the longing for luna

Gemini Stopped in front of the group and looked at the naga. He grinned slightly at the question, "I am Gemini Nifleheim, and to whom am I addressing and who are your companions?" HE bowed low. AS he came up he threw out his right arm in a somewhat dramatic action and sliced an attacker's head off. He looked down, "If you get too heated you will lose your head." He laughed at his horrible pun.
She arches a brow and he notices many of the men are turned to stone, " I am Sssstheno, they are... well we have not been introduced really... lotssss of running and sssuch hasss been going on"
Abovus standing there slightly amused at all the banter going on he waves to his son to come over and quickly growls "give the fey his wing" (his son quickly doing so) alright I'm abovus this is my son Des "now with all the formalities aside can we please be on our way from this caravan of death." as he rushes into the woods leading the group into an opening where the group can decide on what to do next.
Stheno blinks unsure of what she should do then she shrugs and slithers off after them leaving the others behind surprised how fast she can go, naga are rare creatures and not much is known of them as they tend to keep to themselves and avoid contact with the outside world.
Gemini followed the wolf and his son into the woods. This was not a good situation, Gemini knew he would fight forever if he had to but he could not guarantee that he would survive to fight that long, so the next best thing to do was to regroup.
abovus starts howling a song as his son joins in the opening fills with fog. knowing that the humans won't journey into the deep fog abovus lays back against the nearest tree "so what shall we do now"
Stheno blinks at the question hoping it is not being addressed to her and she wraps her tail around herself to listen
Abovus looking around at the companions that are with him he slowly rises well if you wish to come with me you can but my son and i will start on our way home as he gives one look around the opening and then begins to walk into the thick forest.
Gemini snuffed at the werewolf and his son, "So that's it? You get attacked by an army and you give up? Why not take them down now and leave nothing alive. I mean hell we are the things that go bump in the night, the very things in their nightmares that keep them from sleeping at night. We are what they are scared of and because of that we have a psychological advantage. Not to mention all our other advantages."
Stheno looked to the both of them, "I think it iss besst we lay low... we do not know how many of them there are and I do not think we ssshould draw attention to oursselvess"
Abovus's ear ticking at the obvious insult from Gemini he turns around to face the odd group of companions as he looks Gemini in the eyes. "so you think killing is the best way to solve this problem of ours just add to the fear that dwells inside them driving them even closer to the point of not taking any captives just killing any fey that gets in their way". he slowly lowers his head suddenly a deep pulsing from inside a side of him that lay dormant for many years the side of him that longs for the senseless blood shed and carnage. his body seems to be torn apart as this beast of emense size comes from within the true side of ever guaru the primal side. this horrifying mound of muscle and fur with glisening solid yellow eyes leans forward "so glad to be back able to smell the scent of battle and blood"

His son des reals back from the shock of his fathers transformation "Da-Da-Dad is that you"

"yes it is me so happy to see you with my true eyes. son transform and lets give chase to these humans who have done us so much wrong they don't deserve to enjoy the splender of this world."

"dad you know i can't transform yet i haven't been graced with the blessing of luna yet."

A: "well then keep heading west untell you reach our home land when you get there let them know of the humans and what they have been doing in the mean time your dad has some buisness to attend to".

Des runs of frightened and confused what is wrong with his dad why is he so blood hungry and why would he say that he is his true form.