The Power of Three

Flutter seemed to get a kick out of Aidehn's exuberant explanation to get acceptance for more time with his friends- it was strange to see the way her face was made curious, but the chuckling Sayaku couldn't blame her either. As they listened to the mild back and forth, the two gave a thankful expression to Alessandra. "Thank you very much, ma'am." They were very relaxed and polite as they spoke in unison. Seeing this caught Ryo's attention, but he generally kept quiet about it.

"Our home is always open to the three as well. They're friends, after all...And friends are very similar to family. Right, Sayaku?"

"You got that right!" Sayaku grinned, knowing the man's implication.

As they got ready to leave, he enjoyed listening once more to his friends and their reactions. "I don't know if a scary movie's a good idea on our end either. Mostly because Flutter'll try to analyze everything." He chuckled as she reacted similarly to Abbigail, frowning to herself when it didn't help. She looked to Abbigail easily however soon after.

"You should put ice on it on and off every fifteen minutes or so to help keep it from swelling- it helps the pain too." She smiled rather easily, before Adrian had taken her to speak in private. Sayaku stayed near Abbigail while waving goodbye to Aidehn as he left. He could already imagine Flutter's likely response, but his imagination likely wasn't quite on target this time.

As Adrian spoke, Flutter could feel the blood rushing to her face, causing her to slightly keep a sleeve over her hand as if fearful that the blood would come out of her mouth at any moment. The rise in blood pressure was sudden and surprising- what had caused it? It wasn't natural to her, even if her blood pressure was normally higher than average. She seemed to switch gears as she saw his blushing face, mistaking it for a possible fever and moving the back of her hand to check his forehead, using the other one to check her own for a stability sense. "You started turning red while you spoke, and you started chopping your sentences...But it seems you don't have a fever. I'm glad." She smiled easily, having not yet answered his question. When she replayed it in her head, she realized that there was a bit of confusion on her end.

"Um...I don't really understand what a 'date' is, besides the fruit- which I've never eaten. Are they tasty? But you said go on...So it's not food then, huh? I don't really get it..." She tried to make sense of it, but her mind couldn't seem to figure it out well. "It may be illogical, because feelings are illogical in general, but even I seem to be having a tendency towards them as of late." She smiled a bit, apparently rather calm now despite the clear blush on her face. She seemed generally happy despite it. "Unfortunately, emotional things are beyond my comprehension, so I'm at a bit of a loss...Wouldn't it be better for you to ask such of someone with more understanding of the idea? So far, I'd likely just be dragging you behind due to my confusion."

As the two talked, Sayaku looked to Abbigail curiously. "So that's what's going on, hm? He's gained that type of courage fast...But I can't say for sure. Flute is...Sort of an airhead. My friend when I first moved to town asked her out a good deal of times- he counted at least two hundred...But she just kept getting confused." He laughed nervously, trying not to remember the rest of the story, instead looking at the ceiling. "But Adrian's different, to Flute. She seems to feel like she can relate better with him. She told me early on, 'he's not completely illogical'. In Flute language, that means, 'He's interesting. I can get along with him.' So it's hard to say how she'd respond."
Abbigail agreed that she would take care of her wrist as soon as it was possible. She knew a couple seconds using her power to ice her wrist every fifteen minutes or so would be more fun than getting an ice pack from the freezer. Abbigail smiled over at Sayaku. "You don't think she'll go for it do you? I don't think so either. They're on two different levels of understanding when it comes to relationship... emotional stuff. I hope for whatever is best. I know Adrian likes Flutter, she's different and unlike anyone he's ever met... all of us for that matter, I just hope it isn't a lost cause trying to ask her on a date or future attempts, I'd hate for him to get hurt and disheartened... It wouldn't be her fault, she doesn't really understand." She looked back over at the pair speaking privately secretly hoping it wouldn't be a let down.

As Adrian spoke he blinked his eyes suddenly as her hand went up to his face. It was cool to the touch and he smiled sweetly at her. He let out a small airy laugh. "I'm chopping my sentence because I'm nervous... the redness is from being shy. I'm attempting to explain that I like you as more than just a friend and would like to share a moment with you as a formal date... not formal in the sense of gala or anything but as a certifiable moment in the steps of a relationship with more importance than friendship more in the field of a couple... who are in a single relationship?" He rambled on feeling dumber than ever before attempting to explain to her feeling like all the confidence he just had was dwindling faster than ever as were the chances of receiving the answer he wished for from Flutter.

He saw her blush and smiled at her. She was so sweet and he liked the way the red blush livened her skin up. "Some would say that it would be best to ask someone else but I don't have an interest in anyone else... despite the fact that you understand very little on the topic of emotions and relationships. I don't mind being the one to try to help your expansion of knowledge and first steps in a new world of what may appear to be illogical sensations." He scratched the back of his head like he normally did when nervous. "See Flutter, you're different... and I'm more different than you probably will ever know. I've never felt like I had a connection with anyone as I have with you. I can't explain it, as is most things that have to do with the realm of emotions, it just is. All I know is that I like you. Seeing you in class, spending time with you at lunch or even just talking about plants or math. Even if you decide that you don't want to attempt to dip into something that will be going against anything known to you, I wanted to at least have you know how I feel. They're amazing little buggers... these feelings." He smiled nervously at her and searched her eyes for an answer.
"I have my doubts," Sayaku confessed easily. "Their levels are certainly on two separate playing fields, so to speak. Though he has his tendencies towards logic, he admits to having emotions much more clearly than my sister does. She basically tries to make everything logical, and things that don't fit in a way she can make logical tend to be thrown out the window. However, her tendencies have changed at least a little bit. So it is possible, though hard to say at the moment." He sighed, watching carefully as well.

Flutter tried to make sense of all that was said to her. His explanation in terms of a 'formal date' vs a not so formal date confused her, but at the same time helped to clear up that the definition of a date here was not that of a fruit. "To be honest, whenever someone says 'date', I always think of fruit. I think I'm starting to understand there's a second meaning and making sense of it...Though only to a degree." She laughed nervously- her tendency towards not understanding seemed to embarrass her a bit, but she tried carefully to make heads or tails of the matter anyway. "I don't know what 'a couple' is. Technically, we're already a 'couple' in the sense that there are two of us in this space. When people ask if you are 'single' or not, I always get confused, because I don't see why they'd ask if 'you' is a plural or singular word. In this case, I'm just as confused on the matter...But I think I am starting to understand at least a little bit. So a 'date' is a place where two people spend time as a 'couple', meaning it would be just two people, right?" Her nervous laughter continued again. This lack of understanding was starting to be troublesome for her.

"I think the fact that I was different was clear when my name is said, or the fact that I have a unique need for a high-sugar diet and have naturally high blood levels that shouldn't exist normally..." She mused slightly. "I don't think there's a perfect 'normal' for any person. Every person has differences, because each person has their own unique DNA strand...Even identical twins won't have the same fingerprint, too. So isn't it clear we're already different in that respect?" She smiled a bit. "Being different doesn't mean you can't enjoy someone's company. Even I admit to enjoying your company. And yours is more logical to me than, say, my brother's. My brother always speaks of illogical things that I can't comprehend. Though you do as well at times, yours are still more interesting and easier to find logic in after a while. Thus, your company is much more enjoyable and rewarding, in my own opinion...Though even then, that fact isn't very logical..."

Her seeming relief began to fluster her, causing her to look at the floor in uncertainty. "I'm beginning to question my own ability to be logical now....I wonder if researching these illogical things would help me make more sense of the logic of the world, and make the illogical things seem more logical? I'm almost too confused to figure that idea out itself..." She held her head lightly- the lack of logic running through her mind was giving her a tinge of a headache. "I don't understand anymore...Ah- I think I fell off topic though, didn't I? Um..." She tried to backtrack, smiling weakly again while keeping her hand to her forehead, apparently massaging it to ease the pain. "I can't guarantee I'll be able to make heads or tails of what happens, but if it is your wish, I'm happy to give it a try...I may understand the lack of logic better after time if I experience it rather than research it second-hand. And I don't think I'd be comfortable trying to research it first-hand with anyone else to aid me... You're the only one who makes sense to me a majority of the time, compared to not..."
Adrian smiled sweetly at her and fought back a chuckle when she explained the obviousness of their being two separate people therefore different. He leaned his head to the side slightly looking at her when she faced the floor nervously. When her eyes met his he smiled again. "There's no need to go into much explanation now. As you said a date is an event that two people, a couple, go to together as a way to increase level of emotional significance for the other. That's about all that a date really is." He shrugged slightly, "If attempting to label things or understand the illogical flusters you, we can take it a day at a time." He reached out slowly for the hand she had pressed to her forehead as if trying to battle a sudden headache from their conversation. He smoothed her hand out in his and gave it a light squeeze. "One day at a time then." He looked deep into her eyes feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as it did in hers. He was convinced he was going to at least try to give a future something with flutter a chance.

Abbigail bit her lip nervously listening in and when Adrian grabbed Flutter's hand she nearly squealed. She didn't know what was being said between the two but from where she stood it looked as if there might be a chance. She smiled and shrugged when Sayaku looked at her confusedly. "I'm not sure if that's a yes but neither of them look like they're upset that the conversation took place. That's a plus in my book." She straightened up against the wall when her father walked out with Ryo through the entrance they stood concealing Adrian and Flutter to the side of the house. "Thanks again for stopping by with the kids Ryo. Have a nice night guys." Sebastian said placing an arm around his daughter who smiled awkwardly waving at her friends' uncle. "Come on kids it's time to help clean up and then head to bed." Adrian said his goodbye to Flutter and then watched as they started down the road before closing the door. He walked into the kitchen to see Aidehn finish up the dishes and Abbie sat on the edge of the counter a grin plastered on her face. "Spill it!" she squealed. He shook his head and rolled his eyes before grabbing the bag of trash and making his way outside.

Aidehn sat on his bed listening to music while Adrian sat sketching on his bed. Abbie knocked on the door and Aidehn mentally opened it. "You haven't divulged anything and it's almost time for bed you cannot be serious you're letting me go to sleep without knowing." He laughed at his sister. "Sis you're so dramatic." "Just tell me already." She skipped over to his bed and sat on the edge cross legged with an expectant look. "She didn't say yes." "What?" she asked confused and obviously defeated in the realm of body language reading. "She doesn't even know what I was talking about but she said she would give it a chance and well I'm just taking it one day at a time." "I see..." "She thought a date was like date the fruit." Abbigail giggled. "Well that makes sense I guess." He threw the pillow at her when she continued to snicker. "Goodnight Abbie." "Night romeo." He threw another pillow at her that hit her straight in the face. "That's no way to treat a lady!" she laughed. "I see no ladies. Just hooligan sisters." they laughed and were instantly shushed by their mother. "Get to sleep" she called from her bedroom at the end of the hallway.
The heat in her face never faded as she listened to his words carefully. With her free hand, she dug into her pocket for a notebook she tended to keep with her and then used the same one hand to keep it against a nearby wall and write something on it. She never forced her hand out of his, but instead insisted on trying it single-handedly. And, though it was slightly chicken-scratch from her attempt, it was at least mildly able to be read. Ripping the page out of her notebook, she held the page itself out to him and put the remainder away. "I don't know much about movies or dates, but I know having at least a meeting spot is usually helpful when gathering. Since we're leaving now, we can either talk at school or over the phone this way." She smiled easily. The paper had a phone number scribbled on it, which was likely the only reason it was legible- the only words on it were her name. "I have a cell phone for emergencies, but I tend to use the house phone more...So I gave you both to be safe."

Sayaku watched carefully, smiling to Abbigail as he nodded. "Well, Flute tends to be pretty vague but...I can tell from here that she's happy. I'm pretty used to her tendencies. Plus she normally doesn't write things down. At all." He chuckled as he looked at her, then to his uncle as the man exited with Sebastian. When it was time to leave, Flutter and Sayaku made sure to make clear farewells and left alongside their uncle. Ryo seemed rather observant, as he had noticed from the beginning the blush on Flutter's face, and put a hand on her head to play with her hair loosely. Sayaku smiled. "So, how'd it go, sis?"

"I know what a date is now, sort of?" She smiled in response to her brother's words. Ryo, rather surprised and yet seemingly at ease, hugged her closer.

"Well, I trust you two to be responsible if you're dating. Just be careful you don't push too hard to keep up. It'll hurt your health." He lead the two home and watched them scurry to their rooms. Sayaku sat in his room and looked at his phone curiously, as Flutter went to her desk to pull out a notebook. They each did their own thing for a couple hours before sleeping soundly and having another day to wake to. Flutter had slept strangely soundly compared to usual, but seemed a bit out of it the next day anyway as they made their way down the street.
Abbie had woken up earlier than usual to work on her wrist. It was a tad bit more sore than the day before but after some hot and cold intervals she used her power to apply to her wrist she felt significantly better. She quickly dressed and beat her brothers to the kitchen helping her mother prepare breakfast. The alarm sounded and Aidehn kicked at it with his foot hoping to hit the snooze button. Their father had removed it sometime during the day before or that night and they didn't know. "Turn it off." Adrian groaned from under his blanket. Aidehn sat up frustrated and looked at the object in his hand. He sighed heavily pulsating his energy through the alarm clock making it sound like a high whirring pitch before it shorted out and shut off completely. "I said shut it off not kill it." Adrian said smelling the burnt aroma in the air. "Whatever... it's off." "And you're up. Now!" Alessandra commanded and her sons both rose to their feet reluctantly.

"So when are you going to actually ask her to go on a date with you?" Abbigail asked. "I don't know Abbie that's kinda between me and her at this point." Abbie scrunched her eye brows at him. "You're the only one having anything interesting happen to them and we're not allowed to know?" she asked indignantly. "That's not what I meant..." "It's okay bro... I'll butt out." She said closing her locker and walking towards her class. "That's.... not..." he sighed heavily. "Don't take it so hard... she's just really excited for you." Aidehn said patting him on the shoulder. "I don't want her angry at me... or sad... or anything." he picked his bag up and let it hang off a shoulder. "Don't worry it'll blow over, you know Abbie, a bit dramatic." He nodded and waved his brother off. He walked into the class room and smiled when Flutter looked up at him.

They had the first big test of the year in history and even though he had studied what he thought was subject to the exam he found himself straining to search his mind for the answers. He nervously moved his pencil incessantly within his thumb and index finger. Once he had finished he turned it in pulling out his sketch pad and began to draw. He looked over at Flutter staring at her test with a slight blank look on her face. He had an idea and began to sketch on a different page different cartoon figures resembling the students in their class and what they all looked like taking a test. A student sitting further up looked confident flying through the exam like it was all a game. Another student looked like they were working truly hard on the essay question. the expression is what took Adrian's attention and he sketched the small figurine with its tongue slightly peaking out from their lips, a furrowed brow and an hand grasping an awkward amount of hair on the side of their head. He fought back the urge to chuckle as every cartoon he drew looked more and more like his class room. When he drew Flutter's character he took extra time making sure she looked exactly like she did at this very moment... better than a photograph or memory in time.
When he'd walked in, Flutter had definitely looked at him, smiling easily as she had. Her brother and she had spent a while chatting on the walk to school, but nothing special had particularly happened since her talk with Adrain. However, she had found out about her brother of a local art supply store, and knew that Adrain was an artist- thus, she had made sure to keep the address and directions in mind, figuring she'd tell him about it later, since she didn't know how much of town he'd seen himself. She was smiling mostly due to that- the idea of being helpful to him, and of him being there, were both strangely enthralling and calming to her.

She had studied for their test, but history by far was not her strong point. She stared at her test as if it was in another language from an unknown planet, eyes glazed over with confusion. Nothing in her mind clicked, and it had been difficult enough just to study without passing out at her desk. Some questions she smiled at, because she actually knew the answer- those were ones that were based on war tactics that she could intake as logical. Other questions, such as what caused the war, were more diverse and difficult to answer. The essay was especially awkward, as she had trouble putting her ideas into words, and finding a logical answer to it that fit her thought processes. However, she did finish it. Once she had, she moved to the front, handing it in before turning to her seat.

When class did end, she was woken by the bell- she'd fallen asleep waiting, since she had to keep quiet and was rather bored- though before that, she'd been watching Adrian sketch and doodle. When she woke, she wiped off her desk lightly with her sleeve and stood, then turned towards Adrian's desk with a questioning glance. "Have you been to the art store on 5th street? My brother told me about it last night. I thought you might find it interesting." She smiled a bit, gently, adding, "I got him to tell me where it was and how to get there, if you want to go at some point."
Adrian looked up at her and smiled nodding gently. "I haven't but would love to go. I'm in need of some supplies soon." He was especially excited that she had taken the time to ask her brother about something that was of interest to him. It was a sweet gesture. "Whenever works best for you we can go. If you want your brother or my siblings to come that's all right too. whatever works best." he said with a smile even though deep down he hoped he didn't have to invite his siblings. Not that he wanted to exclude them from a trip out into the town but because he felt he could be at ease around Flutter more when they weren't dissecting every word and movement.

During lunch Aidehn was nowhere to be found. Abbigail sat eating but looking around resembling a meerkat on the look out. Adrian took bites of his leftovers and showed Sayaku and Flutter his doodles from earlier in the day of his history class. He had even drawn himself drawing. It was bulbous characters with exaggerated eyes but they were relatable and adorable. "This is what history was like first period." he mused pointing to his character and then to Flutter's. "I think I captured everyone on their take of a substantial exam first thing in the morning." he smiled placing the pad down so they could see them better. He pointed to the teacher and how he had drawn him with a loudspeaker since he believed the teacher was overly loud when lecturing to the class.

Aidehn walked into the english class looking nervous and jittery. Abbigail worried instantly she had seen that face before. What did you do? she asked her brother curtly. I think we need to get home as humanly possible after class you're going to have to skip swim practice and you're going to have to forget plans with Flutter if you have any. Adrian was now also worrying from his tone. What happened? they both asked Aidehn. "Aidehn Quill to the principle's office. Aidehn Quill please proceed to the principle's office." The entire school heard over the loudspeaker. Abbigail felt faint of breath as she watched her guilty looking brother walk towards where he was being summoned. I used. They heard him say before he went into the office. Abbigail looked over at Adrian who looked angry all of the sudden.

"It has come to my attention that you were in the library during your lunch period?" The principle towered over Aidehn who sat staring down at his shoes. "Care to explain what happened with the computer that another student Daniel was using?" "I don't know what you're asking sir, I sat down a few chairs away from Daniel and his computer went on the fritz you're not insinuating I had something to do with the meltdown do you?" The principle fixed his glasses on his nose and glared down at the young man. "This isn't a game son, Daniel says you were making snide remarks and then did something to the computer." "Are you going to believe Daniel, the guy who goes around sexually harassing students?" The principle sat down at his desk letting out a long sigh. "Mr. Quill he's told me one side of the story and yours isn't even a story just a one liner about how the first time since this school was opened, a computer fries at the hands of a student you have had issues with in regards to your sister." "Again, are you implying that I somehow fried the computer without touching it... it sounds a bit dodgy don't you think?" The principle inhaled slowly and exhaled as if trying to push his anger away. "Stay clear of Daniel and he's been told the same. He is not to come into contact with you or your siblings. As for this computer a full investigation is going to occur." Aidehn smiled and nodded, "I look forward to it sir." He pointed at the door and Aidehn left the fear of what could happen now weight heavily in his chest. He had to tell his siblings, he had to tell his dad.
Flutter had been relieved when he showed an interest- it was curious to her what sort of things were at an art store, and she wanted to go with someone who knew about it. Plus, if he'd find use from it, it would be an extra relief in her mind. "Today if you want? Or we can go tomorrow. I can't go two days from now from a doctor's appointment, but if we go today or tomorrow it should be okay for me...But I think you might want to talk to your parents first, right? Uncle doesn't mind me going out as long as I call him first." She smiled a bit, though somewhat timid. "Ah, I don't really want my brother going. He'd just tease me for silly things. He already promised not to bother me about it." She giggled, adding, "And I'll leave Abbigail and Aidehn up to you. But I'm fine with just the two of us. It'll be easier in a way, won't it? Groups are fun and all, but it's often hard to shop in them."

Lunch had been uncomfortable in a way. Aidehn's not showing up and Abbigail's worry had been especially of concern to Sayaku, but he did try to interact with Adrain and his sister at the same time. He noticed the picture of his sister especially, mocking shock. "She was awake during the test? She fell asleep during five minutes of studying." She pouted in response to his words, but he laughed, then stopped soon afterward to watch Abbigail. Flutter however stayed mostly focused on Adrian afterwards, finding his depiction of their teacher entertaining.

"He really is loud, isn't he? I think I get this one well. He's always yelling it seems like. He reminds me of Saya's drums."

The duo had a different class that period, but became concerned when they heard the loud speaker. What had happened? Why was Aidehn in trouble? They weren't sure, but it worried them, so they ended up rushing to look for their friends after classes to make sure that he was alright. Had he gotten into a fight? It was troublesome to their minds.
Abbigail and Adrian waited anxiously at their brother's locker. As soon as he turned the corner Abbie handed him his book bag and Adrian pushed his shoulder to turn him in the direction leading out of the school. Adrian seemed especially annoyed with the situation and Aidehn could sense it. As they were trying to leave Daniel was near the entrance gate. "Whatever you did in the library isn't going to scare me freak show." Abbie held her brother's shoulder feeling him tense. Let's go before you make a bigger scene. She warned him. Adrian looked back and saw Sayaku and Flutter walk towards their lockers and then look at them from back in the hallway. He owed them an explanation right? He mumbled an excuse to his siblings and walked towards the duo. They both had a look of concern on their faces. "Flutter, tomorrow hopefully will be better, Aidehn got into some trouble in the library with Daniel and it seems like it's about to happen again. We have to make it home quickly. I'll... I'll call you tonight." He said a faint smile on his face trying to assure her that everything was allright. He waved a goodbye and ran to catch up with his siblings who had begun their trek home.

As soon as they were out of earshot from anyone else Abbigail crossed her arms against her chest. "Well? Spill it. What the hell did you do this time?" Aidehn hung his head knowing he had overreacted. "Abbie he was sitting there taunting me talking a load of crap and when he was posting shit about you I just lost it." She blinked her eyes in anger. "What does it matter whatever he posts on wherever he wants to We all know it's not true." "It doesn't matter, I didn't want him to keep starting shit up with you when you haven't done anything." "So you thought it was best to take it into your own hands and do what exactly?" "I fried his computer... shot sparks and everything. He was screaming like a girl." "You feel better now?" He shook his head acknowledging the obvious. "You've dropped the ball yet again. Damnit Aidehn!" She grumbled angrily. Adrian had kept silent the entire walk home because he didn't want to get into a full out argument with his brother in the middle of a road where things could get very visual quick.

As soon as the triplets arrived home their father opened the front door before they had a chance to the look of disappointment heavy in his brow. "My office, now." They filed into his large office and each took a seat. Aidehn out of the three looked guilty and Sebastian knew at once that what had happened had to do with him. "I want you to explain in fine detail what happened, what you did and why on earth you thought it was a grand idea." Aidehn nodded and did as told explaining to his father the events that led up to his using his power to get back at Daniel. Sebastian paced back and forth and then turned his two computer screens so that his children could see. "You see that right there?" He pointed to a diagram of electrical readings for the town. "That little wave there, that little blip there is you. If I can see it, read it and know it isn't normal and that there has been no storm or damage to the transformers that power the schools you don't think that GOSH will know?" Aidehn sighed knowing how big his mess up was. "Go up to your rooms and start packing." "What!" Adrian and Abby both said simultaneously. "You heard me." Before they could argue some of their father's colleagues barged into the room with files and folders of data. "We aren't sure if they've noticed yet, we can try to change the data we need an okay and maybe it's best to send the kids on a trip of some sort just until it dies down." Sebastian looked at his children to exit his office and they did so without argument.

They made their way up to their rooms and Adrian refused to go into the room with Aidehn. He was too upset. Abbie locked herself in her room attempting to meditate her anger away. Instead on concentrating on chanelling her anger out and lowering her core temperature like she usually did when she was angry the room got hotter and hotter the heat rising. She opened her eyes focusing on the circle of flame around her. She made sure the flame touched nothing but kept it disciplined in a ring around her circling her as the anger coursed through her veins. Adrian stood in the back yard staring at the lilacs rustle in the breeze helping him to calm down and Aidehn laid in his bed his deep guilt nearly suffocating.
At home, Sayaku and Flutter seemed rather different than normal. Flutter normally spent her time not doing homework in her room, working with plants. Instead, she seemed uneasy, and was in the kitchen with some sort of cookbook. She was cutting ingredients carefully, reading an ingredient for some sort of home-made chocolate, which both Sayaku and their uncle knew the girl wouldn't be eating herself. Despite not being interested in eating it, however, the girl was working quite carefully at the stove. Her brother tapped her shoulder and offered to help.

"Why are you making chocolate all of the sudden? You hate chocolate." The boy mused. Flutter looked at her brother curiously while stirring some substance in the pot in front of her.

"Aidehn got in trouble, right? When someone gets in trouble, it causes distress in the family environment. I don't like chocolate, but I'll admit it has its advantages and chemical affects. It has caffeine, yes, but it also has calming agents. And dark chocolate has lots of antioxidants, which helps brain health." She spoke like an encyclopedia, but cooked like a kid who could barely reach the stove- awkwardly working, timidly making her decisions and paying close attention to the recipe book. "I know it's not really much, but I thought maybe it would be helpful to them in some way. Even if only a little, to help them would be..."

She trailed off, but Sayaku caught onto her point and let out a sigh. "Well, it's rare for you to invest yourself so much into people like this...So I won't complain. But when were you planning to give it to them?"

"Tomorrow?" Flutter mused. The boy shook his head.

"I knew you forgot, so I didn't bother to bring it up...But I'm going to be away for a couple days visiting Grandmother. Will you be okay alone? I was planning on dragging you with me this time..."

"It'd be uncomfortable to go in these circumstances," Flutter sighed as she spoke. The boy sighed as well, but realized something.

"After something troublesome, doing something relaxing is good, right? Maybe we should invite them." He noted. "It's in the country. Can't get more lax then that, right? You'd be more comfortable too, wouldn't you?"
Lars barged into his commanding officer's office with a single paper printed. "You're going to want to see this." He said with a smirk. Razen looked at him annoyed at the intrusion of his office but when the paper was placed before him he tightened his fist. "Where is this?" "We haven't pinpointed the town just yet but we know the state, In a little less than a couple hours we will have a direct spot." Lars said enthusiastically. Razen nodded him off, "Don't let me see you again unless you know for sure it's them and for sure which city, I want to know the maggot that caused that fluctuation." Lars nodded and scurried off like a rat on a mission.


Abbigail walked into her kitchen before supper time and found a note from her mother. -Dad and I are going to be busy, here's twenty call for pizza.- Abbigail sighed sitting on the counter. Cheese or supreme? She asked her brothers. Whatever They both answered simultaneously. She dialed the number and placed the order smiling meekly up at her brother, Adrian when he walked into the kitchen sitting on the stool at the counter. "What's up?" She asked him staring at his mellow looking features. "Nothing just keeping my distance from the one of us who can never control himself." She nodded feeling the same stress. "I don't think he had bad intentions, just bad decisions." "He's had bad decisions for the past five years Abbie, stop defending him." "I understand your frustration Adrian." "Really? Because for once I've fit in somewhere, I've made friends, I've gotten a crush for once in my life and here we are again on the verge of having to run off in the middle of the night because good old brother couldn't keep it to himself." She sighed feeling torn between wanting to stand up for her brother and sympathizing with her other brother. "I don't know, they said they could maybe fix it." "Yeah how many times has that been said?" "I don't know Adrian but lighten up because you're not the only dealing with this. It might help if you dropped the negativity and started trying to be an optimist for once, you might find it's a lot less boring." She said sharply and then handed him the phone noticing he had Flutter's scribbled number in his hand. "I'll be in the back yard just call when the pizza arrives." He nodded and looked after her as she slid out the back door and sat before her orchid.

He dialed the number nervously and held the receiver to his forehead for a second hearing the first two rings and then placing it onto his ear. He heard her voice on the other side of the phone and felt like he had no words. He contemplated hanging up for just one second but then shook his head. "Hey... Flutter. It's... Adrian." he chuckled at his idiotic response. "I figured I'd call and give you guys a bit of a notice. Mom and Dad are contemplating sending us away to some unknown place at the moment for at least the weekend for things to die down around here. Just thought I'd let you know I'm going to have to cancel the art shop trip until... further notice. I was looking forward to spending time with you and art stuff." he looked to the heavens thinking how unbelievably dumb he sounded. He waited quietly for her thoughts.

Alessandra sat waiting for the half dozen men in her husband's office at work to type codes into multiple computers. "We changed ledgers and information to show that on that day a power company associate was working on the transformer when it had a change in frequency due to improper techniques by that associate. We have a few associates who work for us who have been placed as being on site when it happened. The time stamp has also been changed for a moment when the kids would not have been anywhere near the area. We have concealed all proof of your living in this town and now we still believe it is best if you keep the kids away for the weekend or so until we make sure GOSH hasn't made a move." Sebastian massaged the bridge of his nose between his eyes where he had a tension headache resonating from his sinuses. "How will we know for sure if they've made a move?" "We have moles deep within GOSH as well as tactile surveillance teams. We will know if they make a move." Sebastian nodded. "Now to figure out where to send the kids." Alessandra blinked her eyes repeatedly fighting off the tears.

Aidehn looked out his window at his sister and a magnificently blooming ghost orchid. She looked sad and angry at the same time. He knew better then to push his sister further than her comfort zone. She used meditation as a way to keep herself from harming her brothers. Out of the three she had always been the most fair tempered one. Now she looked like she would probably use her own powers on her siblings. Adrian and Aidehn had butt heads many times before and had unleashed their powers on themselves but Abbigail had never and for the first time Aidehn was fearful that she would. She was very powerful. He knew that out of the three his powers were the most advanced, but he had also only had a glimpse of what his sister was capable of. She practiced in private usually. She looked up at his window from where she stood feeling that he had been looking at her. She looked disheartened and quickly turned when the doorbell sounded for the pizza.
((That's not actually how Razen would speak, but okay o.O xD At least, he wouldn't use the word maggot. But otherwise, good job at showing his insanity and harshness~))

The younger of the two siblings had decided to take it upon herself to invite their friends out of the country- she knew it was stupid, but somehow it seemed like a good idea. As Flutter noticed her phone, she was surprised to hear the voice on the other line. "Adrian. I was actually just about to call you...I had to put it off anyway. My brother didn't tell me we were going away for a while...I was planning on calling to see if you all wanted to come. We're visiting our grandparents." She laughed nervously- the timing was inevitable in a way, as if it was clearly meant to happen.

"Our grandparents live rather far away, however. In the country. I don't know if you'd find much interest in it, but...You might find it inspiring for art. Sayaku noted that going to a calming place far from the stress source can be helpful in stressful situations. Sort of like chocolate does. Which I was making until I called you. By the way, do you guys like chocolate? I made a lot for you guys without thinking to ask. It's sad I didn't think of it, since I hate chocolate myself." She laughed nervously- she wasn't exactly good with the phone. She'd actually wanted to walk to their house originally, but decided against it instead. She was sleepy, and walking there in her state was generally a bad idea.

From the other room, Sayaku yelled to start packing- something she hadn't decided on yet. "I've never been to our grandparent's house before...Well, I say grandparent's house, but our family lives like a commune besides us. My cousins and such live there too. I've never met them properly...So to be honest, this is mostly for my personal benefit, inviting you like this...I'm a little scared, since the only one I'll know is my brother, so it's sort of scary, you know? But then again, we're the only ones you'd know too...Maybe this was foolish of me? Sorry...I'm troubling you by rambling, too, aren't I?"
[[sorry, I probably shouldn't speak as him X3]]

Adrian laughed lightly. "No Flutter you're not troubling me at all. I'd rather listen to you talk anything than not talk to me at all." He scratched the back of his hair nervously remembering his father's warning that they were going to be sent away somewhere unknown yet. Like the gears working in his mind he put the plan together quickly. "We would love to. We needed someplace to go for a while so if the offer is still open, we would all like to go with you guys." Abbigail walked past him, took the money from his hand and went to the door, paying the delivery boy and placing the box on the counter top. She hopped up onto the counter sitting cross legged and opened the box taking a slice of steaming hot pizza out. Aidehn joined them in the kitchen seconds later grabbing a slice as well and sitting down at the table. "I don't like a lot of chocolate but my siblings do. With the amount of physical exertion they do they could eat willy wonka's factory and come out thinner. Thank you for thinking of us and making it for us even if you don't like it." Abbie scrunched her eyebrows in question at his conversation. "What time would you like us to be at your house to leave tomorrow?" He asked looking up at his siblings' glances.

He finished his conversation with Flutter saying his goodbye and hanging up the phone. "We'll be spending some time with Flutter and Sayaku out of town pretty far away in the country. Dad said we needed to get away for a while, she needs some support with meeting her entire family pretty much and would feel more comfortable if people she knew were there. If you guys are okay with it we're all invited." Abbigail smiled at how thoughtful Flutter and Sayaku were being by inviting them to a personal place. Aidehn nodded solemnly. "Oh snap out of it what's done is done, let's get packing." She said finishing her slice of pizza and heading up the stairway."Call dad and let him know." she said from the top of the stairs.

When Sebastian and Alessandra arrived at home the triplets had finished packing. they walked into Abbigail's room first and found her sound asleep for the next day. Alessandra kissed her forehead lightly and then they walked into the boys' room. "Welcome home." Adrian said softly from his bed. Sebastian sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. "So you'll be gone for a few days then, we'll be sure to keep in contact with you guys from separate phones. If you can't come back just leave a message with Sayaku and Flutter that we picked you up and keep heading west. We'll get back to you eventually. You guys have trained for this." Adrian nodded remembering the summers spent at the highly secure underground camps for supernatural humans. "Just keep moving and trust no one." The tired look on his father's face tugged at his chest. There was also fear mixed in with his expressions and when Adrian looked at his mother's shrunken frame he felt more upset than before. "Mom?" "Don't worry sweetheart I'll get over the shock of it happening all over again soon. I hate to be away from you three, you know that." She walked over and kissed his forehead. "I'm really sorry mom and dad. I never meant to cause all this." Alessandra hushed him as she sat on the edge of his bed and engulfed him in a motherly hug. "It's allright sweetie. We'll get through this like all the other times." She smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "Get some rest boys you have a long trek ahead of you." Sebastian said leading his wife out of the room and closing the door.
[[It's fine, just felt I should let you know~ So...I haven't thought far ahead on how they'll get to the country. But they'll get there somehow when Ryo tells me what he's doing o.O]]

"We have to leave before noon, so around ten at latest?" Flutter responded. "I'll take the chocolate with me so they can have it as a snack then. Thank you for joining us...Saya said that our family will be happy, too." She smiled as she spoke, finishing in the kitchen after they were done on the phone. Her brother had helped her pack mostly, and their uncle was setting up the car to take them to a specialized location. When the day ended and the kids were asleep, Ryo was on the phone late at night, waking up Sayaku. He entered while Ryo was on the phone, smiling.

"That was grandma, wasn't it? Was she okay with it?"

"Yes, you know your grandmother...She's got everyone working to get the compound in tip top shape." Ryo chuckled. "Your father may be a dunce, but his family is good. You and your friends will have a good time there, I'm sure. But will you be alright on the compound?"

"Yeah...And I'll stop by the farmland while we're there." Sayaku sat on a chair nearby, adding, "There are a lot of people in our family, so I hope they won't be intimidated. But...I think Flute has a point- this would be a good chance for them to relax." He looked upward, waiting for time to move. It wasn't long before he'd gone back to bed and was aided in waking his sister to leave- but they waited cautiously first for the triplets to come over for departure. "Don't forget, sis, we're seeing family. Treat them like it." He mused, standing outside the door while waiting for the arrival.
[[ ^^ it's all right, the best part of RP-ing for me is having the story grow as you're writing it spontaneously ]]

Aidehn couldn't sleep much that night. He laid in his bed remembering how foolish he had been once again. He truly hated being known as the one that messed up again causing their relocation. Adrian turned accepting the defeat of unattainable sleep. He huffed exhausted. "You neither?" He chuckled. "Nope." answering his brother. "I wonder how far we'll be going, what we'll be doing?" Adrian asked. Aidehn shrugged in the dark. "I'm wondering more about if GOSH is going to come looking and if we'll have to be on our own for the next couple of months out in the wild." Adrian nodded. "It's crazy to think that it's even a possibility." "I hope someday the resistance can defeat this whole madness and we can live among regular humans." Adrian pushed himself up on one elbow looking in the general direction of his brother. "Do you think that'll ever happen in our lifetime?" "No idea brother."

Abbigail dressed casually in jeans a white tank and a half way buttoned teal and purple plaid shirt. She buckled her boots and waited in the kitchen with her duffle bag waiting by the door. Her brothers joined her the groggy look of no sleep plastered on their faces. "Well good morning you two." She said handing them each a glass of orange juice. "You're not wearing sweats are you?" Aidehn looked down at his choice of pants and then back at her questioningly. "Why not?" "Well for one, you're going to over heat and let's say by some chance we have to go off on our own today while out there in the country, sweats is not the best idea." Aidehn sighed and turned to walk back up to his room to change. Adrian smiled also wearing jeans and a simple white tee. Alessandra handed her children each a cell phone and a small rectangular tin container. Within each container was a few cards, identification and a list of safe houses for supernatural humans that had been kept covert. Abbie looked up at her mother. "The pins is your birthdate, each of you has three different accounts with enough money to keep you well for quite a while." She smiled weakly at her children. "Just like last time, we'll see you soon okay. Get going the kids will be waiting for you." She kissed them each and hugged them tight watching them climb into the suv with their father. She shut the door but not before the trio saw the tears begin to fall.

Sebastian drove them to their friends' house and helped them load their bags into Ryo's truck. "Thanks again for taking the kids with you, it'll be a great experience for them." he smiled. He turned to his children who looked up at him admiringly. He hugged them all in one large group hug. "You three are the closest people I have ever met. I know that in the event of something wrong you will put your emotions and differences aside and aid each other in keeping you all safe. We've raised you guys knowing that each day is a gift especially those we get to spend together and to never take them for granted. We will see each other real soon. Don't call us, we'll call you okay?" They all nodded and hugged him tight once again. He clambered into his car and waved as he took off back towards home. The triplets stared after the SUV wondering if all would be well like their parents kept promising.
Ryo smiled easily as he was helping with the luggage, looking to Sebastian easily. "It's my pleasure. I've already mentioned it to the relatives, and they're rather thrilled. We have a very family-oriented family, and my brother in law's is generally the same. They're looking forward to meeting the kids- and I know Flutter's a lot more comfortable with friends, since she's new to the place too." He watched as the group got ready to go, the father hugging them all and giving them a good pep talk. He wanted to chuckle, remembering how his parents had often done that with himself and his sister. After it was time to go, he was in the front seat of the car, and waited for the kids to get into the truck themselves. Sayaku took a look at his friends.

"Flute should sit in the middle row because she get's car sick. The middle of this truck gets the least friction...So all we need to decide is who gets shotgun- though the back row has enough room for three, so we can all just sit generally in the back, if you want."

"Big brother, uncle knows the area of the compound well?"

"He used to come a lot to visit, so yeah." Sayaku noted. He looked to his friends and waited as they got prepared to choose seating. When the car began moving once everyone was in, he spoke incessantly. "Just so you know, our family speaks a mix of Norwegian and English at home- but everyone's aware of you, so they'll try to stick to English when you're there. It's a big compound with a good number of people, so you won't have to worry about being lonely. Everyone's nice too...Ah, and be aware, you might get confused that some of our relatives are related. You can see my sister and I don't look very similar, but we look more similar in ways than our cousins who are twins."
Ryo and Sayaku where in the front while Adrian sat beside Flutter in the second row. Aidehn had stretched out on the last row and fallen asleep with his head on his sister's lap. Abbigail listened as Sayaku explained a bit about his family. "That's really interesting, us three look identical and a good mix of both our parents. We've never met any of our cousins or other family." She said feeling a bit saddened at the fact. Her family had shunned her mother and father when her and her siblings had begun showing their abilities at the age of three.

"Norwegian really?" Adrian asked paying attention as well. "Do you guys know the language?" He asked looking over at Flutter who looked not a bit relaxed as she sat in the center of the second row of seats. "Are you all right?" He asked touching her shoulder lightly. Abbigail smiled and looked through her ipod for something to listen to on the way there. She looked down at her brother who was passed out in her lap. I'm glad I could be pillow for you brother she said sarcasticaly placing an ear piece in one of her ears leaving the other open to listen to Sayaku and Adrian.
"I speak somewhat fluently, but my sister's Norwegian isn't all that good," Sayaku replied. "Our family is originally from Norway. I even grew up there. Sis grew up in this area, because the medical facilities were much better than in our small village. She doesn't really remember Norway at all, or our family. Though our family does remember her...That's just sort of our family-complex thing." He laughed a bit, turning to his uncle. "And it helps that Uncle Ryo keeps in touch with our dad's sister. Right?"

"Yes. Farlana is a lovely woman, after all. She really loves you kids, too. She could talk forever about the family." He laughed, thinking that she actually did, basically.

"I'm fine," Flutter chimed in, stuttering very slightly due to the surprise of a hand on her shoulder. Her face turned a light pink as she turned to look at Adrian, smiling a bit. "I suppose I'm still a bit anxious."

"As I said, she doesn't remember most of our family. It's like going to one of those parties people go to- mixers? She won't know anyone besides those of us in the car. She's in the same boat as you guys... She just doesn't take it as well."

The trip was fairly long, and it took until nightfall for them to reach a large brick and iron gate. Inside of the gate was what looked like a number of buildings, and Ryo stopped the car to press an intercom on the gate. Sayaku, seeing that they were there, turned to the rest of the group, curious if anyone else had fallen asleep, or if Aidehn had woken up. "We're here. The compound. Well, it's more like a gated community for our family, but...You get it, right?"
Abbigail smiled at Sayaku stretching and nodded her eyes just having opened. Aidehn sat bright eyed and bushy tailed as he had slept most of the ride there. "Motion makes me sleepy, sorry." he said with a cheesy grin. Adrian on the other hand had stayed up the entire trip mostly talking with Flutter about different things from school and art to funny stories of things they remembered when they were kids. He noticed her eyes slightly dart nervously as the gate began to open. He softly squeezed her hand in his and smiled at her. "We're all here for you." he said in assurance.

The truck pulled forward into the compound. The triplets all looked out the windows at the variety of buildings. It did look like a gated community and they found it fascinating that everyone within it was family. "One way to keep a family close." Aidehn smiled wishing like Abbigail that their families had kept close. Ryo parked in front of a building and got out of the car, the front door opening to reveal a woman. That must be Farlana Adrian thought as Abbie nodded having remembered them talking about her.

Sayaku also exited the vehicle opening the side doors so that the others could escape the close confines of the rows of seating. Abbie stretched her legs out feeling the exhaustion in her muscles. Aidehn stood beside her as they waited to meet some of the family members of their friends. Adrian helped Flutter out of the truck and stood beside her smiling when she thanked him.