The Notebook [7.39 x MaryGold]



Original poster
Medusa stepped into the old antique store, awestruck by how cluttered and how tidy it looked and managed to pull off a vintage feel the entire time. An old man sat at the clerks counter, though his head was down and a faint snore could be heard from him, she was amazed he could sleep with his store was unguarded. "Afternoon, sir," She mumbled as she rushed into the heart of the store, ducking as she passed by him though it didn't do anything since even her greeting didn't wake him up. It only fed into her paranoia that the store was haunted. She quickly drowned the thought as she rushed one aisle to the next, stepping over objects that seemed as though they were recklessly tossed to the ground rather than adequately shelved.

She couldn't stop the small 'aha' that left her lips, a mix of relief and anxiety as she picked up the thick book that rested almost perfectly on the shelf. Medusa held the book close to her chest and peered between the two shelves, thankful to see the store clerk was still blissfully unaware of the young thief running about. Nervously the girl turned the book over in her hands, it was old and rough without opening it she could already tell the pages were worn down to their wit's end, but the unique symbols on the front and back of the book had stayed looking as if they had just been carved in moments ago. Terribly out of place to the rest of the book.

With a nervous breathe she shoot the sleeping man one last look before stuffing the book into her bag, her blood running cold the second she had done so. Oh god, oh no, it's the curse. She clenched her jaw and gripped the strap of her bag as if it would cure her of any misfortune. Taking small but hasty steps she rushed out of the store, continually reassuring herself it was old, there would be no alarm that would go off and wake up the man. She wouldn't get arrested sent to jail and have to watch her mother cry as she was sentenced to prison for theft of a death beaten book.

"Well?" A girl with glasses the size of dinner plates greeted her at the door, wide-eyed with a wild smile etched onto he lips, beside her was another girl, much more meek looking whose hands seemed to forever stay near her mouth in an attempt to cover crooked teeth when she spoke. Abigail and Samantha, in that order.

"Did you get something?" Samantha asked if it weren't for the fact her eyes were the size of Abigail's glasses the excitement in her voice would have given her away. Though, somehow the book felt heavier in her bag when the question was popped.

"Ye-yeah..." Nervously the girl dug through her bag and pulled out the book, once the two girls showed their joy she quickly shoved it back. It felt like casually dragging out a dead body in front of a police station. Understanding Medusa's reasoning they hooked their arms in hers and dragged her to the bus stop, gossiping about how big this would be if the curse were real. Big for you guys...I'm the one getting the short end of the stick here. With a sigh she nodded along to what they were saying until the familiar 201B pulled up, and giving her friends one last farewell (just in case she died in a fiery death on her commute home) she hopped on and took a seat, her hand nervously digging through her bag to grab the book every now and then, making sure it didn't escape.

Exhausted the girl dragged herself into her home and up to her room, her mother leaving her all to familiar 'I love you,' sticky note on the fridge, which also said what was for dinner. Which was Hamburger Helper, which was nothing. Snatching up an energy drink she marched up to her room and threw her bag onto her desk, the book falling out and hitting the floor, the latch that kept it shut popping off in the process.

"FUCK." She dropped the half-empty drink in the bin and dived to grab the book, and it's failed latch as if the 5-second rule applied and it would magically fix itself. Of course, it didn't apply. Medusa could only groan in dismay as she felt she had dug a deeper hole for herself and threw the book onto the desk. A satisfying thud following after. She paced fidgeting with the latch in her hand before finally settling down and opening up the book. Her brow furrowed and her lips parted a little further apart with each page she turned until a look of disgust rested on her face. "This is all a load of gibberish." She rubbed her temple as she tried to figure out what to do next. Her clock said 2AM, and common sense said to go to sleep. Though the amateur thief couldn't wrap her head around how it got so late so fast.

With a huff Medusa got up from her seat and collapsed onto her bed, giving the accursed book one last glare before her small world blurred to black.
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"This is it, Master!" Said a soft-spoken melodic voice. It belonged to none other than a kitten, a feline with a silken black cat with sapphire blue eyes that appeared to glow in the darkness of the night. However what stuck out the most about the furry creature was the gold crescent moon on its forehead like a birthmark. Oh, but it was so much more than just a simple birthmark. Not that any other regular human would know what it meant. The kitten mewed for its master to hurry up and catch up to it. "Master, here, over here this way!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming, be quiet or else you'll wake up the entire neighborhood, " The said master scolded the kitten, running to catch up with the feline. Huffing he placed both hands on his waist as he looked down at his loyal servant who seemed very pleased that he had finally caught up. It had only been a week since he took in the moon kitten and she had already become very bossy. Sometimes he forgot that he was the one that was supposed to be the master and her the servant. Not that he minded it much, she was more responsible than him so it only made sense. One of the had to be the adults despite him actually being an adult and her kitten.

"So, this is the house?" He hummed, looking away from his servant and to the house, they now stood in front of in the quiet of the night. Most of the house's lights in the neighborhood had been shut off for many of the inhabitants were now sleeping, including the very place he stood firmly in front of.

"Yep! This is where it is, Master Leon! Can't you sense it?" The kitten questioned, swaying her tail as she watched her master hum to himself. It was something he did when he was in deep thought.

Finally, Leon smirked and nodded. "It is, there's no time to waste, we're lucky we even got here first. Come on!" Without hesitation, he jumped into action, heading toward the house. Rather than knock on the door, he did something else considered impossible to average mortals. He walked on air, each step took him higher until he was directly outside the window of the room where his inheritance lied.

Of course, what he did next would be considered breaking and entering, but Leon didn't care much for listening to the laws of mortals and now as no different. The brunette opened the window and quietly climbed in through the window, he didn't have to look behind him to know his loyal kitten was following behind him.

As quiet as a mouse, he began to search for it, his inheritance, the notebook.

Then "MEW!" the kitten fell onto the floor of the bedroom floor from the window sill. Leon had no idea a kitten could be so loud or clumsy. Nor did he know she would get them caught!

She felt as though her lungs were on fire as she ran down a road that seemed never to end, desperate to escape the eyes of a beast that chased her down, though Medusa didn't dare look at the predator as she ran for her life. Each rock she tripped over threatened to end her. Suddenly she felt something strike her head, just hard enough to make her trip and just hard enough to wake her up.

Medusa woke up from her dream panting and tangled in her blanket, the open window offering her a slight breeze and the fake cactus that rested on her windowsill laid next to where her head would have been, quickly explaining what hit her. Though all of that was disregarded as soon as she caught the young man and his feline accomplice standing in her room and without thinking she shrieked loud enough to put a banshee to shame. "GET OUT!" She grabbed the cactus, chucking it at the intruder without a second thought.

Did I forget to lock my door? Or did he climb in through the window? What kind of nutcase would do that! Her eyes fell onto the drawer that held her charging phone. Hurridly she grabbed her pillow and slid off her bed, thankful she decided to just pass out fully clothed or she would have to fight someone in her underwear. The poor girl looked as though she would start bawling at any moment.
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"Wait! Wait, wait, wait!" Leon hurriedly said just before pillow smacked him square in the face. He didn't even flinch when it made the impact, he only raised his hands as if to defend himself as it slid to the ground. He was attempting to calm her down, so far, it was going miserably. He knew it, his loyal kitten knew it and of course, the girl screaming off her head said it off. It drove him crazy and nearly deaf, but he couldn't really blame her. After all, he was just stranger who broke into her house, her bedroom. She had every right to be afraid, but that didn't mean her actions were annoying Leon a lot. Because, in truth, they absolutely were.

"Master!" the kitten squeaked and hid behind the desk as not to be attacked.

Leon watched as she reached for her phone. Was she planning on calling the cops? Oh no, Leon had enough run in with those guys and needed not to be bothered with the men in blue. With a swift and simple lift of his finger, the phone flew from where it lied and into his hand. Ah, the perks of magic. Sometimes Leon wondered how the simple humans lived their dull, mediocre and hard lives without it. It sure saved him a lot of time, but he could only imagine what was going through the poor girl's head once again. He hoped she would just faint and forget that this ever happens.

"Lok! Look!" He shouted, backing away from her as if to say he came in peace with his actions. That he meant no harm. "Listen, I just want the notebook, my notebook and I'm gone, I promise. Just give it to me." He said to the girl, his magnificent blue eyes focusing on her and even looked as if they were glowing in the dark of the room. Though, Leon was unaware of this feature that he possessed and only stared on at the girl.

Gripping the phone tightly, his eyes worriedly wandered over to his lunar kitten for a split second. She had completely hidden in the dark of the room and the only thing that made her visible was that her blue eyes were also glowing in the dark of the room. "Just give me the notebook." Hissed the young man, reaching out his empty hand while holding tightly to her phone in the other. He was not leaving without it. No, not after he had been searching so long.