The line between us

Feeling Rigel move his wrist away from her hand, she was relieved he was taking it upon himself to follow her. Good. I don't know what I would have done if things got nasty. Silvia tensed up as he leaned in and from hearing him whisper so close. She could only nod at his suggestion, not knowing what to say and headed the way he advised.

She relaxed as she saw the familiar opening once again and continued walking towards the village. She looked over at Rigel, feeling his stare and she turned to him, concerned. The dragon wasn't with him anymore. "Your, friend?" She said in a worried voice as she looked behind him. "Is he going to be okay? Where is he? He won't get hurt will he? Oh no. What if he's lost?" She kept murmuring to herself, briskly walking every now and then glancing at Rigel, back behind him, and then straight forward. "Can that poor thing really fend for himself?"

She fell silent after awhile, and then spoke again, a little more quietly. "You won't be lonely will you?"
Rigel paused then gave the pale haired girl a reassuring smile.
"My friend can take care of himself, no worries." He reassured her. "He went," he paused as he tried to think of a good cover for his dragon friend. "to do dragon stuff," he supplied lamely, he hurried on, hopefully, before she noticed. "We can't get lost from each other, we'll always find our way back to one another." He nodded. He paused at her last question, going so far as to completely freeze as he started to stare at her again. ….Is she worried about me? He tilted his head curiously. "I'll be fine?" He drew it off a s a question, not completely sure if that was how he was supposed to answer her. He nodded up at the village. "We're home." He started to move again, albeit slower than he originally was. "So, when's the next time you go on patrol?"
Taikas hands skimmed the branch and her stomach jumped as she slipped and went to hit the forest floor. A yelp escaped her lips as she hit the ground hard. Her head slamming down with enough force to make her ears ring. The orb of light zoomed back to her and started to make erratic circles above her head. The girl blinked up at it in a daze as she tried to focus. Why had she been running again?
Strylin continued to silently stalk the man from the river. Slithering between tree branchs with ease he watched as the man made his way closer to the river, calling out for someone as he did so.