The prides...Lion king fan play.

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Distani was so intent on watching the other lion chasing the zebra and agreeing with Holland that she almost missed the smell. She looked up and saw her father in the distance. She jumped down into the grass and lowered herself fully to the ground, gesturing for Holland to join her. She watched the lion hunting the zebra nervously as she knew her father's approach was imminent. The zebra was near the edge of the pride lands almost in the outlands. She silently urged the zebra to run across the border.
Niluna ripped off a leg of the gazelle as the older lioness walked away. It wouldn't take much from the younger ones. "Afia." She called tossing the leg in her direction. "You need to keep your strength up too." She smiled and continued to drag the gazelle away. She noticed one of the cubs watching her and she stepped away from the gazelle. "Please Spencer. Come eat."
Holland, seeing Distani's quick motion to get to the ground, looks back to see Denali approaching from the distance. He lowers himself to the ground quickly as well seconds after and watches the outland lion hunting the zebra and almost having it across the border and on the outland territory, hoping that Chimalsi is able to make it to his side of the border before the king reaches the spot.

Spencer comes out from behind the bushes. He stands there for a couple of minutes still before he approaches near the gazelle. When he gets a few feet away, he looks around for a minute. And then Spencer approaches the rest of the way and then starts to eat.
Chimalsi caught the zebra and began to drag it back into the outlands. He had not known that there were lions patrolling the territory now and he continued to drag the carcass. Chimalsi stopped for a moment as he reached a small pool of water and he began to drink the water quickly as he did not want to be in the pride lands longer than he needed to be.
Denali had yet to calm his nerves though he had ventured to the area usually taken by hyenas. There wasn't a hyena in sight today. The male lowered his head and walked up to a small body of water. It was much smaller than the watering hole where the pride was camped out and he took note of it. He looked at his reflection in the small pool, a sigh slipping from his mouth.

"There was nothing Denali. It is peaceful right now and you should be enjoying the peace with your pride." He was still quite taken as to why he felt so uneasy even after scouting the area himself. The scar on his face drew his eyes and he turned from the pond. It was a memory carved into his existence though he would rather forget. He started back towards the watering hole with his mind only slightly defogged.


Afia paused when she heard her name called. She was surprised to see Niluna running up to her with the leg of the antelope, even more so to drop it in front of her. "You need to keep your strength up too." She stared with wide eyes at the lioness who smiled at her before returning to her kill. Afia looked down at the leg and smiled to herself. She took the leg up and hid back inside the shadow of the caves. Eating inside the caves was not a good habit. It made the caves rather foul after a time. She paused to scout before taking that first bite for which her stomach thanked her.
Holland watches Chimalsi taking the zebra he caught in his hunt back across the border, and keeps an eye out for how close King Denali is getting to their location, in order to make sure the Chimalsi is able to make it back before being noticed by anyone other than Holland himself or Distani.
Veran the pride land Hyena, mostly known by everyone had been walking by the out lands, for unknown reason's to people. It was as if he walked out of the out lands into the pride lands, He had been sniffing the floor following an odd scent he had picked up which was followed by the scent of fresh blood. As a hyena and a personal scavenger his senses were amazing as nature ensured, He lifted his head up and began a low growl " Outlanders....." He began to make a normal laughing noise, as if it was a alarm. The laughing noise seemed to echo through the pride land, His paws digging into the floor as he lowered his head sniffing in the deeper scent. He took off bounding, his primal instinct's kicking in.
Holland hears Veran's laugh and says in his thoughts ~ "Veran's laugh. I wonder what that's all about." ~ He continues to keep low to the ground with Distani doing the same at his side.
Tor whipped his head up when he heard Veran's sound of alarm. He dashed forward heading in the direction of the laugh. He arrived a few lengths behind the hyena and sped up so that he could run beside him. "What is it Veran?" He asked.
Veran looked to his side to see tor catch up with him " Ive caught scent of fresh blood, and outlander scent its here somewhere i just cant get an exact location "
Tor groaned, "I knew this day couldn't be perfect." He laughed, bitterly. "Let's spread out then. You stay on your set path and I'll go wider, see if I can catch the scent you caught." He suggested.

- - -

Ajura had gotten out of her temporary funk and was now rolling in the mud near the watering hole. She knew her mom would be mad at her, but she loved the way the mud made her feel so cool. Plus it was fun to jump in and splash everywhere. When she grew bored of that, she resumed her earlier activity of chasing grasshoppers. For some reason, whenever she had mud on her fur, the bugs were less likely to hop away so quickly. She loved it, she felt like her parents when they hunted! Not that they covered themselves in mud.
Distani's stomach dropped at the sound of Veran laughing. She knew he was warning someone about danger. And with everything that she had just seen, she thought maybe it was that. She leaned closer to Holland. "If this has anything to do with what we just saw, we should say that we watched the zebra run outside of the pridelands and get caught." She looked around for her father. Seeing if he was still near. She formulated a plan in her head to leave as soon as the king was out of sight. Go find Veran and try to make him stop.
Niluna stepped away from the gazelle another few steps so Spencer could eat in peace, yet close enough that she could protect the gazelle if another dared try to take it from him. She looked around for more cubs.
Lavallia's ears stood up as she heard Veran's laugh. Something was going on. She turned and ran in the direction of the laughter. She knew he didn't do that for just anything. There had to be something going on for him to laugh like that.
Holland nods agreeing with Distani, hoping that Chimalsi will make it across the border before Veran and the lions who headed his call reach their location. He then helps Distani keep an eye out for Denali.

In the outlands, Spencer takes about 10 minutes to eat his fill. He then nods his head to Niluna to thank her.
Korula ears perk up when she hears Veran's cry, she started to get up, but when she sniffed the air she realized that the majority of the adult lions weren't in the immediate area. Meaning she had to look out for the cubs, while they were gone. It only just occurred to her that Holland and the Princess were nowhere to be seen. Worry pricked at her pelt, and she got up quickly, calling to Ajura to stay put.
Holland stays on the lookout, princess Distani at his side. He can sense Veran getting closer to their location, knowing if Veran meets up with the king and relays his warning to him, they would be at that exact spot in a matter of seconds.
As Denali made his way back to the watering hole a warning sounded loud enough for even him to hear so far out. He lifted his head and took off running toward the alarm. "Veran's warning. I knew something didn't feel right!" He ran bounding back toward the outland's boundary at fast as his legs would take him. He had been careless and now there was a situation. Denali jumped from a large rock and landed flawlessly back into a running posture. He had to make sure that no one would be hurt, even by their own kind.

His travel was short as he had managed to cut the time it took him to get back by half. When he drew closer he could make out two figures running along side one another. Denali growled and kicked up more dirt as he ran to catch up the two figures. The wind blowing his main from his face carried the scent of two familiar others. "Veran...Tor..." He had even more incentive to catch up to them. A plan of action was already forming in his mind now so he veered off to meet them further down.
Distani's tail twitched as she was ready to jump out. Run to ward off the imminent conflict. She looked at Holland. "Follow my lead." She darted from the grass, in the direction of Veran. She looked to Tor as well. "Veran. Holland and I were playing, and we went too far playing. But what we just saw! It was..." She tried to come up with something to say. "There was a zebra....Holland and I accidentally scared it. It crossed over the boarder to the outlands...the lion. He came out of no where in the outlands and got him. He took down the zebra like nothing. But he was out of the pride lands when he got it. So there is nothing can be done about it. Should we go tell dad?"
Niluna nodded watching for other outland cubs to appear to eat the gazelle, if none appeared she would share the rest with Afia, otherwise she would guard it with her life.
Lavallia caught sight of Denali running not far off from her, she veered towards him. "I'm guessing you heard to? Have you seen Veran yet? What's happened?" She panted as she ran, heading in the direction Denali was heading, as Veran's cry came to an end.
Tor narrowed his eyes at Princess Distani's scattered explanation. Doubt tugged at his mind, as she fumbled for her words. "Is that the truth?" He asked, staring down at her. Even if it was, an outlander being so close to the border was a cause for alarm.
Denali glanced toward Lavallia as she came closer to him. "I know as much as you do right now," he replied. "I saw Veran go down there." He turned to run down the side of the hill to where he had seen them vanish. He slowed down to a trot as he approached the lion and cubs. "I ran as fast as I could when I heard you sending out a warning- what's the problem Veran?" Denali looked down at the cubs with an eyebrow raised. "What are you two doing here? Don't you know you're not supposed to be this close to the border?" Alas, Denali would save his scolding for later; there was a situation to be handled right now.


Afia emerged from the cave licking the blood from her generous lunch from her muzzle. She looked around for any sign of Niluna but didn't see her. "Hmm, I have to ind her to thank her. She went through a lot of trouble to get that..." Afia walked around near the caves looking for the lioness. She just about gave in when she saw her sitting near the gazelle. A cub was eating away at it by himself. She approached the lioness from the side so she could see her and it didn't look like she had any intention to steal away the catch.

"There you are! I just wanted to say thank for sharing the gazelle. Also, if you ever wanted, or needed to go back out there, I suggest you take someone with you." She nodded then turned to walk away, pausing a moment to look at the young cub. It was good to see someone caring for the cubs since most of their mothers could only scrape up food for them to eat. Others only cared about themselves.
Chimalsi lifted his head as he heard others talking and then quickly began dragging the carcass back to the outlands. He walked cautiously as he did not want to be caught by the pride landers.
As denali came up on them he looked at him and spoke still trying to grab at the scent " There is a outlander here, and he has killed something i could smell it but i can't get a direct direction on him " he had completely ignored the lie told by the lions earlier, he knew exactly what was going on. " We need to find him " the teenage hyena said before stopping in his tracks and sniffing at the air, the scent slowly coming to a pinpoint accuracy.
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