The Q&A Game!

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I'm not. Remember Raz, you can't choose who you're asking the question to :D

What kind of car would you like to own one day?
The bird is the word.

What is your favorite movie genre?

If the world had been flat, would you have wanted to see the end of it?
If I could get away with it unharmed, hells yeah. I'd piss off the entire galaxy.

Given the chance, would you ever date your celebrity crush, knowing you could never make it work?
oh hells to the yes. i'd date natalie portman any day.

would you marry your childhood friend or your new crush
Neither. Childhood friends turned out to be douches, and I have the same 'crush' on my hubby for nearly 20 years. ;p

If you could live in another era, which would it be?
Captain Picard. Mainly because that's who I grew up with.

Favorite childhood Toy?
A barbie doll :)

Favorite food?
My dad's lasagna -drools-

Favorite TV-series?
Hard thing to chose one so I'll say, sexually harassing my hubby and hanging out with my two fav men. :p

The most hated thing you do in your day
Toilet and food breaks... It takes away valuable time from my internet time :( -might have a problem-

How much do you exercise in a week?
i exercise 1.5 hr a day with one rest day in the week. on saturdays and tues, this may actually be higher, since those are parkour days.

favorite musician
The scary man ( basically a man with no skin that I had nightmares about)

What's your dream job?
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