The New Kids of Hogwarts

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Taking Simon back onto her lap she responds,
"We aren't completely sure but I'd guess somewhere around four months...Mum and Dad found him at our doorstep and surprised me with him." Running her fingers along his sleek black fur she briefly looked out the window trying to ignore the awkward silence that was ringing between their seats. Desperately trying to keep up the conversation she asked,
"What about Norman? How old is he."
"Thanks," Levi says. Noticing that there was not enough room to sit, he stands, leaning against the wall, his arctic owl on his shoulder. "I'm Levi, and this is Marian, my arctic owl. What are your names?"
"I'm June Filton, Ya know I haven't learned your guy's names either." June responded, "I know your Shade but, that's about it."
Crow just sat there with his knees to his chest and his arm wrapped around his legs on the seat, his hood was on so nobody had noticed yet but he had fallen asleep....
Alex was starting to get annoyed with this many people, "Potter. Alex Potter." He said, glaring at Malfoy for offering a seat next to him. He could have done it himself hough it was definitely crowded.
"Harry Potter's son? Dad always talked about going to school with him, but he was kind of a loner and didn't talk to Harry much," Levi says to Alex.
After hours of the train being in motion, it finally stopped. They were finally at Hogwarts. Many of the other first years we're jumping in joy and happy to be there. Others just wanted off the train. Either way they were glad to get off the train.

Shade got her bags and got off the train, stretching. The compartment was so cramped and barely any room for leg space, that she was glad to leave it. She looked around once out of the train and looked around for someone she probably knew to at least walk with if nothing else. "Finally! Fresh air!"she said happily.
Levi grabs his bag from the hall where he had stashed it and walked off the train. Not a good first impression, he thinks to himself. He didn't know about the other kids that had been in the compartment, but he did know he didn't get to know them all that well. He hears someone yell about fresh air, looks over, and sees a shock of blond hair, almost white. Interesting. A Malfoy. Wonder how that's gonna go down with a Potter.
June grabbed her things and quickly got off the train. It was so cramped in there that she was more then happy to be outside. She decided to just walk alone and if anyone saw her that knew her can try and keep up with her fast walking.
The jostling of the train coming to a stop woke Leah up from her nap. Removing her headphones, she could clearly hear the other students moving around the train. Not wanting to be left behind, she got up from her spot and retrieved her bag and cage where she kept her 2 hamsters. Leaving the compartment, she followed the other students of the train.
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