The Mega-Club of America (MCA)

  • Thread starter Six Million Dollar Man
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Six Million Dollar Man

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You find yourself at a store somewhere. Perhaps it is a convenience store, or a book store or something. Wherever you are, there is a rack of magazines, or comic books. Amongst them is a copy of SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE COMICS. It is an anthology of tales of various genres, from fantasy to sci fi and so forth.

Now, for one reason or another you decide to read it. You like what you see in this issue, so you buy it. (Or obtain it in another manner that may or may not be legal)

Okay, now you're at home, or wherever it is you went from there. You've read the entire book over a couple times, the art is nice and the writing's pretty stellar. Suddenly you head into one of the ads, and notice a swell commercial for a local gathering of geeks and general socialization.

It doesn't seem to gravitate towards any one fandom or demographic of people, but it states that its sort of also a team with lots of fun activities and members are encouraged to help each other and their communities as a whole.

You photo-copy the ad and mail it in with a couple dollars. In a few days, you have gained a membership card, a new comic book, a communicator device, MCA badge, some matches, a bag of chips and an ice cold soda.


You are now a member of the Mega-Club of America, or "MCA." You have joined up to socialize with others, and partake in adventures beyond your wildest dreams. And deal with threats that may or not be beyond your ability alone. Regardless, your lot has been drafted into adventure, against monsters, invaders from other worlds, supervillains and more!... Even if you're an ordinary citizen.

Join us now for a thrilling episodic adventure about the unlikeliest, rag tag band of champs' around with the Mega-Club as they battle the vile forces of the Syndicate of Global Malice!










Quote(s): (Optional)
Fun Facts: (Optional)
Theme Song: (Optional)


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Name: Jack Shuster
Alias/Nicknames: "The Captain"
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Personality: As the unofficial leader of most of the MCA, Jack Shuster attempts to maintain an air of leadership. In reality, prior to physical training and being a major MCA member, he was but an ordinary slacker and all around geek. As such, he is racked with fears and worries that he cannot lead the group, nor face down the problems and threats to come.


Jack Shuster is a lean, 5'10 tall, short black-haired, brown-eyed caucasian male dressed in a Fantastic Four t-shirt and a pair of grey pants, along with a black terry cloth wristband on his right wrist, a strange sort of communicator watch on his left wrist, and white sneakers.

History: Once a teenage slacker, Jack Shuster was purchasing the latest comics for the month when he stumbled across an issue of 'Spirit of Adventure.' Enthralled by the idea of an anthology book like Strange Adventures, Tales of Suspense and Action Comics, immediately bought a copy. One of the earliest members to join the modern day Mega-Club initiative in its American East Coast Division, quickly attaining the rank of 'Captain' in the mysterious MCA ranking system. He now leads Club members into action by pretending to be a fearless leader, ever plagued with fears of inferiority.


- x1 Communicator Watch and other MCA paraphernalia with the marked rank of 'Captain.'


Hand to Hand/Acrobatics proficiency- Jack is a well-trained combatant when unarmed, capable of taking on multiple attackers at once. Does possess some training in stick fighting and use of shields. Also possesses some acrobatic skills.

Scientific Knowledge- Jack is knowledgable in several fields of research and experimentation.


Super-Athlete- Despite appearing to be an average bodied male, Jack is capable of peak physical feats, or perhaps slightly higher. He attributes this mostly to a great deal of physical training.

Theme Song: TBA
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Name: Terrence "Terry" Stapleton
Alias/Nicknames: Cryo
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Personality: A devout metalhead and a bit of a loner, Terry doesn't warm to people very easily. Much of the time his behavior is seen as hostile or antisocial by others, but truthfully he is just very reluctant to let people in and allow himself to trust them. For those who he does consider true friends, however, he is utterly loyal and willing to do anything to help them, almost to a fault.


Terry stands at 5'8 and has a medium build. His wardrobe consists almost entirely of metal band t-shirts, jeans, and old pairs of sneakers. He has deep blue-colored eyes and straight brown hair that is somewhat long.

History: Terry Stapleton grew up without many friends or close acquaintance, spending much of his time alone reading or listening to music. He particularly enjoyed reading comic books, especially those about the gritty antihero characters popular in the 1990s. One day while checking out the comic selection at his local convenience store, Terry decided to pick up and extra-large blue Mega Gulp™ slushy. What he couldn't have known is that the slushy drink had accidentally been mixed with several deadly chemicals while in storage. Returning home, he finished the drink and began to feel strange, eventually loosing consciousness. After waking up several hours later, Terry discovered he had gained the power to create and control ice. Confused and unsure what to do, he remembered seeing an unusual add in one of his comic books. He followed the instructions and mailed in the ad, hoping that the Mega Club of America could help him with his newfound abilities. A few days letter, he received his MCA membership kit and embarked on a journey to understand and master his mysterious powers over ice.


-MCA Communicator Watch and other paraphernalia


Under the Radar- Terry is very good at going unnoticed and not attracting attention to himself, almost unnaturally so.

Coldhearted- Terry does not let emotions cloud his thinking or allow his feelings to influence his judgement

Powers/Abilities: Terry is able to project blasts of intense cold that can generate large amounts of ice, which he can also shape and manipulate at will.

Theme Song:
Aye, there's a G.I. Joe-- I mean, Mega Club member if I ever saw one. Welcome aboard.
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