Original poster
"Come on, Fairenz." Raikyo beckoned to the creature. The cat only yawned lazily, tongue curling at the top of its mouth until it closed with a snap. Raikyo's blue eyes glared at the beast, but he received no glare in return. The giant black creature was asleep...in the middle of a battle.
"STOP DEMON!" the pursuer yelled, tossing another barrage of knives his way. Sighing once more, Raikyo merely moved his head to the side, knives lodging in the tree behind him. Lazy good-for-nothing cat. He finally pulled himself off of the ground, stepping to the side to avoid another silver knife flying in his direction. His black hair fell lazily on his forehead, shrouding his vision. With a single leap, however, the hair pushed back until it revealed a boy with light skin and azure eyes glaring at the rugged enemy in front of him.
"Must we do this?"he asked the man sweetly, tilting his head to the side. "The forest is no place for a man like you." He noted to the ragged clothes the man wore. Obviously that was a button he wasn't meant to tamper with, for the man lunged at him with a knife to Raikyo's throat.
"You will pay for what you've done, swine." the man spat, dull brown eyes swimming in anger. Raikyo's face was painted with puzzlement.
"And what was that, exactly?"he asked, feeling the cold steel of the blade on his neck. Sighh...I didn't want him to die, he thought, blinking at the man in front of him.