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Darth Skalus

Age: 19

Star Wars OC

Bloodthirsty and a little mad, Darth Skalus often relies on her calmer, more calucatedd brother Darth Nectar to keep her in check. Without his calming presence, she is likely to go Berserk.

What can you do? What sort of supernatural powers do you possess? Plop a Wiki link if you're lazy like me.​

Empathy (can sense people through the force)


Sith Lightning

Mind Trick (this is probably useless as all the characters will have strong minds.)

Force Enhancement.

Forsight (not sure how this is going to work in an RP setting but she can see the future.)

Mind Extraction (pretty much what Kylo Ren did to Rey and Poe in The Force Awakens)

Two-bladed red lightsaber.

She has a scar across her left cheek, exactly like in the FC.​


(Temp face claim, but it looks similar enough)
"End, quote!"

Katrielle Wilford


Original Persona OC

An eccentric beauty who came from the west, Katrielle is an excitable young woman who had transferred due to her family's situation in japan. She is gifted in terms of intellect, and would try to show it off, usually getting top marks in most exams except algebra which she barely passes. Which is why she has come to be known as the 'Beautiful Detective Who Can't Count' in her school as a joke, one that Katrielle just laughs up in irony.

Katrielle's cheerful and bubbly personality is one that everyone knows, but she can also be a bit blunt and mean when it comes to her observations. When called out, she just faults them for having such thin skins. Despite this, she is known to be extremely helpful around the school, more often than not solving missing cases and resolving relationship issues among the students.

However, Katrielle's not all smiles. The true reason why she moved to Japan was because of her Father, who had been looking for her Mother ever since she disappeared 10 years ago. The Tophat headband she wears is actually a gift from her Mother, who was an actress at the time. While Katrielle had already moved on, she's a bit disappointed in her father for not figuring it out sooner and wished that he actually learnt this a bit earlier. In truth, she's scared of what she might do when confronted with what truly happened to her Mother, and had thought of all terrible possibilities before deciding to forget about the case and move on.



Persona; the manifestation of the inner psyche and the soul that responds to external stimuli. It is a mystical being that is summoned from the depths of one's soul--and is utilized in many, many ways.

Katrielle's Persona is manifested as Holmes, The Great British Detective. Its Arcana is of the Justice Arcana. It's supposed to be a support type Persona, able to map out locations, feel out life forces, scan enemies' weaknesses and the like. However, it can also act as an offensive type much like Mitsuru's Penthesilea but its offensive capabilities are much, MUCH weaker.

Holmes' offensive prowess includes physicals, psy-affinity spells, and support spells that increase/decrease stats and deal with status effects.

Due to her world's situation, Katrielle is one of the 7 Chosen Wildcards that a being simply known as 'The Color' has chosen to do battle against other Wildcards for the fate of humanity. As such, she has the capability to invoke other Personas, but she has yet to manifest any.

Katrielle's Social Links and subsequent Personas will appear on a list.

Katrielle brings 3 things with her at all times.
1. An stun baton for self defense
2. A six pack of strawberry juice
3. A paintgun that looks like a real pistol(in case of hit and runs)

Original The Character​

"Thank you for dealing with my selfishness until now. And... I'm sorry."
Reimu Hakurei, the Final Dream


(Touhou Fangame)

Age: ???

"I can't show favour only to you. All of you are equals to me."

A sickly girl with a dream of paradise. Reimu is a normal girl who has been in a coma for many years, slowly ticking towards her own end. She crafted a world in her mind, one where she could be free and happy, and spent so many years dreaming with a smile on her face.

As her own life came to approach its end, she knew. She disappeared, hiding away at the end of the world: was it to spare those who were about to disappear the heartbreak, or was it to spare herself it? Reimu now tries to act calm and casually dismissive of anyone and anything that might come by her -- all of them are simply another facet of her ending dream -- though she can't hide the faint frown ever present on her face, nor can she forget everything she is both losing and has already lost. She maintains her distance to protect herself from feeling that same sorrow for as long as she can manage, all with a faux smile.

Reimu doesn't know for certain what she wants anymore, and at the end of all worlds, all she does know is that she wants to return to that blissful dream, whatever it might take.

"You wish to defeat me? Or... do you wish to be defeated?"

Reimu's dream is the same as it ever was, a fantasy so powerful it could even slightly influence the true reality itself. She still flies, uses her orbs to fire away great amounts of danmaku, manipulates barriers, and even still can use Fantasy Nature to float above reality and keep herself safe from harm. Having awoken -- or perhaps only believing it so -- she is somewhat weakened, effectively forced to play by the spell card rules she had enforced in the dream for lack of better options.

However, those spell cards now carry her memories of her dream. She, and she alone, will be the mark that Gensokyo existed.

Scarlet Dream "Cogwheels of Fate"
Ghostly Dream "Wakeless Spring Slumber"
Eternal Dream "Nocturne at Two o'clock"
Reflecting Dream "Phantasmagoria of the Tenth Year"

and, of course
Reimu "Illusionary Miko"


Even in her dream, Reimu had little to her name: she comes now only with the very same things she would always wield. Her gohei, given to her by Rinnosuke, and her ofuda and needles always by her side.

Source for art: This isn't 1:1 to how Reimu looks in CtC, but it's drippy as all hell and the white gets the point across enough, so I'm sticking with it.
I'm keeping it vague as to which ending she's taken from. It'll probably hurt most that way!​
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"My mind-reading third eye will show me your very heart!"

Name: Satori Komeiji

Age: Untold centuries

Origin: 1645922507941.png

Personality: Satori is a reserved girl who rarely speaks out loud unless it's necessary, and she is wise and patient beyond her years. Long years of being feared, untrusted and hated has led to her becoming reclusive and untrusting of others herself, especially if she can feel that they hold ill will against her. She is generally courteous in her treatment of others, though, even if she may seem suspicious of them. When others catch her ire, however, she does not hesitate to become more scathing and aggressive in her remarks. She seems to be loved by animals far more than other people because they can't normally be understood by anyone else.

She loves her younger sister, Koishi, unconditionally, but the state of her existence has filled Satori with sadness. The fact that Satori feels the necessity to be cold with nearly everyone else around her has left her with only Koishi and her pets as objects of her affection. As such, Satori is doting and much too lenient with her small circle of loved ones. Given that Satori is the mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, this would ordinarily point towards her being an ineffective head of the house, but Satori's pets respect her enough to carry out their responsibilities in spite of Satori's leniency.

  • Reading minds: As a satori, Satori is capable of reading the heart and mind of any living creature, even the spirits of the dead. She cannot stop this ability, and it only works on those near her.

  • Telepathy: Satori can communicate with others using only her mind.

  • Hypnotism: Satori has limited hypnotic abilities, allowing her to bring traumatic memories to the surface of a person's mind or induce amnesia. It may be possible for her to further develop her influence over the conscious mind, but not without a willing subject.

  • Technique Mimicry: Due to her ability to read minds, she can imperfectly copy techniques she sees in someone's memory. She mostly uses this to mimic danmaku patterns of previous foes.

  • Flight: Satori has the ability to float about freely.

  • Speed & Reflexes: Satori can move at relatively high speeds in midair and has very snappy reflexes (enough to react to and dodge a myriad of lasers moving at high speed). She is superior to Cirno, a fairy who is able to perceive and dodge photons of light from a miniature sun.

  • Durability: Satori has high durability and stamina. "Non-lethal" attacks for humans in Gensokyo encompass things like massive explosions, being shot or stabbed with knives, crushed between two boulders, rammed with a runaway metro train, etc.

  • Regeneration: As a youkai, Satori can heal much faster than a human. Youkai are primarily spiritual beings rather than physical beings. As such, Satori is more vulnerable to faith-based attacks (charms, wards, etc.) than she is to physical injuries and ailments—attacks with little to no "meaning" are generally ineffective. If she was somehow dismembered, her limbs would reattach in a short time, and even if her body was completely destroyed, she would be able to reform from her incorporeal mind after a long period of time. Furthermore, her body does not have DNA or vital organs, meaning that abilities that rely on manipulating biology in some manner would be lost on her.

  • Longevity: Youkai have much longer life-spans than humans, and they are not under the effects of aging.

  • Danmaku (Bullet Hell): Have you ever heard of the term "bullet hell" before? Satori has the ability to produce a great amount of projectiles at once in order to overwhelm her target with the sheer number of shots, just like almost every Gensokyo resident. Many danmaku users add complex patterns in the form of spell cards to make dodging even more difficult. These bullets are both physical and spiritual in nature, and they can perform both forms of damage at once. A danmaku user has the ability to fluctuate the lethality of their bullets, making them range from doing less than tickling the opponent to exploding upon impact. If a bullet collides with an opponent, it can bypass conventional durability to a certain extent and attack that opponent's spirit directly, which can make them grow fatigued, cause them to faint, or even kill them.
Danmaku is not simply projectile spam, though; the attacks it is used for are often meant to have beautiful patterns and look very showy for observers. In the context of spell card duels in Gensokyo, danmaku is used more as a "girls' play fight" than a fight to the death. If the bosses really wanted to kill the player, then a 10:1 bullet-to-opponent ratio wouldn't be necessary. In situations deemed to be deadly serious, however, "Spell Card Rules" are not in effect, and all attacks are aiming to maim or kill. This means that beautiful spell card patterns are axed, attacks become overwhelmingly fast, and attacks are designed to be impossible to dodge. To top it all off, there is no arbitrary time limit for any of these attacks anymore.​
Despite the hellish nature of these attacks, Satori is noted to be poor at fighting by both her own sister and ZUN, the creator of the series.​
  • Forcefield Creation: Satori is able to create a barrier around herself to block oncoming attacks and is able to passively form one around herself when she is stunned. She cannot hold this while attacking, and it can break if overused.

  • Seeing through Illusions: Youkai like Satori cannot be fooled by mystical illusions.

  • Lunar Empowerment: Satori's powers naturally increase under the effects of the moon, and doubly so if it is full.


  • Third Eye: Not exactly's more Satori's "core" than anything else. The eye, wrapped around her body, is capable of moving like its own appendage. With its sight, Satori is able to see the thoughts lurking in the dark recesses of the mind.

  • Weaknesses:
    • Spiritual attacks
    • Possession: Youkai are especially vulnerable to being possessed by things like vengeful spirits. Whereas a human ordinarily loses their free will but can regain it after the spirit leaves their body, a youkai runs the risk of having their entire existence erased once possessed. When a spirit possesses them, it effectively "replaces" the youkai's mind—the core of its being—and creates an entirely new being. Given that Satori lives in Former Hell, a place teeming with spirits, she is aware of this weakness and has plans to counter vengeful spirits.
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"I love not thinking!"



Koishi Komeiji




Koishi is of many mysteries. Playful and free-spirited, she is as you would expect from a child. While usually harmless, her complete lack of self-awareness has occasionally caused various issues in past encounters with the residents of Gensokyo. Despite this, she more or less concerns herself with doing what feels right in the moment rather than appearing or acting scary.

Even when taking on the mantle of the urban legend Mary-san, a legend similar to the western Bloody Mary myth, Koishi was more willing to 'join in on the fun' with the other characters also performing urban legends instead of wanting to be truly menacing.

She seemed quite happy after mastering her urban legend, even if it was only on one person.


Having closed her Third Eye, Koishi lost all senses of her conscious mind and resides in the subconsciousness. Due to this, she cannot be detected unless she so chooses.

She possesses the ability to manipulate the subconsciousness of others, allowing her to make them see anything she desires and force them to confront the weaknesses in their hearts.

With the absence of her mind, her thoughts cannot be read as she technically has no mind to read. Even those who Koishi does communicate with will inevitably completely forget about her once she's left, unless they already knew of her as Satori's sister. Some children are immune to this, as their minds are still developing, but they would eventually forget Koishi once they mature, anyways.

(Note: Due to the collateral effects of the multiverse, this may deliberately effect her subconscious behavior with other characters.)

Much like the majority of residing youkai in Gensokyo, Koishi passively possesses the ability to shoot danmaku in the form of heart-shaped "bullets". Danmaku patterns can be extremely difficult to maneuver around and it canonically hurts to get hit even by a single graze.


But of course, spell card rules are to be followed as to prevent catastrophic damage and for the sake of balance.

Spell Cards are of unique notion, in a way an individual express their distinguished attributes through a flurry of attacks. Koishi, being one with the subconscious, has her own spell cards that force her opponents to confront their inner weaknesses head-on. Such examples are:

  • "Brambly Rose Garden"

  • Dream Sign "Ancestors are Watching You"

  • Instinct "Release of the Id"

  • Suppression "Super-Ego"

Koishi herself isn't entirely a slouch either. Kasen had once remarked on her strength in one encounter, the latter noting that she is "ridiculously strong" despite her lack of self-awareness.


fried shrimp



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"I was granted new life…"

"…so that I may take yours!"

Specter Knight / Donovan

???, true age is unknown, but he was most likely within his 20's / 30's before death


Specter Knight is a thoroughly cruel Knight, showing sheer coldness towards his enemies, as well as being somewhat sarcastic. He has a tendency to hiss at people when he is angry or annoyed.

When about to face Shovel Knight, he taunts him with the memory of Shield Knight by insisting she is dead. Whilst many of his comrades acknowledge Shovel Knight's strength to some extent after the Battle Royale, Specter Knight instead affirms his faith in The Enchantress and assures Shovel Knight that he cannot succeed.

Before battling Plague Knight, he is quick to mock him for his cowardice, being the only one able to reduce Plague Knight to stunned silence.

As shown in Specter of Torment, Donovan's loyalty to The Enchantress is actually incredibly forced, despite her being the one who resurrected him in the first place. In reality, Specter Knight hates The Enchantress and deeply resents her treatment of him, only serving her because he is forced to, as he had relinquished his free will to her.

At the start of Specter of Torment, he only agreed to serve her as part of a deal so she can restore him back to life. This is enforced by the Keepsake Locket, which The Enchantress granted the power to reverse death, but only when 8 knights swear their loyalty to her, thus Donovan is forced on a quest to gather them for her.

After discovering that The Enchantress is actually Shield Knight, he also shows how angry he can be, and proceeded to attempt to slay her, knowing he would never be restored to life if he succeeded. He does not believe that there is anything left of Shield Knight in the Enchantress, and that attempting to return her to normal is a pointless endeavor, nor does he care to try due to his deep-seated hatred of her. His sarcastic remarks about Shield Knight being dead to Shovel Knight may stem from this.

Though his loyalty to The Enchantress is forced, his loyalty to his late-friend Luan is genuine. He swore to protect Luan's son, Reize, at all costs, even at his own life. He honors this oath so far, that he took Reize's place as the 8th knight of the Order of No Quarter, relinquishing his own free will to The Enchantress, and then used the locket's power that could have restored his humanity to save Reize from The Enchantress's power.

While he can be genuinely ruthless and cold, his heart is not as dead as he is. He still feels incredibly guilty over having a hand in the death of Luan.


Undead nature/Physical capabilities:

Being a undead Knight serving under the Enchantress kept alive through dark magics and will alone, if his pale skin and apparent dull and 'dead' looking eyes isn't obvious enough, then Specter Knight has more to offer here. Not needing any normal living sustenance such as food, water, or sleep in order to survive, along with stuff such as oxygen, with the bonus of being effectively immortal (due to being undead). He also boasts pretty impressive strength and agility for an individual such as him, capable of cutting through large metal cannonballs with one slice along with being able to quickly move around his environment even without his flight, using a series of wall jumps and dashes to perform such, that not even lighting has a easy job hitting him. His undead nature also allows him to be ignored by other undead creatures who have more simple lines of thinking, such as zombies, but to undead who have been given sentience or a 'job' (such as being ordered to not let 'anyone' pass a area), then things will certainly be more difficult.

If his garb and scythe doesn't scream out 'reaper' to you, then his ability to control the dead will surely seal the deal. Being able to summon undead creatures such as skeletons (Brittle Boneclangs), acting as moreso reinforcements and sometimes distractions for him to utilize in combat. Along with that, he can revive dead bodies as well to become undead like him (without their minds however) to fight as well. He also gains the capability to control weaker undead under his will and make them fight for him, but more powerful undead are resistant to his Necromancy. He can also steal the essence from either his own summoned minions or other undead in order to heal himself and restore Will

Self-Explanatory, Specter Knight is capable of sustaining flight within the air, doing cool things like flying… and dodging… you know, it isn't much, but the very fact that he can fly is still something in his book. Although he more often walks around than fly, but it's still a useful ability within his book.

Darkness manipulation / Night Vision:

Specter Knight is capable of affecting the very light around him, making the area darker and as such, harder for those to see who rely on sight based vision to do so. With it lasting a turn, along with a turn cooldown, it is bound to be helpful for those who can sneak around in pitch blackness. Specter Knight himself is also immune to the effects of the dark, seeing just fine when undergoing its effects.

Specter Knight is capable of quickly changing his location by teleporting swiftly to a new location within his range (will be kept to a 25 ft length for the range). Pretty handy in case he needs to dodge an attack he normally cannot dodge.

Charged Slash:
A slash he can charge up by holding up his scythe and preparing for a strike, once released, he dashes forward quickly and gives a stronger attack to those hit by it than normal. It can also be used to bounce off enemies and walls in order to make him a harder target to hit within combat.


Crimson Cloak:

"A tattered garment tinged with remnants of the past"
A suit of armor paired with a red cloak covering it, it's the good ole armor used by Specter Knight at all times. You'll never see this piece of armor off him no matter the circumstances, so good luck convincing him to open his visor now. The armor provides a good amount of protection once he gets hit… there isn't much more to say about this

Specter's Scythe:
A wicked scythe utilized as the main weapon for Specter Knight, other than its unique shape and large red metal blade, it has a couple of unique properties. Firstly, is the ability to both be summoned and desummoned by Specter Knight, so he can bring it to his arms if needed and put it away if he doesn't require it. Another property is that Specter Knight can also control the flight path of the scythe, making it fly spinning all around and slicing through foes without mercy before returning to his hands. It's rather durable and sharp too, slicing through large metal objects with ease and never seeming to lose its sharpness… a deadly weapon in the right hands.

Keepsake Locket:
A strange addition to his items… it is a heart shaped locket that doesn't seem to have any special power of its own. And yet, Donovan keeps it around with him… staring at it, reminiscing at the times before he was killed and revived to become the Specter Knight.

Throwing Sickle:
A pair of sickles that Specter Knight can throw at foes, it has a spectral like nature, capable of going through walls and even picking up small items like gems to be picked up by him. It has a boomerang like trajectory and returns back to the user if not stopped.

Dread Talon:
A powerful weapon in its own right, it takes the form of a large metal claw with purple fingers acting as blades. When activated, Specter Knight puts away his Scythe and charges the claw up, gaining super armor (which means that he can still be hurt, but cannot be interrupted from his attack). And once fully charged, he lets forth a powerful slice, and sending forth a energy wave that hits enemies not in close range. It is a devastating weapon, killing minor enemies with one hit, so it's best not to be on the opposite of this weapon when Specter is using it.

Will Skull:
A flaming green skull utilized by Specter, he absorbs the green flames emanating from the skull in order to regain health (Will) and continue the fight for much longer

Barrier Lantern:
A lantern with a purple flame, once activated, it creates a purple shielding of fire all around him, which blocks and absorbs all projectiles heading Specter's way. Not only damaging foes who come close to him slightly (not enough to stop them from hitting him), but he can also release the purple flame as a projectile, the attack becoming more powerful with the more projectiles it absorbs.

Shadow Mirror:
A handheld Mirror Specter utilizes, it summons forth a clone made up of shadows to fight for him. It carries the same strength and speed as Specter Knight, but is much more fragile (in order to be desummoned) and does not carry any other ability or item Specter can use, limiting its power. It can also pick up items for Specter Knight and bring them back.

Bounding Soul:
Releasing a trapped soul within a glass orb, this haunting spirit bounces around the area after being released, damaging foes if it manages to hit them before dissipating. Up to four of these can be up at a time. Best mind the screaming these make now.

Chronos Coin:
A silver coin with the image of a clock printed onto it, if thrown into the air, it begins to float and spin midair, slowing down time greatly, making enemies/environments and allies slower than usual, with Specter Knight not effected by the change in time. It eventually stops spinning after a few seconds and floats back to Specter's hand. Useful in order to get past tricky areas or slash foes with reckless abandon.

Judgement Rush:
One of the most powerful curios in his inventory, by grasping a glowing blue gem in his hand, his power is greatly enhanced, dashing forth towards the nearest foe and delivering a deadly strike to a foe. He is also invincible for the duration of the attack, moving past arrows and walls of fires (for example) with no damage to his armor or cloak. Be prepared when you see this gem be brought out.

A curio barely even fitting the description of a curio, it was a item Donovan used before his death, and now, he still utilizes such today. Donovan throws a series of metal spikes onto the floor, and to the unlucky few who steps on them, they take damage from it. It can also be thrown directly at an enemy, but it's far more satisfying to watch a enemy step on it.

-Taken directly after the Shovel of Hope campaign for Shovel Knight…
-Mostly prefers to go by the name of Specter Knight instead of Donovan (hates to be called that), but if he manages to make a good enough friend, then he wouldn't mind being called by a nickname such as Specty
-Used to be a skilled dancer before his death (with the cold shoulder dance during his campaign)
-Is extremely possessive of the Keepsake Locket he has
-Here is his theme:

"Boo! Did I surprise you? I bet I did! I was trying to, anyway."



Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Personality: Friendly, smooth-talker, curious, deceitful

No real powers, woops.

Six pokémons to fight for him: Spiritomb, Roserade, Hisuian Arcanine, Lucario, Garchomp, Togekiss

Man has an obsession with pokémon god and will do lore hunting. Will also sell whatever he finds to people.​
"I'm going all out!"

Name: Cassandra Alexandra
Race: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Canon: Soulcalibur
Homeworld: Athens, Greece




Cassandra is a free-spirited and determined young woman. She will not hold back on her words nor her faith in herself in order to protect the family name and honor. Cassandra's true strength lies in her belief in herself, as opposed to otherworldly deities, in which to secure her choices and destiny. This gives her a unique toughness and single-minded perspective that doesn't lack in compassion. Her brash and confrontational manner are at odds with her apologetic and quieter sister, but she is a warm-hearted girl that cares very much for her family, especially Sophitia. Cassandra has a determined and confident personality, as does her nephew Patroklos, although he seems to be more cocky and aggressive than her.


Improvised Athenian Style

Athenian style is a long-forgotten fighting style of the ancient Greeks, bestowed upon holy warriors blessed with the protection of the gods. It is said Hephaestus, the god of smithing, entrusted sacred armaments to his most devout followers as a means of destroying the evil sword Soul Edge. Those who took hold of these weapons received divine protection from the gods, including the gods of wind and war, and were able to wield unimaginable power.

When compared to her sister Sophitia, Cassandra fights with a more uninhibited style, using her shield both to strike her opponent and sometimes even as a projectile. However, perhaps due to this aggressive approach, her defensive abilities occasionally come up lacking.

Offensively, she is able to momentarily concentrate her holy energy to perform powerful techniques that invoke lightning and violent winds, giving her the air of a noble veteran warrior. It is unknown if she received some form of revelation regarding how to wield her holy weapons, or if her fighting style is simply a natural outcome of her tendency to completely throw herself into everything she does. Regardless, between her style and the immense power she receives from the gods despite seeming to not have the strongest faith, Cassandra is truly a wonder to behold in battle.

Equipment: Owl Shield and Omega Sword


Cassandra is the daughter of an Athenian baker. Some time had passed since her sister Sophitia postponed her wedding and vanished, leaving only a note. After their mother fell ill from anxiety, Cassandra and her brother Lucius became tasked with running the bakery day in and day out.

Secretly, Cassandra had a feeling she knew where Sophitia had gone. Three years prior, her sister had returned from a journey to "destroy the evil sword Soul Edge," an explanation her family had a difficult time accepting. After all, who would believe a god had entrusted the destruction of such a dangerous sword to a mortal? As it turns out, Cassandra believed her sister, having met the ninja Taki, who had saved Sophitia's life.

It stood to reason, then, that Sophitia's departure meant Soul Edge had somehow been restored, and if she was going to subdue it once again, Sophitia would need the appropriate weapon and armor... Half-convinced of where she needed to go, Cassandra suddenly began to run.

Rothion was hiding something and Cassandra knew it. Eventually, her sister's fiancé gave in to her questions and confirmed Cassandra's suspicions: Sophitia had headed out once more to destroy Soul Edge. Upset the two of them had made such an important decision without saying a word to their family, Cassandra took it upon herself to use the holy weapon and armor to fight the malfested hordes in her sister's stead.

With each battle, she slowly came to understand her sister's motivations for doing what she did, but not how she could have willfuly put her life in so much danger.

When Sophitia returned, Cassandra let it all out and told her sister everything. Sophitia responded kindly, and made Cassandra realize she could never hold a candle to her own sister.

Sophitia's wedding day finally came, and when Cassandra saw her sister's smile, she felt like all her struggles and effort had been really worth it.

However, it was not yet over. If the ominous prophecy contained even a shred of truth, Cassandra was going to have to fight to change fate, both for the sake of the future and for the sakes of those she loved.


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"I'm really feeling it!" "All together now! 3! 2! 1! YEAAAAH~!!"

Ikki Igarashi & Vice

22 years old || ??


Kamen Rider Revice


  • Ikki is mellow and selfless, and cares very much for his family. He is hardworking while helping out with Happy Spa, but this would end up acting as a detriment to Ikki and his effectiveness as a Kamen Rider where he'd treat the role as a side-gig, therefore not completely taking it seriously and inadvertently allowing people to come into harm's way as a result.

    Ikki proclaims himself as the number one busybody in Japan, mainly due to how many people he wants to help from the bottom of his heart. However, as pointed out by Yasushi Kudo, this is actually a sign of Ikki being unknowingly unempathetic, as he often acts against the wishes of others and does so without considering the consequences. Although Ikki told him that this was to satiate his own ego, he privately told Vice that when he gave up his dreams to play soccer, he also gave up on himself, admitting that he had, at some point, lost his will to live. As such, he began putting his attention onto others, hoping that their happiness would become his new reason to live. After Ikki realized that his behavior ignores the trail of "losers" and victims he leaves behind, he began attempting to make efforts to fix this trait of his while recognizing the weight of the responsibilities that come while fighting as a Kamen Rider.

  • In contrast to the mellow and selfless Ikki, Vice is mischievous, flamboyant, and often blunt. He is incredibly self-serving, tricking Ikki into giving him a corporal form, and claiming that he was "pretending" to attack Ikki's mother. With that being said, he is aware of his dependence on Ikki and protects him, if only to protect himself. Vice also expresses an interest in "eating" humans, but is constantly foiled by Ikki shoving his would-be victim aside, or using the Revice Driver to restrain him. Despite his reluctant vow to never attack other humans, he will often joke about breaking it, much to Ikki's chagrin.

    As the series' progresses, Vice has become an reliable ally towards Ikki, occasionally giving advice and attempting to comfort him when the latter was feeling down. Being the inner demon born from Ikki himself, Vice is also willing to call Ikki out on his deepest flaws and insecurities. Vice has also begun to become a bit more selfless, not wanting Fenix and George to do to Ikki what they did to Hiromi, and came to doubt their intentions.

Ikki and Vice, while separate, are bound together in one body. As such, since Vice is more of a spirit given form by Ikki, I'll count it as one character.

When Ikki transforms into Kamen Rider Revi, Vice becomes corporeal, and would be given pieces of armor by Ikki's driver to constitute as Vice's Rider form. Each form has a different quality and power, to which I'll just leave a wiki link:

Only read up until Super forms for Ikki and Vice.


As Kamen Rider Revice, Ikki and Vice can perform a pseudo-fusion of themselves using a technique known as Remix, where they stand in a certain position. After which, their armor will physically change and combine them into their current form.

Revice Driver - The titular Rider System of the season. Appears to be a bulky belt buckle with a stamping board on its left side and a slot for the other. It requires the usage of a Vistamp to activate and utilize its forms. Take note that in order to use this, one must have their inner demon tamed in a way similar to Ikki and Vice's relationship.
Vistamps - The Stamps of power one must collect in order to use the Driver. However, one can also use individual stamps to conjure up their inner Demon by stamping themselves with it. Depending on one's grasp on the demon, they can either be controlled or go wild.
Gundephone50 - An modified iPhone that allows Vice to communicate to other people as well as to be used as a regular phone. Oh, it's also a gun.
Ohinbuster50 - An Axe/Gun-like weapon that manifests when they transform into ReVice. Can use Vistamps to perform powerful attacks.
Osutoderuhammer50 - A Hammer-like weapon that can scan attributes from virtually anything, and manifest them in its next attack. Commonly used by Vice, but can be combined with the Ohinbuster50 to become a sword.
This is before the Rolling ViStamp form debuts.
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Reactions: Gotham Knight Todd
Nepgear_V2 (2).png
"Game systems bring people together, and even arguing over which to play is better than nothing. We have to work hard and make sure days like this can happen forever."


Unknown/Appears to be early to late teens



In contrast to Neptune's hyper active and energetic behavior, Nepgear is a very shy girl who will over-apologize for even the tiniest of things. She also takes her responsibilities as a CPU Candidate quite seriously; this is another trait that tends to separate her from her sister's more lackadaisical approach towards her job. She's somewhat timid when it comes to things and people but friendly otherwise. Once she has made a friend, no matter what they think of her later she will hold them closely. For example, when Uni angrily left her once, Nepgear still felt empathy for her and procceeded to keep her opinion of Uni positive.

Being Lazy like Nep would be!

Nepgear is equipped with a sword in her human form and a gun blade in her CPU Form.


Nepgear is based on a Sega Game Gear, or at least inspired by it.
  • penny.png

    "Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready!"

    Penny Polendina






    "For starters, I like to be nice to all the new people I meet in my life! In addition, I am excited to see new things in my life! After all, I've only lived my life for just a few years as of now.

    I also like to make friends! Ruby's the first ever one I've made. If you see her, wave 'Salutations' to her for me, will you?

    And lastly, I...well, let me say that I do not want to talk about a certain detail about me. My father does not want anyone to find out about it after all."


    "...I have an Aura! Well, I could have a Semblance, but I don't. I would like to, however! Now, my Aura is what keeps me safe, so long as I engage it! But it is not infinite. I cannot take on too much, or it will start to break down."

    Floating Array
    "If there is one thing I am allowed to talk about, well..."

    Several swords pop out from her backpack, seemingly floating in an orderly manner.

    "This is Floating Array; a pair of several swords that I can control through string! Not only can they slash, but they also blast! In fact, if I put them all together, I can even make an even bigger blast!"

    "And what better way to know how much Aura I have than this; a Scroll!"

    "And that is all! I cannot wait to meet you all!"
  • BlazBlue_Cross_Tag_Battle_Yang_Xiao_Long_Main.png

    "I always kick my semester off with a 'Yang!'"

    Yang Xiao Long

    "I'm 18."


    "I'm the kind who goes straight to the point. For one, I will admit that I live the fighting, and it shows. Whenever I'm bored, I'm not afraid to point it out because—ugh, I just can't stand to be just sitting around, doing what might as well be menial tasks. So, I try to have fun. But what people don't know is, I really care about my small sis, Ruby. Ever since my two moms disappeared, and my dad spiraled, I try to make sure she's alright, and that she doesn't end up like either of 'em. It's just...y'know, protecting what little you have left in your life, so I'm kind of like the "de facto" mom to her."

    Semblance (Burn)
    "As Ruby said once, with each hit, I get stronger, and I use that energy to fight back. And I can't put it in a better way than she can, though...others have come close. Taiyang calls it a "temper tantrum" whi—aha—hehe—*snort snort*—S--Sorry, I can't... It's just too funny not to laugh at, y'know? Anyhow, yeah, that's how my Semblance works, though it relies on the amount of Aura I have left."

    "Like everyone else on the team, I have Aura. It's what powers my Semblance and protects against all physical harm. Not just that, but I can use it for other things, like shockwaves, which I recall using back at that nightclub. Heh, they couldn't stand a chance."

    Ember Celica
    "Just like Ruby, I made my own weapon, Ember Celica. They're a pair of DRSGs that can transform between "bracelets" and full-on shot-gauntlets. Ember Celica can hold 24 rounds total, and can hold either regular shotgun rounds, slugs, or explosive flare-like rounds. Those things boost my fighting power — obviously — and I practically rely on them every time I fight. That does not mean, though, that I'm going to just abuse Ember Celica, so attackers be warned!"

    "And last but not least, my Scroll. I can use it to, y'know, browse the web, play games, call, text, track Aura percentages between me and our team, see where we are...

    Pretty neat, huh?"

    "That's all!"
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"Quote(Any inspiring words your guy said)"

Kara Zor-El "Supergirl"



Upbeat, optimistic, heroic, and compassionate

I'm lazy, so I'm just going to say she has Superman's powers and leave it at that.




This one took me a while to decide.

Hazel Mane (not Hermione Granger, despite her looks)

17, but she's actually in her thirties, she is literally not allowed to age past a certian point.

Rima Battle (OC Universe)

caculating and intelligent, or at least as intelligent as a trapped in adolescence girl can get. She is less prone to rash decisons like her sister Amaya.

Technomancy - or the ability to control, manipluate, and even build tech. Terrifying if you think about it.
Superhuman physique - stronger, faster, and more durable than any adult could dream of, this ability was actually completely accediental.
Fire/Water/Sunlight control - this is counted under "Techomancy" as it is an element harnessed by humanity in their tech, so counts as tech. Teleportation - She can teleport people and herself but only to places she can see or has seen.

A laser rifle.
Spyglasses, which has since been converted into contacts, does spy stuff.
Bionic Arm.

Her bionic arm is covered by a long glove.​
  • Like
Reactions: Gotham Knight Todd
View attachment 226788
"Quote(Any inspiring words your guy said)"

Kara Zor-El "Supergirl"



Upbeat, optimistic, heroic, and compassionate

I'm lazy, so I'm just going to say she has Superman's powers and leave it at that.




View attachment 226789
This one took me a while to decide.

Hazel Mane (not Hermione Granger, despite her looks)

17, but she's actually in her thirties, she is literally not allowed to age past a certian point.

Rima Battle (OC Universe)

caculating and intelligent, or at least as intelligent as a trapped in adolescence girl can get. She is less prone to rash decisons like her sister Amaya.

Technomancy - or the ability to control, manipluate, and even build tech. Terrifying if you think about it.
Superhuman physique - stronger, faster, and more durable than any adult could dream of, this ability was actually completely accediental.
Fire/Water/Sunlight control - this is counted under "Techomancy" as it is an element harnessed by humanity in their tech, so counts as tech. Teleportation - She can teleport people and herself but only to places she can see or has seen.

A laser rifle.
Spyglasses, which has since been converted into contacts, does spy stuff.
Bionic Arm.

Her bionic arm is covered by a long glove.​
Katara -> Kara character change confirmed.

But who's Hazel replacing?
View attachment 226788
"Quote(Any inspiring words your guy said)"

Kara Zor-El "Supergirl"



Upbeat, optimistic, heroic, and compassionate

I'm lazy, so I'm just going to say she has Superman's powers and leave it at that.




View attachment 226789
This one took me a while to decide.

Hazel Mane (not Hermione Granger, despite her looks)

17, but she's actually in her thirties, she is literally not allowed to age past a certian point.

Rima Battle (OC Universe)

caculating and intelligent, or at least as intelligent as a trapped in adolescence girl can get. She is less prone to rash decisons like her sister Amaya.

Technomancy - or the ability to control, manipluate, and even build tech. Terrifying if you think about it.
Superhuman physique - stronger, faster, and more durable than any adult could dream of, this ability was actually completely accediental.
Fire/Water/Sunlight control - this is counted under "Techomancy" as it is an element harnessed by humanity in their tech, so counts as tech. Teleportation - She can teleport people and herself but only to places she can see or has seen.

A laser rifle.
Spyglasses, which has since been converted into contacts, does spy stuff.
Bionic Arm.

Her bionic arm is covered by a long glove.​
Katara -> Kara character change confirmed.

But who's Hazel replacing?
Pheobe thunderman

"Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world."
-The Doll

The Good Hunter

24 years old

One of many Hunters from different worlds within the universe of:


What After spending a great time within the land of Yharnam, seeing many individuals die and innocents unable to be saved from the scrounge known as the beats plague (along with being betrayed and spooked along his adventures), it doesn't leave the Hunter as a good conversationalist when speaking with others. A man of few words, he'll often use to the shorted amount of words in a sentence as possible to get his point across or simply making gestures as to show what he is currently thinking within a situation. His experiences within Yharnam doesn't help, as he is rather aware of his surroundings, always looking around and being cautious of what lies behind every corner, more than likely trying not to get caught off guard by anything sneaking up on him while his guard is down.

This unfortunately makes him seem like a nervous and fidgety ticking time bomb waiting to go off… which it sorta does fit the Hunter, but for all the wrong reasons. The Hunter is one that lends his strength in order to protect the innocent that get caught straight within the crossfire of hunting dangerous 'beasts' within his travels, doing what he must in order to clean the streets of the filth that plagues it. He is definitely not a stranger to not only bloodshed, but shedding blood himself, he isn't afraid to use force in brutal ways to take down a opponent, combining efficiency and brutality to create a strange dance to witness within combat. In more peaceful times, the Hunter is a tad bit more calmer, and although he is awaiting to perform the next big step, some peace and quiet is something he certainly appreciates.

When it comes down to making friends, a good buddy to help him out within fighting is certainly something he won't turn down now, often moving ahead to do his part within combat and ensuring his partner(s) doesn't get hurt as well, even going as much as to let himself take attacks to ensure such. And if there comes the opportunity to pass the time by playing games such as with cards… he wouldn't mind joining in such as well.

-Inhuman level physical traits:
After becoming a Hunter in order repay the blood transfusion ever since he arrived to Yharnam to cure his disease, his body has became something that not even regular humans can hope of achieving. With strength strong enough to rip and tear through flesh with bare hands with ease comes natural to him, and pairing that up with wielding a wide array of trick weapons and guns, some of which would have definitely blown off the arm of a normal human (such as a handheld cannon) or simply be too heavy to wield one-handed (The Holy Moonlight Sword, a great sword infused with a holy aura) like nothing. And that is not counting both their durability and their speed. Being able to resist attacks ranging from being shredded by a large rabid beast to withstanding a beam of pure energy from a Great One, powerful eldritch beings that are something not to easily scoff at, it goes to show that the Hunter can definitely take some hits now, but he shouldn't rely on such for too long or else risk dying. He isn't invincible after all.

Pairing both his incredible strength and potential to withstand attacks, is his speed. As Hunter, he isn't meant to simply plow through encounters recklessly withstanding blows… and with his speed, he can dodge things such as lightning strikes and energy beams heading his way, while also having the reaction timing to respond to attacks heading his way. This is something the Hunter's relies on more within combat, combining it with his strength to become a hit and run style fighter, moving in to unleash some attacks before moving out and getting back to a comfortable distance to dodge attacks. Other than that, the Hunter is also pretty handy with both throwing things or aiming guns at foes… and while he isn't a deadeye, one can't look away either from this fact.

-Visceral Attack:

A deadly strike performed on foes that are not as aware or have their guard broken… a visceral attack involves driving his hand into the thoracic (or chest) cavity of his opponent, before squeezing hard and pull out his fist from his opponent's chest, intending to perform devastating internal damage to his opponent such as directly striking into their internal organs. It's no surprise that it does a hefty amount of damage as well, and being rather quick to finish as well. No need to be standing for too long. An added bonus of such, is that this attack also allows him to heal himself from causing damage to his foe, regaining vitality and strength that may have been lost within the battle. A good pickmeup if he needs such.

Insight relates to how well versed one is in the depth of inhuman knowledge such as even knowing the existence and seeing Great Ones with their own eyes instead of them being invisible as with normal human beings. And with a lot of insight gained from his journey, the Hunter won't be missing such anytime soon, whether for the best or for the worse. With Insight, comes being able to understand the world around him even better than less perceptive ones, picking up details that would have laid hidden to others, to even perceiving beings not meant to be normally seen by human eyes such as specters or Eldritch Gods, nothing can escape his eyes. He is also capable of using his Insight to his advantage, being able to attack said beings with physical weapons and tools instead of needing specially made equipment to fight them.

However, with knowledge comes great risk, and to the Hunter, he knows that all too well. With his high insight, things such as frenzy (overloading the mind with forced information that would normally cause one to become insane, leading up to damage to his physical body) build up more quickly, and well, his mind is but a open book filled with the wealth of knowledge to be read by others who are capable of such.

Resistances play a important part to the Hunter if he were to resist certain attacks or status effects, the most notable of which is not only to normally perceive incomprehensible beings without being driven mad (if Frenzy isn't involved), along with being able to resist the effects of numbing to the brain (or going to sleep). Other resistances include a mild resistance to elemental attacks such as lighting and fire (lowering its damage), a low resistance to Frenzy (due to high Insight), a decent resistances to slow and fast poisons (slows down its build up but not its damage), and a mild resistance to arcane (or magical based attacks). While this does aid him in lowering damage from attacks within combat, the Hunter can't rely too much on such as time within battle continues on, and as more wounds inflict his body, making resistances more of a secondary defense if he were to get hit.

A strange group of imp-like creatures to be sure, but to the Hunters of Yharnam, their usefulness is apparent when taken into consideration. These fanatic small Eldritch creatures devote their entire lives in order to serve Hunters, fascinated by them, and the Messengers provide their aid in many ways. While normally unable to be seen by those normally, individuals with a keen sense for perceiving spirits and creatures of the like would be able to detect them just like any other Hunter would. Now, onto their purpose… they provide a great amount of support to any Hunter they shall be serving under, such as storing their weapons within the strange bubbling grey hole they come out of, along with some even carrying lanterns to light areas that the Hunter has already explored, great for keeping track of places where he had already been to.

One key thing they can perform however, is their ability to transport messages from one location to another (as their name suggests)… mostly relating to the Hunter sending a message to another individual no matter their distance. And with such, even normal human beings can perceive the messages they carry (and spot ghostly grey hands extending from some strange bubbling grey thing in the ground keeping said message up), and also allows them to make a response in return. Essentially, a very old (yet rather quick) way of transporting messages form one location to another. But the most important thing of all, is that the Hunter thought it would be rather amusing to give his Messengers a couple of tiny top hats to wear? Wait, what do you mean that this isn't important?

The Hunter has a wide array of weapons and tools to use both inside and outside of combat, and so, I shall be classifying items within certain groups, giving brief explanations of their use within combat.

-Trick Weapons;
A series of weapons capable of transforming and changing their shape within the heat of battle as to quickly change their purpose within battle, the Hunter shall be starting with three trick weapons already on in his arsenal, with them being the:

-Beast Cutter:
This weapon is a certainly a sight to see, as within its standard state, it seems to be just like that of a large blade with one serrated side to it, being more like that of a clubs with its not as sharp edges (other than said serrated spikes on one side) than that of a sword. However, once it transforms it into second state, it becomes a terrifying weapon… being more whip-like in shape, with attacks having far long reach, and as such, allows the Hunter to make attacks from longer distances, utilizing the weight of the blade to his advantage.

-Burial Blade:
A mastercraft weapon made of siderite that once belonged to the First Hunter of Yharnam, now the torch has been carried with its new wielder, now utilizing it within a very different realm. Normally, it's shaped like that of a rather sharp curved sword, being able to make rapid slashes with ease and cutting through flesh like butter. But once connected to the rest of its 'body', it becomes a deadly scythe, allowing for wider sweeps and more focused swings of the weapon. It also has a arcanic side to it, dealing arcane damage with its swings. Best not to be caught up by its attacks now.

-Holy Moonlight Blade:
This weapon is certainly far different than most other weapons that would be considered a Trick weapon, being a seemingly unassuming great sword at first, when properly infused with the blue moonlight, it's true form shows itself, channeling the abysmal cosmos through its blade. Covered within a mixture of arcane and holy magic, this great sword is a powerful tool when in the right hands, capable of launching forth waves of arcane energy at foes with certain swings, along with even being able to create large explosions with its strikes, its wielder unharmed by its attacks. Considered to be the strongest weapon of the Hunter's arsenal, once this tool is taken out, prepare yourselves for a great fight now.

As the name suggests, it is a gun-like weapon capable of firing specialized bullets called quicksilver bullets, bullets made out of the blood of a Hunter in order to greatly damage beasts and other creatures, Firearms make the most of this bullets, with the Hunter starting out with just two guns to start out with in the beginning. Which are:

A flintlock pistol that is a little bit bigger than most others, it was named after a woman, with a intricate design to the very weapon, it brings with it rather powerful single shot potential with ever pull of the trigger. A reliable firearm every Hunter should have.

-Gatling Gun:
As the name suggests, it is a quickly-firing handheld Gatling gun that provides a lot of fire output in a short amount of time. Rather useful up in closer ranges but at longer ranges, it's spread makes it a less reliable weapon to use at such range.

And finally, consumables and throwables, items that the Hunter can use to a more limited extent than other tools, but are still useful in the very fact that they can provide a quick advantage if things aren't going his way;

-Blood Vial:
A couple of bottles filled with blood, these vials can be used in order to heal wounds that have inflicted the Hunter, injecting them into a limb as to let the healing blood flow through his veins and close up his wounds. To anyone else who uses it tho that isn't a Hunter or heals from blood… it does exactly nothing… hopefully.

-Molotov Cocktail:
A bottle filled with a flammable liquid within it, after lighting it and throwing it at a for, prepare to watch them burn away in a blazing fire.

-Numbing Mist:
A more special throwable, it is a bottle filled with a strange mist, that when thrown against someone, prevents them from healing themselves or getting heals from others temporarily (2 turns). A useful tool to be sure if used to stop one from restoring their vitality and make them weaker in battle.

-Bolt Paper:
A special piece of paper that seems to glow blue with electricity, rubbing it against a weapon infused it with the very element of lighting itself, allowing a weapon to temporarily deal lighting damage to foes with its attacks. Only works with melee weapons.

-Fire Paper:
Just like the Bolt paper, the fire paper is a elemental infused piece of paper that grants one the ability to harness the power of fire temporarily by rubbing it onto their blade.

-Hand Lantern:
A simple lantern that the Hunter can attach to his belt in order to provide light for him to move within.

-Shaman bone blade:
A more specialized 'knife' that is more like that of a sharpened bone covered in a strange green spinal fluid, when used to stab a opponent, it temporarily numbs a opponent's senses in battle, disturbing their gross motor skills, causing them to temporarily attack their own allies instead of the Hunter or his own teammates. Useful for causing confusion and chaos within a group of enemies.

-Poision throwing knife:
A simple throwing knife covered in a purple poison, deals damage overtime as time goes on. Useful for passively dealing damage without getting in close or wasting a bullet.

-This Hunter is taken directly from the end of the game, during the Childhood's beginning ending, partaking within the final secret fight against a boss.

-Often keeps the Holy Moonlight Blade wrapped around in bandages, taking great care of the weapon moreso than his other weapons…

-Rather enjoys music being played near him, especially from that of a music box, keeping one on himself so that he can play it anywhere he can go.

-Has forgotten his own name (having the Waste of Skin origin), and so, decided to go with his Title as his name for now.
"I am the sleep princess"


Margarita Blankenheim


16 years old


The Evillious Chronicles

Personality (Taken by The Evillious Chronicles Wiki)

Margarita was a disillusioned girl in denial. While Margarita had always considered her sleepless condition a natural part of life, she recognized sleep for others to be a natural respite from their troubles. Because of this, she made numerous attempts to induce sleep without success; as she slipped into depression, Margarita equated her lack of sleep to lack of happiness and humanity. Breaking under Eve's influence, she decided death was the ultimate sleep and constructed the fantasy that she was the "Sleep Princess" granting respite to others before giving it for herself as proof of her humanity.

Because of her true nature, Margarita felt a dissonance between herself and "normal" people which only increased with her sleepless condition, developing into an identity crisis and a sense that she was only a decorative doll. She furthermore began to resent the people around her that she blamed for her unhappy life and marriage; although outwardly kind and calm, she harbored a deep inner bitterness and sociopathy. Although playing ignorant to Père Noël's criminal nature and the destruction she was causing, she acted in large part to extract vengeance on the world for her unhappiness.
Margarita's delusional state was largely influenced by Eve as she went into denial over her miserable life, growing worse over time. Not having the means to handle her problems, she first pretended to be content with her loveless life. As she experimented with her Gift, this delusion grew to incorporate her fantasy of being the Sleep Princess awaiting her prince; by the time she completed her Seventh Gift, Margarita was completely consumed by her own sloth and more acting on instinct. She also came to consider the Gifts she made to be her own children as replacement for the ones she never had with Kaspar.


Knowledge in pharmaceuticals, including poison, latent hypnosis powers, unability to fall asleep or feel fatigue


The Sixt Gift, the Gift of the airbone variety, a deadly poison refined ny Margarita and hidden in her bloodstream
A switchblade to slice her wrists open and release Gift


Due to Eve, her original incarnation, and her death, she is extremely pyrophobic
While it doesn't seem like it, her never meeting her mother greatly influenced her feeling of inhumanity
View attachment 226831
"I am the sleep princess"


Margarita Blankenheim


16 years old


The Evillious Chronicles

Personality (Taken by The Evillious Chronicles Wiki)

Margarita was a disillusioned girl in denial. While Margarita had always considered her sleepless condition a natural part of life, she recognized sleep for others to be a natural respite from their troubles. Because of this, she made numerous attempts to induce sleep without success; as she slipped into depression, Margarita equated her lack of sleep to lack of happiness and humanity. Breaking under Eve's influence, she decided death was the ultimate sleep and constructed the fantasy that she was the "Sleep Princess" granting respite to others before giving it for herself as proof of her humanity.

Because of her true nature, Margarita felt a dissonance between herself and "normal" people which only increased with her sleepless condition, developing into an identity crisis and a sense that she was only a decorative doll. She furthermore began to resent the people around her that she blamed for her unhappy life and marriage; although outwardly kind and calm, she harbored a deep inner bitterness and sociopathy. Although playing ignorant to Père Noël's criminal nature and the destruction she was causing, she acted in large part to extract vengeance on the world for her unhappiness.
Margarita's delusional state was largely influenced by Eve as she went into denial over her miserable life, growing worse over time. Not having the means to handle her problems, she first pretended to be content with her loveless life. As she experimented with her Gift, this delusion grew to incorporate her fantasy of being the Sleep Princess awaiting her prince; by the time she completed her Seventh Gift, Margarita was completely consumed by her own sloth and more acting on instinct. She also came to consider the Gifts she made to be her own children as replacement for the ones she never had with Kaspar.


Knowledge in pharmaceuticals, including poison, latent hypnosis powers, unability to fall asleep or feel fatigue


The Sixt Gift, the Gift of the airbone variety, a deadly poison refined ny Margarita and hidden in her bloodstream
A switchblade to slice her wrists open and release Gift


Due to Eve, her original incarnation, and her death, she is extremely pyrophobic
While it doesn't seem like it, her never meeting her mother greatly influenced her feeling of inhumanity
character approved. Have you joined the Discord Server yet? That's where the OOC is
Screenshot 2022-03-04 8.31.54 PM.png

"What Humans always do, they sought the same power and privilege that the gods abused."

Ben (AKA Prometheus)

5000+ years old

Fandom, Legacies

Ben cares deeply about humans and believes the best about them, despite the fact that he shouldn't. He will go out of his ways to protect his friends and family. That being said, he can also be jaded about humanity as he had seen the best and worst of them. He also enjoys pain.

Regeneration Curse- Ben can't be killed- in the sense that he keeps coming from the dead as he was cursed by the Gods to be killed and come back to life.

Super strength- He can lift an incredibly heavy dumbell with one finger.

Immunity to magic ( It just doesn't work on him)

Monster bait ( Without bracelet) - Without the bracelet on, even the most docile of supernatural creatures want to kill Ben.

(This will be expanded over time as his character has been in three eposides)

Bracelet- Makes it so monsters don't want to murder him.

Ben's considered a god ( though he's technically a demigod). He currently has no known weakness, but can be killed like most humans.

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View attachment 226831
"I am the sleep princess"


Margarita Blankenheim


16 years old


The Evillious Chronicles

Personality (Taken by The Evillious Chronicles Wiki)

Margarita was a disillusioned girl in denial. While Margarita had always considered her sleepless condition a natural part of life, she recognized sleep for others to be a natural respite from their troubles. Because of this, she made numerous attempts to induce sleep without success; as she slipped into depression, Margarita equated her lack of sleep to lack of happiness and humanity. Breaking under Eve's influence, she decided death was the ultimate sleep and constructed the fantasy that she was the "Sleep Princess" granting respite to others before giving it for herself as proof of her humanity.

Because of her true nature, Margarita felt a dissonance between herself and "normal" people which only increased with her sleepless condition, developing into an identity crisis and a sense that she was only a decorative doll. She furthermore began to resent the people around her that she blamed for her unhappy life and marriage; although outwardly kind and calm, she harbored a deep inner bitterness and sociopathy. Although playing ignorant to Père Noël's criminal nature and the destruction she was causing, she acted in large part to extract vengeance on the world for her unhappiness.
Margarita's delusional state was largely influenced by Eve as she went into denial over her miserable life, growing worse over time. Not having the means to handle her problems, she first pretended to be content with her loveless life. As she experimented with her Gift, this delusion grew to incorporate her fantasy of being the Sleep Princess awaiting her prince; by the time she completed her Seventh Gift, Margarita was completely consumed by her own sloth and more acting on instinct. She also came to consider the Gifts she made to be her own children as replacement for the ones she never had with Kaspar.


Knowledge in pharmaceuticals, including poison, latent hypnosis powers, unability to fall asleep or feel fatigue


The Sixt Gift, the Gift of the airbone variety, a deadly poison refined ny Margarita and hidden in her bloodstream
A switchblade to slice her wrists open and release Gift


Due to Eve, her original incarnation, and her death, she is extremely pyrophobic
While it doesn't seem like it, her never meeting her mother greatly influenced her feeling of inhumanity
character approved. Have you joined the Discord Server yet? That's where the OOC is
Not yet, but i'm gonna do it as soon as possible!