The Library

Wanted: Liason
As Sigmund drew the massive rats to him Ilsa's posture shifted as she prepared to sprint her way down the tunnel as best as her light frame and frankly terrible stamina. Before beginning her mad dash towards the other end of the tunnel she turned towards the Rook who was now surrounded by the filthy vermin, and with what appeared to be the closest she came to genuine concern in her voice, shouted to him, "Don't take too long with those vile things. If when I erect this barrier, you are on the other side. Well, you'll be on your own." And with that she darted her way down the tunnel as best she could preparing to summon forth her Wall of Shadow and its accompanying active which would turn it into a miserable wall of burning black flame.​
Memories of Soule​

When Vignar turned to her, she caught his eyes and held her gaze. She nodded quietly as she heard the voices draw nearer, her head nodded in agreement then gestured with hand wave to go ahead. The rook held her breath while Vignar did his thing. In moments, Emily felt her chest tighten and stomach curl at the new vision of Vignar's spirit. Her eyes followed the woman's image as she recognized key traits that stuck out between the overgrowth in the soft bits of Lucy's skull, trailing down the holder's white skin and torn clothes. Emily's fist clenched and unfurled. Each time her nails digging in a little deeper into the healed surface, threatening to break it and dribbling blood anew down her palm. She wasn't in any pain right now though she wished she was. Anything to take away the guilt crushing her lungs and heart, figuratively turning them into pulp, feeling the responsibility punish her. That mission was another sad tale of lost life and another regret.
Emily shut her eyes.

Was there any mission where she had managed to save everyone? The answer whispered in a dark, brooding tone that spoke a truth she hated most of all: no. It was starting to seem like a bitter price being connected to a spirit that had known death in his former life. She watched Lucy walk through the wall and into the hallway. Screaming was heard as feet scrambled, sounds of conflict when they engaged the summon. In moments the fighting had settled but new sounds of feet rushing this direction were easily heard. Emily cursed quietly under her breath at the realization they were likely to be discovered.

"Alright, what are holders doing here? The only ones that are suppose to be and holders of any sort should be natives. That's why the creatures are so unnerved and jittery." Emily muttered, then passed a glance at Vignar. "We have two choices, either take them on out there or in here?"
Her eyes looked in worry toward Fran and Diana, concerned they would end up as new marks on her death record with missions. She added more.

"In here, I'm limited to close range and we risk our allies' lives, but we can bottleneck and possibly thin them out. I doubt any of them will try to get behind us by climbing outside as the storm will get them and even the natives know it's dangerous. The other option is heading into the hallway and letting them give chase, possibly leading them away. I can use my bow but we can't thin them out as easily and likely they could trap us. I don't know how long they have been here to know if they have learned their way around and how well."

When Vignar mentioned his preference, dark tendrils of shadow formed on her hand again and became solid with her weapon in hand.

Sandwalker by Night​


Something was wrong, Quartz realized. He knew it the moment his scale was bathed in the light blue color, his body racked with weakness and his mind festered with worry. His teeth bit deeper while his eyes looked up. When Quartz noted the blue, glowing runes under the beast's belly, he knew the source of the sickness. This wasn't natural. Not in the way the sickness penetrated within his core and spread like wildfire, edging from one end to the other to cripple him. Already his vision started to blur a bit. His feathers pressed tightly to his head while he tried to focus enough to summon his magic. In a surprising weakness, the wind whirling on the end of his tail looked faint and pitiful.

Quartz couldn't understnad why it was happening or how. The whole time his mind was trying to push past the nausea building in his head, his thoughts feebly speaking to his holder. Nathair… something's wrong. There's runes here, but I can't… focus.

Nathair, who had been holding his hand made torch, the fuel quickly burning away, was force to burden the responsibly of all three cubs and the sickly holder. The man noted the vomit crusted near his cold lips and the siezures, his eyes narrowed on the scorpion when Quartz mentioned being sick. Strange. A thought entered his head, a faint wonder if this creature had encountered the holder and that had made him sick. However, why wasn't he sick being near it? It didn't make sense. His eyes whipped up just to see Eowyn and Sleipnir manage a blow yet unable to pentrate the armor hide, their figure getting knocked back. They stumbled, their multiple legs unsteady or built for this terrain. They were smoking it seemed as if something holding them together was coming undone, their outline shrouded in thick, gaseous mist while they roared a new war cry. The centaur charged into the beast again. She flashed and vanished before Nathair's human eyes, the scorpion missing her. It when one of the cubs bite him, Nathair's head shot down with a grunted yelp. His face frowning at the restless infant who started to wrap about him and entangling him into the rope. His attention was distracted for the moment, Nathair missed when Eowyn and Sleipnir immediately cumbled, causing Eowyn to scramble away before she could get crushed underfoot.

His eyes whipped up at hearing Eowyn's warning, his face paled and his voice screamed over the howling winds. "FATHER!"

Quartz had too sucked into the effect from the runes, his mind struggling to focus and attack. He couldn't stand it anymore while his head filled with fog, his awareness of his surroundings lost. The spirit had managed to crawl out from under the beast's belly but now between Sleipnir and his prey, the headless spirit racing toward him. He was coming out of it when the fiery horse came into view, his ears deafened to Eowyn's warning and Nathair's ringing in his head. Shit…

Quartz jerked to the side just when the horse brushed him. Pain erupted into the serpent's hide, his spell cut in its infancy, and his body was shoved against the rock side while he tried to avoid the rage filled spirit. Quartz felt his wings sizzle and his nerves boil with heat, dulling for a moment. There was a blackish mark where the horse had touched him, his body already starting to shrink down to make more room. Layer after layer came off then burned in the horse's heat while the serpent's head turned toward his holder and Eowyn.

"Keep Nathair back, Eoywn!" Quartz spoke, his eyes spotted the man shoving the pickaxe end into the snow where the top still held its fire. His hands unwrapping the ropes and pulling it to tether the cubs, his feet starting to rush to help.
Sandwalker by Night

Eowyn threw herself at Nathair, to clamp her arms around his middle. "Don't!" She begged on her knees. "Nathair. Please, Nathair." Eowyn scrambled her words together. Quartz' fears rushed through her chest, but she couldn't translate the terror words. She desperately clasped herself tighter to the snake's holder. "Don't, Nathair. Please don't."

Even headless, Sleipnir was drunk on rage. Erratically it slammed it's side into the monster scorpion. One boiling hot hip-check after another, the spirit's crazed rampage had no eye for what it trampled. It's body had become so hot, the outer rocks started to liquefy and dredged the ground below. This madness even had the scorpion intimidated. It sought to flee and to push Sleipnir away with it's claws, but it was given no quarter. The spirit was hellbent on doing as much damage as it could, before it would vanish from this plane.
Wanted: Liaison
Mime quietly ran after the chubby Ilsa while holding the copied shield as a makeshift cover from the rats on the ceiling. The spirit managed to run past Ilsa before her unfamiliarity with her copied clothes and the severe nausea that she was experiencing somehow led to her tripping on her own legs and fell down. Her shield also fell to the ground noisily before it continued to slid on its momentum.

Memories of Soule
"I wonder who they're with... they can't be Library Holders," Vignar looked at Emily and the entrance to the cave, "I'll follow you, you're more experienced in this and I'm not confident that I wouldn't hit you with my fire in here."
Wanted: Liaison

Ilsa and Mime successfully made their escape. Some rats tried to follow, but were deterred by the wall Ilsa had erected... However, Sigmund hadn't been able to make a single move, leaving him alone surrounded by the rats... Ilsa and Mime could hear high-pitched shrieks and the splashing of the sewage, there was something happening on the other side of the wall...

Moving through the rest of the sewers was, though the sickening atmosphere was still as subtle as a punch to th gut, without interference from it's natives. There were a number of scorch-marks to the underground system, but none of them seemed particularly recent. At the end of the tunnels, Mime and Ilsa would find a large open space. If they had ever read into the reports of the mission Home Alone, they might have known this was once the hiding spot of rebelling Librarians.

The space still contained hospital-beds, though many were pushed to their side near the entrances. From between the gaps, Ilsa or Mime would be able to spy something that it was filled with leftover food, such as chciken bones and banana peels. One of the beds was turned upside down, functioning as some kind of makeshift desk as there were pen and paper on it. Lastly... There was a person present. Though Mime was too dizzy to see that far, Ilsa would be able to recognise the person as Arlette; Mime's holder...

Meanwhile, a conflict of interest had risen between the giant rodents. Though the one Sigmund had put a leash on held the others back, it was being challenged by other rats. They exchanged loud and high-pitched shrieks, a migraine-inducing sound from up close. Sigmund's vision began to spin. "This is bad." Sigmund grumbled. If he couldn't keep seeing straight... Who knew what would happen if he blacked out. The rook balled his fist and socked himself in the jaw. The pain surged through his face and blood seeped from the corner of his mouth. "Mother-" Sigmund spit out the blood. What he didn't do to keep his mind in the game. His jaw hurt like hell, but that was exactly what was keeping him from fainting.

Sigmund wasn't the only one fighting himself. The rats their dispute had escalated. One of them had pushed the one Sigmund had drugged; and it almost fell over. "Don't you dare losing." Sigmund directed towards his rat, knowing he was done for if it dropped. His rat scrambled to it's feet and pushed back it's challenger. It did not take kindly to that and in retaliation it jumped with it's mouth wide open! Sigmund's rat barely managed to sidestep the attack, hip-checking the rook in the process, causing Sigmund to fall over and splash into the sewage, of which he got a mouthful. Coughing and retching, Sigmund barely managed to catch a flash of what happened next. His rat bore it's fangs into the neck of it's former friend; drawing blood and contracting it's jaws around it's victim. Despite struggling and scratching, it was over within a minute. Sigmund's rat was victorious... And all the other vermin kept their distance.

"That's my boy." Sigmund wiped his mouth. Though drenched in the sewage, it could have been a lot worse. Most of the other rats soon left, leaving their fallen comrade and it's killer far behind. Sigmund's rat too, began pulling on it's leash. They all seemed to be headed into the same direction...

The rook climbed on top of his newfound champion. "Well, suppose wherever you're going is worth investigating." Sigmund protested his own actions, but if his boss' doppelganger fled into the sewer, these rats probably had something to do with it...
Sandwalker by Night


Nathair flinched when he felt Eowyn's arm wrap about him, his throat letting out a surprised growl in warning. His eyes were narrowed in determination as he tried to get up on his feet, only to be impeded by her weight and push him back down. His knee slammed down upon the ice's hard surface causing a bit of pain to ripple into his muscle. His hands, instinctively, tried to wiggle out of his thick, suffocating coat to help in the extraction.

Panic filled his focus, drowning him in a single task hammering at his thoughts, as he helplessly watched Quartz among the hell spilling over the snowy climate. It was a nightmare back then too. Inwardly, he always hated being put on the sidelines while he watched Rooks or Bishops willingly toss themselves into danger for a mission's goal. It was just like when he was a boy where he had to witness the holders trying to restrain his spirit and force him into his transparent form once more. There nothing he could do then just now and it was killing him inside.

He couldn't hear Eowyn's pleads over the blood pounding in his ears, the sounds muffled, as he tried to wrench himself off of his ally's hold. It only managed to trip him up and his body rose only to fall right back down, pushing him on all fours. His eyes had started to water slightly from a combination of the wintry wind and sorrow creating a slight sting.

Nathair was trembling as his voice mumbled something loud enough for Eowyn. "Not again, no. Please, Eowyn… help him, I don't want to watch this again."

Quartz was still trying to evade Slephnir's eight trampling hooves, his size diminishing the whole time, while the two clashed. Already the larger scorpion was gradually realizing it had bitten off more than it could chew as the horse hip-bumped it into the rocks, plummeting its form over and over causing rocks to scatter over top. One slammed into Quartz's muzzle creating a vivid bruise for later, his head trying to shake away the daze edging into his focus as he slithered away.

Something slammed down on his tail, crashing his tip, causing Quartz to scream in pain. Little bones easily cracked under the weight as he whipped his head, his size now that of a small pony, to see what stalled his escape. Shit, this isn't good…
Sandwalker by Night

Eowyn had tumbled alongside Nathair, she wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could and used all the strength she had to keep him back. "He doesn't want this, Nathair." She panted, finding herself dragged forward as Nathair struggled to come to his spirit's aid. "Quartz is protecting-"

A force suddenly rose in her throat. She became agonisingly aware of her aching body; how pain flared from her ice-cold fingers as Nathair pulled himself forward, coursing about her veins through her entire body.

Eowyn, being over protective is crippling your potential and seemingly like you don't have faith in us to handle our own.

Quartz' words resounded in her head with such impact, it felt their trembling echo could crack her skull from the inside. Her grip broke; allowing Nathair to break free and Eowyn, in a last attempt to hold onto him fell straight down on the snow.

"Wait, Nathair, you must, you must listen..." Eowyn wanted to shout, but the emotion in her throat killed of any strength she tried reach for. Before even reaching her fellow knight, her words were stolen away by the wind.
Sandwalker by Night


Nathair's hand were becoming soaked, the snow warmed by his heat and water seeped into his gloves to chill his skin. His heart painfully pounding in his chest as he stilled his struggles and kept his balance while on all fours. The snow was packed thinly under his weight, pushing it into the ground. Helplessness consumed his confidence creating a deep fear and worry, leashing him in place. He hadn't moved during her touch upon his figure as he watched the fight rage onwards.

His fingers tightened, clumping together snow in his palms, his body shivering from the cold. "I can't.. no, please not again." He mumbled in a low voice.

Impulsively, his body reacted when he felt her hold loosen enough for him break free and jerked to his feet, unable to stand the cold anymore. At the same time, he heard Quartz scream when the rock crushed his tail, breaking bones, and trapping the serpent.


Quartz's tail had gotten pinned by the rock that came crashing down, pained his mind and his train thought was derailed in the agony. Pins and needles flared through his nerves creating worse torment, causing his feathered head to whip about to spy his problem's source. He hissed in frustration at the thing keeping him from leaving and retreating back to the other two holders. A light glow casted over his scales showing the magma horse's fire inching toward him. It's slow, thick liquid hissed and melted snow almost instantly that he shuddered to think what it would do to his own materialized flesh. He couldn't get loose in time, in his current form, to escape it. There was only option which he hated greatly.

Quartz was about to phase into his immaterial form, risking he might leave his fellow, rampaging spirit to fend for himself, when movement caught his attention. Originally, Quartz considered there was a new threat with the way the mission had been going. Instead horror filled the Spirit's heart to see Nathair's overemotional figure rushing to help him, knowing the boy would get hurt if he got too close to the lava and chances of him flying them out were slim.

There was only thing he could, an action that would hurt Nathair, himself and even their relationship in favor of saving his son's life.
When Nathair came close, Quartz raised upright growing another foot as exhaustion entered his body from the rapid changes. His wing shot forward to catch his holder upon his waist. Nathair's eyes widen in pure shock as he was shoved back, falling across the rock and snow back to where Eowyn was still. He left a simple apologize rattle through his son's head, his regret and sorrow filling the pair, when the lava finally reached his position. The heat caused him to flinch while fire spark, setting his scales on fire. The spirit howled into the wind as his figure burned, his instinct returning to the only chance to save himself the experience. His image started to fade, becoming transparent fast, with his eyes trying to calm Nathair's confusion and hurt with his glaze.

Love was the strongest emotion pouring out before he fully vanished.

'I'm sorry Nathair... Please forgive me my son. I love you too much to let you risk your life.'
Sandwalker by Night

The scorpion and Sleipnir kept clashing, one raging assault after another. Quartz had not been the only one attempting to get away. Though the headless horse had thinned out on the sides, showing an almost skeletal form, and lost a leg; there was still no stopping it. The sight of Nathair pinned daggers in Eowyn's heart... If she'd dismissed Sleipnir, maybe Quartz would have been able to deal with monster. If she'd trusted Sleipnir more... Maybe she could have kept him from slipping into a mindless rage. What if she had any faith, they wouldn't be... Eowyn bit her lip.

"It's me who can't be trusted."

Sleipnir's form broke once more, as it bashed against the giant scorpion. It's remaining front leg crumbled upon collision and the horse fell to it's side. It fought to stand up, but it's efforts were nothing but a convulsion. The giant scorpion, singed, battered and hurt, sieged the opportunity and brought down it's claw like a hammer. Like Quartz before him, Sleipnir's form faded as he was smashed to pieces... Leaving no spirit between Eowyn, Nathair and the beast.

Chills ran down Eowyn's spine. Parts of the scorpion's armour glowed hot and it mowed around itself; as if trying to fight off an invisible foe. Her heart almost sprung from her chest as it turned towards Nathair and herself. She looked at the young holder, and tears once more welled up in her eyes. This was her fault. This was all because of her.

"I'll... Make it right, Nathair." Eowyn's voice rasped. Getting on her feet for the last time. "Save yourself. Please."Eowyn whispered. Briefly she touched the boy's shoulder with the tips of her fingers, but they were too cold to even feel him. Then, Eowyn started running. Her legs were heavy, her muscles felt like they were burning, but she kept going, waving her arms at the scorpion.

"I'm here!" The words tore through her throat, as she ran further from Nathair. "I'm here, I'm here!" Eowyn repeated to shout, as in one violent motion the scorpion turned towards Eowyn. Her eyes closed, she couldn't bear seeing what was next. It didn't feel like paying a debt... She was terrified of what she had just invited. Fear mixed with regret, but none of that mattered now; her choice had already been made.
Sandwalker by Night​


Nathair's body crashed into the snow. His parkour quickly was soaked by the melting snow and pain reeled into his spine upon impact, making him cry out in protest. He curled into the ball as his teeth gritted to stop the scream on the edge of his tongue. Panic spread through his mind at realizing he couldn't breath. Each time he tried, his lungs trying to collect precious air, all he seemed to inhale were pebbles settling in his chest and threatening to crush him. Slowly Nathair turned to try to raise upward and managing to only come to his hands and knees.

Coughing hard, he heard Qaurtz' voice ripple across his mind. 'I'm sorry Nathair, I couldn't let you get hurt. '

Nathair couldn't answer, his head turned from his spirit, his own father, had coiled up beside him. Betrayal filled his core causing him to feel guilt, regret and hurt from the inside out. His own father had hurt him. Mixed feeling, his mind knew why, twisted in his stomach as he tried to shove them away for another time. Nathair's head rose just in time to see Sleipnir's form smashed to bits when the scorpion's claw came crashing down. Lava rocks scattered over the white snow and melted it, creating a slight sizzle while Nathair shielded himself.

Bruised and battered, his eyes saw turned to Eowyn and immediately realized what was going through her mind. He didn't get a shout out before she took off toward the monster. She gasped out words, blaming herself, as she waved her arms toward the creature. The shouted woman easily gained the beast's attention causing Nathair whisper softly. "No, please no…"

'Nathair, Eoywn's provoking it! Can't you see? She's not drawing it away but frightening it. Remember what I showed you. Quartz hissed quietly, his fear clear. 'It isn't aggressive, it's merely defending itself.

Understanding what Quartz was saying, Nathair hauled himself upright. Shortly, the man started to cautiously move toward her. Something clicked in his head while he shouted toward Eowyn with his loudest voice he could muster. "Eowyn don't, back off! It's frighten! You're just terrifying it more."

Alright, his figure was trying to get to her. Sadly, the tumble he had taken earlier made it difficult to move fast enough and for a terrifying moment he worried he might not make it in time.
Memories of Soule

A collab between Alphakoka, Fallenreaper and Kestrel

Emily nodded as she inhaled, bracing herself for her step out into the hallway. Her hands held out and the smoke, her spirit's visual influence swirled into place forming a bow in her left hand. Her right drew back a bit while an arrow emerged then solidified. The point drawn down, ready for her to next action. Without a single show of fear, her feet lead her out into the tunnel and her head jerked to the side to spot the group that had likely attacked the ghost. Her eyes narrowed on them then raised up her weapon, her arrow pointed at the nearest and pulled back.

The string tightened in protest while she barely had enough time to register the number, her focus primarily on the first one, as she exhaled and released it. It made a twanging sound in her ear when it let the arrow fly pass and to the marked target. Without seeing if the arrow had landed or missed, her arms dropped then twisted about on her right foot toward the other side of the tunnel. Her feet rushed to the opposite end in hope to escape her would be chasers. Her bow was quickly vanishing to be replaced by her gauntlets should they managed to get close enough for a close quarter brawl.

Under her breath, Emily mumbled something. "Come and get me, you assholes."

"Stand down, get back!" The holders would hear a voice echoing through the hollowed homes. "We surrender!"

The image that followed the voice, was one of severely malnourished men and women. Their skins were bleak, and though some held weapons in their hands and spells twirled around those of others, these soon disintegrated from the material plane as they laid eyes upon Emily and Vignar.

"We're not in any condition to fight," The men who had stepped forward pleaded. "Please, have mercy."

For a deep, dark moment she had considered flying down the hallway despite the shout. Her hands already tightened her grip on her bow until her fingers were white and slightly aching from the pressure. She jerked her head back to face the source, her eyes quickly absorbing their image and trying to proper judge her instincts through there was in her judgement abilities. It had grown stronger since the encounter with the dragon and since their near plummet off the cliff, neither choices being safe enough to be suitable as good options. In truth, the Rook's self guilt weighed on everything she was forced to make a choice, each time second guessing herself out of fear over what a wrong one might cost her.

After several seconds, her gaze looked to Vignar with a questionable look. Her mind ignoring her spirit's voice that rippled through her mind bring shame and pain to the surface.

'They weren't helpless before when it came to attacking Vignar's ghost. Even startled, an innocent's first reaction isn't to attack but to run away screaming. Don't tell me you trust them because of their ragged appearance and pitiful claims? You're not that foolish, are you?' Cerberus snarled, his tone indignant at her hands relaxing their grip. Her arrow point lowered while he could feel her inwardly debate with herself and second guess her instinct. He fought-his mind placing a wall between them to prevent her from sensing his worry- to keep the concern out of his tone while he tried to reason again with her.

His sleek, black head lowered to linger closer to her face side enough that his hot, sulfuric breath washed over her skin. The tan skin prickled and shivered, reacting to his breath as if it was truly real. Emily impulsively jerked her cheek away causing her eyes flip over to the empty space to her right, facing the wall, and address her spirit's image. Her voice was quick and aggressive when she snapped back at him.

"Knock it off Cerberus. I didn't rattle your damn chain!" Her mouth inhale but her fingers remained on her bow, loosened only a bit. Arms still ready to coil and send an arrow into the nearest unfortunate individual, she addressed Vignar. Her vision never bother looking at him, she was clearly still bitter from Cerberus when she spoke. "Vignar, what do you think?"

Emily ignored her spirits angry growl at being ignored, his warning and wariness taken for granted then casted away in a thoughtless manner. It obviously irritated the beast to no ends as his image grew furious with decision being left up to Vignar, instead of her trusting her spirit. Her doubts, fears and more were bound to sign their death warrant one day. When that happened, he secretly hoped that by meeting her face to face, his sinking his hunting her down and sinking his teeth into her flesh for the rest of her afterlife would be enough to satisfy his rage.

Vignar paused as he laid his eyes toward the emaciated man before turning his head toward Emily. He could feel that his spirit did not believe the man, but Vignar was willing to believe the stranger and not fighting would be preferable for the Librarians as well. However, it didn't change that they did attack the ghost the Bishop send out earlier. Looking at Emily, Vignar shook his head, it's better to err to the side of caution here.

"I don't know, they did attack first," he replied. "But if they want to talk, no reason to turn it down."

"Alright." Emily submitted, through her hand tilted behind her back despite herself. Black wisps of smoke folded about her right, the shape solidifying and taking the form of the dagger she rarely used. She hated Cerberus for his incident with the dragon and planting doubt in her mind, but she wasn't eager to risk meeting him in the afterlife. She planned to rest when she died in the end. "Though if they start to attack, things will get sticky. Soule never did like unwelcomed strangers."

Her glare hardened in accusation as she studied the individual's figures, her sight seeking a reason for her to react. Inside she was hoping that would not be the case.

"Thank you." The man uttered, having stared at the exchange between Vignar and Emily with bated breath. "My name is Sikander, forgive my men. They have been on the edge for weeks. We have been trapped by the sandstorms, I am ashamed to admit. When your… Ghost, she showed, they recoiled in fear. Our nights are plagued by nightmares. It was instinct to fight back… I apologise if we have offended you, but…" Sikander turned slightly, motioning towards the people behind them. "We have surrendered our arms now and mean you no harm. It is a terrible faith we have been stranded here… But- That ghost. It cannot be…" The man's gaze widened, and his voice began to stutter; "Y-you are Librarians are you not?" He asked. "So are we!"

Sikander's expression suddenly turned into a heartfelt smile. His eyes teared up as he looked at Vignar and Emily, grasping Vignar's hand with both of his. "Are you here to save us? Thank the heavens! They have sent for us! My friends, rejoice, the Library has not forgotten us!"

Sikander's elation spread across the others, transforming them from anxious and weary to filled with a new hope. "I was wrong, my friends, they have sent for us!" Sikander shouted, most enthusiastically shaking Vignar's hand.

Vignar could only blink at the enthused Holder's reaction as they were shaking hands. He himself was still wasn't sure why the dragon send them to this place but now that there was another team of Librarians send ahead before them and had been stuck here for awhile without any sort of alert made back in The Hub took him by surprise. Unable and unwilling to think up a reply that didn't shatter their hope to his Spirit's disdain, Vignar looked at Emily, hoping the female Holder was able to make one.

Emily's stomach curdled and soured, dread gradually replaced by guilt swelling in her heart. She knew the truth. They weren't sent by the Library to save them, but rather also waiting out the storm themselves. However, to tell them that was risk killing whatever hope they might've gain and that something she found difficult to do. Even more strange was the fact there wasn't any Soule natives left. Not once, since they got here, had there been any signs of the natives and these people hadn't seen them either, something strange was happening. Something was wrong.

Emily was silent while Sikander shook the man's hand, his voice crying out before she or Vignar could stop him. She inhaled sharply as her dagger fully evaporated behind her back. She could feel Vignar looking to her for help and guidance.

"Sikander?" She started, speaking quietly, her mind unsettled by the possible answer. "Where are the natives of Soule? Have you encountered anyone here since you sought refuge here?"

Sikander's enthusiasm came to a sudden halt. "...Soul." He mispronounced the village name. "So this place is..."

The man shook his head, as his people too began tilting their sights towards the ground. "We arrived here with many wounded. It was coincidence we stumbled upon the caves and to our greater surprise there were inhabited. We asked for medicine and shelter, but they would not have us. I had wounded men to take care of, so we intimidated the locals and forced our way into the caves."

Sikander breathed uneasily, but looked straight into Emily's eyes. She would be able to notice the man was going against his better judgment, but Sikander was too tired for lies. "We intended no harm, but there was this boy… Seth, they called him, I believe. He managed to break through our barricade. He responded to our threats with force… He was a holder. We fought him off, we tried to force him to submit but… He wouldn't."

Sikander closed his eyes, anticipating what would come next. "After that, more villagers attacked. I… Gave the order not to hold back. I feared there were more holders amongst them. We buried the fallen, but we don't know where the survivors have gone…"

Vignar's eyes widen in horror as he realized the grief that Sikander was revealing. He did not know any particular details about Emily's history with the village but having your home assaulted by another group was never a pleasant news to run into, let alone when the invaders admitted it right in front of her. While he found Sikander's group intimidation attempt as a rather awful option to take, they were fueled by desperation and the natives' violent insistent of isolationism did not help at all. The Bishop looked towards Emily, judging her reaction and readied himself to intercept the Rook if her anger made her violent. Even so, he was still just a Bishop and physical work was not his strong point. As such he thought of calling another ghost to help him and if Emily did prove to be able to overpower him by a large margin, he might go through with it.

Emily's heart throbbed, pounding in her chest silently, as she watched several heads guide themselves to the floor.Guilt was all too clear causing her face to lose its color rapidly. Her eyes scanned each individual, her ears catching every word the holder was stating but not wanting to believe it. Deep inside, she knew Seth would've been among those who fought back an invasion, her sister right behind him, while her mind tried to absorb the words only to choke on them.

Her hands had tightened into fists during the whole explanation, her eyes becoming heated by the excuses and lack of understanding between the groups. The Hub had information, minor amounts, that provided answers and even encouraged holders to avoid Soule. However, not everyone actually chose to read the material or they would've known why Soule's inhabitants couldn't allow visitors. It was too dangerous.

Cerberus, her spirit, merely eyed her carefully. He knew her mixture of feelings swelled and rolled within her chest like a sea about to rage but any words from him would only set it off. The middle head shifted to Vignar, through he couldn't see the holder as Emily wasn't facing him, and spoke to the man's spirit. 'Your holder might want to summon a ghost. Else he'll be too late to stop her. Losing one's family isn't easy and even as a banished native, her heart will forever be loyal.

His only reply was a snort.

The word the three headed dog spoke were true after all because he knew Emily, her emotions and connection with her village ran deeper than she would admit. On cue, Emily's head bowed before her body moved rather quickly. Her feet cut the distance, her right arm raised then gripped Sikander's neck and made to pin him against the wall. Tears leaked along her eyes and started to stain her cheeks while she couldn't help the yell rippling from her lips.

"How dare you! These people were trying to protect you and you just slaughtered them, you bastard! Families, men, women and children all existed here until…" Her voice cracked, the rage still vivid in her tone. Her fingers tightened her grip as if trying to strangle the man within the rags he was clothed in, worn from the sands and battle, causing her to shake throughout her frame.

Only a hoarse gasp for breath managed to worm itself from Sikander's lips. He stared into Emily's tearing eyes with naught but confusion as her fingernails dug into his skin.

As Emily started to choke the man, Vignar almost immediately called for assistance from beyond and hoped what came forth was a Rook that of comparable strength with Emily. His call was answered by a black haired woman materializing in front of him, her figure clad by a cloak that prevented Vignar from seeing what the woman was wearing. From the front however, Emily and Sikander were able to see the ghost's clothes and, more specifically, the manner of her death as her entrails were visible from her exposed belly. As Vignar shouted for Daenerys to interrupt Emily's attempt of strangling the stranded Holder, the Ghost surged forward and put slightly wet hands over Emily before attempting to pry the Rook's grip open. Furthermore, they can hear something dropping to the ground with a wet 'plop' just beside their feet.

Emily's mind was flooded with memories, from her childhood where Seth and her played to her departure when she refused to follow traditions set down. Each moment that passed her fingers tightening and started to slowly choke the man, her eyes alight with a mix of hatred and pain. These people didn't deserve this. To have their homes taken then slaughtered like animals, the survivors likely chased deeper into the caverns if there was any left. Tears were increasing along her cheeks, staining them, while she merely pressed her victim against the rocky wall.

Her attention was solely on the murder of her people when something abruptly interrupted her.

Blood stained fingers wrapped about hers and pried her loose, her scrunched up face twisted to see the source then froze. Her spine stiffen as Emily easily recognized the new ghost and tried to jerk away. The spirit was still fixed in its command, not acknowledging her action, as it finished pulling her off the man. This was getting too much. If she hadn't known better, it would seemed the Bishop was determined to remind her of her failure to protect anyone. For several minutes she tried to rip herself out of the spirit's grasp through each time she felt her throat seize up and word unable to escape. Gradually her body stopped moving as her arms became limp, letting the ghost's touch win before she spoke. "I'm fine. I'm fine now."

Sikander was not fine, his neck was stained red where Emily had pressed her fingers and his eyes had rolled back in his head. Sikander's body fell against hers as Emily's arms weakened, before he finally collapsed at her feet. None of Iskander's people had said a word or dared come between Emily and Vignar's struggle… But now a woman, skin over bone, with grayed skin and lines she shouldn't have at her age, carefully threaded near the fallen man - watching Emily with every step she took.

She kneeled down next to Sikander, holding her breath, and with shaking hands she reached for his neck. She turned her head to the others, her lip quivered and eyes were red, but she had no tears left to shed. Her fingers moved to Sikander's chest, she hesitated before placing her palm under the man's rags… She kept it there only few a few moments before hanging her head. In complete silence, the news dawned upon those left in the room. Sikander was dead.

Time had frozen within the cave. Within a few minutes, Emily had suffocated the last hope out of the people who had once thought her a saviour. There was no crying, there was no rage, there was just eight pale ghosts standing besides her, Vignar and the dead body of Sikander.

Only Vignar would recognise another set of eyes looming. It was a similar presence that had stalked him earlier outside in the desert. "Green like emeralds." He could hear Daenerys murmur under her breath, as the ghost he'd summoned stared outside. If Vignar followed her gaze, he'd be able to make out the silhouette of a werecat, which before soon would make itself scarce and leap out of sight.

Emily's rage and pain twisted and churned like a living thing, filling her close to bursting. It was no surprise she had forgotten what these people went through or how fragile they were. Lost was a powerful thing and much as she wanted to make the misery vanish, it would always haunt her. Blame and guilt nailed her in place, her eyes widened at seeing Sikander crumbled at her feet with realization at what she had done.

Her foot instinctively took a step back to give the woman more room, her skeletal figure bend down to check his pulse. For several long seconds Emily prayed she hadn't killed him. However, the woman's eye told more truth than ever once believed. Emily's rage and pain was suddenly doused by ice cold reality.

Everything became numb. "Vignar... " Emily said quietly, her tone hollow. Her eyes bent low and unable to look at the eight figures staring at the murderess or see the fresh tears rushing down her cheeks. Her voice held no strain while she continued. "Take these people to the upper levels which is that way," She pointed the opposite way she originally considered flying down earlier, "as there should be a exit from these tunnels. Take Fran and Diana with you and when the storm lets up, contact the Hub. Tell them you have a group here that wandered into Soule and need extraction."

When Daenerys released her, Emily slowly gestures for the woman to move away as she bent down to lean over the man she had killed. Her expression was empty. Voided of any earlier rage or emotion at all, she spoke quietly to the man through her voice was magnified by the cave. "I'm sorry."

With those last words, she -with surprising gentleness- scooped up the man's corpse then began to walk down the opposite way. After a few steps she passed long enough to mention something to Vignar. "I'll meet up with you after I bury him and see if there's any of my Family left."

Not another word, Emily turned on heel and started walking again.

Vignar was left speechless and stunned over Sikander's unfortunate death. Too stunned to acknowledge the owner of the extra set of eyes among them, he only barely registered Daenerys' voice before the presence make itself scarce. When Emily talked to him, anger bubbled in his chest. Anger at Emily for her recklessness, at himself for being too slow, at the other Librarians for their blunder and at the people of Soule for being unaccepting shut-ins. Just as the anger was quick to rise, it was immediately cooled down as the Bishop numbly nodded. He then spoke to the rest of the group as he tried to take them to where their comatose group were lying in before looking for the exit Emily spoke about. As the castaways proved to be unresponsive to his words and only walked slowly at his nudging, Vignar had Daenerys help him with it, to whatever degree that the bloodied ghost of a holder who died a gruesome death could help instead of making the castaways even more depressed.

There was little to be packed, it was a simple wait for the sandstorm to calm. The survivors split into two groups. One followed Vignar, prodded and herded like sheep, down to the cave he had first sought refuge. Diane was still out cold, but Fran was sitting straight up. Not in a much better mood than she had been before, she paid little attention to Vignar's following.

"We're going, aren't we?" She spoke meekly, as she struggled to push herself up; clutching onto the ridges of the wall to stand. She walked towards the bishop, before inadvertently leaning on his shoulder for support.

"I saw something in this cave, Vignar. Not… Seen, but felt. I felt something that's been following us. Have you felt it too?"

The group that followed Emily, was there for Sikander's burial. They kept their distance and watched Emily prepared for the burning. They only approached the flames when Emily had turned her back on it. They knelt down, murmuring small words that she would not be able to make out. The woman who had confirmed Sikander's death took a ring off her finger and threw it into the fire, but not for a moment still, she could cry. She just stared into it blankly, as if it was not truly there.

The first hours of Emily's search deeper in the cave would not lead to her people, but the sky was opening. The best chance for the survivors was to leave immediately. Emily decided to stay behind, leaving Vignar with instructions and a compass, that would lead him and the others back to the civilised world.

Vignar's return would not be without losses, but he, Diane, Fran and five survivors eventually made it back to the Hub. Emily wouldn't return until several days later…

::End of Mission::​
Sandwalker by Night

When Nathair's words reached Eowyn, she had already invested so heavily into her decision she could not stop. She tried to quell all her uncertainty with the determination to act, it was as if any other sense was paralysed. She pulled up her arms, clenching her fists as she stood to face the beast. She knew she stood no chance, but to save Nathair, to redeem herself... Not for her distrust, but for all the deaths she had witnessed. She didn't know how, but she had to make this stance.

In vain.

Right before Nathair's eyes, Eowyn was swatted aside by the monster's massive claw. She heard something crack, saw how she was swept through the air and felt her skin tear when she hit the ground, but all these sensations felt nearly numb. "Run away!" Eowyn shouted at Nathair, but the giant scorpion was the one who fled into the darkness of night. It was just as Quartz had predicted, Nathair was left alone with two allies on death's doorstep in the damning cold.

"Run, please." Eowyn repeated, like a broken record. As she lay, her blood tainting the snow, she was no longer able to see around her. "Nathair, please. Run. Please." She begged, but soon she could no longer even hear her own words. Just the echoes in her own head.

"So in the end, you show valour. Mayhaps Valhalla welcomes you after all."
Wanted: Liason
With herself and Mime on the otherside of the wall of dark flame, Ilsa quickly stopped in her tracks her pudgey borrowed feet sliding across the slippery wet floor of the reeking sewer. She quickly doubled back and pulled Mime to her feet. She threw up a little in her mouth as she pulled the shit stained little devil to her feet and began draggin her behind her as she made her way down the tunnel.

Upon coming across the larger chamber and seeing Arlette Ilsa tried to shake Mime from her daze. "Hey, get with it you wretched body snatcher. I think we found your holder."​