The Old Kingdom (Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen etc.)

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Up front and full disclosure: this is a testing of the waters and to gauge possible numbers. While I have some plot ideas in mind I first want to see if it is viable in the first place.

Fairly self explanatory - does anyone have an interest in creating a roleplay set in this world?

My general thoughts for a RP without setting anything in stone would be:
-Characters would be Charter Mages of one kind or another (perhaps from Ancelstierre and/or the Old Kingdom)
-Characters may be from one of the influential groups (Clayr, Royals or Abhorsens)
-Some involvement with Ancelstierre and the world beyond
-Some kind of Dead/Free Magic threat. Depending on the time setting this could be anything and characters from the novels may feature or may not, the latter also depending upon players' preference.
-The RP to be primarily based in the Old Kingdom itself.

I currently have several ideas for plots/villains/key players but a lot depends upon when the RP might be set in the world. At this point I'm testing the waters to see if there are any who are interested in the idea of an Old Kingdom RP.

Oh, and knowledge of the Old Kingdom world/books would be necessary. To what level/which point can be up for debate (I have Goldenhand but have yet to read it as I'm re-reading the series, hence my thoughts on this RP).
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