The prince

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"Okay," they both went inside,going into his room to change.
"Here let me help you." Charles smile as he helped him unbutton.
Daniel blushed but did not say no to the help. HIs chest was just as pale as his cheeks when his shirt was pulled off. He found a place to hang it up. "May I borrow something to wear?"
Charles took off his shirt,exposing his chest. He wasn't tan but it looked like he's seen sun.
"Do you want me to help you take off your pants?"
Daniel chuckled and shook his head. "I think I can do that by myself but thank you for the offer." His trousers were wet as well and he blushed lightly deciding to ask again. "erm... you have extra pairs I can borrow, right?"
"Yeah of course." Charles walked to his closet and brought out some clothes.
Charles sat on his bead,watching Danielle change.
Daniel felt self concious as he watched. He pulled on a new shirt and then pulled off his wet trousers which was hard because they stuck to his legs. He stripped them off and put on a dry pair with a small smile. "Thank you."
"Don't worry you look good," he laid on the bed and let a sigh escape his lips.
Daniel blushed. "I don't believe so but thank you."
Daniel swallowed and approached Charles on his bed, leaning against it.
Charles tackled him onto the bed, but he was soon interrupted by a maid.
Charles didn't worry about her telling because she wasn't aloud to.
"'s dinner time." She stammered.
Daniel hid his face but did not move from underneath Charles. His face was no doubt beet red and he stared at the opposite wall.
Charles still was above him.
"Aw,you look so cute like that." He purred as he pinned him down by the shoulders even harder.
Daniel laughed and looked up at Charles. "If you push me down any farther I will be a permanent fixture in this bed."
Charles laughed a bit,rolling onto his side.
"Let's go. I'm hungry." He sighed.
Daniel stole a kiss before pulling his shoes back on so that they could go and eat.
Of course it was a dinner an a party. His mother always liked those types of things.

Charles attire was expensive and elegant but his hair was still damp.
"Is that your parents?" Charles whispered into Daniel's ear.
Daniel looked like his mother and father. His mother was still blonde, they shared the same eyes. His father was a tall, strong man. "Yes." He told Charles and smiled at his parents, offering a polite wave.
"...what really happened in Scotland?" He whispered to him after he took a sip of his drink.
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