The Long and Dreary day

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Marcus had guided Carly around that bend and onto the highway. It was the higher road that went in a graceful arch over the ground road, held up by plain cement supports. They had walked for hours, seemingly endless hours, down the boring road. They were nearly empty. When they entered the next city over, Marcus froze. They were within the city limits, but still not technically IN the city. He could see it off in the distance, and he was scared. It looked destroyed, ruined, and in worse shape than their old home. He was having regrets when her could SWEAR he heard faint voices on the wind. "I think there are survivors here..." He muttered. "Carly, do you still have any food?"
James watched the man collect his arrows out the bodies of the undead and he looked around thinking of a place they could stay for shelter since it was late and the sun was almost down he knew their would be more undead roaming around and he didn't want to be around when that happened. When the man rushed over he nodded slowly " yea im okay im just not good with seeing alot of blood but ill be alright, i was thinking the convient store a few blocks from here, it has some food and water and theres a room in the back were we can rest and stock up till morning".
I looked around scared and worried seeing all the ruined, my knees felt weak and started to shake a bit.'It looks worse,' I giggled a bit, even though its not a laughing matter. 'and threatening.' Hearing Marcus's question, I nodded. He must of been getting hungry on the trip, I was getting a little hungry myself. I kneel down sliding my bag off and start to look through it, spotting canned fruit. Pulling it out, I show it to Marcus.
"Thanks." He smiled weakly and took it, then took out his knife. With a quick jab he punctured the lid and sawed around the top in a circle, then peeled it back with his knife. He sat down with his legs crossed in the road and set the can down between them, reaching in for a few pieces of fruit and eating them slowly. "Dis you bring any water?"
Aiden nodded and began walking towards the convienience store. He was tired.
I shook my head no, looking through the bag getting me a can of fruit. "No," I said. " but we have juice...with no cups." Sighing realizing we had no cups, we may need go to some store soon and find somewhere to stay. "can you open this?" I ask Marcus handing him my can. It seemed so quiet to me, unless you may want to put in a few grunts or moans, it was quiet.
James followed the man and then opened the door to the convinent store. He searched around every inch and didn't spot any undead so he closed the door behind him and went into the back room which was small. He pulled off his shirt snd used that as a pillow as he layed on the floor.
Marucs nodded, grateful for even the fruit, and took the can. He drove the knife through the top, sawwed around and then peeled it open. "Here 'ya go." He said quietly with a smile. He stared off as he ate his fruit, thinking about his past and other life-relative stuff. He kinda missed his parents. No, he missed having parents. His, well... He didn't care about his parents. And he was sure they could care less about him. So he just sighed and went back to eating mindelssly. "Since we're so close to the city... Would you mind if I eat it all, or should I save some?"
I continue eating my can, thanking Marcus. " It doesn't matter to me," I say shrugging. "we may find more anyway, but we just need somewhere to stay and get more food." I sigh boredly almost finishing my can, I looks around, wondering where we should go.
"Well, we might as well get going." He stood and handed her the can because it could be made into a makeshift cup or just used as a container. He rolled his shoulders slowly and began to walk along the pavement. As they drew closer to the city, the groans of the undead now echoed dully through the streets. Marcus stopped, and there were now three branches that led into the city. The highway became three roads, one that went perfectly straight, and two the went in wide arcs until they were perpendicular with the straight one. "Which way do you think we should go?" He asked sort of tiredly.
Putting the cans in the bag and start following Marcus. When we stopped, I decided to stretch a bit. "Well," I started. "I'm not really use to living in the city. I don't even know which where is where. So... where do you want to go?" I start to feel myself get paranoid with my surroundings. Hearing groans all around me, feeling as if surrounded, I cover my mouth keeping myself from screaming.
Aiden walked into the convenience store and stretched his arms and legs. He was stiff and hi fingers were bleeding lightly. He grabbed a box of ceral a bag of chips and sat down. He wrapped his shirt aaround the cereal and laid down. He opened the Chips and ate a couple.
"Left. Let's go left." He said slowly, thinking. "It's best to stay on the outside of town for now, it's harder to get trapped that way. In the heart of the city there's nowhere to run..." He continued to think outloud. He began walking down the last half my stretch of highway and took the left exit. He followed that road until he saw a convenience store and stopped. "Wow. Just our luck." His eyes were wide in shock and excitement. "A convenience store and we didn't even have to wait the night."

He tried to open the door, but it was blocked from the inside. "Hello?" I rap the thin metal door hard with my hand. "Anybody in there?"
James looked over at the man and felt his sromach growl. He got up and then wentot he front and grabbed a botthe of water and a gronola bar and ate it. He walked back and looked at the mans bleeding fingers before taking his hand and slightly pouring water on it " you should wrap them"
"your right I should." Aiden murmured. He sat up and tilted his head. He thought he heard knocking.
Marcus knocked harder. He'd heard two muffled men's voices and it sounded like speech, not gutteral undead noises. "Me and this girl need a place to stay, and some water! Could you let us in?! Neither of us are infected!" He sighed and hung his head against the door. He felt like he was going insane and just hallucinating. Maybe he hadn't heard voices at all, maybe he was just crazy. He shut his eyes as he went over these thoughts in his head.
James looked at the man coriously and then put the lid on the water bottle " what was that?". He got up and walked to the front slowly.
"I said, we need some water and a place to stay. I have a girl with me. Could you let us in?" He'd stopped knocking after he'd heard the question so they could hear him. "We'd really appreciate it. And neither of us are injured or infected." He stared at the plain metal door hopefully. He'd never been so happy to hear a stranger in his life. In fact, he'd never been happy to hear a stranger before. He was usually incredibly shy, but survival had caused him to grow up just a tad.
James opened the door quickly when he heard the guys voice. He was suppprsed to hear their were more survivors " come in theres some food in water". He cloed the door behind them " the names james".
I walk inside sliding my bag of me, grabbing a nearby chair and sit in it as if ignoring the man. I leaned back in the chair, closeing my eyes. ' I know that was rude,' I think to myself. 'but whatever' Feeling tired from the long walk, I felt as if I was falling asleep.
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