The prince

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"Um.... not far... yet." He added at the end and moved away. He looked towards the door. "Anyone could walk in." He replied straightening up.
"Don't worry we'll finish in Vienna." He smiled as he got up.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself then?."
"Well... what would you like to know?" Daniel asked, watching Charles carefully.
"What were you like as a kid?" He asked as he walked through the hallway.
Daniel mulled this question over. "I was quiet. I was shy. My mother said that I didn't really talk for many years. But even then I was fascinated with anything that had to do with books or paper. That was back when I liked to draw. I really enjoyed drawing the horses we owned."
"Ah,the quiet type." He smiled as he held onto his arm as he walked.

"Well,I was very skilled at instruments. I learnt to play the harp...very boring and killed my back at the age of ten."
"The harp is a beautiful instrument." Daniel commented and he meant it.
"If you don't mind me asking...why don't you want to go back to Scotland?"
"Well I would like to stay with you." He admitted.
Charles fell silent,still keeping an eye on him.
He took his arm and held onto it tightly.
Daniel stayed close and looked amongst the halls and out the windows that they passed. It was raining and the sky was dank.
Charles looked out the windows as the rain poured.
"You want to go to the garden?"
"I would love to see the garden." He nodded vigorously.
"C'mon." Charles grabbed his arm and lead him outside.
As soon as they went outside they were soaked.
Daniel was used to the rain due to where he was from. He took Charles' hand and they began to run.
"Where are you going?" He laughed as he ran with him. His brown hair began to get wet and his cheeks turned red from getting cold.
"Is this not the way to the garden?" He asked, laughing as they stood in the rain.
He brushed the hair out of Daniel's face.
"You're going to catch a cold soon." He laughed back as he kissed his nose.
"I like the rain.... But maybe we should go inside." He caught Charles' hand after it moved his hair in order to hold it.
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