The Lovers Club Season 2

Suzuki Naomi
Location- Bara High School, Lovers' Club Clubroom
Mentions- Everyone
Interactions- The Cat, Ruby @Rads

Naomi was first greeted by a woman with short blondish brown hair. Naomi couldn't really understand much of what she said, had she slipped farther on her japanese than she thought? "R-Right. Thanks." Naomi stated awkwardly. Her presence didn't seem to be acknowledged by anyone else in the room but the room was also full of chaos. This was supposedly a popular club but Naomi couldn't really see the purpose of this club. Did they just talk about love? The impression the club president gave to Naomi was yes, they talked about love, but there must be something else to the place than just that.

Confusion set over Naomi and she started to panic. She was starting to loose her understanding of the language entirely with all the chaos. Then the something soft brushed past her ankles. Looking down Naomi lit up like a Christmas tree.

"It's you! From this morning! Snowball!" Naomi switched to english in a heartbeat at the sight of a cat she'd encountered on her walk to school that morning. Apparently the feline had been following her because now it seemed that someone had scooped her from a tree, or so she assumed based on what snippets her fried brain understood. Crouching down Naomi scooped up the kitten into her arms, and after a little squirming the creature settled down and started to purr. "Were you scared? Poor thing."

Inoue Kanata
Location- Bara High School, Lovers' Club Clubroom
Mentions- Everyone in the Room
Interactions- Yuuta @Reanimator Spuds , Haruhi @ScarletNova

Today had been a day, but that was every day in all honesty. Coming back to school clubs after taking time off was exciting and terrifying. The lovers club had done a lot in her absence, would she suddenly be a sore thumb once more. Wandering towards the club room the first thing that struck Kanata was that the room looked full. The club had certainly garnered a lot more interest than before. The second was the strong american accent that was spilling from the room. Ducking her head in Kanata smiled as she saw her little charge from earlier in the day spilling her guts in english to a small cat that she scooped off the floor. Leaning against the door Kanata took the eraser in her hand and gently flicked it at Yuuta, aiming square for his forehead.

"Yuuta, you're being an idiot again." Kanata stated flatly, giving him a bit of a glare as she sat against the door unamused. He had a tenancy to go all suave with the words. "This isn't a dang romance novel." She reminded him, ducking a little as she wandered through the door. Since she was at school Kanata was actually wearing a skirt, though she stuck with the longer option. This was about as girly as she dared to get most of the time. "Sorry for the absence Haruhi. The old man has recovered from his back injury and is back at the dojo so I'm free for after school again."
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Club room
Interactions: Alex and Ryu (@Shinku⭐Kun), Rain, Bob, and Ruby (@Rads)
Mentions: Everyone in general, Haruhi
All Mariko could see was a blob coming towards her, but she heard that the blob had found her glasses. She reached out as she saw them come into view and took them into her small hands. She placed them back in their rightful place to finally see who her glasses savior was. It was the blonde boy who always visited Lady Haruhi's house. Mari's mother has once told her he was Lady Haruhi's boyfriend.

"Thank you, Kisaragi-sama," she said as she stood up and bowed a little. She also remembered that his family was like Haruhi's so he deserved respect. "Yes, I'm okay." She then turned to Ruby, Rain, and Bob who seemed to concerned for her. She hadn't talked to them much because it was honestly a bit hard for her to do, but she appreciated their worry.

"I'm sorry for running into you," she first said to Rain. "I'll be fine. Though I seemed to have lost my book." She looked around at the ground around her feet but failed to find it. It wasn't until she decided to look farther away that she noticed the book on the floor by Ryunosuke, who seemed to be laying on the ground.

She put the facts together and realized her book must have hit him. She appeared to panic a little, feeling horrible that her book caused harm to him. She made her way over to him and bent down. "Are you okay?" she asked. She just touched him gently to wake him up a bit.

"U-um," she started to say. She was going to get someone else's attention to help her, but then more people arrived in the club room and it got even more noisy and everyone got busy. And Haruhi was starting their meeting. And then there were people just outside the club room. There was a lot going on.

Why did Mariko agree to join again? This was all getting rather overwhelming, much to overwhelming for a girl who hide herself in books and rarely ever was able to leave her own house thanks to her father's over protectiveness.
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Chishiki Aida

Interactions: Hiroki Niwa @Takumi
Mentions: Inoue Kanata
Location: Lover's Club (Outside) -> (Inside) -> (Outside)​

Chishiki slowly turned from head-bonking the wall to Lil' Pinks as he spoke. Brain to mouth filter? Did such a thing really exist? Or maybe it was metaphor! Yes, after some thought, it was definitely a metaphor! That made se— wait, did Lil' Pinks just call her cute?! Without an insult slapped on the end?!

Turning to face the complementer, Chishiki now gave him her full attention! Was it too much attention? Blinking! Right! She suddenly remembered to do that and resumed blinking after several seconds of awkwardly staring wide-eyed into his eyes. In the meantime, he doubled down on the complements, even admiring her clothes, and gave a real name for her to use.

"Ahahauheehee~" she shut her eyes and released a barrage of giddy-sounding giggle-ish noises, waving her hand at Hiroki dismissively. It was a gesture that was meant to say "your complements are too much," but she quickly realized he was offering a handshake that she was now waving away. Before he got the idea to retract his hand, she dove for it like an eagle snatching its prey and shook. "Oh thank you, yes! I think it is a very pretty uniform too. Though I wish it would not stand out so much sometimes. I am Aida Chishiki. You can just call me Chishiki or Chi-chan, if you would like."

Chishiki mulled over the explanation about the 'Lover's Club.' Before she had the opportunity to say anything about it, however, a monolith lady arrived. Chishiki was used to being one of the taller girls in her last school, so seeing this great red tower person invoked a moment of awe. It also helped that she was right behind this precious midget. What a difference! Pausing in the doorway, Red Tower threw a few remarks into the room before heading inside for real.

"So tall…"

After the shock of the moment wore off, Chishiki shook her head clear. She'd been considering which club to join. Art club was the obvious choice for her, and she did not need, nor want, the help of these weird clubs to stand out even more! But was it not her role as a Prism Maiden to protect colors and use them to influence emotions? Art was nice and all, but matchmaking…? That sounded like a puzzle. A fun puzzle!

"I wonder if they are still accepting new members…" she finally spoke. "I may enjoy this!" Having made up her mind, Chishiki stepped inside. She stood there for several long moments, suddenly regretting the impulsive entrance as she realized a total lack of ideas for what to say. Even worse: they appeared to be in the middle of something! Without a word, Chishiki awkwardly stepped backward out the door and off to the side.

"I may enjoy this later," she corrected herself from earlier. "Are you part of a club yet, Hiroki?"
Location: still in the lovers club
Interactions: @IceQueen Naomi @ScarletNova Mariko
Mentions all others in the club room

Ruby notices it's becoming a zoo and starting to get a headache, she can feel her head ringing a little bit. She's trying her best to keep her composer.
She then turns Naomi first, it's going to be awkward if you don't know much about Japanese, so I'll lend you my disk player and the disk and the book that goes with it".
Ruby gently coughs into her hand then says"if you allow your negativity to pour in you'll never get used to gatherings such as this"
Wasting no time she claps her hands loudly and addresses the rest of the people and then says" if your going to stay talk and have snacks and such that's fine".

" We already have one broken door handle and I'd like to avoid anything else getting broken".
Rain is rubbing his head, he then goes over to Mariko gently placing His on Mariko"s shoulder. (edited)
Rain says" I have to agree with my sister on this one, it's not that people can't have fun, please remember not everyone is used to things being this rowdy and it's overwhelming them".
He gently sighs then looks to Haru, and then says" Not bad for a speech, and it should be interesting to see how things go".
"Oh I'll go and buy a proper heating and cooling unit for the club, I hear the latest ones even suck out the pollen and such out of the air to make the air even better". In his mind' there's a lot of cute girls and entertaining guys here so I won't be bored but I won't tell them that it might go to their heads.
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  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
🥀 ~ Yuuta Satoshi ~ 🥀
Interactions: Kanata (@IceQueen),
Mentions: No one in particular
Location: Lover's Club (Window)

Yuuta had just turned back to face his lovely club, his eyes closed and his lips curled in a smile. This was quickly met with an attack from a high velocity erasure thrown by none other than Kanata hitting him squarely in the forehead. His head was knocked back, as he started to fall backwards towards the window. "E-Eh? W-W-Wait!". Half his body was leaning out of the open window, as his fingers barely managed to keep him inside. He pulled himself up, placing his hand against his forehead and tossing his head back. This move would have looked far more smooth were it not for his flailing arms and the red mark from the impact. "Dear me, I feel as though my heart is all a flutter now..."

He quickly realized that others may be a bit concerned for his well being. He quickly turned to address the room, waving both his hands in a dismissive fashion. "No need to worry about me, I'll be fine."

However, with that out of the way, he approached the red haired girl, who stood a good inch or two taller than him. "Kanata, have you heard of the suspension bridge effect? In moments of perceived danger, such as staring into the depths of dizzying heights, one's heart begins to race. Pair that with another by your side, and you begin to question: Why is my heart beating like so? Am I frightened? Or perhaps the beautiful woman by my side."

He picked up the erasure that had bounced off the floor, grabbed her by the hand, and gently placed it in her palm. "But I must say, my heart was flittering about before my mishap. Which can only mean one thing. It began with the mere sight-" He would be going on a while if no one put a stop to it. The boy loved the sound of his own voice.


~ Scary Mari ~
Interactions: None
Mentions: Everyone
Location: Lover's Club (Closet)

Please someone shut him up. Anyone. Mari was feeling sick just listening to him go on and on and on and on! God why can't curses be real! If he kept going... "I'm really gonna hurl..." She couldn't let that happen. She needed something to keep him quiet. She took out one of her black sheets of paper and started scribbling more words on it. What the hell did he say his name was? That guy said Yato Sa... Something. She wrote what she could remember of his name, and wrote the word "Suffering" on it as well.

What did she expect to have happen from this? Well nothing. But it was always worth a shot right? There was a lot going on, with intense chaos. This was the kind of club Haruhi ran? Ha! Then taking it down would be no problem at all! Maybe Mari could exploit it to her advantage. "Alright Mari. For now, just sit and listen. You're bound to learn something valuable..." ... Crap! That was out loud. It was quiet though. Maybe no one heard her. Just shut up for now. Shut up and plot. And try to drown out that idiot Prince or whatever he said he was.

Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Club Room
Interactions: Everyone, Yuuta, Kanata, Hiroki, Chishiki, Rain, Mariko
Mentions: Everyone, Ryu, Alex
Did Yuuta just come through the window? This was the second floor? Did he really climb a tree to get here? And how the heck did he possibly make that look good to please all of his fan club girls. Of course, Haruhi wasn't unfamiliar with fan clubs. For some reason, she even had one for herself though she didn't quite get why. And it was true that for fan clubs it seemed that no matter what you did, you were still perfect to them.

Imagine what his love struck girls would have thought about Yuuta if they had seen him after he got beat up by Alex during the training camp. His speech was momentarily halted by Kanata, who had been away for a while. Haru shook her head. "No need to apologize. I'm glad he's doing better," she responded back to her comment.

After Yuuta escaped falling out of the window, his flirting found another target in Kanata. This wasn't going to go well. Haruhi let out a sigh and with a newspaper that seemed to appear out of nowhere she smacked him on the head with it. "Down boy," she muttered. "You can flirt later when there's less pressing things on the agenda today. We have new members and they need to get a feel of the club, not a feel of how you flirt."

It was right after that moment that Haruhi noticed a girl with a witch's hat momentarily enter the club room but then leave. She must be shy about it. It was rather intimidating in there. Haruhi wasn't unaware of that matter. The members of the Love Club were an interesting bunch. She stepped towards the door, noticing that she was not alone but with a pink haired boy as well.

"You two are free to join us. Anyone is welcome," she said. She then headed back over to the board.

"Thank you, Rain and don't worry, Mariko, Ryu will wake up just fine. It's not the first time he's gotten hit with something. Let's have everyone have a seat and continue with our discussion. Remember to introduce yourself. So, what are your thoughts on love? Anyone have any suggestions on the idea of love? Love can have many different meanings and can feel different for different people. So I'd like to know what any of you think of it. How does love make you feel?"
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|| Location: Clubroom || Interactions: Haruhi, Ruby, room || Mentions: Toshi, Bob, Yuuta, Chishiki, Haruhi, Miyuki, others? || Mood: Confused, bored, annoyed ||

For some reason, rather than answering him, Bob wandered off. "Typical." He was always like this. There for the fun but gone when anyone actually needed him. "What did I ever see in that jerk?" He grumbled to himself with a huff. Crossing his arms, he moved his attention back to the others in the room, his gaze eventually landing on Toshi. Toshi finally made it. Except he had a cat in tow and seemed preoccupied with something else at the moment.

Sayuri was just about to question why he even wanted to join in the first place. The girl who originally wanted his jolly ranchers backed out and no one else seemed all that interesting to him. Most were keeping to themselves or dealing with the chaos. For a moment there, one girl even tried to get everyone to sit down but it didn't seem to be working.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a strangely dressed person walk in and out of the club room. Unsure what that was about, he shrugged it off and turned his attention to the window where a flamboyant male with pink hair sat with a rose in hand. The long spiel was enough to make him want to gag. What was up with this club? Where did this man in the window even come from?

Though he was disturbed by the sudden interest, the male did help remind him that the president of the club asked everyone a question. A question the girl couldn't help but repeat as everyone began to calm down.

What is love? It wasn't something Sayuri really ever bothered to even think about. Every relationship he ever had thus far was just an adventure. People to help him learn more about himself and pass the time. "I already introduced myself but Hi. I'm Sayuri Satou. Call me what you wish. As for the question.. Love. Does such a thing even exist? It's all a made-up fantasy." Skeptical at heart, he answered Haruhi's question and pointed his thumb at Ruby. "Only dumb blondes would believe in something from a fairy tale. Unless you mean attraction. There are certainly some attractive people in this club." He suggested with a sly smirk as he gazed at a few individuals, taking extra care to exclude Bob who he was currently trying to ignore.


|| Location: Club Room || Interactions: Miyuki, Ruby, Yuuta, Naomi, Haruhi, room || Mentions: Sayu || Mood: Neutral ||

Toshi's conversation with the president was suddenly cut short by Miyuki. Taking a step back to allow her to speak to Haruhi, he was taken by surprise when it seemed she had butted in for him instead. From what he saw so far, it seemed a lot went down. As if to prove his point, Miyuki suddenly offered to let him borrow a lint roller. He was stunned, watching her as if she grew a second head for a moment until he finally realized he might scare her if he stared for too long. "I'd appreciate it if you have one on you, Momozono-san. Thank you." He politely accepted. It wasn't every day that the timid girl would speak, much less offer something to someone of the opposite gender. He didn't want to make her feel bad or ruin whatever progress she had taken by rejecting her offer.

After she handed it over, he got to work on the cat hair and discarded the used adhesive sheet into a nearby trashcan before returning it back to its owner. "I'm sure Naomi may need this in a bit. You might want to keep this out." He suggested, suddenly noticing that the cat had moved on to greet others. Looking at the two, he also noted that Naomi and the cat really looked similar. They suited each other in a harmonious way that made him pause for a moment to take in the sight. She seemed like she was uneasy earlier. Watching her at ease with the furball was a relief.

Or at least it was until Ruby butted in and ruined the peaceful atmosphere the two had going on. The girl meant well, he knew that. However, it was also clear that Ruby's pushy nature was making Naomi even more uneasy. It was almost insulting watching Ruby offer this "help". In the end, he couldn't hold it in and made his way over to help Naomi out of it. "Ruby, though Naomi's English is flawless, there's no reason for you to assume she doesn't understand Japanese. I understand your intentions, but you're being rude and making others uneasy. She's hafu, not gaijin." He explained as he gently led the girl back to a seat and away from Naomi so the girl could breathe, giving the girl an apologetic glance as he did so. Haruhi, in the meantime, was already gaining some control over the room. They didn't need Ruby adding to the chaos.

As others settled, he grabbed a large binder from a nearby drawer and gave Yuuta a stern stare. "Truthfully, I'd appreciate it if you used a door next time. Coming in through the second-floor window is lovely and all but it is also a safety hazard. We don't need the club taken down because of your recklessness and desire to please that Fanclub of yours." He gently berated him, yet held nothing back even though he was well aware he may be crushing the man's vibe. It seemed they'd have to get a screen on the window at some point or perhaps attempt to convince Haruhi to get a balcony installed.

Afterward, he took a seat on the love seat in the room. Crossing one leg over the other, he leaned on the armrest and began simultaneously taking attendance and writing their answers down. Though he looked busy, he was half-listening to what was going on. After Sayu introduced himself, the secretary couldn't help but raise a brow at the answer. Was this the same person looking for someone to look in his direction only a few months ago?

Feeling a little unsettled by the answer, he kept the comment to himself and shared his own take. "Good Afternoon. My name is Toshiro Akasaka, the Lover's Club Secretary. Love to me is a bond. A feeling that is only understood by those who feel it. There are many kinds as well. Romantic love, platonic love, love for family, love for food. One simply has to figure out what kind of love you're actually experiencing." It was a simple take on the emotion. He wasn't about to give out anything personal.

Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside Lover's Club
Interactions: Chishiki, Haruhi
Mentioned: @Luma, @ScarletNova, @Club members

Even her giggle was odd, but he wasn't complaining. Hiroki giggled as she grabbed his hand and shook, deciding to ignore it when she commented on the tower of a woman that entered the club, totally not jealous. Totally.

He watched as Chishiki walked into the club then quickly backtracked. He couldn't blame her, in all honesty. If you weren't expecting to face so many people the moment you walked in it could be really overwhelming! They practically had a whole classroom worth of members in there as far as he could tell.

When asked if he joined a club yet, he scratched the back of his head as he answered.

"Eh, well, no not yet. I was gonna check this club out by, like, sitting off to the side and just seeing how they run things before I made a decision y'know?" He replied with a shrug.

"It's kinda a circus in there right now, huh?" He lightly joked.

"You got any clubs you're considering besides this one, Chi-chan?" He asked. He hadn't thought of any other clubs he'd like to join at the moment, then again this club did seem rather fun in a whacky sort of way.

He turned his head to look over at Haruhi when she went and addressed them.

"Thank you." He chirped in a bit of a chipper manner, and once Haruhi returned to the club room he looked to Chishiki.

"Y'know, you can sit in with me and get more of a feel for the club if you want. Maybe it won't be so bad with someone you kinda know with you, it sounds like they're kinda settled down by now I think. If you got another club in mind though, I won't hold you up, Chi-chan." He spoke up. It was her choice at the end of the day, besides it wasn't like they'd never see each other again if they joined different clubs. She had a witch's hat! He'd be able to spot her a mile away and then it'd be way easier to say hi!

'Mi-chan was worrying for nothing! No trouble, just possibly making friends! I think she might like Chi-chan too!' he thought to himself, giving himself a mental pat on the back.

Momozono Miyuki x Nakamura Aki

location: Club room || interactions:Everyone

Miyuki sensed the confusion from Toshiro. After all, they rarely interact with each other due to her condition. Yet, she never felt scared of him. Only intimidated due to his disciplined nature. Perhaps that's the reason why I never thought of him in a vile way. He was respectful and knew where to draw the line. Miyuki admired that from him.

While more people entered the club room, Miyuki was busy getting rid of the cat fur. She started on her black tights and skirt before putting the lint roller on top of a table. She decided that it would be best to let people use it just in case.

By the time she was done, the meeting has begun.

The first person to answer the question was the vice president of the club. Miyuki sweatdropped at Yuuta's flamboyant nature. No matter how many times she encountered the vice president, she still can't get used to it! She was lucky enough that Yuuta respects her boundaries. And that his fangirls don't hunt the club's female members with pitchforks. She held back a giggle at seeing him get scolded by Kanata.

Next to answer was Sayuri. She was a bit taken back by his answer. His words were harsh and sharp enough to hurt her. After all, she believes in love. How can she not when she felt it in her mother's words? In her grandmother's arms?

Toshiro then spoke up and shared his take on love. Miyuki found herself nodding in his words though as she listened, she realized that her answer was very similar to his. Now I have to think of a new answer.

Her brows furrowed as she was deep in thought. She thought of what love felt like for her. "For me, love is scary."

It was an unusual answer but, it felt right to her.

Miyuki could feel eyes on her, both new and old, which immediately made her blush out of embarrassment. She finds it a bit embarrassing to be the center of attention!

Swallowing hard and conquering the nervousness blossoming inside her, Miyuki continued on with her words. "I mean, you never know what's going to happen with love. It's one of the most beautiful things in life, but it's one of the most terrifying. You'll never know when it will be taken away."

It reminded her of her aunts, smiling brightly yet crying late at night because of heartbreak. It reminded her of her grandmother who's always happy yet would suddenly look sad due to the loneliness from her grandfather's death. Love reminded her of her mom: of how she endured everything for her.

Miyuki stopped herself before she could even get more sentimental.

"Ah, forgive my rudeness. I'm Momozono Miyuki, the event planner of Lover's Club." She gave a small bow towards the group, followed by a shy smile.

Just when she was about to stand up straight, the sound of the door slamming open was heard.

"MIYUUUUCHAAAAAAAN" A boy screamed, immediately jumping on her for a tight hug.

Miyuki almost shrieked at the sudden attack. Thankfully, she noticed the familiar mop of blonde hair and smelled the scent of the pool. Only one person would dare give her a heart attack.

"A-Aki!" Miyuki scolded, knowing full well that it won't have any effect on the boy. She knew that he means well though sometimes, it's too much! She tried to shake him off but to no avail. "L-Let go! We're in the middle of a meeting!"

Nakamura Aki refused to let go. He enjoys seeing his cousin in distress. Besides! He was so excited to play with his Miyuki that he disregarded everything going on around him.

His brilliant magenta eyes soon surveyed the room. There's a lot of new faces around and there's even a stray cat! He also noticed that words were written on the board.

"What is love?" Aki read out loud before smiling. "Oooh! Are we answering that question?"

Not letting anyone speak, Aki brightly smiled and continued blabbering. "Because for me, love is fun! It makes you feel warm and fuzzy and happy! Like how I love sweets or swimming. I also love Miyu-"

A hand covered his lips. He totally expected Miyuki to stop him from talking. Grinning like a Chesire cat, Aki licked the palm of his cousin's hand before speaking once again.

"Ehhhhh, someone's embarrassed! Anyway, I know you're wondering who I am so let me introduce myself."

Finally letting his cousin go from the hug, The blonde boy stood in front of the room and smiled. "I'm Nakamura Aki, the cutest mascot of Lover's Club. Yahallo!"

Chishiki Aida

Interactions: Hiroki Niwa @Takumi, Suzuki Naomi @IceQueen
Mentions: Haruhi Nakamura
Location: Lover's Club (Outside) -> (Inside)​

"Oh, I see…" Chishiki nodded as the question turned back around to her. "I was also thinking art club and maybe music, though I am not very good with rhythm. Uhm… but this sounds like a very fun club too!"

Chishiki glanced over at the girl who had wandered over to invite the two in. Maybe her peeking in for a second prompted the invite. Between the mystery girl and Hiroki's invitations, Chishiki gave in, nodding her agreement. "Sure! We can slip in and watch from the corner or something."

Just as she was about to head for the door, a bubbly guy arrived, slammed the door open, and glomped one of the girls in the room. Another wave of doubt washed over Chishiki as this guy's victim tried to squirm her way out of the attack, but Chishiki pushed past her doubts and entered for real. Before another glomp-happy guy burst through the door, she quickly shimmied off to the side, and began to take in the sights…

Loads of people, fridge, coffee maker, microwave, filing cabinet, KITTY! There was a kitty! Everything else suddenly mattered less as Chishiki's eyes focused in on the kitty. Maybe a little too focused. Sadly, the kitty was guarded by a human version of the kitty: a girl with hair matching the snowy white fur. If not for its guardian, Chishiki would already have her cheek buried in the precious fluffball, but maybe it was for the best… the last time she'd smothered a kitty with her affection, she'd walked away with a nasty scratch on her face.

Despite her intention to remain in the back with Hiroki, Chishiki couldn't help herself, and eventually stepped up to the kitty to introduce herself to its human. "Hi, I am Aida Chishiki! Can I please pet your kitty? It is so cute I am going to die~!"
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Suzuki Naomi
Location- Bara High School, Lovers' Club Clubroom
Mentions- Ruby, Toshiro, Chishiki, Everyone
Interactions- Ruby @Rads , Chishiki @Luma

Naomi was a bit taken aback at the book comment. Book? Did she need to do some reading? She highly doubted that Japan had changed in the years since her last visit, though the memory was foggy. Before Naomi could say anything someone stepped in to save her. Though the words were harsh they were true. Nodding her head Naomi switched herself back to japanese in a heartbeat.

"My father is japanese so I was raised on both english and japanese. I actually lived here for a good while in my youth." She mentioned, just in case there was any lingering doubt. It seemed all fears or worries had been assuaged as attention turned to the window. Apparently someone had made an entrance from the second floor. Was that normal here? A quick glance at the faces deemed that it was very much odd. Turning back to the cat Naomi then picked up on the massive witch hat the woman was wearing.

"This place just keeps getting weirder" Naomi mumbled to herself in english before switching back at the drop of a hat and putting on a smile. Weird or not the woman seemed harmless enough and mostly interested in the fluffy cat in her arms. Holding her arms out a little for the woman Naomi offered up a warm smile.

"They're not my kitty, but I did see him this morning on my way to school. I even gave him a nickname. Uhh.... Yuki, I think you say in japanese." She stated, smiling gently. She turned towards the club leader for her next part. "My name is Suzuki Naomi, I just transferred back from America and I was told this club was popular and helped people so I thought I would stop by. I like to.... er, how do you say in japanese... volunteer. Naomi mumbled, switching to english for the unfamiliar word. Did the japanese even have a word for it? Or was it just considered a duty.

Inoue Kanata
Location- Bara High School, Lovers' Club Clubroom
Mentions- Ruby, Naomi, Haruhi, Yuuta
Interactions- Yuuta @Reanimator Spuds , Ruby @Rads

A strong snort came from Kanata's nose as she watched Yuuta almost flail himself directly out the window again. The snort quickly devolved into loud belly laughter that seemed to fill the room with ease, the red head bending over slightly as she watched him feign some sort of romantic swoon. "God Yuuta, you never do change do you. Always one for trying to be a prince. Loosen up!" Kanata mentioned, giving his back a strong whap before ducking to pick up her eraser. She was not about to loose it. Haruhi was also well on top of the vice president's antics. Ruby, on the other hand, who Kanata vaugely remembered, was already getting on her nerves. She wasn't the club president so why the hell was she trying to coral them like sheep? She didn't listen to those she didn't know or respect, and Ruby certainly hadn't earned it yet.

"The girl can speak japanese just fine, she doesn't need a dang book." Kanata snapped. She'd spent the entire day with the woman so Kanata knew exactly how good her japanese was. Hell, she was almost fluent, though words escaped her now and then. Naomi, who was across the room, seemed slightly relieved and even stated in japanese that she could speak quite well. Kanata gave a firm nod and a grin towards her pupil. "See? I spent all day showing her around so I have no doubt she'll be just fine without help. I think if she needs it, she'll ask. Also stop trying to boss me around, you aren't the club president, Haruhi is. I only listen to her."

Kanata would always be firm in her beliefs, and having said her peace she went back to listening to Haruhi. Leaning against the window sill Kanata crossed her arms and gave a toothy, lopsided grin to the room. "Since we're all doing introductions and stuff as per prez's instructions I will introduce myself. Hello all new faces, my name is Inoue Kanata, you can call me Kanata if you so wish. Love to me is... complicated. It takes different forms depending on the person and expresses itself in many ways. That being said sometimes love can be clouded by other feelings so I am there to give them a shove, literally in some cases. You can call me the resident muscle." With that she nudged Yuuta forward. "Your turn, prince charming."

Nobuyuki Chairo
Location: Club Room
Interactions: Everybody

After Nobuyuki's uh...bold introduction, a taller girl with brownish hair had told him to "That's all very nice and all, but I'd prefer you have a seat..." And after that, it was as if his ears were completely turned off. He was expecting for her to be in awe, in a pure vegetative state of astonishment. To say the least, he was pretty hurt, wounded even, but he couldn't let that show. For he was to be the cool, calm, collected detective. As the girl finished her last sentence, Nobuyuki cleared his throat, and responded with a simple "Thanks."

Nobuyuki went over to one of the couches, and planted himself onto it. And, have you ever seen one of those movie clips where a character is walking around as if nothing is happening. Like, they're in a bubble of their own enclosed world and around them upmost chaos is ensued. That is how Nobuyuki felt as he was sitting on the couch. And while it may seem as though he was just sitting there like a plant in a pot, with no bearing of what was going on around him, that actually wasn't very true. He was simply observing the club members, seeing how they acted and whatnot.

A white haired boy with a cat had walked in. He placed the cat down on the floor, and the feline started wandering. Nobuyuki whispered to himself "Kitty..." He was tempted to pet it. However, he didn't think that'd make for a good first...urr...second impression. The cat first went to a girl with long black hair. She seemed...scared? Nobuyuki felt an urge to help, but before he could even decide whether or not he wanted to, she crouched down to pet the cat, and seemed to feel a bit better. The cat then went to the white haired girl he had followed inside. She picked up the cat and started speaking English. Nobuyuki had little bearing on the language, all he understood was "mourning," like when someone is feeling sad because of a passing. He'd only actually known the word because it was in the title of this old American movie he once watched. Of course, he was a bit confused on why the girl had said that, but decided to just ignore it.

Eventually, a girl had called to everyone, telling them what the Lover's Club was about and introducing herself as the president. She did seem like the president type, so it wasn't much to Nobuyuki's surprise. The girl, Haruhi, had written on the white board "What is love?" As would be expected, it was a hard question. And while no question is too hard for an ace detective, young Chairo did not have an answer. Not until the next thing happened. A pink haired boy had jumped through the window. Nobuyuki thought to himself "Maybe that should have been my introduction." The boy was speaking in an unusual tongue. It was as if he was ripped straight out of one of those vampire romance movies.

The pink haired boy had introduced himself as Yuuta Satoshi. Nobuyuki had heard his name being thrown around a bit in the school. Apparently he was super charming. That was evident enough with the whole crowd of girls calling out to him outside. Nobuyuki had a grand idea. If he became friends with Yuuta, maybe he could have a bit of fame on his own. "An entourage wouldn't be too bad..." He said to himself. Yuuto had given an answer to the question, "...Love is a maiden's heart, a man's resolve, an ideal to strive for. Love is the most important thing." Nobuyuki thought about this, and he felt as though he could have added onto this.

But how could he add to that if he didn't have an answer? Well, he thought about what he loved, which was a good mystery. It had made him feel...well, he didn't quite know how to describe it. As he ruminated on the subject more and more, he began to hot a bit. It was the heat of his mind working, which he had loved. He started fanning himself a bit with his fedora, spreading out more on the couch. After hearing a few of his classmates answer, he had come up with a good response.

Nobuyuki stood up from his couch, holding his fedora high in the sky. "I've already introduced myself, but I'll say it again, my name is Nobuyuki Chairo. Remember the name, I'm gonna be the greatest detective of all time." He told everyone in the room. He held his fedora to his chest. His answer was short, simple, and accurate. "I am of the belief..." Oh man, he's wanted to use that line for a while now. "...that love can be described at a person's main driving force. A reason for a someone to wake up every day in the morning. A reason to live, if you will." He paused for a moment, and then put his fedora back on his head. "For example, I love mysteries and being a detective. I wake up every day for the chance, no matter how small, of being a great detective. But it's not just me. I'm sure everyone here has something or someone that they love." Not having anything else to add, he finished "Thank you." Nobuyuki plonked down back to the couch, feeling satisfied.

Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside Lover's Club --> Inside Lover's Club
Interactions: Chishiki, Haruhi, Naomi, Everyone
Mentioned: @Luma @ScarletNova, @Everyone

"Ooh, art club and music club sounds like fun!~ I can't read music to save my life though, haha!" He giggled, as if it were a joke but it was in fact true. He tried back when he had taken choir classes in elementary and middle school but he never remembered what the teacher said. He could recognize what certain notes looked like but their names were something he'd have trouble remembering for most of them at least.

He was glad she'd at least test the waters, and if she decided it wasn't for her then that was more than fine. Following in after her, after nearly jumping out of his skin when Aki made his loud entrance shortly before he shrugged and sat on one of the couches, taking in the number of people present and letting his gaze linger on the cute kitten Chishiki asked Naomi to pet. As much as he also wanted to pet the kitten he'd wait on that.

"Hi hi, I'm Hiroki Niwa! It's nice to meet you all!~" he greeted woth a wave once he remembered that brief introductions were in order before tilting his head as he eyed the question on the board that Haruhi wrote.

He'd been quiet long enough for anyone to get whatever was on their mind out in the open before he decided to answer with his own variation of what he thought on the subject. He just needed a moment to gather his thoughts on it.

There also seemed to be a bit of friction between a few members, and he wasn't going to comment on that.

"As for that question there? Love, to me at least, is a feeling of warmth and coziness! There's platonic and familial love, that's comforting sometimes, and then there's romantic love, which makes you warm all over like you've gotten the best hug of your life whenever you're with the one that makes you feel that way." His answer was surprisingly serious despite his seemingly not so serious demeanor. His views were a bit more complex than he made it sound anyway, but it was the general gist that a single pringle like him could make that made sense.
Chishiki Aida

Interactions: Suzuki Naomi @IceQueen, Everyone
Mentions: Nobuyuki Chairo, Hiroki Niwa
Location: Lover's Club​

"Yuki…!" Chishiki echoed the girl who would shortly introduce herself as Naomi. It wasn't long until Chishiki's hands were all over Yuki's soft head. "So precious!"

As Yuki's preciousness melted the anxiety of meeting new people away, Chishiki followed the introductions around the room, listening to their interpretations of love. Naomi jumped in, perhaps already warmed up from Chishiki's greeting.

"Woah…" she remarked, speaking quietly to Naomi as Kanata took her turn introducing herself. "I would like to visit America someday. Maybe after my successor is in place. Is it true the burgers there are as big as your head?"

Next up was a guy in a fedora. Chishiki settled on calling him Hat Buddy just in time for him to crush that with a real name. Nobuyuki Chairo… his take on love was actually pretty profound, though she did have to wonder how love of mysteries related to a club about finding a special someone. It hit her suddenly: "Love is a mystery!" Wait, was that out loud? Oh good, Hiroki was talking now.

Hiroki had a surprisingly bubbly answer. Then again, Hiroki was looking more and more like a chipper optimist to her the more he spoke. As he finished, Chishiki figured this might be as good a time as any to throw her formal introduction into the room, especially since they entered together. The real question was, what kind of introduction should s—

"I am Aida Chishiki and I have no idea what love is!" she declared with her sweetest smile.

—the personal kind of introduction! Of course she could've gone for the more 'academically correct' answer, but that would've required thinking about what to say for more than 3 seconds, and it would've been near impossible to beat Hat Buddy's answer anyway. Instead, she'd just boldly admit she didn't have a clue. Modesty! That was always a nice policy, right?
🥀 ~ Yuuta Satoshi ~ 🥀
Interactions: Kanata (@IceQueen), Haruhi (@ScarletNova), @everyone
Mentions: No one in particular
Location: Lover's Club (Window)

"Why Kanata, I'm always loose. N-Not to say I'm a loose man or anything! W-Well I mean I'm not beholden to anyway... That isn't to say that I..." He stopped talking, and instead cleared his throat before placing his hand to his head and throwing it back. "My charms are to be shared with all." Saved it.

Oh deer. It looked like they had a few more interesting cases this semester. Several seemed unsure what love was. That is fine. Love is complicate after all. But the words of the one named Sayuri really struck Yuuta like a knife. So much so that his normally suave persona was shattered momentarily as he tensed up and looked slowly at the boy. There was something sinister coming from over there... Little did he know part of that wasn't Sayuri but the cat-clad nemesis in the broom closet.

Nobuyuki seemed a promising sort. Yuuta had missed his earlier entrance, but he seemed to have potential for the flair and panache that he bore. He would keep an eye on him. After all, he would be leaving soon, and the fine ladies of this school needed someone to be able to turn their loving gazes. Of course, speaking of flair and panache... The vibrantly colored girl introduced herself as Aida. She seemed to also be working on figuring out what love was, but her enthusiasm could only foretell something of promise within her.

"My, some excited ones this year. One thing can be certain for everyone though. Love is different for everyone. How someone expresses love can differ from person to person. I don't wish to tread upon our beauteous Queen of Hearts' words, but in our line of work in match making, you'll quickly learn that understanding how others express and feel love will be the most important thing for us. Now then, Mademoiselle." He looked over at Haruhi and gestured for her to take the floor again. "I know a few haven't spoken their truths, but while we wait, why don't we discuss what's next on our agenda?"


~ Scary Mari ~
Interactions: None
Mentions: Sayuri
Location: Lover's Club (Closet)

Well, so far it seemed that she was safe. Except for the fact that he was talking again. She wanted to hurt him so badly. But this whole thing didn't seem to be a complete loss thus far. That one other pink haired guy. Sayuri was his name? He seemed to be sensible. The kind of person who may very well work with her on that. She would need to follow him home later. See if he would be on board with her little plot. In the mean time, she needed to wait.

But then the prince started talking. She was already feeling queasy again. She just needed to hope she didn't run our screaming first.
Location- Bara High School, Lovers' Club Clubroom
Mentions-Suzuk @IceQueen , Haruhi and Mariko @ScarletNova, Sayuri @Monbon Toshiro, Inoue others in the club,
Interactions- Haruhi, Suzuki Mariko other in the club room

Ruby is paying attention to all that's going on within the club room including the answers from the rest of the club, then says" I've read books and I have talked to other girls but I still don't fully get it". She pauses for a few moments or so, says" I know who I'm not like other females and have much feminine charm and other traits like, I'm also kind of bitchy bossy, so, to be honest, I don't think any of the guys would be interested in a woman like me".
She pauses for a few moments or so then says" Now that I think back on my past, I've never liked women liked you inoue, they don't like to be told what to do but they seem to enjoy bossing others around". " Also Toshiro as dense as he can be at times, he already spoke to me and Suzuki spoke up as well"

" I'm really sorry about being so rude Naomi, that was not my intention, I honestly thought you were new to the country, now you have told me what's up with you dad I know better". " I would like to make it up to you somehow".

" I'm not so unreasonable or dense that I wouldn't acknowledge my mistakes and try my best not to do it again". "Lastly even I don't find what many call true love I hope my brother rain and bob do because they have been there for me at my lowest".
Before she goes and sits downturns to haru and then says" I know I'm not the best fit for this club, but I can say this by watching some of the couples I can say I hope their relationships last a long time".

After that, she got herself some iced tea and some snacks, today even she noticed her crabby side is out there, it was the fact, she was shown up, but having the headache and then inoue having a dig at her sure didn't help things at all.

Rain deeply sighs observing all around him then says" Ok ladies let's leave it at that, things got a little too heated there and it's not good to be like that in front of the others".
" I know this is more straightforward than I should be, but given until just recently I had to look after mom I've never dated a girl, not to mention I'm fairly serious more than I should be and that might put a lot of girls off, so I don't even know if I'm in the running with my lack of experience and personality".
He pauses for a few moments or so then says" I don't fully know how I should describe it, some call it chemistry, for me if the girl is younger it's not a deal-breaker if we have that spark". " I don't know if I'd be a good boyfriend or not if that time comes but I can say I do cherish those that are close to me".
He turns to Sayuri and very bluntly says" Ay primadonna, quit acting like a bloody brat, I would have thought after all this time you would have grown a little but it appears your balls haven't dropped yet if you keep acting like a brat I'm sure I can find a way to make your life a living hell". " Oh by that I mean expose all your dirty secrets for all to see, who know I might even put it on the net".
He pauses for several moments then says" back to relevant matters at hand, haruhi I'll be joining the club as an additional peace keep and general assistant to the club, I'll do my best not to slow people down and make sure I'm doing things properly".
Last edited:

Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Club room
Interactions: Ryu (@Shinku⭐Kun), Rain and Ruby (@Rads), Everyone
Mentions: Everyone in general, Haruhi
Poor Mariko had grown very confused. While she was worried about Ryunosuke considering he still hadn't woken up, she didn't really think she was causing anymore commotion. In fact, she had barely said anything at all. She was rather too shy to speak out loud to mention Ryu's condition. Rain's words to her after he had touched her shoulder were understandable, but she wasn't really quite sure she was part of the problem. Him and Ruby were probably better off just letting Haruhi handle everything. She was the president after all. If the club was going to listen to anyone, it would be her.

She looked back down towards the unconscious Ryunosuke. "Ryunosuke-sama, wake up," she muttered only to him, though made sure it wasn't too loud to disrupt the others. She really didn't pay much attention to whatever was happening until she heard Haruhi mention her name. Apparently, Haru said Ryu would be fine. And Mariko usually trusted Haruhi. But she at least didn't want to leave him like he was.

She found a nearby pillow and placed it under his head to give him some more comfort. Hopefully he would wake up soon. She then focused her attention back to the task at hand as others introduced themselves and answered Haruhi's question on what was love. They all had really interesting answers.

Though it still seemed like there was some tension in the room. Mari had no idea what it was even about though considering she had been focused on Ryunosuke. She thought maybe it would be best to finally speak up, maybe bringing the attention back to the club meeting instead of other random conversations.

"U-uh, I'm Mariko Tanaka," she finally spoke up. She played with the bangs of her hair. "I've only joined the club a week ago. I-I think everyone had some really great answers...and even if you don't believe in it or understand it...that's still your take on love, right? I think love is whatever someone wants it to be really. I mean, love doesn't always have to do with just a signifigant other, right? It could also be something you feel for your family, or a pet, or even hobbies. I think love depends on the individual and their perspective."

Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Club Room
Interactions: Everyone
Mentions: Everyone
Haruhi was quiet as everyone introduced themselves and gave her their answers. Posing the question seemed like an obvious choice considering how much love meant to the club. But Haru had ulterior motives as well. She had posed this question before in the past because she wanted to know the thought process of each member in the club. Their answers usually tended to line up with their personality and experiences. And that was still clear even now. They even had a new member who didn't believe in love at all. Chances are it had to do with Sayuri's experiences.

While they each spoke their thoughts on the matter, Haruhi wrote some main points down onto the board underneath her question:

She faced the group again. "All very fair points," she muttered. "As you can see, the idea of love can change depending on who you ask. There are so many aspects to love that it can be one of the most complicated emotions. Even if you are skeptical about it, it's still a valid take on the idea."

She wasn't unaware of the tension that was building between some of the members though. She needed to do something that would break it up. "I want you to break off in groups. It can be whatever kind of group you want. A smaller group. A large group. And it can be with whoever you want. I want you to plan a date. Where would you go? What would you do? How long would it last? What would you do to make it romantic? When is the perfect time to hold hands? When is the perfect time to kiss?"

It might seem odd to let them break off on their own, but it wasn't quite time to force them to each other yet. That might scare of any newbies. They needed to interact with some they felt more comfortable with first. Like Chishiki for instance. She was clearly really hesitant and unsure, but she seemed to be getting along well with Hiroko. It would most likely scare her away if Haruhi forced her to interact with others on the first day.

"So go ahead and choice you own groups. It can even just be the ones who are around you if you'd like. Decide on your groups. Make sure everyone is in a group or has a partner. Then plan a date. Write it down onto a piece of paper. Toshiro, would you mind getting some pencils and paper for us?"

She glance over at Alex for a moment. He technically wasn't apart of the club. "Alex, you are free to either help a group out or try to help Ryunusuke since you aren't officially part of this club," she said. "Now, no dilly-dallying. The sooner you guys get this task done, the sooner you can all go home today. And remember that it's just the first day, other days are going to be a lot more fun."

Ryunosuke Akiyama and Alexander Kisaragi
Location: The Lovers Club HQ | Interactions: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Miyuki (@DANAsaur) | Mentions: Naomi, Aki

"Ugh, I'm already regretting joining Ryu to this club today," Alexander thought as he watched how the classroom was quickly getting crowded with new members. He knew that Haruhi and her club members worked hard this week trying to attract new people to join their club to avoid its closure, but nobody knew that this many people would actually come today to join. In Alexander's eyes, everything went out of hand. However, after seeing Haruhi's excited and happy face, Alexander couldn't do anything other than smile to himself as his heartbeats increased. He was happy for her and her club, which she put a lot of effort into these past years in keeping it active.

Sighing, the blonde Tsundere turned to his left and walked toward an empty chair, and sat down, crossing his right leg while taking out his phone to entertain himself. Whatever is going to happen now with the club, it was none of his business as he wasn't a member. He was just there because Ryunosuke practically dragged him like he always does. And, of course, he accepted just by the simple fact that he can be with his beloved Haruhi.

"Ryunosuke-sama, wake up."

A gentle voice was more than enough to wake up Ryunosuke after getting knocked out by a smack from a book. As he opened his eyes abruptly, he lifted himself like a zombie. Then, he turned around and looked everywhere with a frown.

"Who the hell dared to attack me from behind, eh!?" he shouted angrily and lowered himself to grab the book he was smacked with. "And with a book!? That's just rude! Ugh, I just hope that at least it's a good book, damn it!" As he said those last words, Ryunosuke forcibly opened the book at a random page and began to read a few words from it. Blinking thrice, he flipped another page, calming himself as he kept reading.

"O-Oh, it's a good book, actually," he said with surprise. "Huh. Whoever threw me this, it got a good taste, that's for sure... Wait, no, Ryunosuke, focus. You're supposed to be angry with this person."

Closing the book, Ryunosuke turned his glare to the whole classroom and finally realized the whole place was crowded with new people that joined the club while he was unconscious. With a surprised Pikachu face, the black-hair octopus-head blushed in embarrassment. This wasn't the impression he wanted to give the newcomers. As he moved his sight to his left, he spotted Alexander sitting on a chair while looking down at his phone. Pouting, Ryunosuke stormed his way to him, pushing away two people that were in front of him.

"O-Oi, Alex-kun!" he said as he reached his blonde friend. "Why you didn't tell me we had people here before making such an awkward scene?" Frowning, Ryunosuke raised the book and gently bonked the top of Alexander's head.

"I-ITAI!" With a slight yelp, Alexander covered his head as he got smacked on it. When he moved his head to face his attacker, he quickly stood up from the chair. "Do you want to die today, idiot!?" he shouted at Ryunosuke with a low growl. "Why was that for, huh? If I remember correctly, I didn't do nothing to you!"

"You didn't wake me up or make sure I was okay after being knocked out!" Ryunosuke answered. "What kind of friend does that, huh? Weren't you worried I wouldn't wake up from that, mmh?"

Alexander squinted his eyes and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Ugh, for crying out loud, you're just being a dramatic idiot. It will take more than a lame-ass book to kill you. I knew you were fine. Even Haruhi told everyone to not be worried about you. Just move on, okay? It's not the first time you get hit by random things anyways."

Gasping, Ryunosuke hugged the book with a sad expression and teary eyes. "S-So, nobody cared at all about me?" he asked Alexander with a sniff, which caught his attention. When he looked up at Ryunosuke and found him so depressed, he alarmed himself. "I-I... Geez, if you say it like that, it does sound mean... But, yeah, that pretty much summarizes things."

That obviously didn't help at all to calm down Ryunosuke as the poor guy just broke into crying. Panicking, Alexander flapped his arms beside him. "W-Wait, don't cry, Ryu-kun, I was just joking!" he told him, trying to console him. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. People will think that I'm bullying you or something."

With no other options, Alexander stepped closer to Ryunosuke, lifted himself a little bit, and began to pet the top of Ryunosuke's head with his right hand. "There, there, stop crying, you're too old for that. And, sorry, I didn't mean to be mean, okay? Geez."

Sniffing, Ryunosuke finally calmed down. Then, he turned his back at Alexander. "I bet you don't mean that. You will be mean to me again after a minute. Hmph." With that, Ryunosuke smacked away Alexander's hand from his head.

Alexander sighed and crossed his arms, turning away from Ryunosuke. After thinking for a minute, he smirked.
"Oh, so that's how it's going to be, mhm? Well, I guess that, since I don't have anyone to share, I will have to eat all these cookies by myself." With a scoff, Alexander took out a bag of chocolate chips cookies from one of the pockets of his pants. Then, he shook the bag a little bit.

After hearing the bag of cookies, a string of hair perked up on the top of Ryunosuke's head as his attention got caught. He slowly began to turn around to look over at Alexander, which opened the bag and took out a cookie. As he opened his mouth and lifted his hand to eat the cookie, Ryunosuke made swiftly moved toward Alexander and chomped the cookie from Alexander's hand, surprisingly avoiding biting his fingers.

Chuckling, Alexander turned around to look at Ryunosuke, which was happily munching the cookie.
"Geez, you're like a big puppy, Ryu-kun. Miyuki is in for a treat with you."

Blinking in confusion, Ryunosuke swallowed the cookie. "H-Huh? What does Miyuki have to do with this?" he asked his blonde friend. "Wait, what does that even mean, Alex-kun? What is in your..." Ryunosuke got interrupted by Alexander thrusting another cookie in his mouth. "Kek, you'll find out later."

Suddenly, the benevolent Cupid Queen of Bara High told everyone in the classroom to split into groups and have a fictional date. Opening their eyes in surprise, both Ryunosuke and Alexander looked at themselves before looking at everyone in front of them, some of them already picking partners.

"N-Nani? Did Haru-chan was talking about something?" Ryunosuke asked, sweating nervously. Alexander nodded with the same nervous mood. "Yep, and we both completely missed every single word she just said," he replied with a nervous chuckle. "If we want to live another day, we better act as we listened to her." Ryunosuke nodded, but then looked down at Alex. "B-But what if she asks us questions related to what she just said!? I-I'm bad at lying!"

Sighing, Alexander looked up at Ryunosuke, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him down, closer to his face. "Keep your shit together, Ryu-kun," he told him with a firm voice. "If you talk to her being a nervous wreck, you're going to make her suspect about us. So, chill out, and don't mess this up for us, will you?" Ryunosuke quickly nodded at Alexander, mostly because he was super scary when he was that serious.

As Alexander let him go, Ryunosuke pouted while fixing the collar of his shirt.
"Geez, you don't need to be so violent, Alex-kun," he told him. "And what are we going to do now? Haru-chan said something about picking partners for a fictional group date. This one is going to be hard. We don't know half of the people that are in here."

Suddenly, some shivers ran through Ryunosuke's spine as he felt a malevolent aura radiating from Alexander. Swallowing hard, Ryunosuke slowly looked down at his short friend, which was laughing like a villain to himself as he scanned with his eyes everyone in the room, and a weird purple aura was surrounding him. "H-Huh... A-Alex-kun, are you okay, buddy?" Ryunosuke asked with a worried expression.

"Ryu-kun... What do you say if we kidnap a few people for our own dating group, mhm?" he asked with a deep voice, joining his hands together and tapping his fingers as he was elaborating an evil plan in his head. Lowering his jaw in shock, Ryunosuke observed how Alexander slowly turned around to face him, laughing maniacally. "You still got those ropes and tape, right? We might need them for this."

"Alexander, no!" With a swift movement of his right hand, Ryunosuke karate chopped Alexander on top of his head, making him yelp with pain. Then, he rubbed his head. "O-Oi, what the hell, Ryu! Why you did that for!?"

"You can't kidnap people and force them to date you! That's just weird and you just told me that it was illegal when I suggest kidnapping people to join this club. What will Haruhi think about you if she finds out that, huh?"

"Oh, for fu..." Sighing with annoyance, Alexander closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose for a few seconds. Then, he opened his eyes and looked up at Ryunosuke. "I was just freaking joking, you dumb green giant. What I really meant is that I already picked who will join our group."

Ryunosuke stood still for a minute as his brain slowly processed everything before standing straight, laughing loudly. "A-Ah, I see, I see! Well, my bad, Alex-kun!" He kept laughing, rubbing the back of his neck. "Phew! What a relief knowing you were joking. For a minute, I thought you just lost it and turned into a psychopath, but, of course, that's just ridiculous. Ha, ha! Geez, I have such a wild imagination."

Shaking his head, Alexander crossed his arms and turned around to face everyone. Ryunosuke stood on his right to look at everyone as well.

"We starting with Haruhi, obviously."

"I'm not even surprised by that."

"Then we go with Miyuki."

"O-Okay, that one caught me off-guard, but she probably won't want to join us."

"And as an extra, we're going to pick that cute white-haired girl over there with a cat."

"Huh? Do you even know her?"

"Nope, but while you were knocked out, she presented herself as Suzuki Naomi. She's a Japanese-American, just like me, and, you know, I thought it will be a great idea to know her and befriend her. She looks really nice and friendly."

"I see... Wait, does that mean you have some "personal interests" with her too? Don't tell me you're going to replace Haru-chan for her."

"Not even in a million years, you octopus head. I just want to be friends with her, nothing else. My body, soul, and heart belong to Haru-chan."

"Good to know. I panicked for nothing for a second there."

"Oh, I almost forgot, we should bring that blonde dude besides Miyuki. I think it's her cousin or something. He hugged the crap out of her when he entered this classroom."

"H-He what...?"

Pouting, Ryunosuke crossed his arms as he locked his glare on Nakamura Aki, Miyuki's cousin and which introduction he missed like half an hour ago. He furrowed his eyebrows and tapped his right index on his shoulder. He doesn't know why but he was feeling quite annoyed by Aki being way too close to Miyuki. And you can say he was jealous as well.

"Tch, I don't know him, but I already dislike him. How dare him being that close to Miyuki? W-Wait, why I'm angry about this? I, huh... This is so confusing right now."

As a light shade of blush covered Ryunosuke's cheeks, Alexander looked up at him and smirked mischievously. "Kek, kek, kek... My plan is working," he thought, trying to hold his laugh. "This fake group date will probably be more than enough to pair up these two for good or at least wake up those hidden feelings they have for each other. Fufufu~ Sometimes I got scared of my own genius."

Clearing his throat, Alexander began to walk toward Haruhi. "I'm going to talk to Haru-chan about this. Why don't you go to Miyuki and invite her to join us, mhm?"

Ryunosuke frowned and nodded, cracking his knuckles as he kept staring at Aki. "Oh, you can bet that I will go there and get her away from that weirdo."

And with that, Ryunosuke began to make his way toward Miyuki, thinking about how he will convince her to join Alex and him on their fake date group. He guessed she will say no without thinking it twice, but he had to try it, at least to get her away from Aki because he just doesn't like him to be that close to her.

"Yo, Miyu-chan," Ryunosuke said as he got closer to her, casually raising his right hand to greet her. With a small smile, he looked at her before moving his head to look at Aki. There's when his smile got replaced with disgust. Then, he quickly looked back at Miyuki and smiled once again. "I-I, huh... I was wondering if you already teamed up with somebody else. Y-You know, with another date group. B-Because I... ALEXANDER and I wanted to invite you. He will ask Haruhi to join us as well, so don't worry. B-But, i-it's okay if you don't want to join us, though. I-I'm not trying to force you or anything, you know. I..."

Ryunosuke found himself sweating nervously and stuttering while talking nonstop at Miyuki. Apparently, rehearsing everything in his head didn't help him at all. Now, he probably looked like a nervous wreck, and unfortunate enough to be in front of this dumb-looking Aki guy.

Back to Alexander, he reached Haruhi, and once he saw her alone, he nodded and walked toward her.
"Hey, Haru-chan," he said with a bright smile, waving his hand at her. "I-I, huh... D-Do you already made your own date group or teamed up with somebody else? B-Because, I was thinking about... I-Inviting you to join mine with Ryu-kun." With a nervous chuckle, Alexander looked to his right and rubbed his cheek with his index finger. "B-But, you're not forced to accept if you don't want to, okay?"
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Momozono Miyuki x Nakamura Aki

location: Club room || interactions:Ryu | Sayuri

More answers were heard as the meeting continued. Miyuki made sure to listen to all of it while Aki couldn't care less. He was busy looking around and observing if he knew anyone that isn't part of the Lover's Club yet.

At the mention of planning a date, Miyuki immediately perked up. That's basically her job! She's known as the event planner: the one who organizes the dates for clients. She got the title thanks to her extensive family connections. After all, the Momozono clan is famous in the party and event planning industry.

Aki watched Miyuki with a smile. He could sense the excitement coming off of her! He wanted to keep staring at her though when he noticed a male approaching them, he activated his defense mode.


Miyuki jumped at the sound. Immediately, she covered the blonde's mouth. She didn't expect him to bark at Ryunosuke! It was a weird habit of Aki. A way to scare off anyone who approached them. She tried to stop the blonde but a wet tongue caressed her palm.

"Heh," Aki smirked at her cousin's red face. How can she be so adorable?! Though all joy dissipated when he heard Miyuki's nickname out of the octopus' lips. How dare a lowlife like him call her like that?! He glared hard at the male. He heard about Ryunosuke from his aunties and he didn't like him. Not one bit.

Aki wrapped his arms around Miyuki, making sure to let Ryunosuke see him hugging his cousin by the waist. He made sure to not let his cousin answer the boy's invitation by cutting in on the conversation. "Ehhh? But Mimi already decided to pair up with me." Aki used her cousin's childhood name to stake a claim and show dominance. He then glanced at Miyuki, making sure to deploy his infamous puppy eyes. "Right?"

"W-well..." Miyuki looked away and scratched her cheek out of discomfort. She wouldn't admit it but she preferred if she was group away from her cousin. She loves him though sometimes, he can be too much. "...We never really discussed anything so-"

"See?! Mimi's gonna partner up with me! We're gonna go to ALL her favorite places and eat all of her favorite food! Not that you know anything about it." Aki was spouting to spite Ryunosuke. He wanted to rile the male up. To show Ryu that Aki knew Miyuki more. He felt uncomfortable that another male was approaching Miyuki! And that it made him feel less special.

Hugging tighter, Aki kept on talking. "Oooh, should we visit your favorite cafe, Mimi? The one with the peach tart? Ah, I can ask Auntie Miko for a bouquet of your favorite flowers. They're hydrangeas, right?"

"Aki-" Miyuki wanted to stop the golden-haired boy from talking. She didn't like how her cousin blatantly spewed her preferences. It made her feel uncomfortable. As if her secrets were being laid out.

"Right! We can also visit the cat rescue you volunteer in. I can contact Hanami and ask-"

"AKI." Miyuki's voice was louder this time. Colder. She wanted him to stop. Aki crossed the line! He was being too much. "I think our group is full."

Aki would never admit it but seeing Miyuki choose a complete stranger instead of him hurts. He pouted, his arms crossing across his chest before looking away. "Fine." He grumbled, clearly unhappy about the decision. He knew he was being too much. That he pushed too far. He knew that it was entirely his fault though it hurts to admit it. "But if a single hair of yours were harmed by this man, I'll bite him. Hard."

Miyuki watched her cousin hop around to find a group. She felt bad for sending him away but, it was necessary. She then turned to Ryunosuke when she was sure Aki was not around. "If you promise not to look under my skirt and keep your distance from me then, count me in."

She still can't forget what he discussed earlier with Koharu though she deemed it was better to be grouped with him rather than her cousin.

"Now, shall we plan an ideal date for Haruhi-sama and Alex?"

Aki grumbled and walked around to find a group. Although he's already in his third year, he wasn't that close with all the members. He was too busy with Miyuki that he didn't bother to make true friends. Well, I guess today is that chance. He continued walking around until he noticed a familiar mop of pink hair.

"SAYUUUURIIIIII" The golden-haired boy screamed before tackling the male into a hug. He smushed his cheek into his and rubbed them together, nuzzling against his. "I'm so glad you're here! Please let me join your group. Pleeeeeeease!!!!"