The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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Did she lie about her age to become a guard?
I'm actually not 100% done with her form yet, I just took a small break because I have a headache(screaming children are amazing) but to answer your question: yes.
Oh, okay. I'll accept her when you're finished, then.
Lol, i just realized that my character limit got raised yesterday.... i will be making at least a royal guard character tomorrow, she will be a bit special as well (Because who wants to be normal :P)

Dio probably wouldn't say anything since Allora is addressing the Queen and kind of ignoring Dio. So skip me in the order for now.
I've been thinking about making a guard character. I'd love to help with arresting Loran, but you guys all know how infrequently I'm online. Usually it's just when Princess tells me I have to come online and reply to something.
I believe I have now finished Sierra's form, I finished her history, and added onto the 'other' section. I'm sure I had more planned fr her history earlier, but my screaming niece made me forget so that will likely stay short unless I can remember what it was that I was supposed to add on.

You like screaming children? Dyna is being held captive by a pirate. This'll be fun fer ya.
Sounds like tons of fun xD

Name: Enlora Faroak
Age: 20
DOB: July 2nd
Species: Elf
Gender: Female
Orientation: Homosexual
Home city: Sapphire City
Physical description: Enlora is about 154cm long small elf, she weighs 67kg and is a bit chubby, mostly because of her weakness towards sweet things, especially any pastry. Being a wizard, Enlora carries her spell tome everywhere she goes, hanging from her waist by an enchanted chain.
Personality traits: Enlora is energetic and clumsy girl who bears a great knowledge.

History/bio: Enlora is a daughter of general Zax Faroak, one of the current generals of court wizards. Zax rarely visited home when Enlora was just a toddler, as being general of court wizards was very busy business. Enlora was living with her mother, Thirrin Faroak at the edge of the Sapphire City. At the age of 10 her powers awakened and she conjured her spell tome, this of course was a shock for her mother. Inheriting wizard's power was a rare occasion and usually wizards were trained through years of training and slowly changing ones mana into the more refined one. As the years went by, at age of 18, Enlora kept trying to train her mana control and casting the few spells she had, unfortunately the uncontrolled training went wrong and what happened in the end was that she ended up severing her mana network, throwing her straight to the death's door. Enlora was found unconscious from the streets by royal guard patrol and was immediately taking action. She was brought to the castle's infirmary to be taken care of. Barely surviving the incident, she took a whole year to recover from it, permanently having trouble in controlling mana, risking her magic going wild every time she casts one. Now, two years after the incident, Enlora was still living with her mother. Enlora had tried to join court wizards earlier this year but she was turned down immediately when they had found out about the injury she had in her mana network and so Enlora started planning on trying to join court wizard through other means and so she is now trying to get into royal guard.

Skills/abilities: Wizardry
Upon awakening ones magic, wizards conjure their spell tome, this is the first and the most important sign of wizardry.

The spell tome is wizards tool and the most important possession they ever have. Spell tomes are enchanted by a life link spell which is created upon conjuration, so the spell tome gets destroyed upon wizards death, destroying any information. Filling the spell tome is the life goal of every wizard, which is the reason for their usually nomadic lifestyle as they wander around the world, looking for new spells to record into their tomes.

Wizards casts spells by reading incantations, to cast a spell, a scroll or spell tome is required. Scrolls has three uses per scroll and every time the spell is cast part of the scroll burns, after three uses the scroll turns into ash and disappears.

Preferred weapon: Spell tome for magics, staff for close quarters combat.

Notable features: Like every wizard, Enlora is easy to recognize for carrying her tome on her waist to wherever she goes. Enlora's spell tome:
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Trying to become one atm, she isn't one... yet
So, Enlora's birthday the 2nd of July, or the 7th of February...?
July, i edit it to clarify
Okay, thank you.

Both new characters are accepted and good to go. I'll have them on the character list...eventually.
I'm going to have Ashley get kidnapped. And the Expedition for Adrianna shall continue.
I feel as if more work for the Brilliance of Diodora Warthunder and the Royal Guard!!!
Ugh. I can't catch a break. You guys remember a month ago how I was homeless for a week after my boyfriend's crazy mother kicked us out? And then we found a new place? Well it turns out the guy who owns the house in which our new basement is has just lost his job and has to declare bankruptcy. We have until the 15th to find someplace new to live. Again. I am SO mad. Ugh. I literally just want to punch stuff.
Ugh. I can't catch a break. You guys remember a month ago how I was homeless for a week after my boyfriend's crazy mother kicked us out? And then we found a new place? Well it turns out the guy who owns the house in which our new basement is has just lost his job and has to declare bankruptcy. We have until the 15th to find someplace new to live. Again. I am SO mad. Ugh. I literally just want to punch stuff.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I really hope things start looking up for you soon though. My question is why did your Boyfriend's Mother kick you guys out...

Kristian Tyurn
52 (somewhere around 20 by human standards)
9th of March
Home city:
Physical description:
Kristian is a typical young dwarf with a big nose, long black hair and beard. He has a normal dwarven height of 148 centimeters, but it is compensated by his natural bulky musculature and incredibly strong bone structure, which give him a weight of 120 kilograms. His face has a couple of scars he got in his childhood.

Personality traits:
Kristian is a relaxed, adventurous dwarf. He is friendly and cheerful around other people, he likes to throw a joke here and there in a good company. As well as grabbing a pint of ale or two in a tavern. Kristian is pretty opportunistic, so if he sees a chance of any sort of profit, he goes for it. Doesn't matter if the profit will be money, adventure, friend, booze or just some stupid fun. He cares a lot about people close to him and would be willing to sacrifice anything for their sake.

Kristian was born in a prosperous dwarven family in Vimjakul. His father owned a forge while his mother worked in a mine, providing materials for the forge. Their forge produced pretty much anything - horseshoes, nails, weapons and even jewelry. Kristian's father was very popular among the populace of Vimjakul, since he was one of the most masterful blacksmiths in the town and even helped people out for free if they really need it. When Kristian was born his father made it an event for the whole town. It was a big celebration, everyone was drinking for his money and praising his newborn son.

At that time forge started to slowly decline due to Kristian's father and mother being busy with his upbringing. They hired assistants, but their work wasn't as good. But at least they did well in upbringing him. Kristian spent his childhood reading all sorts of books that his parents could attain, learned how to work the forge and how to search for valuable minerals in caves and mines. When he turned 24 and his first facial hair started to grow, it was yet another topic for celebration. His father and local huntsmen took him on his first hunt, where he learned how to find, tail and kill an animal. And how to avoid dangerous predators. At home he helped his parents out in the forge and in free time he either read books or hanged out with friends. Since for some reason most of the books his parents got were books on botany and alchemy. There he learned many things about plants - which lead to him gaining a foothold in alchemy. Outside with his friends though, he roamed the mountains and grew to love adventuring.

When he turned 50, he was finally considered an adult. His parents wanted him to stay and take over the forge when they pass away, but Kristian's true dreams lied beyond these mountains. He wanted to see the world, visit other great cities, visit the famous Sapphire City, take a swim in the ocean, find new friends and love. He didn't expect it, but his parents didn't go against his will and blessed him to go on this journey. Apparently, it was his father's childhood dream too and he just couldn't see it being ruined for his only son. He believed in him. So he forged the finest axe in his life to give it to his son as a farewell gift. After giving his goodbyes to his family and friends, he embarked on a long adventure, to find his future and himself.

It's been two years how he roamed eastern mountains of Evertrue. He met many dangers, met many people, made some friends and lost some friends. By now he explored most of the East, but it wasn't enough to him by far. He had arrived at the western reach of the Eastern territories to embark on a ship and travel to the kingdom's capital, glorious city of Sapphire.

Kristian is a skilled blacksmith. Not a master like his father, but he's pretty solid in this art. He is a fine hunter - knows how to tail an animal and shoot his hunting crossbow at it, as well as trapping. He has a broad knowledge of plants and alchemy, so he can make various potions, but nothing too complicated of course. As any dwarf, he knows how to fight and apply his axe to an enemy's skull.
Preferred weapon:
A reinforced steel axe of his father's finest work.
Notable features:
He is often seen smoking his pipe.
Who invited you to Evertrue: IamtheecchiKing
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He's awesome! He's accepted and good to go. He, along with the other new characters, will be on the list...eventually xD

And ugh, the story with his mother is just nuts. Basically what it boils down to is that she's a psychotic banshee who doesn't give a damn about her own kid. It's all her fault we're in this mess... The last month we've been much better off than we ever were with her, I just wish we could stay here :( it was perfect
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