The Misplaced Circle

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Kant carried on with new found energy. Perhaps there is hope in my task after all. On his way to Teyerim, he has been losing confidence. There were many like him to try to find the reason for magic and it's disappearance. Perhaps they were much more qualified than an apprentice like him, but he had an inkling of determination. Some strange drive pushing him forward. Perhaps it was fear or just utter desperation, but magic was meant to stay and he knew without knowing why that he is suppose to seek it out. Perhaps magic was not all gone. Perhaps a single wisp of it is carrying on him. He may be part of a larger spell to restore magic. These thoughts allowed busied Kant while they walked towards Teyerim. It was not long before they finally arrived at the large crater that carried the city.

"We're here," he prounounced, somewhat surprised. How lost can I get? I've been walking for hours to try to find the survivors and only gotten 30 minutes away from this city. He looked at Mona, noticing she was intent on some gems. When did she pull those out. Wait... "Are those... magic jewels of Teyerim?" These pieces of stone used to be powerful pieces of magic. They contained so much and were used mainly to keep powered the multitudes of magical systems in place. "How amazing! Where did you get your hands on such good pieces of them? Do they still contain magical energies? Kant had always wanted to study these gems.

The Teyerim mages had perfected the art of storing magic in gems. They were now quite commonplace in the kingdoms. Some of the common gems would just store enough for a single spell such as fireballs and lightning. Other more rare ones could power up large magic spells. The most powerful were called Teyerim's eyes. There were only two in existence. They were naturally cut perfection with green and red tints. Teyerim could not have flown without such powerful gems. It was said two wizards had sacrificed their lives to give those stones their almost endless magical energies. Kant's eyes glowed with fascination.
Mona had followed Kant silently, inspecting the gem through her goggles. She could see the different bands of magical residue and she frowned. She speculated over the reason behind this but was distracted by Kant's voice piping up.

In her sudden study of the gem she had forgotten all about him and the current situation. She loooked up, blinking "beg pardon?" She asked, confused.

((Sorry on phone at work for rp))
His cheeks suddenly flushed with embarrassment. Kant was always reprimanded by his master for being too curious, although not a bad trait for a wizard it can be dangerous to ask too many questions. "Er... We've arrived at Teyerim. And... I was just a bit curious on that gem you are holding."

((You can take as long as you like to respond. You'll probably see me have days where I'm pretty constant and also days where I take a while before I respond. Thats why I usually enjoy longer posts. Anyway don't feel as if you need to respond immediately. I don't mind waiting. I do understand that everyone has a busy schedule.))
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Mona watched his expressions curiously. "Very well...I am pleased we have arrived at the fallen city..." She reached into her bag, gripping one of the lesser gems in her palm. She held it out, letting it rest gently on her hand while she waited for him to grasp it. "These are gems from the city... I was hoping to study their magical properties and see if there was a way I could come up with an equation to get them in somewhat working order once again."
"Now that would be wonderful," hope slowly rising from his face. Kant sighed. "But I'm pretty sure the magical properties have pretty much faded. On my way here I've checked numerous storage devices of magical energies. All of them quite empty. Simply gone. Poof. They are nothing but inanimate objects. I was extremely excited too when I found a alchemical jar for storing pixie essence. Since it usually can last up to centuries. It has became like dust. Not a single speck of magic."

He looked at the ruins of the city. "That is why I must find a clue anything of use. Anything to point me towards the right direction." He noticed the sun was slowly setting. "We better find somewhere to camp. Would you like to find somewhere in the woods or perhaps..." He gestures towards the city. "you would like to find an intact building to stay in. Personally, I don't like to be near death, but its probably safer." He looked at her, seeking an answer.
Mona shrugged. "Perchance there is hope still left over something..." She motioned at the gems. "These were the most powerful...Alas, I see no shreds of magic."
"Its as expected then." He gave a sour expression. "Will we ever see magic again?" After some thought he finally decided. "I think its for the best if we enter Teyerim before it gets too dark. I don't have much experience in the wilds and even ruined buildings can provide some comfort." He continued down a pathway littered with wreckage. Kant looked back and gestured Mona to follow. "Give me a yell if you spot something suitable."

They barely touched the boundaries of the cities wreckage. Teyerim was a great city filled with tens of thousands of people. The crash had indeed spread out the large sections around the area. Some parts landed and embedded deeply within the ground, while others landed somewhat upright, but overall there lay only rubble. Not everything was made with stone and mortar. Some structures would be impossible without magic. Thin glass walls that held up tons of stone. A large house kept up by a single wooden pole. These fantastical creations could not have existed without magic. This only accounted for the structures that were attached to the base of the city. Large segments were actually floating islands near the city. They all fell along with the main body.

But within the heart of the city pulsed something. It was barely noticeable under all this debris. It could not be found by anyone who had not tasted and felt the flowing rush of magic before. Although it had no intent nor life of its own, it wanted to be found. It needed to be found. It pulsed ever quicker when two beings approached closer. They were so close but so far. But there were others too. Hidden... blind. They were strange. They had no fire. They had no spirit. They were not like these two. They awaited them. But it wanted those two not these... blind ones. It needed one's with sight with power. It waited under the mound, beneath the once great tower of Teyerim in the heart of the city. Those two walked ever closer and it waited.
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Mona shrugged, moving about the rubble and sticking odds and ends into her bag. She found a few tattered books and sat to leaf through them with a studious eye.

She licked her finger, flipping through the books and spending quite a long time on them. They were books from a different part of the Collegium and she had not been allowed to read them. Now, there was no need for her to be kept from them and she tucked them in her bag, saving them for later.
Kant sighed. It took quite some time, but he finally found a semblance of a refuge. "At least it has four walls and a roof." It was probably a storage building for a small mage family since inside was littered with magical focuses and different apparatuses. He pushed aside a few things for some room. "It should keep us cozy until morning. He looked around and didn't see Mona. Where did she go? He left the storage and yelled her name. "Mona! I think I found a good place to stay!" There was no response. Did she venture that far off?

Kant heard a sound nearby, so he turned, expecting to see Mona. A figure covered in a cloak lunged towards him. The sudden appearance of the person caused Kant to fall over backwards. The stranger overstepped his movement and tripped over Kant. Although this disoriented him for a moment, he quickly recovered. Kant panicked and recited a spell of repulsion without thinking. The strange flinched as if awaiting something, but then when nothing occurred he quickly grabbed Kant. Kant struggled, feeling utterly hopeless as his spell failed. The two of them rolled around in a tangle of limbs until the stranger got above Kant and began strangling him. Kant tried to pry the hands but the man was too strong. He looked straight up into the eyes of the man. The hood was now off in the conflict. He was bald with gray eyes. There was a large tattoo covering half his face of a five pronged cog that made a strange kind of spell circle. Kant slowly felt weakness building and his thoughts were beginning to fade.
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Mona grumbled, standing up and shoving the books in her bag. She really must get back to Kant. She had lost him, completely caught up in her attempts to study. She wandered to where she had last seen Kant and looked around, realizing she felt woozy and disoriented. Had she activated a latent protection spell? She wondered.
Kant couldn't die now. He could not fail his missions. He had to live. With strength coming from an unknown well within himself he kicked his assailant away. The knife was in his hand before he knew it. It shook unsteadily as he waved the sharp object towards the stranger. I've... never killed anyone espeically with such a tool. I wouldn't even touch a dagger if magic still lingered. What am I suppose to do. The stranger grinned. It seems he knew how untrained kant was and he walked up slowly. "Get away! Somebody help!" He slashed the knife randomly in front of him, hoping it would get the stranger. The man moved fluidly, avoiding the petty strikes as if Kant was a child. The man grabbed Kant's knife arm and squeezed. The dagger dropped to the ground, the metallic clang rang in Kant's ears. I'm going to die. But... what of Mona. No... I can't let his man get her. Kant charged towards the stranger with all his weight. This seem to surprise the man, knocking him over. The man easily got the upper hand quickly. He held Kant from above with a hold designed to keep his target in place. With a single twist the man could break Kan'ts neck.
Mona heard the commotion and walked over, blinking at the scene with calculated precision. "Ach, let him go..." She fussed, reaching into her bag in anger at the scene before her.
Kant heard a familiar voice, but he could not answer out. He tried to move a bit but the man held him in place. "I could kill you anytime I want," the man whispered, "But I first need to know why you are here." The stranger grinned menacingly.
She fussed. "You know why I'm here...let the poor twit go..." She was beginning to get aggravated and when Mona was aggravated, things turned ugly.
The man began laughing, but it was a steady bitter laugh. "And what are you going to do about it? There is no magic. I know you two are mages, but that is now such a useless vocation now." He turned his head to look at Mona. "So answer my question little girl. Why are you here?" he spoke the words with a cold professional tone.
She snarled, not liking being called little girl. "Do you not realize who I am?" She had more ways of handling this person that magic. She had daggers, she could even throw them with accuracy but she stilled. "We are investigating the ruins." Her eyes glanced at Kant's, wondering what her next step would be.
"Investigating?," he looked at her with a surprised face and then began to laugh now with actual humor. "Thats such a joke. There is nothing left in this death trap. And if there was..." he began grinning more fiercely now, "We would have killed them by now."

The sudden revelation struck Kant. He was wondering why he couldn't meet a single survivor from the city. There could have been no way such a crash would kill everyone, but if there was such a group hunting them down. It made a sudden and terrible sense now. He searched his mind for the tattoo the man had. A cog with a spell circle. Where have I seen that... Then he finally remembered. His master was speaking with his colleagues once about a strange group growing in number. They were people who hated magic and did everything they could to harass and even attack magicians. They were seen as little threat because they had no magical capabilities, but Kant now thought how wrong that was. A mage could easily be killed in his sleep or even poisoned. Could this man be a part of that group.

The stranger began speaking again, "I tire of this." He lifted Kant up and faced Mona. His armed gripped onto Kant's neck stronger than before. "I will snap this man's neck if you don't kneel and put your hands in the air," he commanded.
Mona sighed, exhaling swiftly. "I too grow tired of this...." She put her hands on her head and knelt on the ground. She was tired, yawning as if bored before looking back at Kant.

She wanted him to know she was publicly humiliating for her to prostrate herself weakly before another being. She hated this.
Kant received her glare. What the heck did I do to deserve that. I'm the one whose life is in danger.

"Good girl," the man threw Kant to the ground and kicked hard into his stomach. He now began approaching Mona. "Now stay there, girl, while I search you for anything suspicious," he chuckled. There was a crazy kind of hunger in his eyes now.
Mona shrugged. "Fine," She looked over at Kant, her eyebrow rising. "Just don't search my cloak pockets...don't want to explode now do we?" She had more than a few tricks up her sleeve.
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