The Next Eden (Lore)


Broken But Never Forgotten
Original poster
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Monday Through Friday 3:00PM to 11:00PM EST. Saturday & Sunday 6AM to 1AM EST
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  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fandom, Post apocalypse
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Although I have put up lore about most things. If anyone has ideas that they wish to add whether it be a another type of weapon, another alien race, or location...please feel free to PM me the idea and we can discuss whether it should be added in and for what reason.

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    Humans; weak, and fragile. Humans have almost always been known across the universe by all other races out in space. All other races have never bothered to approach humanity simply due to the thought that it was nothing more than a waste of time since from what all others have seen, they always became over excited about anything new they discovered.

    Though they might not be the fastest, most intelligent, or strongest; humans possessed one thing that was rather intriguing even to the smallest of aliens. They had a strong will to survive no matter what came their way, although this might not have been the best ability compared to other aliens; this will to survive has caused humanity to prosper through hundreds of years and slowly advance to where they are now. Even if it might be slow, they slowly learn to adapt to new surroundings and figure out anyway they can to live.

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    The Xeloth; aliens that now control the planet of Earth followed by many other planets in the universe by the same means of how they conquered Earth. These beings know no sense of remorse to their killing and would kill their own kind if they believed one of them was too weak or would attempt to betray them in the future by their actions. Little is known about these kind other than that they do follow a rule of a single being that is of their same race, almost like a sort of 'King'. They never destroy the planet they conquer unless they believe that the race would become too far of a threat in the future and believe that destroying the planet would be the best means of ridding their concerns of this possible threat.

    Their technology far surpasses many thousands of generations of nearly any alien race let alone humanity. They normally arrive in smaller ships meant for quick assaults yet they do have massive ships as well that are meant for bombarding as well as capital ships that have yet to ever been seen.The Xeloth come in many different forms, each looking much different from the last. Their appearances normally show the slightest sign of what that particular one does.

    Example: The above picture normally represents that of a hunter type of Xeloth. Their usual goals are to scout and search areas for survivors after an assault or if a recon or even assassinations are required.

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    These creatures maybe small but they are never to be underestimated due to their size. The Qryx are small in size but yet they compensate for their physical size by having intelligence that far exceeds most other races aside from the Xeloth. They tend to be able to craft weapons of all different sorts with interesting enhancements as well as suits for themselves to survive extreme conditions along with extra mobility. Aside from their intelligence, the Xeloth have very large rabbit-like ears and feet that also are rather large that appear almost rabbit like as well; these things allow them to be able to jump far distances as well as use their hearing to be able to listen on the smallest detail that one would not be able to hear with the normal naked ear.

    When the Qryx first arrived on the space station where the humans resided, just like all other races; they had to take time before humans had decided to trust them. By the time trust was achieved though, the two races have been working together to this day to invent new equipment and weaponry for their soldiers all over.

    Even with all these things that might make the Qryx rather important and great. They still lack in physical strength and durability, without machines or someone else helping them they cannot lift overly heavy things by themselves both because they lack the strength but as well as due to their small bodies. Also, with their intelligence; their bodies are not exactly overly fit so if they are shot or slashed at, they will easily be injured unless they are wearing actual armor of some sort.

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    The Raag, these beings are normally stereotyped as brutes and savages because of how they appear to look as well as their preference in using hand-to-hand combat over actual ranged or melee weapons. All Raags have either blue or red skin colors; each differing in shades of said colors as well as markings that differ on whoever the Raag is. The Raag have highly thick skin that is very difficult to penetrate using any kind of melee weapon but is not impossible to harm them with such.
    Even if they are stereotyped to be savages and such, the Raag are quite intelligent as well; although it may not be on the same level of the Qryx, they understand the concept of using technology, building families, feeling actual emotion as well as thinking logically such as using guns and weapons if the situation called for it.

    When the Raag had first appeared onto the station, many people had feared them and a battle had almost waged out in the middle of the station if it weren't for several peace ambassadors stepping in from both sides stating that it was a meeting that was arranged for the two groups to speak with one another about living together. The Raag out of all the races had the longest of time to be able to gain the trust of all the humans on the station but eventually people have grown to accept them, even if there still are some that are a tad bit racist and fear them.

    Even with their intelligence and their high durability as well as their strength, the Raag do possess one major flaw. They have serious anger problems, the Raag are quite easily enraged and when they do go into a rage; it is slightly difficult to calm them down. In battle, when a Raag tends to become angered, they will charge straight into the battlefield and attack their enemies without care, this risks the chance of how quickly they can be taken down due to their senses only relying on the target in front of them and nothing more; this can easily lead to the death of a Raag by being struck from behind or anywhere in general that is not directly in their line of sight.
    This does not mean that their rage will immediately flare at the smallest of things, though with each Raag it differs about how they calm down or what it takes to calm them down.

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    These avian beings are known as the Klymm, unlike many of the other races who will use technology if they need to, the Kylmm are very tribal and prefer the use of natural things rather than relying on machines to do their work since they believe it to be a sign of weakness. The Klymm do not use ranged weapons such as guns or lasers but rather they use bow and arrows, javelins and long ranged melee weapons as their form of ranged attacks. Other than that, they tend to be much more direct with their attacks by using melee in every sense. Although this race is avian, they do not possess the ability to fly since they do not have wings but do have feathers. Due to how they rely on natural things rather than using machines all the time, the Klymm have many remedies that they share among the races within the station when doctors cannot seem to find a way to help a patient. They do not wear ordinary clothing like humans and any other race but rather they also make their own clothing using cloths, wool, feathers, etc.

    When the Klymm had first arrived at the station, they were treated rather kindly because of the fact that by now there had been plenty of other aliens also roaming the streets and land within the station. However, due to how the Kylmm are highly tribal, they actually were the ones that had the harder time trusting humans and other races in the station. Luckily as time went on and the trust waivered up and down, soon enough the Klymm came to trust the people on the station and begin to give their own assistance to those around them.

    With all these things about the Klymm, the very fact of how they are tribal is a big weakness in itself. For those who join the military or even the SATU, they refuse to wear any sort of armor that the government or organization might decide to give them; this includes weaponry as well. When it comes to weapons and armor, they will only wear and use what their tribe approves of. This has been stated at the thought that using weapons and armor of metal held no sort of 'soul' and made them like machines who were just following pointless orders; while wearing something that was made in the tribe has the belief that they have some kind of mystical aura that gives them protection in battle.

    Even though the Klymm are highly agile and are able to move in ways that one would never think was possible as well as strike with such precision, with their lack of armor they are easily taken down if they are shot or stabbed.

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    The Slekah, these alien beings are almost all aquatic yet they are able to move around for a decent amount of time on land without water. Many of those who require to go onto land for longer periods of time tend to wear masks over their lower face region to cover their nose, gills and mouth in water while they carry a small tank either on their back of on their hip; all depending on the size. The tank circulates water to go through them to allow them to breathe on land for as long as they require to be there. The Slekah are well known for their ability to preserve and experiment hence how they use technology underwater in their own homes and since their home planet is all water.

    When the Slekah had arrived at the station, a panic had almost occurred throughout the entire station due to how the race had never met any others that need to breathe air rather than water; so when they had stepped onto the station it was only a matter of time that many of the people had began to have difficulty breathing and start collapsing all around. Rushing these people to the infirmary and realizing they have gills, they were given masks that allowed them to breathe water before all the speaking could've begun. The Slekah seemed to had the easiest time getting along with humans and all the other races as it took the least amount of time for an agreement to come to place. The two sides exchanged information and soon enough, more and more advances in technology and all that came about the station.

    Just because the Slekah are highly intelligent with the use of experimenting and all that, their bodies are highly silky and smooth from how they spend most of their time in water at their homes and breathe it nearly all the time. They tend to have a bit of a dangerous time when it comes to getting close to anything that has live electricity coming out of it or anything that might be electrical that hasn't been designed for safe touching from a Slekah.

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    The Lupkanin, a humanoid canine-like race that shares many similar traits compared to other sentient races. The Lupkanin are average sized compared to humans and lean more on dexterity and agility rather than strength when it comes to physical traits. They are quick and are gifted ((or cursed)) with a uncanny sense of hearing or smell, however in some cases that can also mean they are more sensitive to loud noises and extreme odors. It wouldn't be abnormal so see some wearing respirators or hearing protection every now and then.

    The Lupkanin once had colonies and sectors under their influence, but one by communications with planets went dark, and only a few evacuation ships would live to report their misfortunes. When their capital planet fell the Meko'Nassi quickly became nothing more than scattered outposts and a beaten navy. All government and military structures would reform into what is now known at the Assembly. When the Lupkanin first made contact with the station tensions flared due to the military element and the communication barrier, however over time the barrier was overcame. Many refugees migrated to the station, leaving what few outposts remained to only have their military or research staff.

    The military arm of the Lupkanin quickly converted to a security force for Lupkanin assets such as docked ships or embassies. While they do not have the fleet power from their glory days they have established a very effective dispatch system and have made a new breed of specialists: Liason Officers who specialize in relaying and coordinating with both the station and the Assembly's assets to help complete the mission. The Lupkanin are by no means the strongest, and their heightened senses render them vulnerable to high pitched noises and extreme smells, both causing disorientation or even pain. However the make up for their downfalls with their speed and their uncanny reaction time.

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    No matter how many years might end up passing, the most basic of firearms have always been known to humans to use against one another as well as nearly any kind of threat. These weapons use what is known as 'bullets' and 'shells', although compared to many of the other weapons that humans now have at their arsenal, this might be weak but yet they are much easier to handle and do not require high amounts of maintenance if something were to go wrong with them. These firearms also come in a variety of different sizes that range from small to overly large weapons as well as ranging between different types of firing capabilities such as plan shooting bullets if not shooting rockets and causing massive explosions.

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    Plasma slicers come in one to two different types of forms, they are either in the size of a rifle or a hand-gun. These guns were developed by human scientists early on when the move to the station had occurred and due to the knowledge that with being in space, using small and basic hand tools to fix damages into the interior of the station or even thinking of exploring other planets to face animals that they had never seen before, using basic firearms wasn't going to cut it. These weapons take a few moments to power-up when the trigger is pulled and held, once the central core within the weapon has grown to a high enough amount of heat, it will fire out a concentrated beam that is hot enough to melt metal together with quick ease, cut through flesh in a mere second or even penetrate hard scales of alien animals without too much trouble.

    Due to the fact that the core requires to heat up to an high temperature to be able to even fire the weapon, it is common that if used for a long period of time without rest, the weapon can easily overheat and become unusable until it cools down.

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    Bolters, this firearm was a concept that humans had originally strived for multiple times but yet never came to an ability to be able to make them work due to explosions during testing or malfunctioning of the gun after a single shot would always occur. With the help from the Qryx however, it was only a matter of time that the concept became a reality. Bolters also come in two forms, that of a pistol or a shotgun. These particular guns take what is commonly known to humans as 'shells', though unlike ordinary basic firearm shells these shells have a blue glowing liquid that is in the center that gives it a much more powerful punch when shot. Whatever the round of the bolter shells hits will cause a miniature explosion from the chemicals within the shells coming into contact with a solid object followed by the heat when it is released from the weapon itself. Bolters are normally used in close combat situations due to their dangerous use of being used in far ranged battles by possibly injuring or killing an ally due to it's inaccuracy.

    Aside from the fact that the bolter is inaccurate at long ranged combat, they also have a terribly high recoil that when used by an inexperienced wielder; it can easily break their hand or face if it bounces back too far.

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    Known as the most commonly used weapon by ordinary authority in the station, the military as well as the SATU. Energy weapons have been rumored to be the new arsenal that was to replace ordinary human firearms, though there are still many of those who prefer the old fashion way as a way to remember their time when they were still on Earth or even as a reminder to History about what life was like back on Earth in general. Energy weapons just like bolters use a type of ammunition though they aren't shells, they use what look like ordinary bullets that each have a small black dot at the tip of every 'bullet', the black dot is actually compressed energy that was captured and placed into a small container such as a bullet to be used for these weapons. These guns were also an invention out of the assistance by the Qryx to help humans prosper much easier into the new world of living in the vast universe.

    Just like the firearms that humans once used, energy weapons also come in a variety of different sizes. These are able to be in the size of a pistols, rifles, snipers, or even large automatic weapons such as turrets.

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    These particular weapons were originally invented by the Qryx with the help of the Raag for the concept of them. These gauntlets and boots come in multiple different sizes all to fit and properly suit for the user for enough comfort as well as easy mobility. The purpose for these gauntlets and boots are used both for heavy lifting construction workers as well as for the military and the SATU, on the interior of the gauntlets and boots is a small generator that charges and allows the user to be able to use much more force than they ever could imagine on their own.
    The biggest problem with these weapons is the very fact that they are meant to be actual physical hitting weapons hence the fact that they are nothing more than gauntlets and boots in the end that have a much stronger punch and kick compared to someone who was ordinarily using their feet or fists even if they were dressed in the SATU suits.

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    These are the most commonly known melee weapons used mainly by either the military if not the SATU. For as long as time has existed, weapons such as swords, daggers, knives and anything sharp in general have always been used in one way or another to shed blood. Humans used it as well as aliens for mostly all the same purposes. Now, with the station being that of the new Earth and the gathering of all the different races coming together; scientists of all races came together to come up with these different variations of newly formed melee weapons like these.

    Each sword having a small rotating generator near the hilt of the blade, every single one of them differing ins size depending on what kind of sharp melee weapon it is. The generator of each particular melee weapon delivering a different sort of 'enhancement', whether it be coating the blade in electricity, water, ice, fire, etc. or even possibly causing the blade to vibrate to cut through objects or enemies with much more ease.

    However, even though the weapons themselves sound terribly dangerous. Their flaw is similar to that of the plasma slicers; because they have a generator that gives them this enhancement, the blade itself can only withstand so much power before it overheats and nearly becomes useless other than an ordinary sharp weapon to slash at enemies with. It is possible to strain the weapon and force it to continue to run the generator even once it overheats, though doing so risks the chance of snapping the blade in half once the user decides to cool it down or possibly having the weapon explode in the user's hand(s) and coming blowing of their wrist(s) and hand(s) with it being destroyed as well.
Additional Lore

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    The Slums or otherwise known as just the Lower Class sections are near the lowest portion of the station. Aside from there being small families that struggle financially, the slums is also where many illegal deals are made such as the black market, gangs, mafia, etc. For citizens that live in the station, it is common to see someone in the slums attempting to purchase high grade military weapons from someone else.
    The authorities and military refuse to go into these areas to deal with any type of illegal trading due to how dangerous it is. There have been multiple cases as to where police officers as well as military personnel have been shot down by weapons that normal citizens shouldn't be able to acquire.

    Families that live here tend to be left alone by the gangs and troublemakers though every so often they will roughhouse around the homes of those who just wish to live their lives as normal as they possibly can.
    Even with the amount of dangers that lurk in the slums, most of the real crime happens during the evening. There are a few things that the slums offers that doesn't make it completely bad; such as family owned restaurants that make homemade food that you wouldn't be able to get anywhere even in the Market district, shops that sell herbs that are home grown that are again quite difficult to find anywhere else.

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    The Market District otherwise known to be the Middle Class section of the station is normally the busiest as well as the most populated place throughout the entire station. Everything can be found here; from small to large restaurants, super markets, small stores, malls, arcades, homes that are decently affordable, etc. Very few crimes occur at this part of the station due to how the authorities roam this area quite often with patrols on foot as well as flying speeders in the sky with other pedestrian vehicles.

    People from all different parts of the station tend to come here quite often, there are always those from high class citizens, to military personnel, government officials, and even from time to time there will be members of the SATU without their full armor walking around to go about their normal lives.

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    This particular area is highly difficult to enter due to how only the richest citizens can afford to live at. It is also known to be one of the most highly guarded sections throughout the entire station due to how there are guards, military soldiers and even sometimes hired SATU members around every corner. There is no chance that one would find anyone that wears normal clothing walking around these areas since everyone that lives here tend to wear the most expensive and high class clothing and jewelry possible.

    Although it isn't rare to see or meet some citizens of the higher class to be kind in any sort of way, it is quite common to see those who are rather snobby and cocky about their money, believing that anything and anyone has a price tag and it was only a matter of how much money they had to pay someone; this is much more common in the more older folk though.

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    Otherwise known as the second most highly guarded area of the entire station, some people argue between whether the higher class citizens section or where the government and politics are dealt with is more highly guarded. This area of the station is where all the biggest decisions are made for the station, whether it is to improve the station by adding or removing something, taking in alien races, talking about warfare, etc.

    Aside from all the talking that is done here, there is also a vault that is located in a secure location of which only very few government officials are aware of it's exact location. The vault consists of all the schematics on how the station is built from bottom to top as well as stating where all it's weaknesses are and what other plans that were going to be made to the station that have yet to come to fruition so far.

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    The restricted zone is well known to practically everyone throughout the entire station for obvious reasons of not being allowed to go there. The entrance into the restricted zone is located deep into the sewers underneath the slums. The reason behind why the area is completely off limits to everyone is that this was where the first attack from the Xeloth had happened after all the other alien races had stated to live on the station as well. The area is highly contaminated in a strange grey substance that is similar to spores that have overgrown over everything and releases a strange unknown toxin that is poisonous if inhaled, the only way to be able to avoid the poison is if one has a mask that can circulate air for one to breathe and a suit that makes sure that none of the spores reach skin contact. Other than the dangerous spores that are around, during the fighting there have been multiple punctures into the station that have caused the vacuum of space itself to come into the station only in that particular area; it is also why the entrance to the zone is bulked down so that the vacuum of space does not enter into the entire station and rip apart everything.

    This particular area was originally planned to had become another section for the station to be built for more expansion so that people had other choices of where to live, do business, etc. Once it had been completed, they were going to begin construction of a path that was safer and cleaner to be able to reach this area without the need to head through the slums or let alone the sewers. However, after the attack the entire plan was obviously cancelled until further notice.
    Other than having the entrance sealed, the exterior of the station is also blocked off by a massive metallic cube that has caution symbols of both radiation for concern of ships deciding to come towards the very spot. This reason was to keep the spores from leaving that particular area and avoid having it spread to the exterior of the entire station. All power to that area has also been shut down so unlike all the other sections of the station, there is no artificial sky, oxygen, electricity, or running water.

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    Located at a different location on the station is also the main headquarters as well as the largest base for the MDS. This one in particular is where all the higher up military personnel such as Generals, and even from time to time to have government officials come to have meetings about what is to be planned for future warfare or weaponry. Aside from that, there is plenty of military training that is also done here to prepare those who wish to become soldiers. There are plenty of areas where there are obstacle courses to run as well as tracks for running generally.
    Also located here is where many of the stations scientists are resided in another portion of that very same building. The science department deals with crafting new types of weapons, armor, and even different forms of transportation that might be either used for military purposes or even possibly a new type of transportation for regular civilians.

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    The SATU headquarters, also to be the only one that there really is of there bases unlike the MDS. This location is completely unknown to the entire MDS as well as even the government itself. It's location is actually in a special spot along the ring that surrounds the globe-like station, rather than being above ground in the ring though; the headquarters is actually underneath the ground so those who patrol the ring are unaware unless they make a large explosion to notice that the ground is slightly more hollow than it should be. The SATU may not have the same amount of numbers as the military yet their training is much more intense and dangerous especially due to how the serum is also injected here at the headquarters as well.

    For those who wish to join the SATU the only way to be able to reach the location of it's headquarters is to be escorted there by a member of the SATU officials or a member of them in general. The entrance into the headquarters is actually to leave the station on foot while wearing an oxygen environmental suit to step onto the exterior of the station's ring and make their way to the underside of the ring where there is a small latch that is large enough to fit just one person at a time, this is to avoid any need for authorizations of using ships to leave the station just for a bit and not really leave the surrounding area of the station itself and bring up suspicion.

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    Years passed and living on EDEN soon became normal as though it was like living on Earth. There had been small differences such as how the station had been separated into a few different sections; the highest part of the station was reserved only for those who had high power or were extremely wealthy in which they could pay for nearly whatever they wanted.

    There had been the center section which was normally the most common for anyone from wealthy families to middle class and even lower class citizens could come to roam around for shopping, living, farming, etc. Then there was the lowest regions of the station which had been also known as the most dangerous; this was where the worst of the worse resided, ranging from serial killers and thieves to black market vendors all around.

    Eventually, authority began to grow within EDEN and a new form of police started to become organized through the new government of EDEN. Soon after, a new military was formed known as The Mutual Defense Syndicate. Time after time, government officials had arguments going back and forth between the issue about using this new military of theirs to train and go back and fight the threat that they deemed as Niefom. One side of the argument had officials demanding an attack while others stated it had been too dangerous and that they should just try and find a new homeworld.

    All the while this happened time after time, deep into the outer ring of the space station yet another secret was being formed yet this time it was not one that the new government had made but yet another group that was separate from all the laws. This new group was known as SATU, otherwise known as The Special Armored Tactical Units. This new group of people were put through different forms of training that could easily well kill a person as well as injected with a serum that only held a 25% chance that the person could withstand the effects of the serum or end up dying.

    If the person could survive the serum and continued the training properly, they were given a specialized suit of their own choosing which enhanced the power of the serum beyond what it was originally capable of to give them what was considered 'abilities'. All the abilities differed between each unit depending on their suit.

    By the time the new group had been fully fitted and they were prepared to do their 'job', it was out of coincidence that as soon as the new units had finished their training that an attack on the station was declared by none other than the very threat that attacked Earth years ago; the Niefoms. With the new fitted military fighting back, even if they might've been able to hold their ground and fight back with a bit further ease this time; the SATU coming in was completely unexpected as they revealed just how much more powerful humanity had gotten over the years.

    With this coming into view, new conversations came up once the attack was fended off and the government came to a decision that the SATU should not be allowed to belong in general due to what it took to become one of them.

    Of course, this did not stop many more wishing to be recruited but yet it did not change the fact that many people could not handle the training or handle the injection of the serum only to make the death toll rise. Soon enough, the military and the SATU started to even become enemies in a slight way even if their goals were still the same yet neither side would dare fight one another due to how humanity knew that this was not the time to fight one another just yet.

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    The station's main hangers are the most well known obvious places throughout the entire station since it is where all ships leaving and coming are located. There are multiple hangers throughout the entire station, each one of them is monitored by a large crew that is within the ring around the globe-like station. Though many of the hangers are used by anyone such as civilians and such, there are still a few hangers that are meant only for either SATU members, MDS members, Government officials, high class citizens as well as visitor aliens.

    Every ship that enters any of the hangers is told whether or not they have been authorized to enter and once they are, are told to go to a specific dock where their ship is to land and be taken care of for the time being. Visitor aliens who arrive also have the same exact rights as anyone else like regular citizens, the only reason for the separation is to make it easier for visitors to be able to leave whenever they have concluded their business at the station.
SATU Suits


The suits that the specialized operatives within the SATU group wear are designed to fit only the user that it was programmed towards. These suits are not only a protection against the vacuum of space as well as any type of damage whether it be from gunfire or sharp objects, they are the only thing keeping those who survive the training and serum injections from killing themselves whenever they use their new fond 'power'. The suits each have a separate built in A.I that works with the operative by feeding them information about where enemies might be in their current location, communicating with other SATU operatives, as well as help hack into systems if need be.

The suits cannot be worn at all times for the longer the user is within the suit the more mental stress it will put upon their body due to a needle being stabbed into the nape of the neck whenever the operative climbs into the suit. The needle forces the user's ability to be unlocked into the suit so that the A.I can assist in keeping the power under a controllable state rather than have it rage out of control.
The longer the user remains within the suit, eventually the operative will experience intense migraines before leading into muscle pain all over the body and eventual muscle spasm till complete loss of motor function that will leave the operative open to any and all danger due to the suit's internal systems believing the user has left the suit physically.​


Ever since the SATU had been founded, they have always been known to be more secretive about their operations as much as possible since they did not wish to let the entire public know about their existence and end up having random strangers approach them or go in search of them to attempt and join the group. The last thing SATU had in mind was having young children who barely could live their lives join a group like them and possibly lose their life just at the thought of being able to gain 'powers'.

Eventually however, it was only a matter of time that the MDS would catch on to the strange events of how some of the issues that they avoided taking care of were being solved and how whenever the station might've been attacked, before MDS could send soldiers of patrols to check out the situation, the problem had also been taken care of. Due to this, MDS soon sent out scouts and it was only took about a month or so before the MDS had found out about the SATU group.

With the knowledge of this separate group working their own form of 'justice', MDS tends to look down upon these members of this group. Since the SATU follow their own guidelines, they do not follow the said 'law' when they are doing their own missions however follow the 'law' set within their group which is simply to not kill innocents, do not allow innocent lives to be pulled into the situation, do not let personal feelings get in the way of your mission, any and all immediate threats are to be neutralized no matter who or what it is.

MDS serves as both the military of the entire space station as well as the authority all around the station as well. Unlike the SATU, they may not have the suit or serum that gives them any special powers; they do have mechanized suits as well as much more powerful arsenal compared to that of the SATU. Due to their ranks and large numbers, they have many different sorts of troops such as shock troops, flame troops, assassins, scouts, brutes, etc.

Simply put, if a full out battle were to occur between SATU and MDS; it can almost be guaranteed that the MDS would most likely win in a straight up war.​