The Mirror of Dreams

Othedale knew immediately where to look for his little friend, the spunky cat-girl, Isis. He stepped into Willie's bar and immediately grabbed the man's hand with an adamantine grip, and said, quietly, "A sea-elf's grip can break dwarven steel seventy times folded. If you do not stand down, no healer will be able to rebuild your arm, let alone your body." He looked at Isis and grinned, "Isis, pay Willie, and join me outside. We have business you will no doubt enjoy!"

The human man was writhing, and whimpering. After several moments of this, he wilted back into his chair. Othedale spoke a sleep-spell, and slipped a bit of gold into his pocket. He saluted the barman and left. Once outside, he looked at the impatient cat-girl and grinned. "You have been livid at me for not taking you on as a pet ten years ago. I told you then my life was not ready for that. But now, your ample fighting skill is needed, as well as the lively company you are capable of providing. Will you join me to eradicate the Mirror of Dreams and the Demon it holds? If we survive, you may stay as my pet." Othedale reached over and scratched behind the cat-girl's ears.
Maskannai and Androma waited patiently at the Dragons Teeth for Othedale to return with whatever ally he had spoken of when he had left before. They both enjoyed their stew and ale, the inn using good ingredients that some other lowly places lacked. Both got a second mug as they waited and chatted to pass the time.

"So what is this mirror that Othedale is adamant about destroying?" Androma asked Maskannai as they relaxed at their out of the way table. She kept her voice low enough that no other patrons would be inclined to try and eavesdrop.

"Two and a half centuries ago he went on a quest after an evil dragon that was wreaking havoc around the kingdoms. When he founf the monster he found that it was too strong of an evil to be sinply killed, so he worked a holy magic with a group of powerful paladins and sealed the dragon and its evil inside the mirror, there to stay forever and haunt the living only through vague dreams. It was thought that this was to be a permanant fix, but somehow the dragon has learned how to reach out with its evil and it is taking new victims, using their life essences to buy a way back into our world," she replied gravely. She knew the story eve though she hadn't been there at the beginning.
Isis was preparing to take a swing when a familiar presence entered the tavern. Willie was relieved to see the sea-elf enter. Isis instantly turned but Othedale seemed to have everything under control. "I could have taken him..." she said with a pout as her ears flattened some against her head. "Othe! I can't believe it's really you!" she exclaimed pouncing upon her old friend and giving him a hug. After the brief intro, Othedale then popped the question of her joining their group.

"You have been livid at me for not taking you on as a pet ten years ago...."

"You're damned right I was!!" the pout returned to her face.

"I told you then my life was not ready for that. But now, your ample fighting skill is needed, as well as the lively company you are capable of providing. Will you join me to eradicate the Mirror of Dreams and the Demon it holds?"

At this, Isis' ears perked as she became curious and tilted her head, "an adventure you say...what's in it for me?" she tapped her chin carefully.

"If we survive, you may stay as my pet." This definitely sparked Isis' attention as her tail twitched and paused, her eyes widening like a child whom just opened the GREATEST present in the entire world. Tapping her chin in thought she finally smiled and extended her hand, "I'll go with you on the journey and see what I can do to help. I may decline the pet offer, but we will see....what happened to Kal?" she suddenly asked as the thought dawned on her. When Othedale explained Isis nodded, "I'm sorry to hear of the loss. I know how close you two were, friend" she put a hand on Othadale's arm before stepping back, "well, old elf, lead the way" she said with a child-like grin.
Othedale did so, leading her to the Inn he knew Maskannai would go to, the Famous Dragon's Teeth. It was a facility that was incredibly safe, due to the influence of The Hand, James. Othedale was more than aware of the Operations of the Hand and his company. Further, he approved of the work they did, uprooting the skulking bandits in government. Few knew this, so James led a very safe existence, because his company also guarded his Inn.

Once inside, Othedale greeted James, then joined Maskannai and Androma, and introduced Isis to them. "About eleven years ago, she was envolved in a rather interesting affair that I helped her with over the course of a year. If she wishes, she can describe it. I refused her company as a pet then because of certain things in life that were not ready for responsibility. I have been pleased to have her friendship for these ten years. I hope you enjoy that friendship as well, miladies."
"Well met Isis," Maskannai responded after Othedale had finished introducing the unique cat girl to herself and Androma. The elf woman and halfling had long since finished their meals and were enjoying the inn's best ale. Maskannai waved at James and the innkeeper made his way to their table, a smile on his face. His smile grew wider when he saw who else was at the table now.

"It's been too many years my friend," James said to Othedale and clapped him on the shoulder. It had been nearly a decade since Othedale had visited the Dragons Teeth or seen James so the innkeeper was very happy indeed.

"I sure hope you have new tales to spin friend," he added as he pulled up a chair and joined the group. A waitress brought another round of the fine ale and set one in front of each of the friends.

"Othedale always has good stories," Androma piped in once they were all settled and looking at Othedale expectantly.
Isis purred faintly as she was introduced, "Othe, here, is such a big softy. He let me off easy, and it feels as if it's been much longer than ten years old friend!" she said patting him on the back of the leg some before shaking everyone's hands around. When James made his way over, her ears perked a moment as she scooted over and peered at the drink that had been set before her.

"Old Othe and his stories. Hah...yeah that's partly how I ended up getting into so much trouble after our departure dear friend!" she sighed some and sniffed the ale before taking a tentative sip of it. Her ears perked and her tail tensed from it as a happy smile curled on her lips, "Great Gods this IS good!" she quickly downed her pint and asked for another. Her eyes peered around again as she blinked, "oh right...he does have good stories though, I must agree!" she nodded faintly and purred embarrassed as she nursed her second pint of ale.
"Softy?" queried Othedale with an amused twinkle in his eye. "Maybe, but I assure you that I knew you needed time, and that I needed space. When Kal passed, I was hurting, and some say I went insane. Maybe I did, but one thing is certain, I came to hate the evil that took him. I fear, now, that the effort I took to imprison the demon, was only a temporary solution. I have asked for your help, because I believe you three are best suited, along with James and his people, to destroy this evil. Kal told me, shortly before his passing that the key was the "heart of gold" whatever that would be, and that that item had to be destroyed. Does the mention of that device ring any bells in any of your minds?"
"I have never heard of such a reference before, my friend," Maskannai replied, shaking her head after Othedale mentioned what Kal had told him. Her face grew a little more serious as she thought deeply on the phrase and what kind of object it could be describing, but still came up with nothing and shook her head again.

""No idea from this peanut gallery," Androma added, shaking her head as well. She was a fairly knowledgable little halfling, but not as much when it came to strange artifacts, which is how this Heart of Gold sounded to her. Her knowledge tended more towards street smarts and her thievery, which was on hold for now since she had given her promise to help with this quest. She took another sip of her ale as she thought and listened.

"That does ring a bell, my friend, but for the life of me I cannot seem to grasp it," James interjected and everyone at the table lifted their heads and looked straight at him. He stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment, a slight smile that was always present across his face. "I seem to remember hearing something about the Heart of Gold many years back, or perhaps I read something. We will have to take a trip to my private library and do a little digging for I know that if I read of it I also put a record in my library," he added, then stood when he was finished speaking and looked around.

"Join me later at my home friends and we will discuss this further," he added as an after thought then left the table to finish his work for the evening, all the while keeping an eye on his friends.