The Last Neko

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"I told you not to give me that face. She did it all the time."
"Kari. The first neko to be 'exterminated'." He looks down and sighs.
"Aww, don't look so down," she replied, giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder.
He smiles a little. "She's why I helped you. I swore revenge the day she was killed." Kyy looks toward the entrance. "Quick, hide." He grabs his blade and hides next to the entrance.
Fumi looked around frantically before hiding under the couch, eyes wide in fear. "What's happening?" She squeaked.
He put a finger to his lips. A moment later the door opens and a few guys run in. Kyy takes two of them out before the rest see him. "Run like dogs or die like men. Your choice."
One of the men recovered and whipped out his knife, charging at Kyy. "I'm not so easy to take down!" He yelled.

What Fumi could see was many feet coming in, and she sensed danger. She wiped her tears and tried to not make a single sound.
Fumi gasped as she saw Kyy getting cut from the knife. She was torn apart- should she go and help, or stay quiet? Unable to make a choice, tears brimmed from her eyes, and she cried quietly. The man was panting. It seemed to easy, and he heard this guy was top class. Why did it seem so easy to take him down then?
Kyy smirks. "If you think that'll stop me, you're sorely mistaken." He cuts the guy's arm off. "Anyone else want a go?" The last few intruders run away.
When the place seemed clear of any bad guys, Fumi came out of her hiding place, and ran to Kyy. "Are you alright?" She asked, her eyes concerned and her body shaking with terror.
He nods, panting. "We need to..." He falls over, unconscious, blood staining his shirt.
Tears started running down her cheeks, but she told herself she needed to be strong. She opened his shirt, the source of the blood flowing from the wound on his abdomen. She ripped the bottom part of her dress and wrapped it on his abdomen. Before leaving to get some ice, she took one more look at Kyy, seeing if he's alright.
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