The Path of Promise

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His eyes were piercing and it almost felt like his fingers had begun digging into the depths of her mind. As if he was pulling the memories and re-watching them over and over again. Lilith kept shaking as the cool smile still flashed across his face and he slowly was bringing her up to the carriage. Her legs moved on their own and each step was getting closer and closer to the Elder. Such was the strength of one of the rulers in the demon realm and unfortunately, even Lilith, had no control over it.

She heard a familiar voice call for her, dizzy, she turned her eyes toward the voice and saw Cadas. The Elder dropped her hand and began to talk to Cadas, obvious that he was annoyed by him suddenly appearing but yet amused by the entire situation. Lilith felt her body was heavy and weary, even after her rest. The entrancement was something not to be taking lightly, she could feel her consciousness slip up any moment. She wanted to be angry, but she couldn't feel anything. Nothing.

Hearing the Elder's request, she felt her lips move and her voice forcing itself to say to Cadas, "Leave. The Elder and I are going to have a discussion. Your presence is not necessary." Lilith was in shock that she said what she said. "No! Cadas! Don't! Damn you!" Her eyes glowed red and then faded to grey as she felt the magic overtaking her now that she began to resist. As she tried to fight against him, she heard Athras laugh, gleefully and reached over and brought Lilith into his arms.

"Enough of this!" He said, a flick of power usurping in his voice as it deepens. He held Lilith close to him and looked over to Cadas, his eyes still shimmering in deep blue. "Just for a moment, human." A smile went across his face once again and both he and Lilith disappeared within the confines of the carriage, the door following closed shut.

It was pitch black in the carriage and Lilith had fell on the floor pretty hard. She sat up and rubbed her shoulders as she looked around at the surrounding darkness. She took in a breath and was happy she could freely think and move by her own will. She heard a clap of hands and the carriage lit up instantly. With one leg crossed over, Athras was leaning back on the red leather seats while smoking on a small pipe. He stared down at Lilith and motioned to the seat across from him, a sign telling her to take it. She frowned but did as she was suppose to without question.

Quietly, they stared at one another, his puffs of smoke wrapping around the two of them as seconds ticked by. Lilith was irritated by the entire situation but she knew better to rage at an Elder. She knew how little they cared for her life despite that they brought her into this world. She also understood the seriousness that surrounded all of this and the privacy of this conversation. That Path after all was weakening and now would be the perfect time in the Elder's best interest to take advantage of it.

"Lilith," Athras said to her finally as his eyes glanced up and down at her. "You've grown to be quite human." She grit her teeth at the statement and clenched her fists. She felt her emotions boiling but she could only look down and say nothing. He smirked at her, watching her odd movements and finding them to be strange especially from someone who was so ready to kill anything and anyone without question. Then again, her appearance and beliefs changed ever since that damned Silvius destroyed what Athras thought the most beautiful and breathtaking killing machine. The Elder was highly disappointed by how much she has changed. Even now, with that mans' brother at her side, it seemed she was changing even more and faster than usual. He definitely didn't like this.

"What of it?" Athras' eyes widened, astonished when he heard her speak in such an informal way. He watched her warily as he saw her straighten up and felt the wave of power that began to wrap around her. Lilith looked up straight into his eyes, her eyes blazing in red. She didn't know what she was doing, she didn't know what this power was from, where this will to fight against someone more powerful than her, and she had no idea why she was even daring to speak to him like this. Though, she did know this, she was done with being thrown around. By demons, the Order, the humans, and especially from the Elders who had abandoned her when she became bound.

Her voice became clearer and stern as she continued to talk. "It doesn't matter if I am human, spirit, or demon. I am myself and I damn well will not let you speak down to me as if I have disappointed you in anyway. All the things I have done, have never been for your benefit. Athras." She felt a shiver as he glared at her, she knew that the use of his first name without the title was rude and dishonorable yet Lilith couldn't help but feel excitement rush through her blood. The idea of the Elder reacting in such a way was thrilling.

Surprisingly after, he smiled. Lilith kept her posture, not letting him catch her off guard by his reaction. "Very well then Lilith." He said to her his eyes flickering in amusement, "I only ask that you keep your pet human close to you then. He's the only thing keeping you alive and the Order finds it interesting that this has happened to you again." Lilith didn't like the sound of that. Cadas was the only thing keeping her alive? "Then the reason for the Elder being here... No!" Her eyes went wide at the realization and she gaped at the Elder, whose smile just kept getting wider and wider. "Yes Lilith. Demon contract. The oldest tool used to bound human and demon together. You must enact one with Cadas. If you do not, then you must understand what that means?"

Lilith looked away and nodded. She completely understood. "A demon contract is only necessary by the Elders to keep them from killing a demon of great power and now that I'm the only living demon with the Ancients blood.. I'm a threat to the Order. Keeping a contract with a human will keep the Order from killing me, despite if I go against their rules. But even so.. I must protect Cadas with my life if this contract is created. I can't very well leave him!" Which meant, if she were to refuse a request from the Elder, she would be an enemy to them and she wouldn't only be hunted by her own kind, but by her own creators. Her soul would be ripped out of her body and she would be thrown into never ending streams of torture.

Athras reached over and opened the carriage door, Lilith squinted from the sudden light and felt a hand press against her back. He whispered to her, "You know what you must do. I can't lose my prodigy now." She scowled at what he said and climbed out, trying to escape his presence. She turned to look back and the door shut once again. The horseman rose the reigns and slapped them hard on the horses, who neighed in response and began to quickly move away. Lilith watched the carriage in silence, she felt nauseous and soon, she turned away from it and threw up.
Cadas' patience was reaching it's limit with this man. He was rude, arrogant, well-off, and treated Cadas like he was a pet. Cadas however angry he was, was not stupid enough to actually point any of this out. From what he could tell the man was certainly not human, being a spirit was most likely out of the question, and that only left demon. Generally humans don't refer to themselves as humans unless talking with a different species or referring to themselves as a whole. Spirits were self-explanatory, the man seemed nowhere near dead or had the appearance of a spirit. With that dealt with there was only one option left; a demon. This thought scared him for many reasons.

Cadas did not have a good history with demons so far, the only positive one being Lilith and even that had its limits to it. The first demon he had encountered had tried to eat him after all. Lilith being the second one was a better option but she still threatened his life, is possibly insane, but as much he hated to admit it, fun to be around. "I think i may be losing my mind from being around her so much." he thought to himself as he realized what had just gone through his head. The rest was just from rumors, tall tales, and other unreliable resources. Being from the country area it was likely that most things he heard were made up but he still didn't like all the negative things he was hearing. There was always some truth to stories whether people knew it or not.

Cadas, although still disliking to do so, restrained both his tongue and his blade. As much as he wanted to think that this man was weak he could not allow himself to do so. Appearances can be deceiving and Lilith was an example of that. She had at least the power of more or equal to ten men behind her, though this is mostly a somewhat guessed number. The fact she also respected this man also made him want to be more careful. In his mind Lilith would only be respectful to someone this much if they were either stronger than her or hold more power over the demons than her, either that or both. Each idea did not help him feel any better about the situation.

Something surprising however happened though, Lilith actually did as she was told for once. She told Cadas to leave the two be to have a discussion about something he was not aware of. He would have given up if it seemed like something normal, this however was not the case. He expected something more...he couldn't really put it right. It just didn't seem like something she would do. Generally she would have said it with a bit more attitude, mocking, or a more sincere way. This however just felt like she was complying to his orders. The manner of her speech also seemed a tad odd.

Cadas was about to voice his protests against the matter but was interrupted by the man whose name he still had yet to know. He than began hold her in his arms, a move that manage to annoy Cadas even further, almost as if she was a trophy that he had gotten from winning against him. He then looked at Cadas one final time with his blue eyes and smile that looked innocent and disappeared inside the carriage. Any idiot would be able to tell this was just to further provoke him and that he should just ignore it, Cadas however against his normal reasoning was bothered by this.

The thought of breaking open the door crossed Cadas' mind but he decided against it, he wasn't that suicidal. He settled for trying to listen in on their conversation. This however ended up failing. The man had done something, Cadas didn't know what, to block out his ability to hear anything from the inside. The dark windows killed off any sight also. His mind instantly went to magic but it wasn't always the best to assume things, that and if it was; he had no idea of any specifics. The horseman gave him some bored looks but he was too curious at the moment to care about his pride.

Luckily the carriage did actually leave anywhere with Lilith inside. It would have however made things more interesting while Cadas was waiting for them to finish up with whatever they were discussing. The whole time he was either, groaning in annoyance, standing in wait, pacing impatiently, or either of the two mixed with the groaning. He now had many questions for Lilith as to what in the world was going on, all obvious though. Eventually however the silence was broken by the opening of the carriage door. A few words were said though he could not pick up what the two were actually saying.

With their conversation over with the man soon rode off into the distance, Lilith watching as he went. Much to Cadas' surprise however she began throwing up. Surprise went to disgust and than finally to confusion. The stupid although reasonable question was how in the world was she throwing up. He had assumed Lilith didn't eat until she ate the loaf of bread he had given her the day before. Now she was spewing out more than a loaf worth however. The smell itself however made him want to join her. He waited for a bit to make sure she was done until beginning.

"So, do you want to talk about the asshole or why you're throwing up first?" Cadas questioned. Both options seemed like he wouldn't like the answers to but he knew there was no avoiding it now. He felt safe enough now that the man was far away but he still tensed up when he called him a less than flattering name. The two questions were obviously linked though, seeing as the man had come all the way here to talk with about it. The question of how in the world he found out where the two crossed his mind but decided to let one question be answered at a time. Any more and he would be threatened or seriously injured by the end.
Lilith panted heavily while she was arched over and her hands on her bent knees. She took slow deep breaths and ignored Cadas' question. It was embarrassing for her to let him see her in such an humiliating way but the idea of performing a demon contract with him, made her want to vomit even more if she had anything left in her stomach. Feeling the nauseousness subside, she stood back up and wiped her mouth with the cloak. Her fists were clenched and her face was torn of disgust but a hint of sadness. She turned toward Cadas. She shot him a glare, one with furious rage as if she was ready to slit his throat at any second and almost as if she was blaming him for everything that had happened. Then, as if she realized what she did, her face reddened and she looked down at the ground as she pondered deeply.

After a moment of silence, she sighed, obviously annoyed. She answered Cadas though as her eyes wondered away from his eyes. "That was the Elder Athras from Zar, one of the major cities of the demon realm. He's mostly known for his magic abilities, considering the city he rules over is of all demons who use magic themselves, it's no surprise he is brilliant when it comes to it." She paused and shivered from the cold rain. Lilith turned away from Cadas and brought the hood over her head once again. "We were only having a discussion of my circumstance is all. Don't worry yourself."

She glanced in the corner of her eye to Cadas, hopefully the lie wasn't too obvious and her avoidance would make him stop questioning. Lilith didn't feel like going into the entire hierarchy of the four Elders who ruled over the cities in the demon realm. The inconvenience of meeting with him was enough for the day and she was frustrated. Having Cadas ask all these questions about the demons history and who the rulers were; it was best a subject to be discussed about when they had time. Now, all she wanted was get to Brimstone quick.

Lilith shifted her feet like a nervous child and quietly she spoke, "Let's.. just drop it for now. You're ready to leave right?"
Cadas watched as Lilith finished throwing up, reasons still unclear. Eventually she turned around, however when she did Cadas was only met with a glare. "What the hell did i do?!" he questioned silently, unaware of why he was being glared at. It was an simple question, he didn't know who the man was or why she was throwing up. He was sorry he felt any concern for her. He didn't even know why he had woken up to check on her anymore. Here Cadas was hoping to get along with the day before and shes still as rude and antisocial as ever. He however got over it soon enough after reminding himself this was how she is. It was obvious that an annoyed look was on his face and that would not help the situation. After sighing he tried to calm himself down but only barely succeeded. Soon enough however Lilith looked down, her face growing red. She then looked to the ground in what was possibly embarrassment, or at least what Cadas believed was embarrassment. This only served to confuse Cadas even further.

Lilith was a strange person but this was strange even for her. After staying silent for a moment though, she finally answered. Apparently this man was some sort of "Elder" demon who was quite powerful considering he controlled a major city of the demon realm. This being even more impressive considering the fact he ruled over magic using demons. "Good thing i didn't piss him off then." he thought to himself, not wanting to imagine the consequences if he had. He wanted to believe it was only from the rain but he couldn't convince himself that it was just that. That fact made him even more relieved and scared of the man. "Uhuh, a discussion i can't hear and you have no interest in telling me about." he thought to himself, not believing it was just "nothing" that such a powerful demon had come all the way for.

Cadas didn't believe the lie for a moment. If Lilith was bad at anything, it was lying. She completely gave herself away by the way she worded it and her body language. There was obviously much more to the story than he had told her but didn't want to talk about. He wanted to question her on it further but she had no intention of asking obviously. He let out a sigh before giving in. If he just kept bugging her about it she would either kill him or never tell him, unless she got annoyed to the point that she finally told him. This however was dangerous and unlikely.

"Fine." Cadas agreed "You'll have to tell me about it later though." he continued giving his condition. If he let Lilith get away with whatever she wanted he would never get anywhere, this therefore was the only answer. "I'm ready to leave whenever you are." He replied. "Are you going to be okay once we get to Brimstone? You did kinda have a problem here." He questioned her, not knowing how she would handle Brimstone.
Lilith eyed Cadas warily and stood in silence for a moment. She finally answered as she began to walk away from him haughtily, "Brimstone isn't going to be a problem for me as long as we evade certain areas." She bundled herself more into the cloak as the rain began to slowly pour down on them. "Unless, someone recognizes me. Then I can't guarantee if we'll be able to get out of that city without trouble." She smirked and looked behind her with a small smile starting to creep on her face. "Which would be great in my case, I can save your life and be done with you." She turned her head back forward as she glanced at the long path before her. A laugh escaped from her mouth but it felt empty and hollow for her.

Considering the turn of events, it seemed now impossible for Lilith to be done with this companionship. The Elders were literally forcing them to stay with one another until one end of the contract was finished. She frowned and wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, "Why me?!" but that type of reaction will only arise more questions from Cadas. She didn't know if he would refuse enacting a contract with her but that idea was less than likely. Cadas after all wanted to bring back his brother from the dead, an impossible feat despite how much power she had even for her but she would be helpful along the way against any enemies he had or came across. Then there was the thought of him agreeing to it which made her even more sick to the stomach. The idea of being bound to another living being and unable to do as she pleased, was terrifying.

Lilith sighed shakily, she had always been alone and never depended on another person. She hated the world and everyone in it, she just wanted to go on scaring the world into her hands and destroying every piece of it as she could. With the Elders and the Order breathing down her neck, she should have known such a dream was beyond her reach. Her brows furrowed in frustration, she couldn't understand anything anymore and the irritation of living her life like this wasn't exactly helping her at all either.

She slowed her steps, for she found that she was starting to get too far ahead. She saw that she was at Cadas' side once again and slyly stole a glance at him. Before she knew it, she found herself speaking to him. "Your brother, Silvius. Never questioned me about things and always let me go on my merry way. He never had the notion to stop me in any decision." She bit her lip a bit and couldn't see why she was telling Cadas any of this. What use would he make of this information to save his brother? She continued talking, "He seemed like that all the time. Never giving a clear thought about what he wanted to do and he was so passive. When it came to his emotions however, when he wanted to say something that concerned how he felt toward me, it took him a while to speak up but nevertheless, he spoke about how he felt. I didn't realize he was selfish in that sense, from the way I perceived him, but grateful at the same time. He didn't want to bother me with his opinions or his problems but when it came to the both of us, our bond.." She paused and saw that she was rambling about the past. Lilith shook her head and scowled. She needed to be more clear about what she was trying to say and she knew very well she couldn't leave it at that. Cadas would begin bombarding her with inquiries.

The rain was falling harder on them now that it became almost unclear to see anything before them except the small muddy path. Lilith felt dry underneath her cloak but her feet unfortunately were getting soaked even through her soles. She stopped in her tracks and looked at Cadas for a moment. He was probably soaking wet from the rain especially now, since he had nothing to protect him from it. She sighed as her eyes began to feel heavy and the droplets of rain landed on them, making it seem that she was crying. Though, she did feel very saddened when she had talked about Silvius. She glanced down and quietly said, "What is the reason for why you want to bring back Silvius? The dead are dead. Even if you were to bring him back, what then? Go on living a happy life with your brother knowing he's alive?" She paused, letting her words sink in. She grit her teeth, there was no point in holding back now as much as her pride and her emotions fought against her. She had been running away for far too long.

Her eyes stared into Cadas' own, full of pure emotion she had repressed for two years and Lilith continued her gaze as she spoke, even with her eyes starting to water from the feelings inside. "I loved your brother Cadas until the day that he died. I felt like he had betrayed me. The reason why.." Her voice almost cracked but she paused to gather her will to continue. "The reason why I've had this hatred built up for so long, this despair, was because he could've called for me Cadas." She felt her face starting to become warm even with the freezing rain that hit her face. She held back a sob and covered her face with her hand. "What am I doing?" She thought to herself. She wanted to stop but she just kept talking and talking. "I could have saved him but he didn't call me. He knew I could have saved him but I didn't hear my name. He didn't yell for me but he just kept fighting and fighting knowing his death was inevitable unless I had rushed to his side to save him. But he.." Tears streamed on Lilith's face and she yelled in the back of her head, to the thoughts that were screaming back "Stop it! This isn't you!" and her response, "Enough! I'm tired of running!"

With a shuttering breath she brought her arm down and her eyes now flashing in red back to grey she felt her lips move with a will of their own. "Why do you want to bring back your brother Cadas? So you won't feel empty anymore? So you can stop mourning for him like I have been for these past two years?" She gazed at him questioningly but her eyes full of hurt as if Cadas had hurt her for just having that dream. "Silvius is dead and gone. In my eyes, he will always remain dead. He will be nothing to me because that love is now lying in the ground along with your brother." She pulled the cloak closer over her head as she glanced back down and began to walk away from Cadas not before quietly saying. "I hope one day you will realize that the dead are meant to be dead."
After being looked at as if Lilith didn't trust him for some reason, She started walking off in the other direction as proud as ever, as if nothing had ever happened the moment before. Cadas had mixed feelings about this. He was relieved he didn't have to hear any bad news about the demon elder but at the same time it made him nervous, the way Lilith was trying to avoid even the thought meant that he would not like it. "Ignorance is bliss." he told himself, although he didn't believe the saying at that moment. He simply nodded in agreement with what she said, even if he had not agreed with the thoughts at all. He was tired already, the weather didn't help much. He was getting incredibly wet already and there didn't seem to be any signs of the rain stopping any time soon. Mother nature certainly had a sense of humor to have these tears continue to fall to the sky in the depressing atmosphere.

Cadas' pace was slow. He cared not for if Lilith would get ahead of his as usual. He had no energy from everything that had happened. The departure of the demon elder had taken it all with him it seemed. All he could do was silently will his body to move while not actually wanting it to. The proud demon woman soon slowed down to meet his pace soon enough though. This was indeed a surprise but he did not mention so. Any form of conversation seemed to be off limits at the moment and he didn't feel like angering Lilith too much at the moment, his questions would simply be ignored then. All he did was give a glance in direction, his only giving away his surprise but only barely. She then began to talk abuot Silvius, a subject he had never actually expected her to talk about except for in vague remarks.

As Cadas listened, he couldn't help but think that this pained her to talk about. Maybe she had never talked about it to someone else before, he doubted that she had done so but the world is filled with surprises. When she spoke of how things had been between them, he could easily imagine it. The scene of his brother together would have warmed almost any person's heart. "Almost" was the key word however. What he heard was the all too familiar voice of someone talking about a loved one they had lost. This voice was filled with anger, sadness, bitterness, love, regret, and hollowness. These were the elements he heard whenever somebody spoke of a lost one. It may be different, maybe the same, maybe even more. They all had one thing in common however. This was the voice, the face, the emotion that one should show during those types of times. Everyone had different ways of dealing with their emotions. One way Cadas didn't agree with was acting as if it never happened. This was how everyone he knew dealt with the pain, acting as if it had never happened, ignoring the fact someone had died, acting as if they had never existed.

It seemed that Lilith was the same also, hiding away her emotions until now. Like the bursting of a dam, Lilith's emotions flooded out towards Cadas. Her voice was cracking, probably close to or already crying. All he could do was listen to the depressing tale of his brothers death. He thought after the time of knowing his brother's death it wouldn't affect him that much, he was proven incorrect however by the pain in his heart and the heat in his eyes. He only allowed himself the luxury of one tear however. His pride was still well and active and it would not allow him any more than that in front of Lilith. The thought that his brother confused him but also made sense. He knew that Silvius would not allow himself to be killed like that without a reason. The only question that remained after knowing that was, what in the world was his reason.

Even when growing up with him, Cadas never knew quite what Silvius was thinking. Most of the time these things were obvious but other times it was extremely vague. Silvius' mind was complex yet simple at the same time. You can always assume how he will react in certain situations in the moment they happen but anything past that would be a mystery. Maybe it was for pride, maybe it was because he couldn't, these however were the two most likely reasons. In any other situation he would have laughed at the fact that he knew so little about Silvius even with the time they had spent together as children.

With the shuttering breath and the lowering of her arm Cadas thought that Lilith had finally calmed down. He was right in some respect but she wasn't done however. For once she finally questioned him as to why he was going to save his brother. She was right in some respects about his reason but she had also missed some. The thought that those might be the reasons obviously pained her, the emotions showing on her face for once, melting back the cold face he was used to. Silvius may be dead and Lilith may no longer hold any feelings towards him but he was all too alive to Cadas. She finally made a quiet remark about that the dead stay dead, which probably wasn't meant to be heard. He had to agree with idea of hers also, although only with a part of it.

"Corpses are all around us Lilith, They are walking, talking, and they do not have rotting flesh nor bones showing. We are surrounded by them, many people that are alive are dead to others, this however differs from person to person." Cadas said, meaning many beings that were intelligent enough to feel emotions such as that while following her. "He may be dead to you and to many people i know, but hes still alive to me. Some people weren't lucky enough to have the closure of seeing him die or to bury him. They have to live with poison inside their mind that tells them that maybe somewhere, somehow, he is still alive. As long as the memory of that person still exists that person will be haunted with that thought until they die, and even then sometimes after death. He stated trying to hold back his anger. "I'm not good enough of a person to say that bringing him back to life is my only reason. Yes, i want to feel alive again by him being alive. When a man sees a bird soaring through the sky he wishes to have that kind of freedom, the same is also true for the dead. When the dead see the living they wish they could be the same. The way i can pretend to be alive is by getting away from that farm that pretends as if nothing happened, live for myself, and bring back what should have never died."

Cadas had already gone on long enough for Lilith to see his reasoning but he had no intention of stopping just yet. "Doesn't it make you angry that in this world, lives can be taken so absurdly easily?! I know you've killed people, people that could probably have had bright futures if not for you. I don't mean to offend you by saying that, but you can't blame me if i don't know anything about your bounty jobs. All i'm say is that when you kill someone, the same thing that happened to you could be happening to someone else." Cadas knew that it sounded harsh and she wasn't in the best of mental conditions but she had to realize it sooner or later. "If the world is such a messed up place that it will kill off an innocent man then maybe it needs to be changed. If saving Silvius is one way to change that then there's no way in hell i'm not taking that chance." he finished, his voice filled with determination. After that it seemed as though he had made his point and he followed from a safe distance behind Lilith.

Cadas did not know why Lilith continued to stay with him even after all the arguing between these two but he knew she would answer if given some time. "The dead are better off dead, yes i will admit that, that is only because that makes them different from the foolish world they are surrounded by however." he made in response to the final comment of her own. Once they got to Brimstone he would question her on what had happened between her and the elder but that was far off. Brimstone would take some time to get to so he would have to focus on other thoughts until then.
Lilith was a bit confused by Cadas' response but nevertheless she listened to him and didn't interrupt. She still didn't understand his reasoning but then, if she had felt what Cadas was feeling right now, she would have maybe gone down the path he was going through now. In some ways more than one, Lilith had dealt with the grief of Silvius' death unlike Cadas, who still was holding on the hope he could be brought back to life. Although, his naivety was an annoyance and irritated her beyond belief.

She didn't however take Cadas' accusation and judgement to offense, she knew he would bring it up, that she had mercilessly killed just for the hell of it. What Cadas didn't understand, the main reason why she killed like that was because it was the only way for her to feel alive. She sighed, as he continued arguing his point and made no effort to retort. She grudgingly agreed in her thoughts with his, that lives were so easy to grasp and have control over. Lilith still remembered the many helpless eyes that gaped at her as she cut them down. She wanted to smile at those memories and how weak they looked with their lives in her hands. That didn't seem like the appropriate time to do so and Cadas would surely notice.

She looked over at Cadas as he followed behind her and had finished his last statement. She shook her head and looked back to what was ahead of her. She wanted to say, that life and death was the balance of things. That when fate has decided you to die that day be it the hands of a murderer, a natural cause, or anything, the dead needed to stay dead. If that wasn't the case, what type of world would this be? Sure, some innocent lives, whatever that may be according to Lilith there was no such thing, don't deserve to die. Even so, Lilith couldn't accept Cadas' thoughts on any of this. Instead, she said, "I am envious that you are able to come to that conclusion, despite it the opposite of my own. Though, I am not of your ignorance. I believe this will be a subject we will never agree on." She paused and took a moment to think about what else she wanted to say. "I will at any rate, assist you in your pointless quest. That is, until I can return the favor of you saving my life." With that, she quickened her pace to escape any further conversation with Cadas.

As their journey to Brimstone was getting shorter and shorter, the rain had finally stopped and the sun breached through the clouds. Lilith began to take parts of her cloak into her hands and squeezed out excess water that was heavily soaked into it. She was curious to glance at Cadas, to see if he was alright from the heavy rain that came through this past hour but she stopped herself from doing so. Lilith didn't like the idea of the gesture coming off as she was worried but she certainly wanted to make sure he wouldn't be fainting on her by the time they got to Brimstone. Before she spoke, she cleared her throat and shouted, "You are all right I suppose?" She gritted her teeth at the unnatural response and fought off a sigh to her stupidity. She sure didn't know how to converse on even the smallest of things.

Before she could turn around and talk to Cadas once again, Lilith noticed the familiar stone path which began to echo the patter of her feet. She scowled and began to break into a small sprint to confirm their whereabouts. She skidded in her tracks and pulled the hood of the cloak down even more as she observed the city that was a few feet away from her. Brimstone seemed to have changed since the last few years and increased in size. Lilith had hoped that would be to her advantage, more new civilians meant less people to recognize her.

It was the home of many humans but what made this city a even more intimidating area for demons like Lilith, this was the capital for demon hunters. It didn't help that it was also Liliths' fault that the hunters began to accumulate in Brimstone as well. She eyed the city and watched as the many guards walked back and forth through the tall stone arch. Her eyes then traced the city that expanded out, houses upon houses which squeezed so tightly near each other but the stone wall cut off her view from seeing further in. She was able to notice the new installment on the outskirts, a large camping area on the right, out in the open on a small sloping hill so those who wish to enter into Brimstone will notice the army that was residing there. Lilith narrowed her eyes as she caught sight of a large flag near the stone gate arch, with the symbol of a shield and spear crossing one another and in the colors of orange and blue. Even from this distance she could hear the buzzing of voices and the clank of armor and as well the constant shouts and yells from the army as they did their training. Lilith sighed and waited for Cadas to come to her side so they can discuss their next course of action.
Cadas wasn't quite sure what to make of Lilith's thoughts on his way of thinking, but did not question her further. It was obvious that no matter what either said they would both think the same way no matter what. He wasn't quite sure how to think of the ignorant comment but in some ways he had to agree he was being ignorant. In this world it would be illogical to go against the way things were. The thing that bothered him was the ridiculous logic of the world to begin with. He wasn't quite sure if he had made this point come across as much as he should have but decided going on about his ideals any further. "At least she had some sense of honor when it comes to these things." he thought to himself. He still felt bad about the fact that he had to basically drag her along with him but it had to be done. It was obvious she no longer wanted to chat as she made her way further away from Cadas. He was split between annoyance and relief because of it though. He was relieved because he no longer wished to talk at all but the fact she wanted to escaping any talking with him whatsoever bothered him a bit.

Soon enough the rain lightened and then finally stopped. It was colder rain than usual so Cadas was thankful when it did. The plant life around the area were most likely thankful for some watering though, however cold it might have been. The dirt had turned to mud and the grass was covered with droplets of what had been falling previously. It was interesting for him to see the different looks of places considering he hadn't traveled much before he had left his town. The contrast between the mild heat of the sun hitting his cold body was an interesting sensation that he had still not gotten used to even though he had experienced it times before. Lilith didn't seem to mind it as anything more than an annoyance. He himself didn't mind it, although it was tad bothersome with the random pattern at which it hit his body.

Eventually after enough time had passed Lilith had finally acknowledged his presence and questioned whether he was alright enough. Even though this action was beginning to become routine he still couldn't help but still feel a bit surprised by the question. "Yeah, I'm fine." he told her, nodding. Becoming so what had made him feel uncomfortable with the fact that his skin kept rubbing up against his wet clothes but nothing more than that. The only thing he had to worry about was the chance of catching a cold but he was pretty sure he would be fine as the sun was drying him off quickly enough. It had taken him a moment to realize that she had actually worried for his sake so he quickly felt as if he needed to thank her. "Thanks." was all he said, their conversations had never been long but it never really needed to be, they got their points across rather easily to each other. The only thing he was wondering was why she was shouting though. The need to question her on the matter was quickly coming but he restrained it, there was no point, all it would do was aggravate Lilith further. After her emotional outburst he didn't feel the need to bother her as much as he had before.

A couple moments after that Cadas was soon alerted to the fact that they had reached a rather nice stone path, still darkened from the rain, by the change in the pressure on his feet. This quickly showed that they were approaching the city of Brimstone and they would be there soon. He couldn't help but feel anxious considering the fact he hadn't really visited a large city himself, only hearing about them from his brother's tales and letters telling of him staying at or nearby one. This was further enhanced by the fact that Lilith was wanted in the area and here they were walking right through the front door. The specifics of what had exactly happened escaped him but he was pretty sure he didn't want to know considering the fact she had to hide who she was while there. Due to this he had to consider which had been more dangerous; a small town with a demon tower nearby or here. Demons were definitely bad but a whole town of humans trying to get you seemed much worse to him, given the fact that could actually cooperate better.

Soon after realizing that they were approaching the city Lilith began running towards it, apparently not caring whether Cadas was following or not. He saw no reason to exert himself more than needed so he let her run off on her own while he kept his slow pace. He knew little of the place but considering it's size he could probably find some jobs rather easily. The thought of Lilith helping out with some jobs had come across his mind but consider the fact that he had dragged her along, he doubted that she would help out. This didn't really bother him much though considering she didn't really cost much. She barely ate anything and the only other thing he had to pay for were the inn costs, anything else was a luxury. He usually refrained from those but he had to keep the demon woman happy if he wanted her to stay along, after the fact that she saved his life that is. It was obvious that Lilith would take any chance she would get to say she saved Cadas' life so he would have to be careful with whom he interacted with and where he went. He didn't like the idea of his movements being restricted but it was a price he had to pay to be safe on a suicide mission.

Cadas had never been to Brimstone before nor heard of it but he presumed it would work like other cities. Generally the best idea would be having the shops on all entrances, homes, inns, and other things being further inside. He decided it would be best to let Lilith have what she had asked for previously considering she had given him the demon coin. He said it would only be used for her and considering the fact it would lighten the dent on his income he didn't really feel as if he had to be as strict with her spending. The fact that it would rouse suspicion was the only downside to it however. If used he would probably have to come up with some excuse for getting a hold of it.

After given enough time Cadas finally managed to catch up with Lilith who was eyeing the city. The stone buildings, guards, the army, and the flag with a shield a spear crossing one another made the city feel unnaturally organized. The city seemed to try and make the most out of the land that it currently had by cramming as much as possible into the area. He wasn't quite sure how this would affect lilith seeing as she could barely stand the prior town before with the noise and cluster of humans it had there. This also made him confused considering the fact she had managed to come here before. They would also have to be careful of any person with power seeing her. She was wanted and seeing as there was an army here he doubted Lilith would manage to be able to handle them without causing any deaths.

Cadas had to sigh at the unfortunate situation that the two were in, Lilith most likely sharing the sentiment. " We're going to have to avoid any areas with the army or guards around with you being wanted and all. It would also be best to avoid highly populated areas due to your problem with....smells." He said warning her of what was off limits, he was pretty sure she already knew this but he wanted to make sure. "The next course of action would be to find out any information on the path from one of the pubs seeing as the rumor started from here. Once a person gets a few drinks inside of them they rarely shut up nor do they question why they are being asked things. If that doesn't work out we can always try the merchants but we'll have to be more careful around them. I would like to split up for us to be quicker but i'm unsure of whether you will be able to handle it or not." He gave Lilith his plan and checked to make sure splitting up was alright. More than likely he would follow her anyways even if she said she would be alright. She had caused quite a scene before and seeing as she can't take that risk here he needed to be close by incase anything happened.
Lilith took a moment before she answered Cadas and took in consideration of everything he had said to her. She stared down at Brimstone, already feeling that they were sticking out like a store thumb. The next course of action had to be planned accordingly and she needed to make sure her face wasn't seen as they passed the guards at the gate. She observed that there were only two guards positioned at the arch despite the ones who were walking in and out. She then noticed that there was a bigger group of travelers not far off from where they were, heading as well to the entrance. If they can catch up to them, they'd be able to blend easily. It seems the guards are only inspecting with their eyes and not stopping every single person that passed through.

She turned toward Cadas after that pause and from the shadow of her hood her eyes glanced up at him. She said to him, "I have a plan. Let's try to blend in with that group. Once we get past the gate guards and no one noticing, I'm sure we'll be clear to do as we wish." She stopped and looked back at the city and began to walk towards the group which began to quicken a bit in pace but Lilith was confident enough they'd reach them. She continued, "As for your splitting up idea, I'll be fine. I know my way in Brimstone despite that it's changed and I know the majority of the landscape. You do whatever you have to. I'll keep low and wait until you're done. Plus," she sneered at him, "this is your quest anyhow. I'm only here to basically guard you and make sure you don't die. I'm not taking much part of your silly little journey, you haven't forgotten that yet have you?" She scoffed and finished her statement, "There is a small tavern on the eastern side called Nightingale. Funny enough, that was the placed I stayed at. I'll meet you there at sundown." Lilith smirked remembering how nice the innkeepers were to her. They were an old couple and possibly dead by now. Either way, there will be a new owner or their ability to remember her will be lost. It was the only safe point in the city anyhow.

Lilith took in a sigh of relief, they were only a few feet away now from the gates and they finally caught up to the large group. She let her eyes wonder and her curiosity get the best of her as she observed the travelers. Most of them had large tan linen packs filled to the brim with supplies. They looked haggard and worn, even tired and close to starving. She furrowed her eyebrows and was a bit confused why such a rough looking group was heading to Brimstone. Her eyes traced over to some women and men with arched backs and their body hidden underneath muddied cloaks. It seemed they must have been traveling for days and maybe even weeks from who knows where. They were too dirtied and their clothing torn from wear and weather to tell what part of the lands they came from. There were also no children with them but from Lilith could see there were many couples, some she believed were married and well into their middle ages to have brought up their own kin.

Lilith wanted to tell Cadas what she observed and see what he thought why such a strange group was heading to this type of town. She went to turn to him but all of a sudden the group halted and she had to stop herself from bumping into one of travelers ahead of her. She grit her teeth and began to try to look up over the heads of the group. Her short stature didn't help at all but she did see the shining silver helmet of two guardsmen standing in front of the group. "Ah, so they stopped us after all. Damn!" Before she knew it the silent crowd of people began to be slightly pushed away as the guards went through them. Lilith gripped her hands and took a step back, already feeling cautious and nervous from what was going on. She glanced and soon saw that the guards who were marching in and out of the city had finally stopped and stood like a fence in front of the open gate. "Not good, not good at all." Lilith thought as the guards began to get closer and closer to where they were. She was no fool though and even though she would often make rash decisions, especially thinking of running right now, she knew that would be an idiotic idea. So, she patiently waited and tried to calm herself down so her demonic aura would not be so obvious. She could only hope Cadas would follow her lead.

Two guardsmen walked up to them and they instantly looked at Lilith whose face was hidden deeply in the shadows of the hood. One of them, who was clad in head to toe of heavy silver armor that even his face was masked within his helmet, nodded at his partner. He was wearing the same uniform as his companion, but Lilith could see his face clearly. An old veteran with tired small eyes that flickered back and forth between Lilith and Cadas. She scowled but instantly eased her facial tension that way she can appear she had nothing to hide. They were too close to being found out and now that a veteran was thinking who knows what about them now, Lilith began to feel that their luck had ran out. With a gruff voice he commanded out of them both, "What is your business in Brimstone?" He moved his head toward Lilith and she knew she had to be the one to speak for she seemed the most suspicious.

With brimming confidence she answered him, "My father used to own an old tavern on the eastern side of Brimstone. I've returned from my long journey home and found a man that I'd think he'd be happy to have as a bodyguard. Granted, I know this is a very safe place, but my father has become old with age so to put me at ease while I travel, I'd like to know he is in very capable hands." The veteran made a noise like "hmm" and turned toward his partner. His companion only shrugged and through the echoes of his voice he questioned Lilith. "What is your name young girl?" "Victoria Elwin." She replied instantly, a moment of hesitation would certainly be seen through her lies. "Elwin?!" The two looked at each other in surprise and slightly began to bow to her but realized such an action would be considered foolish. The veteran stammered, "Ah many apologies Victoria, it's been so many years since we've seen you..." "Yes," Lilith interrupted, fighting back a smile. "Since the burning. Please, let us through. I hope that you wouldn't need anything else from me now, is there?" The guardsmen shook their heads quickly and stepped away from the two. Lilith slid her hand behind Cadas and pushed him, a sign to let him know it was time to go. Lilith walked in no hurry but she did happen to notice that the group was being pushed off to the side and their bags thrown a few feet away from them in a huge pile. She frowned at the sight but looked away and was happy to see they made it past the gates.

As they entered, Lilith made sure they were far away from the ears of the guards before she took a quick turn into a dark alleyway and stopped immediately and leaned back against one of the brick buildings. She took in a deep shuddering breath. Human interaction was always unnerving and that was too much for her. She could feel her mentality starting to wear and she then remembered what had just happened, and how she was able to persuade the guards. She laughed hysterically and gleefully said aloud, "Pathetic! That is what they came up with! Hilarious!" She stopped and looked at Cadas, who was probably confused. Lilith sighed and brought her hood down and looked straight at him into the eye. Sheepishly, she explained to the best of her ability, "Victoria Elwin, was one of the victims of my.. chaos that happened." She paused, "She was an unknown woman until I had .. burned her house.. to the ground. She survived but left with terrible burn scars. Her father did use to own a tavern on the east side, coincidentally, next to the Nightingale. How do I know this? I keep track of my victims and plus, she had yelled obscenities at me as she came out of the house whilst being burned." Lilith cleared her throat. She didn't know how Cadas' reaction would be but she had to continue. "I decided to kill her after I escaped Brimstone therefore I kept tabs on her. I found out she would be leaving the city soon, in search for a cure to rid her scars. So, you should know what happened."

Lilith then looked down at the ground, she did feel a bit shamed using the dead womans' identity, but it was the only way to get back to the city. It was odd for her though, why all of a sudden was she feeling regret? She began to get angry at herself and sighed loudly. "Anyway!" Lilith felt this was the perfect time to split up so she brought her hood back over her head. "You're in the right area by the way, if you want to find anything about the Path. This is a goldmine of information. The slums are on the west southern side, another good place to look around too. Remember, Nightingale, by sundown. I'll see you then." With that, she hurried away deeper into the alleyway and disappeared from his sight. She knew he would be able to blend easily with the crowd but as for her, she needed to stay in the alleyways until nightfall.
Unfortunately Cadas soon noticed that there were two guard positioned at the arch, obviously making sure that nobody who wasn't supposed to be there was. He guessed that it was to prevent smuggling, or perhaps they were having problems with criminals. It was hard to say yet it was obvious that they would likely have to deal with them anyways. "Lovely, all we needed, guards." He thought to himself sarcastically. He was traveling with a demon who most likely caused many problems here considering how vague she was being about the information on the subject. He noticed that his partner's eyes were looking towards a group of travelers further behind them. Needless to say he instantly understood Lilith's thought process. It would raise some problems if the group said anything but it was the only chance that they had the moment, unless they want to take the chance going alone that is. With little consideration on the subject he instantly went with the idea of blending in with the group.

Lilith quickly mentioned her plan but he had already seen the idea coming a mile away. Cadas simply nodded in reply answering whether he understood, not mentioning anything about the fact that it was a pretty simple idea. He doubted that the woman he knew would easily keep quiet as she was saying but unfortunately he would have to try and work with the idea that he would have to trust her. Obviously she had to insult his journey for the millionth time since they had met just to rub it in his face some more. He still wasn't completely sold on the idea that she was following his around just for the sake of her pride. Even if she acted like she was over his brother it was plain to see it was still bugging her, her rants earlier on showing this. In some part of his heart he was hoping that she was doing this for her own sake instead of just her pride. It was a foolish thought, yes, but certainly not completely impossible. He would usually have begun an argument her over the subject but drawing any unwanted attention to themselves was basically suicide for the both of them. The idea that she knew this came across his mind but he wasn't sure of it.

The Nightingale was where the two were supposed to meet up apparently. Cadas first noted the odd name but then focused on the fact that she had stayed there before. He felt uncomfortable with the fact that Lilith had stayed there before. He hoped that nobody would recognize her from her last stay but there was a possibility that they would. This none the less made him less than eager to meet up there but he had no alternative solutions to the matter nor did he have enough time to try and think of a new plan, the group behind them beginning to catch up and also all of them approaching the vigilant guards ahead. He didn't pay much attention to the travelers in appearance but rather to the state of their clothing and supplies. The clothing was rather worn down and their packs were filled to the brim, carrying as much as possible. His mind instantly wandered to the stories of refugees who ran away from some type of war or violence with as much as they could but tried ignoring it as best he could, needless to say, not very well. He took quick glances whenever he could

Eventually the group came to a quick stop ahead of him. Cadas' emotions at that moment were annoyance with himself and the guards and calm, knowing that it was most likely going to happen anyways. Checking a couple members of a large group usually gave a good idea of what type of group you are dealing with therefor avoiding any risk that it had. Cadas had been hoping that the guards were lazy and wouldn't bother with doing so however. Lady luck apparently was not with him today apparently. The only time a good part of human nature appeared was when it was not needed apparently. "Great, now i'm going to have to come up with some excuse if they stop either of us." He thought to himself annoyed and nervous. He tried racking his brain for a story that would get them through but one wasn't coming to mind. Before he knew it however the two were already coming towards Lilith.

The two questioned bored as it was obviously a routine they were used to about what their business was. Cadas was unusually unprepared for this moment, luckily however his companion was for the question. Apparently he was now to be a guard for an old man who owned a tavern, the story was simple and good enough to keep them out of trouble but she continued on by apparently giving herself a well known name. She was now using the name of Victoria Elwin, from what he could gather, someone who had much respect. The thought that the real person would come to deny them crossed his mind but the the way they were acting suggested that she had not been seen for a large amount of time. The two parted ways for them, not wishing any further problems on themselves by angering Victoria Elwin. Quickly Lilith pushed him forward but he needed little encouragement to get away from the guards.

It took a couple moments but they eventually got far enough to be considered safe by Lilith's standards apparently, her now beginning to relax on a nearby building. This action quickly spread to Cadas as he felt the stress that had built up from the situation leave his body. He wanted to laugh as loud as he could in relief but his mind quickly countered the idea with common logic of not wanting to raise any suspicion. His partner opted to take his idea however showing joy for the first time since he had met her. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her so happy. It was a rather calming and peaceful moment between the two considering everything that had happened up until then.

The rather joyful nature of the moment ended more quickly than Cadas had hoped as Lilith explained who Victoria Elwin was. He had been curious about how she came up with that on such short notice but he had presumed that it was just someone she had come to know through certain circumstances. He was correct in a certain way however as she was apparently one of Lilith's earlier victims. He wanted to tell Lilith that it wasn't necessary to kill a woman that was so injured already but it would change nothing. He knew very well the type of person that Lilith was but it still shocked him every time he heard of what she had done in the past, this time being no different. She quickly changed the subject as fast as she could to that of finding any information that was related to the path. As much as he would have agreed to doing so he felt no motivation to doing so at the moment. Before he could say anything she quickly disappeared from sight, reminding him of where to meet up.

"Nightingale." Cadas repeated to himself bitterly. He shook his head to try and clear his head so he could focus on the task at hand. He was only somewhat successful but none the less successful. The best thing that he could currently do was go to the south as Lilith had advised and find out what he could. The place was as one would expect of any slums, dirty, smelly, dark atmosphere, and filled one's body with the instinct that danger was nearby. Luckily he didn't have any traits that stood out other than maybe an average wardrobe that he currently wore. His face wasn't the cleanest it had ever been and he didn't smell like sunshine and flowers exactly either. Traveling had taken a toll on his hygiene with its lack of chances for cleaning oneself. The only main difference between the people there and him was the fact that his body looked more filled out. Most of the people there looked as if they were underfed, if fed at all, and it was rare to find someone who you couldn't see their ribs. He felt saddened by the fact that these people lived so poorly but had to resign himself to thinking that was the way this world worked. He could only look on the positive side of the moment if he wanted to make any progress with information.

While the slums had poor conditions from the lacking money they did however make up for with information. The only problem being that he could not find the information Cadas wanted. While the knowledge of bringing one's loved one back from the dead from the path was common knowledge, not much more was known. He used a well known system of dealings that most knew called bribing. While living here had little to no perks there was one that was noteworthy, people didn't watch their mouth around here. The word of the poor didn't carry as much weight as the word of the rich, this was very apparent. There were many stories ranging from cute stories you here now and then with mindless chatter to plots for murder. Most of his time was spent trying to look for a price for the information rather than getting the information itself. He could assume by the end of this particular event he had lost a fair amount of money. This however didn't bother him much, these people needed money and it was more than fair to give it for what he needed. The only time he felt cheated was when he was given the information he had already known. Given how little was actually known about the details this was rather common, ignoring the tall tales, or what he believed were, that is.

A good amount of time had passed when Cadas was finally done in that area but not much was achieved. It would be best to try and get a focus on what he was trying to find out. He could focus on two routes that seemed clear. Finding the person who started this rumor and finding out what they know or just focus on finding out the specifics from others which would be simpler. While finding the person who knows everything would serve to be the best option it is unlikely that he when Brimstone was quite big. His mind instantly wandered to Lilith teasing him because of the challenge he had given himself but he quickly ignored it as he tried to do with her. As much as he tried to he could not help but remember the depressing things he had been told earlier. He wanted to get along with Lilith, though he was unsure of the reason himself but her history, especially the one with his brother made it difficult. "Shes even a pain in the ass when shes not here." He thought to himself jokingly, trying to cheer himself up in some way.

His adventure then carried him to the nearby taverns which were filled with adventurers, mercenaries, and the locals. Though he didn't really learn much helpful information regarding the path and bringing people back to life, he learned the area a little better and the type of people that lived here. Although he usually hates talking with drunks and refraining from any interaction with alcohol in general, the stories and chatting did help to ease his mind a little. Though he knew he couldn't have fun forever a little didn't hurt and he continued to try and find information at the same time. As time passed the surroundings grew darker and his body seemed to communicate that fact with its growing tiredness. Though the day had been a rather down one the thought of being able to sleep in an actual bed cheered him up a bit. He figured it was about time to head over to this "Nightingale" that Lilith had mentioned.

After a bit of time asking around Cadas eventually did make his way over to the tavern. It was an old place which could be easily seen from the darker parts of the wooden foundation that built the tavern that signaled age. Though it was fairly aged there seemed to be a moderate amount of customers there, mostly in the older generation themselves though. The place has a calmer atmosphere then most and it was a pleasant change from his current stress inducing lifestyle that accompanied those who were unfortunate enough to somehow run into Lilith. His body longed for sleep after the busy day. He would have usually given in without a second thought but he had to wait for Lilith and hear what she had found out, if anything. With a sigh he took a seat near the entrance to be able to be seen easily when Lilith finally arrived.

Though Cadas presumed that the two were on what he would consider good terms, considering the personality Lilith had, there also seemed to be a distance. He didn't know why he was bothered by this so but it did none the less. Her past of violence along with her unstable mental state and her history with his brother didn't make her the easiest to get along with. This caused him unconsciously distance himself from her whether he like it or not. There was also the fact that she was doing the same, though for what exact reasons he was unsure. this caused him to become nervous while waiting for her, unsure of how he should act when she finally comes. "Why do i even care what the hell she thinks anyways?" he questioned himself. As usual he was unable to come up with an answer and tossed the thoughts on the matter aside for the moment. He would have to find out the information she had and sleep before focusing on anything else. With that he waited for her arrival letting his mind drift, though careful not to fall asleep.
Lilith stayed within the dark paths, winding through each and every one with not a clue where to go but wondering around because of curiosity. Her eyes met with the poor and their weak and strained bodies would slump over on the alley walls as they watched her pass. Lilith stared back, her eyes glossing in red as she eyed her observers. She knew they would not scream nor yell and in fact, they looked unsurprised by her presence. She grit her teeth. It seemed she wasn't the only monster in Brimstone.

She didn't care much to gather any information as she wondered around the city. Lilith didn't know if Cadas had found anything or not but either way, she didn't think much of it. After all, it wasn't her job to do so. She only hoped Cadas was smart enough to not get into any trouble especially since she wasn't around to save him. She frowned. She didn't like where her thoughts were leading.

Lilith had finally decided to head to the Nightingale when the sky darkened and the lights of Brimstone lit. A chill went up her spine as she neared it, finding it only a few feet away from her. Lilith knew she was being followed and before she could go any further, she had to confront her stalker. She sighed and brought her hood down as she turned around to meet the eyes of a tall human man. "You're a demon hunter aren't you?" She said nonchalantly as a smirk flickered across her face. He chuckled and responded with a deep husky voice, "Not today, demon," his voice sounded strained, almost as if he couldn't quite say the word himself because it disgusted him so much. Lilith couldn't help but smile, demon hunters were always the most interesting of humans. They were obvious in their movements and their power was so overwhelming she could feel the intensity of their aura from a mile away. Their hatred was evident but they acted like mercenaries and whatever coin they could find, was enough motivation for them to put their abilities to use.

The man took in a breath as Lilith eyed him quietly. He was tall and largely built, his muscles were rippling in tension underneath his tight tan overcoat. His other garb was all black, down to his boots. "Distasteful." Lilith thought to herself as she took a step toward him. Her smile widened as he readied himself in the instant she moved. His face darkened with disgust at Lilith's amusement. He had sharp features, his nose was large and broken and angled in a hideous way from it. He had small black eyes and was shrouded by his long brown hair that flowed past his shoulders.

"Tell me then, why do you dare to even stand in front of me without even fighting me?" Lilith demanded of him, her fingers beginning to twitch with excitement. He grimaced at her before answering, "You're looking for information about The Path? Well I have what you need and for an exchange of information, I need you and your human toy to return the favor." Lilith gaped at the human, amazed at his boldness and stupidity. Without wanting to spare another useless moment speaking with him, she turned and walked away from him. The human man in the mere matter of seconds blocked off her path.

She hissed at him, "I have no time to waste with you, move! The only time I will ever do you a favor is when you are utterly obliterated by my hands, hunter." She glared at him, lips upturned at a snarl as he proceeded to stand in front of her. "Are you demons always hasty to say no?" He questioned as he chuckled. "Lilith Astrickh, the last demon born by Elder blood, the one who had mercilessly killed and almost annihilated all humans during the war due to your unstoppable rage. Trust me, I would love to end your existence but dire circumstances are at play here." He turned his head toward the tavern and crossed his arms. "I would rather speak to the boy, shall I accompany you to the tavern m'lady?" He smiled down at her as she fumed in irritation. Reluctantly she responded, "Fine! Do as you like."

Lilith pushed her way past the hunter and continued on towards the Nightingale. Furious, she slammed the tavern door open, the innkeeper jumped in surprise by her loud entrance and before speaking, the gentleman behind her nodded apologetically. She grit her teeth, remembering now where she was and sighed. She ignored the innkeeper as he went back to his paperwork but eyed the two suspiciously. Lilith looked around the tavern and noticed Cadas by himself. She frowned as she walked up to him and quickly spoke, not wanting to hear him scold her for making such a big fuss. "Glad to see you're still in one piece. This hunter wishes to speak to you." She smirked before continuing, "Seems like he wants to offer you something in return for a favor. I'll let you know firsthand that I have already declined it and I am wholeheartedly opposed trying to deal with a demon hunter." She sat down haughtily across from Cadas as she glanced back and forth between the two. "No matter, my opinion has nothing to do with it anyhow."
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