the mysteries of crystal lake [ character index ]


Original poster

crystal lake


  • overview

    crystal lake is a small town in the state of maine. it is a place known to all humans for its lush green forests, cold weather, and a large lake with unnaturally blue water that is said to house the entrance to caves filled with crystals. while the caves have been explored, nobody has ever gotten far enough to actually find these crystals. some say that it's because after a certain point, the sound of a loud roar, like a family of bears, scares people off. others say that after a certain point, they just feel compelled to turn around.

    but all the supernaturals of the world know that something much more sinister resides there. something that could cause trouble at any given time, but has yet to show signs of any kind of malicious intent. for the most part, whatever it is stays underground, feeding off of woodland creatures. and while nobody else has seen it, the presence of this creature acts like a beacon to other supernaturals. nobody knows why, but the small town, with its small population, houses various supernatural beings that are trying to adjust to living normal lives.

    however, with the arrival of supernatural creatures, also comes the arrival of hunters. people who devote their lives to tracking down and eliminating members of any supernatural species. people who have this job passed down to them with each passing generation. some hunters are ruthless, wanting to take care of any creature that even dares to cross their paths. other hunters prefer to wait till something goes wrong before taking any action.

    until now, there has been an unspoken truce in crystal lake, between the hunters that reside there, and the supernatural creatures that are trying to lead normal lives. but now, with sudden disappearances in the town, the truce is slowly breaking. supernaturals are going missing, and the rest blame the hunters. but hunters are also going missing, with the rest of them blaming other supernaturals. neither side knows the truth to the disappearances and the incidents are bringing hunters and supernaturals from all over the country to this small town, either for their own curiosity, or to back up the groups they are loyal to.

    it all comes down to whether these two groups will stand together to try and solve the mysteries of crystal lake, or whether they'll slowly tear each other apart.

  • lore

    there are a number of supernatural creatures that exist in books and fictional stories. for the purpose of this roleplay, we will be following a lore similar -- to an extent -- to the one existing in the show teen wolf. the creatures allowed are:

    shapeshifters, either born or bitten. they do not take the form of a full wolf, but rather appear to be wolf-like, with retractable fangs and claws, and additionally, glowing eyes. werewolves have quick healing abilities, allowing them to recover from some injuries that might otherwise be fatal to humans. werewolves also have enhanced speed and strength. they are stronger than vampires, but not faster. wolves are of three classifications: alpha, betas, and omegas. alphas are the leaders of a pack, while their pack members are betas. omegas are lone wolves. the eyes of a werewolf say a lot about them. alphas have red eyes, ordinary betas and other omegas have yellowish/golden eyes, and those wolves that take the life of an innocent have blue eyes. another unique ability of werewolves is their ability to take a person's pain away. this will make them feel it themselves, and it only offers a short period of relief. weaknesses include: wolfsbane (a plant that can weaken, cause hallucinations, and also kill werewolves) | mountain ash (a kind of powder that can form a barrier and prevent other supernatural creatures from crossing it [not applicable to banshees and seers]) | lunar eclipses (werewolves remain powerless during a lunar eclipse).

    druids are kind of like advisors. there is usually one for every werewolf pack. they act as emissaries and help werewolves stay connected to humanity and prevent them from going savage. emissaries are the prime healers, and usually know a lot of rituals that can help werewolves, and most of these rituals are defensive rather than offensive. think of druids here as nature spirits, that look to parts of the world around them as ingredients for most of their rituals. if a werewolf has a problem in terms of health, a druid will likely be able to fix it for them.

    while werewolves and vampires are natural enemies, they live peacefully in crystal lake, unless one provokes the other. vampires in this world are enhanced beings with retractable fangs and claws, kind of like werewolves. they feed primarily on blood, either of humans or animals, though in order to maintain peace and prevent hunters from coming at them, most of vampires feed off of animals. human blood can make a vampire go savage, bringing out fierce bloodlust. vampires are turned and not born, and tend to remain at the physical age they were turned at for the rest of their lives. they have enhanced senses, speed and strength. they are faster, but not stronger than werewolves. weaknesses include: fire | sunlight (it doesn't burn them, but prolonged time in the sun can make them irritable and eventually weaken them too) | mountain ash | consuming the blood of other vampires can be near fatal to them.

    additionally, the roleplay will also open up a spot for other species that do not have any physical alterations to differentiate them from humans in any way. such species would be banshees (1/1) and seers (0/1). there will be a cap on this since there can't be too many. i would say ideally one of each, but i will allow two if there are people that really want one.

    the milton pack
    the resident pack at crystal lake. founded by harrison milton, the first of supernaturals in crystal lake to go missing. his pack contains four other betas, none of whom are related to him by blood. how they came to join his pack, however, is up to how you make your character (if you choose to make them a part of the pack. you are more than welcome to make omegas too, but we will not be introducing any other packs yet).

    the rivers family
    resident hunters at crystal lake. their leader is a man named thomas rivers. he comes from a long line of hunters and has travelled all over the country to try and bring peace between supernaturals and hunters. he believes in only attacking when provoked or when the lives of humans are in danger. people making hunter characters can choose to be related to him, can choose to have joined him as a hunter in some other way, or can simply be lone hunters or members of another group that come to crystal lake.

    if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! additionally, if you have ideas for other supernatural species that this roleplay could benefit from, hit me up and we can discuss the possibility of it.

  • rules

    first and foremost, all iwaku rules apply.

    this is an all star roleplay meaning anyone can join. but before doing so, please be aware that there will be a lot of violence, gore and cursing in the roleplay. smut is a no go. either fade to black or take it somewhere else. pg romance and other drama, however, is highly encouraged.

    no god modding. no overpowered characters.

    this roleplay will require at least one response per week. there will be no posting order as such but try not to let too much happen while other people aren't around. each post (per character) must be a minimum of two - three paragraphs.

    we will be using real faceclaims for this. there is a limit of two characters per person. try to be diverse, in terms of species and gender. we welcome any and all sexualities and gender pronouns. additionally, we also welcome characters of all races and religions. discrimination ooc will not be tolerated, nor will bullying of any kind. please also understand that i can reject a character if we have too many of that species or gender. it would be advisable for you to let me know beforehand what kind of character you're hoping to make because even if they won't be reserved, i will have a general idea and can advise you better instead of you wasting time on a character sheet only to get it rejected. i would hate to do that.

    there are no roles as such, that need to be reserved, except for the fact that the pack and hunter family will have a limited number of members. this will more or less be decided on a first come, first serve basis. there will be no reservations. you may express interest in a type of character you want to create but this doesn't mean that is reserved for you.

    this thread is for interest mainly. once this gathers enough interest, sign ups will be opened, and a link will be sent for a discord chat that will be for ooc.

    as gm, anything i say goes. but hey, i'm no dictator, and i like listening to everyone, so most of the time, if a decision has to be made, it will be a majority vote. in terms of accepting characters and determining the existing situation of things, my word is law. please respect that!

  • extras
    keep scrolling

    name + pronunciation
    age (20-30/if you look young you can pose as a high school student)

    height & weight
    hair & eyes
    body & skin
    scars & markings
    piercings & tattoos

    personality (one para)
    abilities (based on supernatural creature)

    other relationships
    brief bio

  • extras

    click here
Last edited:
name + pronunciation: Sissel
nickname(s): Sis
species: werewolf
age (20-30/if you look young you can pose as a high school student): 23
gender: male
sexuality: male
occupation: gay

height & weight: 5' 11" 184 lbs
hair & eyes: black hair blue eyes
body & skin: muscular and tan
scars & markings: a heart shaped imprint in the right eye
piercings & tattoos: tattoo of a blood moon on his right shoulder
faceclaim: (idk what this means)

personality (one para): Warm and kind. He sings in private so nobody could hear. loves cooking
likes: food, family
dislikes: homophobes, being alone(unless he is singing)
strengths: loyal
fears: lonliness
abilities (based on supernatural creature): turn into a wolf, recovery

family: abandoned him
other relationships: n/a
brief bio