The New Saviors 2.0

It didn't occur to Aidan that he shouldn't have been yelling this late at night. In fact, he was unaware that he had been yelling at all. Aidan nodded, lifting his finger to his mouth, mimicking Alexandria's movements. "Well you shouldn't have to handle it," Aidan declared, glaring at the ground. "I'm yelling because you were supposed to be given.. you know.. I don't know!" Aidan exclaimed, not really sure where he had been going with his sentence. He was at a loss for words.

His hardened exterior melted, hearing Alexandria's muttering. He didn't understand why he had to be the one to tell her these things.. This should have been recited to Alexandria relentlessly as a child. "At least someone told you," Aidan commented, quietly. "Now get your head out of the dumps, Alex. Can't have you thinking about yourself like that," Aidan declared, looking over at Alexandria. She had seemed so hurt.. Almost broken. He didn't know how to fix this.

Aidan frowned. She wasn't eating. Why the fuck wasn't she eating?! "Aren't you gonna eat?" Aidan prodded, gesturing toward her plate. He didn't want her exhausted for the ride tomorrow. If a hungry Alexandria meant an upset Alexandria, he would try his best to prevent that as well. He looked up from his plate, noticing Alexandria was watching him. "What?" Aidan questioned, a mouth full of liquid sweetness and crunchy dough.

Alexandria looked almost like a young puppy, with her wide eyes and tilted head. Aidan smiled between bites. "That is a good question," Aidan decided, looking down at his now empty plate. "Let's just say a mixture of all three, yeah?" Aidan concluded. The food was amazing. The serving size was alright. Alexandria's sadness sucked. It bothered Aidan that it had taken Alexandria so long to think of something she liked about herself. "A fort, huh?" Aidan laughed. "Why don't you show me? You ordered all those pillows, don't you?"
This was the most she had ever opened up to anyone about her home life, and the toxic relationship that the guy that was now known as her ex-boyfriend. She wasn't sure why it was with Aidan, but it was, and she wanted to start shutting the doors to this topic. In her mind they had already blown too far open and it was starting to make her vulnerable. She needed to shut them and lock them before it could get any further.

"Aidan, it's okay, I'm used to it, I know how to handle it." It was probably a sad but very true statement. She looked at him when he began again, unsure what to say. She was supposed to be given what? A better life? One where the world wouldn't hurt her? "It's okay Aidan, really." Alexandria tried her best to calm him down. She wanted to reach out and gently touch his arm, give him a faint smile, but instead she kept her hands at her side, but offered a gentle smile anyway.

While Aidan shoveled his food in his mouth, Alexandria nibbled at it. Eating what she wanted here and there. "I am eating!" She countered. She was a slow eater, always had been and she was sure she was always going to be. "Nothing, you just…I don't know, it's kind of cute how you wanted waffles and how much you seem to be enjoying them." She told him with a small shrug of her shoulders, stifling a small laugh at the sight of his face stuffed with the crunchy dough. He kind of looked like a chipmunk.

That made him look even cuter, a little more innocent and a lot less brooding. She was glad that he enjoyed the food and she nodded her head. At the mention of making a fort she laughed and shoved another fry in her mouth. "Alright then, prepared to be amazed!" She moved the food to the side and quickly got up, walking over to the closest and pulling out whatever materials were in there. "And I'll have you know, I don't sleep with that many pillows." She told him as she came back with the ironing board.

Glancing around, she looked at the chair and quickly moved that as well. It was probably going to be a bit difficult since she had limited supplies, but she would make do. Over the course of time she had gotten good at making forts, enjoying the small and cozy space that they had to offer when she was younger. It drove her parents insane since she practically, as her mother stated, turning the living room into a war zone, or her bedroom, but it was fun. It made her feel less lonely at the time. Stripping the bed she took the sheets and started to hang them up where she could.
His mind couldn't stop obsessing over the possibilities. What had Alexandria meant by "not anymore"? Had she been physically abused at all?! And who the fuck had the audacity to hit her ?! What had she even meant by used to it? People shouldn't be used to that type of shit? Aidan grumbled, crossing his arms and continuing to glare at nothing in particular. " Handle what, Alex?" Aidan prodded, hoping she'd give him at least an idea of what she was supposedly "handling".

Cute? Well, that was a first. Why were waffles cute? And why was enjoying food cute?! Aidan's confusion seemed to be rising by the minute. " Take it back," he playfully threatened. Good food was good food, and Aidan wasn't opposed on expressing when he was eating good food. Unlike Alexandria, apparently, who was barely picking at her plate. "You need to eat more. That's gonna be even more money wasted," Aidan insisted, gesturing to her plate once again.

Aidan hadn't expected Alexandria to take him up on his offer, but he wasn't going to disapprove. He got up with Alexandria, and decided to observe her fort-making. Aidan had never made a fort; Aidan was a child of early maturity and stiff seriousness. He had no desire to make a fort, nor did any of his foster parents want him to make one. But he was content, just watching Alexandria work at the thing she prided herself on. Even if it was just fort-making, at least she had something.

If she didn't sleep with all those pillows, why did she need them. Aidan debated whether or not to ask this question but it had seemed too much time had passed to ask anyways. "I have high expectations for this fort now, Alex. It better impress me," Aidan joked, smiling down at the red head. He watched her work, not quite sure what she was doing and not quite sure he understood the point of a fort. However, he did notice that he seemed a little too big to enjoy something so small. "Is it done?" Aidan finally asked, after a couple of minutes.
With his arms crossed over his chest and the glare on his features, Aidan looked menacing. "My mother." She told him. "I can handle my mother, and the other issue isn't even an issue anymore." The ending of her relationship was a rough one. And it wasn't just tears and begging to be taken back, it was loud screaming, banging on tables and shouts of unpleasant words she would much rather forget. The months leading up to the ending of it weren't that pleasant either, but it was done, it was over and she could forget about it.

The more she talked with Aidan, the more her appetite started to come back and she started to take bigger bites. "No, make me." She easily countered, sticking her tongue out at the male and shoving yet another fry in her mouth. "I am eating, see!" The redheaded exclaimed as she tore off a piece of her chicken strip and shoved it in her mouth. She then moved to spread her hands out as if look, i'm eating. Chewing her food she swallowed and gave the older male a proud grin.

In between her fort making and sneaking bites of her food, she had finally managed to finish it the best she could. The sheet from the bed hung from the curtain rod and extended down and over the ironing board that stood proudly, propped up my the chair. The pillows she had requested were sitting up, almost like a little wall that you had to step over and inside the comforter was laid down, more pillows at the top. "Hope this reaches your expectations. It's as good as I could do with the limited supplies that we had." She admired her handy work, turning to flash Aidan a bright smile.

With excitement in her eyes she climbed inside and looked around, a happy little smile resting upon her lips. She had made sure that it was still pretty roomy the best she could. If there were more chairs and couch cushions there was so much more than she could have done. "I can make some pretty mean cookies and brownies too." She added with a faint laugh at the random bit of information. That thought alone had just kind of come to her mind. "So if you still ever want to hang out after this cursed town thing, I'll make you some, that is if you eat sweets."
Other issue? God, why was she being so stubborn?! That was misdirected anger.. He wasn't angry at Alexandria, at all. He was just bothered that she hadn't gotten the life he imagined for her, the life she had deserved. "Okay, Alex.. But still you shouldn't have to," Aidan declared, finally deciding to drop the subject. There was no point in talking about it when she had seemed to closed off and cautious about spilling any other details. "Is your father an okay dude?" Aidan questioned, curious as Alexandria had said very little about him.

Slowly, Alexandria seemed to eat more and more and he wondered if this was also a problem for her. Aidan laughed, shaking his head at the childish Alexandria. "Don't give me that challenge, Alex," he warned, though his tone made the words seem more kind than threatening. Aidan rolled his eyes at Alexandria, as if shoving a fry in her mouth proved she was going to eat the rest of her plate. "Now you are," Aidan pointed out, throwing his hands up in fake exasperation. Though he couldn't help but smile back at Alexandria.

The results looked vaguely like a linen castle for tiny people. Aidan laughed at the image, and nodded his head in approval. "Yes, I approve. This has exceeded my expectations, in fact," Aidan said, mocking the demeanor of a douchey businessman. "Do we go in now? Or is this all just for show?" Aidan challenged, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Their interaction had reminded him of the days before Alexandria left, when they lived and played together. It hurt, but he didn't try to shove away this feeling.

"Uh, you think I'll fit in there?" Aidan questioned, bending over to look at Alexandria in the fort. She looked like a little kid in a candy store, ecstatic, curious, and full of wonder. He looked away, clearing his throat, deciding he had been staring for possibly too long. At Alexandria's mention of life after fixing the cursed town, Aidan felt uncomfortable. "Yeah, uh, maybe," he added, trying his best to ignore the guilt that was settling in. He didn't know how to tell her that there would be no after for her. Or him. They were slowly journey toward their deaths.

"It's getting real late, Alex."
Relief spread through her when the topic was finally dropped. Just like Aidan probably had things that he didn't want to tell her, she had things she didn't want to tell him, at least not yet. It was already a big enough step that she had opened up so much about what happened in her life behind closed doors. "My dad is wonderful, truly." She smiled faintly. "When I was younger he always tried to come to my recitals when he wasn't busy with work." Her father was there for her more than her mother ever was, and growing up, it became clear to her that her mother probably never wanted a child, but then that opened a slew of other questions she didn't want to get into.

As she began to eat more, she glanced over at Aidan, giving a roll of her eyes. "No seriously, I'd like to know what you'd do." She told him as she continued to eat. She had laughed when he threw his hands up in exasperation, pointing out that now she was eating. "I was eating before." She quickly countered. She enjoyed these little moments, where they joked with each other, instead of glaring and suffocating under the heavy weight of the awkwardness that was always brought about by one of them.

Upon hearing his approval of her fort she couldn't help but beam even more. "Why good sir, you are allowed to come in if you dare." Alexandria joked, looking around the little area before she had crawled in. "Yeah, you'd totally fit! It's a lot roomier than it looks, I do after all know how to make my forts good sir." She patted the spot next to her should he choose to actually enter into the small little safe haven. Screw a cursed town, she wanted to stay here in this little fort and never leave.

She had noticed the way the mood shifted ever so slightly when she brought up doing things together afterwards, and the joy she had been feeling previously faltered just a bit. Instead of asking if she said something wrong or if they weren't going to see each other afterwards, she decided to skip over it, as if she hadn't picked up on anything at all. "Hmm really?" She questioned as she peeked her head out and glanced at the time on the alarm clock. "Oh yeah…I guess it is." She crawled out from her little fort and looked around. "Well, I guess I should make the bed and then we can go to sleep."
It was nice to hear that at least one of Alexandria's parents treated her right. It wasn't ideal, but it was enough. It made him angry that he had naively believed that her life had been perfect. He was angry that after everything he lost and sacrifices, Alexandria still turned out dissatisfied. "Recitals?" Aidan inquired with a small smile. He could just imagine six year old Alexandria dancing around on a stage with some cheesy ballerina outfit. "Well, I hope he gave you a good childhood."

Aidan rubbed the back of his neck, thinking of what he'd do to make Alexandria take her comment back. "I, uh.. make you so uncomfortable! You don't even know," Aidan continued, joking squinting his eyes and jabbing a finger at the red head. In all honesty, he had no idea what that had entailed, he was just bluffing. But he would never admit that! Aidan scoffed at Alexandria's comeback, "Yeah, barely. Definitely not enough."

If he dared? Aidan laughed at the prospect. Alexandria was such a unique soul, she had so much liveliness that he had long missed. "Do I dare?" Aidan asked himself, mainly to play along. Alexandria boasted about her fort-making skills and Aidan laughed. "I'm sure you do," Aidan reassured, still contemplating whether to join her. What would Regina want him to do? She probably want him to keep his distance. So, he decided to do the opposite and climbed in after Alexandria.

"This is.. an experience," Aidan declared, once he had finally nestled in. He felt like a child. And wasn't sure if he had appreciated that. It felt weird being close to Alexandria, as their shoulders were nearly touching. Though, he made sure to create some space between them. Perhaps he should have just listened to his instincts and not participated in entering the fort. "You comfy?" Aidan inquired, looking over at the red head. This had been the closest they had been since they had reunited.. Aidan searched Alex's eyes, looking for any sign as to what he should say.

"Listen, I.." but he couldn't continue. What could he say? Alexandria climbed out of the fort and he nodded at her proposition to make the bed. "Yeah, no. That's probably a good idea," Aidan said, staring down at his hands. He was now alone in the fort, and he decided to soak in his solitude for a few moments longer.
The small smiles were everything to Alexandria. It meant that she wasn't stepping on landmines and exploding their relationship into oblivion like she constantly felt like she was. "Yeah," She laughed faintly. "I think he's got some videos or something packed away?" That was only if she remembered correctly. "He tried, he most definitely did." She nodded her head, making sure or at least trying to let Aidan know that her father was so unlike her mother, that at least there was one good parent.

Alexandria couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow when he told her that he would make her uncomfortable. "Yeah, okay, I'd like to see you give it a shot." She countered. Honestly she wasn't sure what he would do, but he didn't sound so sure in his answer. The redheaded female made sure to finish off her plate, a sign that she had fully eaten. "Look there, finished!" She declared proudly as she stood up to stretch out her limbs. Now she felt pretty full.

The teasing and the playfulness, this was what she was hoping would happen when she met back up with Aidan. Of course it was different since they were older, and they were still getting to know each other, but it wasn't tense or anything bad. She was enjoying it. "You should dare." She whispered like an excited child in a candy store, moving to scoot over when he ending up crawling inside. She couldn't say she fully accounted for his height, so it was a bit tighter than she was originally thinking it was going to be, but that wasn't a bad thing.

Even if their shoulders were nearly touching, she found herself comfortable. Though she had to admit this also felt rather intimate, something couples would possibly two. But they weren't a couple, and they weren't going to sit here all night till the crack of dawn whispering sweet nothings or sharing the things that scared them most in this world. "Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable." Alexandria replied with a faint smile, before she moved to climb out of the safe sanctuary. She could hear Aidan begin to say something before he stopped, and she turned back to look at him.

"Were you saying something?" She questioned as she bent down to pick up the pillows, moving to throw them on the other side of the room. She would deal with those later after she had finished making the bed.
Reliving memories Aidan wasn't apart of was weird, but he appreciated her attempt to share them with him. "He sounds like a good dad," Aidan decided, giving a gentle smile. He didn't know what defined a "good" parent, but he knew enough to know that Alexandria's mother didn't qualify. And he only hoped that she wasn't lying about the type of man her father was. It wasn't like it mattered anymore, either way.

Shit.. Was he really supposed to make Alexandria uncomfortable? How could he do that without making himself uncomfortable? His faze darted across the room, looking for something to help unsettle Alexandria. "No, I think that's enough, Alex. I'm tired of pretending like we're friends or some shit. In all honesty, I still haven't forgiven you for all the pain you've caused so let's just go to sleep.." Aidan replied. After a couple of moments, Aidan glanced over at Alex with wide eyes. "Did I get ya'?" he inquired, a playful smile on his face.

It wasn't like Aidan was worried something happened between the two, no. He considered that as an impossibility. There was something about connecting with his victim that made Aidan anxious. He wished he didn't feel a connection to her at all. But to be next to her, sharing warmth, was as close as Aidan had ever gotten to anyone. He wasn't used to being intimate, for lack of a better word, while having a connection.

Aidan watched as Alexandria began to disassemble his new home. "Hm? Oh, I was just going to say," Aidan trailed off, not sure what lie to use. "It was kind of a nice day. Between all the chaos and everything," Aidan declared, finally exiting the pillow fort. "It's been real nice to talk to you again," the blond added, with a small smile.
The challenge Alex had given Aidan wasn't really something she thought he could follow through on. Though when he spoke she felt her blood freeze, and her eyes widened. "Wh-what?" She questioned, her voice catching in her throat, her body going numb. If she was holding something she would have dropped it. She could feel the tears start to prick at her eyes, her mind already starting to tell herself how stupid she was for thinking everything was okay between them.

"Did I get ya?" she barely registered his next words, rapidly blinking her eyes and shaking her head. "Don't do that! You scared the hell out of me." Reaching across the bed she grabbed a pillow and gently whacked him with it, laughing faintly in relief. The redhead moved to wipe at her eyes, more relieved than anything. Unless he was lying to her and he really was still upset about leaving him and he was just covering it up. Though she felt as if he would be honest with her if he was still upset, and if not honest then he would still make it known he was mad.

While she was cleaning up, she had noticed that Aidan hadn't moved so she decided to just pick up the pillows for now, asking him what he was going to say. Alexandria couldn't help but smile and nod her head as she watched him finally come out. "Yeah, today was a pretty nice day…you know when we weren't too busy being mad at each other." She joked as she moved the ironing board and aside and moved to the chair to reach the curtains.

"I'm really glad that we were able to talk again too." It was honestly such a relief to be able ot unload a portion of her life that had been bothering her. And now she felt like she could move on, or at least start to put one foot in front of the other and really focus on this cursed town thing. Once the sheet was taken down, she began to make up the bed, restoring it back to what it once was.
Aidan went from laughing his ass off to mentally punching himself in the face after realizing how bothered Alexandria was by his "joke". "Oh my god.. I didn't mean it, Al, I was just kidding, I swear!" Aidan tried to console her, although he was sure he was just further overwhelming her. He looked away from Alexandria,too ashamed to say anything else. Why had he assumed that his saying that would be interpreted in any other way?

He was soon back to laughing, however, as Alexandria smacked him with a pillow. "I'm sorry, geez, woman!" Aidan teased, grabbing the pillow from Alexandria's hands and smacking her back with it. He watched as she wiped her eyes, and his lips tightened in disapproval. "You're still real sensitive, you know? You used to be a crybaby back then, too," Aidan added, smirking at Alexandria. Somehow, Alexandria had managed to transform into this completely different girl while still being entirely the same.

She was right.. A lot of the day had been arguing, but Aidan had initially expected to have to deal with a lot more than what had occurred. "You need to start preparing yourself, for when we get to Storybrooke. Things are going to be.. different. As the Savior, you have obligations and I," Aidan paused to think, "I have my own set of responsibilities I need to take care of." Aidan didn't know how to warn Alexandria. He didn't want to die. Staying alive meant he could try and help.

"Certain people aren't going to like that you're there. You have to be cautious of everyone. Everyone, you understand?" Aidan said firmly, the intensity in his eyes increasing as he tried to communicate how dangerous it would be to trust even him. Aidan watched as she made the bed, hoping that he could somehow find a way to tell Alexandria everything he wanted before Regina found out. "You have to protect yourself, promise me that."
Alexandria had to admit that seeing Aidan panic and rush to to explain that he was just kidding was a bit endearing. Especially since they were arguing in the car mere hours ago and she was threatening to tuck and roll out of it. "Hey, no don't hit me!" She laughed as she tried to evade, but only getting hit back with the pillow that was previously her weapon and soon Aidan's. "I was not a crybaby back then!" She defended herself.

"I just…uh," Her gaze searched around the room, looking for a possible excuse. "Constantly got stuff in my eyes is all." Alexandria finally settled on, biting her lower lip as she looked over at Aidan. Was being sensitive a bad thing? Maybe, but sometimes she couldn't help but want to take pride in it. The crying part no, but sometimes she felt like she was able to empathize with people, or something of that sort. She didn't know, sometimes she just confused the hell out of herself with her ever changing emotions.

"But I don't even know what I'm supposed to do to save a town." It could have come across as complaining, which she had no intention of. But it was true, she had no idea where to start. "I mean if everyone forgot who their fair tale characters are, then how am I supposed to go about breaking this curse?" She asked as she picked the comforter up off the ground and started to lay it down on the bed, her head racing with a million different questions. She'd be lying if she said she didn't expect Aidan to be there to help, cause in truth she was hoping he would. Alex also understood though that he couldn't always be there to hold her hand.

At the mention of people not wanting her there she couldn't help but crinkle her nose, glancing over at Aidan as she took the pillows and threw them onto the bed. "Even you?" She asked, moving to take the extra pillows and set up the pillow wall she had been planning since the beginning. "And I promise to protect myself to the best of my ability." It wasn't like she really knew how to fight though. Maybe if she needed she could just find pepper spray? Would a town called Storybrooke even sell something like that?
Alexandria's laugh signaled that he hadn't seriously damaged her mood. He had survived his mistake! It was nice to hear her laugh, after all the negativity of the day. For someone being told the had to save a bunch of random people in some unknown town, Alexandria had handled the entire day fairly well. Aidan was surprised that she was laughing or goofing around at all.

"I'll hit you if I feel like hitting you," Aidan countered, throwing the pillow back at Alexandria. "Besides, I was going easy on you," he teased, throwing a smirk st the red head. At Alexandria's denial of her crybaby-ness, Aidan rolled his eyes. "The first step to recovery, is admitting you have a problem," he recited the cliché, just to tease Alexandria. He thought back to her constant crying, and Aidan's attempt to console and quiet her so the two wouldn't get in trouble. "You were a real hassle, you know."

Alexandria's question was just as much as a worry for Aidan as it was for her. He didn't know what she was supposed to do, he only knew her job was to break the curse. "I--I don't know," he confessed, letting his eyes fall to the ground. There were things Regina wouldn't tell him. He was ashamed that he couldn't help more, but this was Alexandria's journey. The only thing he could do was stall her death enough so she could figure it out on her own.

Aidan bit his lower lip in frustration, not quite sure what he was allowed to tell Alexandria. So, he decided to just ignore her question all together. He couldn't risk saying too much because that meant his inevitable death. "You're too trusting, that is going to be your downfall. My downfall. The whole town's downfall, you understand?" Aidan pressured. Aidan nodded, "Okay. Don't get yourself killed, alright?"
"Hitting others because you feel like it isn't a nice thing to do." Alexandria countered herself as she threw the pillow back at him once more. "Oh were you now? Something tells me we might have to have a pillow fight." She teased. The redhead couldn't help but give a roll of her eyes when he recited the all too well known cliche that most heard on a day to day basis. "Yeah, yea." She gave a wave of her hand.

There was a faint smile when he told her that she was a real hassle and she nodded her head. "Yeah, kind of realized that when I grew up." An awkward laugh left her lips and she scratched the back of her hand. Most days, save for a few moments, she just cried herself to sleep, kept her problems to herself. She had come to learn that just because you cry doesn't mean they'll always be someone there to console you. "Sorry about that, but uh…thanks for all you did."

She nodded her head slowly when he admitted that he didn't know and she let out a long sigh, glancing down at the ground. "Well, guess this will be more of a trial run, until I get something right." She joked faintly, unconsciously rubbing her scar at the thought. Hopefully while she was trying to help or figuring out how to help she wasn't screwing anything up in the process. She wondered what a town called Storybrooke even looked like, it sounded like it was something fake.

The evasion of her question didn't go unnoticed, and she felt her knot in her stomach start to form, but she didn't push. Sometimes silence was all one needed. She swallowed when he told her she was too trusting and it would be everyone's downfall. "You uh, really think someone would try to kill me?" She stopped making their little pillow wall and looked over at him, eyes wide at the thought. "Wait, so uh…if there are people that don't want me, then why am I coming?"
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Aidan scoffed, "You say that, and yet it didn't stop me." He beamed as Alexandria threw the pillow back at them. "Besides, you hit me first!" Aidan pointed out, cocking an eyebrow at the red head. A pillow fight? When would her peculiarities end? Aidan wasn't sure if this was a proposition he should accept, anyways. They had been getting along fine, but a pillow fight seemed too much if a teen-girl thing. "I don't know if I'm allowed to beat on a little girl," Aidan chuckled, nervously.

Her little nervous antics brought conflicting feelings to Aidan. On one hand, if was entertaining to see what caused a reaction from Alexandria. On the other hand, Aidan felt like a dipshit for making things slightly awkward in the first place. "Yeah, so did I," Aidan teased, mocking an exhausted sigh. However, he waved her off when she began to apologize. He didn't need it. He didn't want it. Because he hadn't deserved it.

The sigh that escaped from Alexandria's mouth worried him. He was pondering her chances of succeeding, and they were incredibly slim. Aidan was losing faith that his Savior would be able to accomplish her mission, but he wouldn't dare let that show. "Yeah, a trial run with impossibly high stakes," Aidan reminded, unaware that his words had a high possibility of upsetting and making Alexandria question herself. He needed her as confident as possible.

"Try not to focus too much on the possibility of getting murdered, okay? Just enough to avoid getting killed until you break the curse," Aidan tried to reassure her, though his words had likely had the opposite affect. "Because you are the only one who can fix the town! The people they're trapped living lives that aren't theirs.. But you, you're able to somehow make them remember," he explained, staring intensely into Alexandria's eyes.

"You have to make them remember, Alex."
Alexandria couldn't help but laugh, setting the pillow down with a sigh. "So what if I started it? You're older, aren't you the one who has to end it?" She joked. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this at ease, this at peace. And it was kind of funny it was around Aidan especially, considering that their reunion was off to such a rocky start. "You say that because you're afraid that I'll whoop your ass." She stuck her tongue out at him, though she was sure it wasn't actually going to go into pillow fight territory at all.

She laughed faintly, running a hand through her hair as her mind went back to when she was younger. She had taken it for granted growing up, that Aidan was always there to help her out. She remembered when he would shush her for crying too loud, for fear of getting in trouble, the way he always watched over her and made sure the Trent's were never too harsh. He truly was her knight and shining whatever back then.

This was a lot of pressure, to save a whole down and not have a clue how to start. "I'll keep that in mind." She let out a big sigh, running a hand over her tired eyes. She just hoped she'd be able to get some clues when she got there. "How long do you think it will take? I mean I do have school and stuff that I'd probably have to get back to." The idea of missing so much school caused a frown to make its way across her lips. That would certainly be a problem if it was longer than a week.

"Possibility of getting murdered?!" Her eyes went wide before she slowly nodded her head. "Okay yeah, I'll uh try." Alexandria finally sat down on the bed after making it and finishing the little pillow wall that she had created. Finally she pulled her gaze away from Aidan's. "I'll do my best, I really can't promise anything Aidan, especially if I have no idea where to start." She told him, offering a faint smile. This was going to take a long time to process.

"Well, I think we should get to bed, it'll be a long day tomorrow."
Aidan contemplated his choices.. He could either risk crossing his boundaries with Alexandria, or he could shut down again and force her back into her place.. Far away from him. But he didn't want either of those things. Against his better judgement, Aidan smacked Alexandria with another pillow. "You're all bark an no bite, Alex," the blond chuckled, bracing himself for Alexandria's counterattack. He felt like a child. Alexandria seemed to have an uncanny ability to make him feel so small, and yet so heard at the same time.

"I don't think I'll ever understand you, Darling," Aidan admitted, shaking his head. What do you want with me? Why are you being so kind? He wanted to shout at her. He wanted to save her. But that wasn't who he was anymore.. And he still had yet to fully accept that. "I want to keep you safe, Alex.. I'm just not sure how I can help you," Aidan continued, and his time he didn't bother hiding his sorrow.

"I hope you're worth all this hassle, otherwise everyone is kind of fucked," Aidan joked, though his words were true all the same. He looked over at Alexandria, trying to sympathize with the girl. But he couldn't. Despite everything he had experienced, he didn't have the weight of an entire town on his shoulders. Aidan knew she would be staying for longer than she had wanted -- if she hadn't been murdered -- but he couldn't bring himself to break the news to her. He shook his head, "If I knew I'd tell you." This was mostly a lie.

Yeah, that probably wasn't the right thing to say to Alexandria.. But how else was he supposed to prepare her for what was to come? "The key word is 'possibility', okay? Neither of us wants that for you, so it's best if you avoid that," Aidan tried to reassure. "Trying is all I ask for from you. Otherwise.." he trailed off, unable to finish his thought. He nodded, trying to understand Alexandria though her words made him uneasy. "I know it's a lot of pressure and I'll try to help you as best as I can but ultimately, this is your mission. And I just want you to know, Alex.. I believe in you."

Aidan warily eyed the pillow wall, "The fuck is that?" His question came out more hostile than intended. He inched toward the bed, moving to dismantle whatever it was that Alexandria had built. "Yeah, we're gonna have to get up early tomorrow, er, today. Try and get some rest, okay?"
Alexandria watched him for a bit before she felt a pillow smack her in the face. She stood there staring wide eyed at the male, her mouth hanging open. "You didn't just do that!" She exclaimed as she grabbed a pillow and moved to whack Aidan with it. The satisfying soft smack was music to her ears, a small laugh leaving her lips. It was nice to feel carefree, like someone didn't mind doing childish things. There was a goofy grin stretched across her features, and a light in her eyes. "I'm all bite, Aidan."

The word darling caused a shiver to roll down her spine and she couldn't tell if that was a good shiver or a creepy shiver. It just sounded…weird coming from the blond boy. He wanted to keep her safe? It wasn't that she didn't believe him, but his words just kind of seemed contradictory to him calling her a hassle, or the fighting they had in the car on the way here. Though she had to admit it was kind of nice. "I just…when you have time, want you to be there for me…if you can." She chewed her lower lip, half expecting him to tell her she was being ridiculous.

"Ah, I hope I am too?" Another awkward laugh slipped past Alexandria's lips and she ran a hand through her red locks. Her hazel eyed gaze fell to the ground, her mind racing with a million questions and a million thoughts. How could she help them if they didn't remember? Where was she to even start? Why was she the one who was chosen as the savior? He had mentioned her being the product of true love or something like that, and Peter Pan not being the good guy in the story that she loved oh so dearly. The sound of his voice which was becoming very familiar to her very fast drew her from her thoughts and she glanced up at him, nodding her head. "Thanks." She offered him a faint smile.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, watching as he started to dismantle her pillow wall. "No, stop, that's my pillow wall!" She lunged forward to grab his hand and stop him from destroying it even more. "Yes, I'll try to get some rest." She told him, letting go of his hand and pulling her own back. She honestly meant no offense to building the little wall, but at the time when she first thought of it, the two were at each other's throats and it only seemed to be getting better slightly, but not much, so she thought this would help.
"Oh, I think I just did," Aidan teased, laughing as she hit him in response. He laughed with her, his eyes squinting in reaction to the wide grin on his face. Disarming Alexandria again, Aidan gave one last smack. Before Alexandria could respond with another attack, he lightly grabbed her wrist in a playful attempt to stop her. "Prove it," Aidan challenged, leaning in with mock intimidation.

His eyes glanced down at the floor, unable to hold Alexandria's gaze. He couldn't promise that, despite how much he wanted to. Aidan was being truthful when he admitted he wanted to help, he just wasn't sure if there was any way he could. In fact, being around probably wasn't a good idea once they got to Storybrooke as that meant more pressure from Regina to kill her. "If I can," Aidan promised, offering a small smile.

Aidan watched as Alexandria's eyes lingered down to the ground. "Lift your chin, Savior, you haven't been defeated yet," Aidan warned, sing his index finger to tilt her head upwards again. "You need to remain strong," he continued, before pulling his hand back to himself. Aidan only nodded in response to her appreciation.. He had never learned to accept gratitude or compliments but he tried his best to make sure she didn't feel dismissed. "It's okay to be afraid, you know. But you cant allow that negativity to consume you," Aidan cautioned.

"What am I doing? What were you doing?" Aidan grumbled. He hadn't seen the function first, but upon further thought Aidan realized this was Alexandria's way of handling their one-bed situation. He frowned. He had forgotten about that. "Fine," he muttered, brushing Alexandria's hand off. Aidan reluctantly fixed the pillow wall, though he glared at it as he did. "You prefer a side?" Aidan questioned. After a few moments he hopped on the bed and began fo try and make himself comfortable. The pillow wall hadn't left him with a lot of room..
Alexandria thought his smile was intoxicating, well his laugh she absolutely had her hooked, and she wasn't even sure if she liked this guy! Okay well she at least liked him as a friend and it was nice to see him at ease. The feeling of his hand holding her wrist caused her to freeze, the mock intimidating causing her heart to skip a beat. What the hell? Slowly with her free hand she grabbed a different pillow, moving to whack Aidan with it. "Don't test me, it won't be pretty." She joked.

She watched as his gaze moved to the floor, a small bit of fear welling up inside her. He wasn't thinking of completely ditching her when they got there was he? She didn't voice it, but she was hoping that wouldn't happen. It wasn't that she needed him completely per say, but in a town that might try and kill her? It would be nice to feel like someone was on her side. "Thanks." She returned the small smile.

With Aidan lifting her chin she looked back at him, nodding her head. "Yeah, I know. I just have so many questions running through my mind right now." She admitted, wishing that he could offer her more answers than he probably could, or at least let on. She was scared as hell, to have a whole town counting on her and yet at the same time not even know that they need her? It wasn't like she could go up to someone and claim that she was here to help break a curse if they didn't even know they were under one. She was pretty sure they would think she was an absolute psycho.

The pillow wall seem to put Aidan in a grumpy mood and she let out a long sigh. "No, not really." She muttered as she just picked a random side, the wall she had created taking up much more space than she thought it would. Which was saying a lot since she herself was already a small person. She couldn't sleep, she wasn't tired anymore, and her idea of creating a barrier between the two sucked. Sitting up she glanced at all the pillows before she started to remove them one by one, allowing more space on the bed. There that was already much better. "Goodnight Aidan."