The Mad Queen



Original poster
Eleanor was once a happy child. She was born the daughter of Queen Mercia and King Ludwig, and as the heir to the throne, she was trained in everything, from courtly manners to combat.

One thing that the royal family did not expect to her inherit was the family's strength, due to the dimming of the trait from family member to family member, even the king did not have the strength his darling daughter had. The girl needed more training to help her control her strength, and soon, she could do anything a normal person could too.

In her twenty fifth year, tragedy struck the kingdom as the King and Queen were brutally murdered ina revolt. Eleanor, losing her dear parents, shifted mentally, her anger taking over, and promising to destroy every rebel in the nation.


Hello! This is a little thing to introduce a plot where I play a queen that goes postal, going to kill the group who killed her parents! Who would you be? Anything you like! Perhaps you are a childhood friend of the queen who has left the country for a good year or so, and comes back to find them a total wreck? Anything is possible!