The Legend of Zelda Extravaganza:Murder Game VIII

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I really shouldn't have to say this, as a CO-GM, But I am reserving as well for my three.

Yuga, Victor Kresnik, Rowen Ilbert

Yuga is a Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Character, so, my GM Character.

Victor Kresnik: Parallel version of Ludger Kresnik, likely the same one from Operation RAIN, but I Am not sure and I Probably will make him separate but act similarly. Xillia 2 Canon

Rowen Ilbert: Xillia and Xillia 2.

This reservation will be short-lived, I am making my CS's as soon as my Mac updates to Windows 10 in Parallels 10, and as soon as my Lenovo updates to Windows 10 as well.
Operation RAIN is not canon with the MG universe, just keep that in mind please.
Operation RAIN is not canon with the MG universe, just keep that in mind please.
Yeah, I recalled that after posting the reservation. It'll be a different Victor. My mind's all over the place at the moment. thank you for the reminder Atom, It's greatly appreciated. XD
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Name: Yuga

Age: Unknown, appears 25-35

Bio/History: See the Wikia:

Canon base: (Optional if not from a particular show or anything universe wise you base off of then you could still fill this out and just say Self) Zelda A Link Between Worlds

Powers/Abilities: See Wikia: Evil paint wizard.

Strengths: Evil Paint Wizard.

Weaknesses: Arrogant, overly obsessed with physical beuty and revolts imperfection / ugliness

Personality: See Wikia. Arrogent.

Family/Friends: Unknown.

Animal Spirit: Uhh, Shark?

Theme Song:



Name: Victor Kresnik

Age: 30

Bio/History: Spoilers to Xillia 2. Ludger's Future self / fractured dimention self, 8 years in the future.

Canon base: (Optional if not from a particular show or anything universe wise you base off of then you could still fill this out and just say Self) Tales of Xillia 2

Powers/Abilities: Dual Pistols, Dual Blades, Sledgehammer, Chromatis Time Control. Divergence Catalyst.

Strengths: Fighting, Conflict, Sarcasm, Plotting, Cooking, Murder.

Weaknesses: Any form of Emotional Attachment, save that to his late wife and Daughter Elle, whom he has chosen to USE to his own ends.

Personality: Manipulative, Dark, Can be sheerly brilliant in the right circumstances, and would be a fantastic ally and fearsome foe.

Family/Friends: Wife (dead), Elle Mel Marta (Daughter, Alive) Jude, Rowen, Leia, etc, all DEAD in his dimention, at his own hands.

Animal Spirit: Lone Wolf.

Theme Song:



Name: Rowen Ilbert; Ilbert the Conductor

Age: 62 - 63


Canon base: (Optional if not from a particular show or anything universe wise you base off of then you could still fill this out and just say Self) Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2

Powers/Abilities: Spirit Artes, excellant Instructor, FAMOUS Tactician, Kind, Humorous, Compassionate.

Strengths: Kind, Good with kids, Strong with Kunai and Rapiers, Spirit artes for defense and attacks. Arte Tuning, granting further mastery of his Artes.

Weaknesses: See the Wikia and you determine them. He's a mage / close / ranged fighter, so it's largely dependant on the moment.

Personality: Rowen is always very calm even in tense situations, where he will often make jokes to ease the atmosphere. Even though he appears to have an ever-gentle expression, he can deliver a piercing gaze with his eyes, indicating that he can be very serious when the time calls for it.

Family/Friends: The Lord and Lady of Sharilton, Jude, Ludger, Leia, Elize and Teepo, Milla Maxwell, Alvin, etc etc etc.

Animal Spirit: I'd say Shiba Inu. XD

Theme Song:

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Gonna say that I'm totally joining, gonna have to brainstorm who I'ma play for a bit, though!
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Hey, Raven, I posted a CS for Serge from Chrono Cross on page 2, just so you know if you missed it. @Raven
Just got to looking at page two honestly. Should be able to see all of it today and half of three at least as well. Today.
I really shouldn't have to say this, as a CO-GM, But I am reserving as well for my three.

Yuga, Victor Kresnik, Rowen Ilbert

Yuga is a Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Character, so, my GM Character.

Victor Kresnik: Parallel version of Ludger Kresnik, likely the same one from Operation RAIN, but I Am not sure and I Probably will make him separate but act similarly. Xillia 2 Canon

Rowen Ilbert: Xillia and Xillia 2.

This reservation will be short-lived, I am making my CS's as soon as my Mac updates to Windows 10 in Parallels 10, and as soon as my Lenovo updates to Windows 10 as well.
Never said you had to put CS's up for the Zelda characters. But if you wish they just won't take up a place as a character but more of a NPC... You know so the rule of others not using Zelda can stay and not seem broken.
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right, Didn't know, you weren't awake, so I said, better safe and not sorry. and to those that read the starters they'd know I'm a CO-GM too so all is right with the world.
right, Didn't know, you weren't awake, so I said, better safe and not sorry. and to those that read the starters they'd know I'm a CO-GM too so all is right with the world.
Yep I'm not making a CS for my character he will well. Explain himself more or less as the story unfolds.
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He's Ghirahim. as far as he goes, he is well known to any that played SS. XD

Rowen and Victor needed sheets though, and sheeted they are. XD
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He's Ghirahim. as far as he goes, he is well known to any that played SS. XD

Rowen and Victor needed sheets though, and sheeted they are. XD
Yes or well I would hope for those who have played SS that he is.

I know someone who had the game... I say had because for some reason she sold her wii for a ps4. Anyways she didn't understand much on Ghirahim even after meeting him about ten times.

So I hope he will make himself clear at some point.
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(No official picture, he's been dead for decades by the time the game starts.)

Name: Randall Dean Clark (Nicknames include 'The Survivalist' and 'The Father in the Cave')

Age: Somewhere around 50-60 (Playing Randall after the Sorrows arrive in Zion, but before he dies of old age)

Randall Dean Clark (born February 5, 2053) was an American soldier prior to the Great War. He served in Canada during its annexation, describing the experience not as frightening, but "just sickening, the criminality of it". He had a wife and son in Salt Lake City, both of whom were killed when the city was destroyed in the war. When the bombs fell, Clark was driving home from one of his frequent solitary hiking trips in the wild. Guilt over the fact that he did not die with his family would haunt him for years to come.
A first indication of Clark's unsentimental practicality and ability to choose the best course of action in the face of grim realities was shown in his mercy killing of an old couple who had been blinded by the flash of the nuclear attack. His truck rendered useless by the EMP blast associated with the bombs' detonation, Clark hiked back to Zion and took shelter in a cave. Fortunately for him, the cave in question was a USGS research site that the associated scientific team hastily abandoned after the bombs fell, probably trying to get back to their families. The abandoned food stores left by the team proved invaluable to Clark, as the radiation levels outside forced him to remain in the cave for several months. The duration surprised him, as the Army had told him that nuclear fallout took only 2–4 weeks to clear.
Once it was safe to go outside, Clark was astounded by the new life forms that had developed, not the least with his sightings of other humans in Zion. His first encounter with a group of feral ghouls left him questioning his own sanity for a time. In his observations of a group of Spanish speaking refugees, having initially been skeptical of these new inhabitants, he ended up feeling compassion when one of the men broke his leg. Clark secretly called for help and left medicine. He tried to intervene directly when a Vault 22 expedition, escaping their mutagen infected Vault, established a camp in Zion and killed most of the refugees. Clark, unable to save the captives from their fates at the hand of the Vault 22 dwellers, eventually drove off the intruders using traps, explosives, and his own rifle from the War, along with a recovered set of Desert Ranger combat armor. A holotape that the player can find in a duffle bag at the Vault 22 dwellers' guard camp, entitled BEWARE - A VENGEFUL SPIRIT STALKS THESE CANYONS, indicates that by the time the Vault 22 refugees finally fled Zion, there were only 34 of them left alive out of an original 118. The holotape also claims that they had to defend themselves from the local tribals, but it mentions nothing of cannibalism or starting the assault on the tribals. Most of the rest had been killed by Clark, to whom the Vault 22 refugees had begun to attribute supernatural powers.
Clark's computer journals detail his memories of his first family, as well as his developing relationship with Sylvie, a vault dweller from the Vault 22 expedition, who was caught in one of Clark's bear traps when escaping from the infection. Over time, Clark and Sylvie became romantically attached and Sylvie became pregnant. Tragically, his new son, Michael, died as the result of a breech delivery, and Sylvie, who had been "put out" with chems, never woke up. Clark's new-found reason for living was once again shattered. The loss of a second family drove him to regularly contemplate suicide, but he never found the courage to go through with it.
It would appear Randall suffered from survivor's guilt, a mental condition where a person perceives himself or herself to have committed an injustice by undeservedly surviving a traumatic event that others have not survived. In Randall's case, he initially blamed himself for surviving the Great War while his first wife and son,Charlotte and Alex, did not, and later felt guilt for not saving Sylvie or Michael, though he had no training in obstetrics and had prepared as well as he could. This hypothesis is further reinforced by the aid he provided to the group of child survivors he encountered near the end of his life, as many victims divert their survivor guilt into helping others deal with traumatic situations.
Eventually he acknowledges humanity's "blind drive onward," becoming a godlike figure to a new group of children who enter the valley, the ancestors of the Sorrows tribe the player interacts with during the game. He remains unseen to this group, but leaves them notes and other messages preaching the value of kindness and mutual care. He assists them materially as much as he can, passing weapons manuals, medical books, and practical supplies on to them, always remaining concealed. In late 2123 he develops a terminal lung disease, which he assumed was cancer. Reluctant to shatter the illusions of the children by revealing himself, alive or dead, as merely a battered old man, he leaves them his last messages, personalized for each of the child survivors, assuring them that although he will be silent in the future, he will be "still watching and still caring." On January 23rd, 2124, realizing his end is near and having decided that he doesn't want another birthday, he climbs up The Red Gate to a place where the children will be unlikely to find his corpse and allows himself to die of exposure, looking up into the sky during his final moments. He died 13 days before his 71st birthday, surviving 47 years after the Great War.
In his last account, he attributes his long years of survival as a result of him not wanting to let his loved ones go. Their memories in his mind are the best and "only life" he could have provided them with. He concludes that, at the end of his life, the children, and the innocence that they represented, were "a gift" after all the troubles he endured in Zion, and bids farewell to the place one last time.

Canon base: Fallout: New Vegas (Honest Hearts Add-On)

Powers/Abilities: Randall is an ordinary human, and an aged one at that. However, he's no feeble old man. Randall was an American soldier serving during the Annexation of Canada, receiving training that he's remembered to this day, and on top of this, oftentimes left into the wilderness for solitary hiking trips that lasted days at a time. Most impressive, however, is the fact that he's survived after the nuclear apocalypse for a whole 47 years, stalking the irradiated Zion Canyon and watching out for those passing though/camping out.

Randall's stealth skills and proficiency with firearms is second to none. When a group of 118 armed men and women (actually residents of Vault 22) killed and ate a small convoy of people he was protecting, Randall spent the next few weeks mercilessly hunting down and killing every member of the group he could. By the end, the remaining 34 retreated from the canyon, believing a vengeful spirit was attempting to destroy them. (When in actuality it was just a surprisingly badass middle-aged man.)

Strengths: Trained in hand-to-hand, melee, and firearm-related combat. Has been surviving in the wilderness for around three decades, and moves like a ghost when he doesn't wish to be seen.

Weaknesses: Randall is stricken with serious survivor's guilt. He constantly contemplates suicide, then mentally insults himself for being too weak to carry the deed out. Has something of a big heart when it comes to protecting others, which often ends up going poorly for him.

Personality: Randall has a very no-nonsense, utilitarian personality. He does what he has to, when he has to, to who he has to, if need be. He's strong willed, very stubborn, not one to let people push him or others around, and has no qualms about killing people who deserve it.

Family/Friends: Randall's first family was killed in the bombing of the U.S. His second wife, Sylvie, never woke up from the drugs Randall had to give her to ease child birth. The baby boy was later found to be dead as a result of breech birth.

Animal Spirit: Maybe a lone wolf???

Theme Song: (Pending)

Is this aight so far?
(Also I dunno if anyone's interested but this is a great read:
(No official picture, he's been dead for decades by the time the game starts.)

Name: Randall Dean Clark (Nicknames include 'The Survivalist' and 'The Father in the Cave')

Age: Somewhere around 50-60 (Playing Randall after the Sorrows arrive in Zion, but before he dies of old age)

Randall Dean Clark (born February 5, 2053) was an American soldier prior to the Great War. He served in Canada during its annexation, describing the experience not as frightening, but "just sickening, the criminality of it". He had a wife and son in Salt Lake City, both of whom were killed when the city was destroyed in the war. When the bombs fell, Clark was driving home from one of his frequent solitary hiking trips in the wild. Guilt over the fact that he did not die with his family would haunt him for years to come.
A first indication of Clark's unsentimental practicality and ability to choose the best course of action in the face of grim realities was shown in his mercy killing of an old couple who had been blinded by the flash of the nuclear attack. His truck rendered useless by the EMP blast associated with the bombs' detonation, Clark hiked back to Zion and took shelter in a cave. Fortunately for him, the cave in question was a USGS research site that the associated scientific team hastily abandoned after the bombs fell, probably trying to get back to their families. The abandoned food stores left by the team proved invaluable to Clark, as the radiation levels outside forced him to remain in the cave for several months. The duration surprised him, as the Army had told him that nuclear fallout took only 2–4 weeks to clear.
Once it was safe to go outside, Clark was astounded by the new life forms that had developed, not the least with his sightings of other humans in Zion. His first encounter with a group of feral ghouls left him questioning his own sanity for a time. In his observations of a group of Spanish speaking refugees, having initially been skeptical of these new inhabitants, he ended up feeling compassion when one of the men broke his leg. Clark secretly called for help and left medicine. He tried to intervene directly when a Vault 22 expedition, escaping their mutagen infected Vault, established a camp in Zion and killed most of the refugees. Clark, unable to save the captives from their fates at the hand of the Vault 22 dwellers, eventually drove off the intruders using traps, explosives, and his own rifle from the War, along with a recovered set of Desert Ranger combat armor. A holotape that the player can find in a duffle bag at the Vault 22 dwellers' guard camp, entitled BEWARE - A VENGEFUL SPIRIT STALKS THESE CANYONS, indicates that by the time the Vault 22 refugees finally fled Zion, there were only 34 of them left alive out of an original 118. The holotape also claims that they had to defend themselves from the local tribals, but it mentions nothing of cannibalism or starting the assault on the tribals. Most of the rest had been killed by Clark, to whom the Vault 22 refugees had begun to attribute supernatural powers.
Clark's computer journals detail his memories of his first family, as well as his developing relationship with Sylvie, a vault dweller from the Vault 22 expedition, who was caught in one of Clark's bear traps when escaping from the infection. Over time, Clark and Sylvie became romantically attached and Sylvie became pregnant. Tragically, his new son, Michael, died as the result of a breech delivery, and Sylvie, who had been "put out" with chems, never woke up. Clark's new-found reason for living was once again shattered. The loss of a second family drove him to regularly contemplate suicide, but he never found the courage to go through with it.
It would appear Randall suffered from survivor's guilt, a mental condition where a person perceives himself or herself to have committed an injustice by undeservedly surviving a traumatic event that others have not survived. In Randall's case, he initially blamed himself for surviving the Great War while his first wife and son,Charlotte and Alex, did not, and later felt guilt for not saving Sylvie or Michael, though he had no training in obstetrics and had prepared as well as he could. This hypothesis is further reinforced by the aid he provided to the group of child survivors he encountered near the end of his life, as many victims divert their survivor guilt into helping others deal with traumatic situations.
Eventually he acknowledges humanity's "blind drive onward," becoming a godlike figure to a new group of children who enter the valley, the ancestors of the Sorrows tribe the player interacts with during the game. He remains unseen to this group, but leaves them notes and other messages preaching the value of kindness and mutual care. He assists them materially as much as he can, passing weapons manuals, medical books, and practical supplies on to them, always remaining concealed. In late 2123 he develops a terminal lung disease, which he assumed was cancer. Reluctant to shatter the illusions of the children by revealing himself, alive or dead, as merely a battered old man, he leaves them his last messages, personalized for each of the child survivors, assuring them that although he will be silent in the future, he will be "still watching and still caring." On January 23rd, 2124, realizing his end is near and having decided that he doesn't want another birthday, he climbs up The Red Gate to a place where the children will be unlikely to find his corpse and allows himself to die of exposure, looking up into the sky during his final moments. He died 13 days before his 71st birthday, surviving 47 years after the Great War.
In his last account, he attributes his long years of survival as a result of him not wanting to let his loved ones go. Their memories in his mind are the best and "only life" he could have provided them with. He concludes that, at the end of his life, the children, and the innocence that they represented, were "a gift" after all the troubles he endured in Zion, and bids farewell to the place one last time.

Canon base: Fallout: New Vegas (Honest Hearts Add-On)

Powers/Abilities: Randall is an ordinary human, and an aged one at that. However, he's no feeble old man. Randall was an American soldier serving during the Annexation of Canada, receiving training that he's remembered to this day, and on top of this, oftentimes left into the wilderness for solitary hiking trips that lasted days at a time. Most impressive, however, is the fact that he's survived after the nuclear apocalypse for a whole 47 years, stalking the irradiated Zion Canyon and watching out for those passing though/camping out.

Randall's stealth skills and proficiency with firearms is second to none. When a group of 118 armed men and women (actually residents of Vault 22) killed and ate a small convoy of people he was protecting, Randall spent the next few weeks mercilessly hunting down and killing every member of the group he could. By the end, the remaining 34 retreated from the canyon, believing a vengeful spirit was attempting to destroy them. (When in actuality it was just a surprisingly badass middle-aged man.)

Strengths: Trained in hand-to-hand, melee, and firearm-related combat. Has been surviving in the wilderness for around three decades, and moves like a ghost when he doesn't wish to be seen.

Weaknesses: Randall is stricken with serious survivor's guilt. He constantly contemplates suicide, then mentally insults himself for being too weak to carry the deed out. Has something of a big heart when it comes to protecting others, which often ends up going poorly for him.

Personality: Randall has a very no-nonsense, utilitarian personality. He does what he has to, when he has to, to who he has to, if need be. He's strong willed, very stubborn, not one to let people push him or others around, and has no qualms about killing people who deserve it.

Family/Friends: Randall's first family was killed in the bombing of the U.S. His second wife, Sylvie, never woke up from the drugs Randall had to give her to ease child birth. The baby boy was later found to be dead as a result of breech birth.

Animal Spirit: Maybe a lone wolf???

Theme Song: (Pending)

Is this aight so far?
(Also I dunno if anyone's interested but this is a great read:
So far yeah you look fine... And it's a very long read for sure LOL
Itsa okay ^_^"

I just thought it was funny xD.
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