The Prince's concubine

The silence that had closed in on them was suffocating him; usually he liked silence, and especially when struggling with a headache. But this silence only felt heavy. Was it perhaps his wish to know more about the mysterious being behind him, or was it that he was used to getting more attention by new servants? The decision on what it was became harder the more he thought about it.
"I have not yet decided what to make of you", Xiang suddenly say in a desperate way of breaking the silence, "But you are not to leave my side unless I say so". The reason behind him saying all this, other from being desperate, was very vague. Normally he would keep everything to himself - the girls he surrounded himself with always got so strange when he talked. A light knock on the door to his room made Xiang turn and face the entrance. Without the chance of saying anything the door slid open and a rather tall man, wearing clothes very much unlike his own, came through the opening. The man, with his brown hair lightened by the sun smiled towards him without an bit of remorse. But, that was nothing but expected by people from the western part of the world - as Xiang had come to understand.
"I see you get pampered again, my Lord" the man said while bowing slightly, the smile still on his face. Xiang however snorted and turned away.
"There is nothing wrong in enjoying the beauty of life" he said as glanced towards the other man, "Besides, I see you have not yet understood the sense of ones privacy, walking in like that", with a sigh he turned to face the mirror again. The man that just had walked in was the tutor he'd got a couple of months ago; some random man from a country very far from this one. Xiang liked the things he learned him, but the man's carefree attitude was disturbing.