The Lost Soul

He pointed at her, his index finger and thumb in the shape of a finger gun. "That is precisely why I don't trust witches. They can give you amnesia, which means anything can happen, and you wouldn't even remember it." He shook his head.
The woman laughed. "We would only remove your memories of us if you were related to hunters or wanted them to." She shrugged, "Knowledge about a few witches isn't knowledge of them all."
He gave her a weird look. "Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense." He had definitely noticed how this woman had laughed at him multiple times now. Or rather, laughed at the things he had said. Either way, she thought he was funny, and he hadn't even been trying. That was one way to feed his ego.
The woman snorted and pat his head. "Basically, just because you know we exist, doesn't mean you know every single witch. And we have our tricks to stay in hiding."
"Yeah, I got that." He wet his lips. "I just don't see the point of you telling me that. Why tell me more about witches when I'm not even supposed to know of their existence?"
She shrugged. "You might as well know about Raine while you have the chance."
"So, then, what should I know about Raine? Besides she hates having people at her house and that I annoy her?"
She hummed a little. "That she won't try to kill you, unless you strike the first blow. She's a pretty sweet girl, just doesn't like to show it."
He nodded slowly, debating whether to believe this or not. "Hmm. Is that it?"
She tilted her head. "Hmm… oh! She's a bit of a collector of odd things. Be careful wandering her house."
"Why? What's in her house that I need to be careful about?" He asked, raising his broken eyebrow.
She chuckled. "Just stuff that shouldn't be messed with. You could ask her to be your guide so you can safely explore."
He threw his head back, whining. "Ugh, I don't want to have a guide for a house. Sure, it's a little weirder on the inside than the outside, but that's no excuse."
She chuckled again. "If you insist. Don't say you weren't warned."
"Yeah, I won't." He paused. "Actually, I probably will. But I'm not worried about it, so…" He shrugged.
She snorted. "You're very amusing. Well, I should get going before Raine shows up and shoos me away."
He didn't understand why the witch would want to shoo this witch away, but he wasn't bothered enough about it to ask. "Okay. Have a nice life."
The woman chuckled and waved as she started to walk past him. "I imagine we'll talk more sooner rather than later."
Once again, he didn't understand why she thought that, but if she were right, he probably wouldn't have to wait too long to find out. "Adios," he said before continuing along his way.
It was quiet again. Enla reappeared after seemingly have disappeared.