Riker suddenly became very interested with his scythe, his face reddening.
Gods, what was he to do? The very reason Ryuk had been so enraged was the way Riker had cared for her, and if it upset that elf, there were bound to be more.
He closed his eyes, "Shane..." It felt so natural to be able to say just her name. Yet she had no idea the true meaning of being able to say a birthtitle on it's own, and that left a bittersweet taste in his mouth.
He stood straight once more and took his grip on his weapon. The action caused pain in his side, but this time he ignored it as he attacked the wooden dummy, furiously striking at it with his deadly accuracy.
Perhaps it would better for the both of them if from now on, he would try to keep his focus on their Quest and repress the feelings he had for her until the end. After that, if there was a remote chance...
Pushing the image from his mind, Riker shook his head, his lips pursed.
"Shane?" Miyoko's voice rang slightly as she called out to her comrade. She stepped airly into the stables, seeing the girl she sought tending to a horse.
"Yes?" the elven girl responded, not taking her eyes off the animal. Miyoko kept her bearings being so close to the beast and focused on Shane, "N was just seeing if you're prepared to go already."