Original poster
This is for Me and PurpleStaticxx
This story takes place in the magical/cliche land of Aravor. Throughout its history, the world has been rocked by war. This war is between two rival factions, the Dwarves, and the Elves. Other denziens and species inhabit that planet, but they are small in number. The two races are exact opposites in demeanour, society, and heritage.
The dwarves are (as usual) a hardy, mountain folk. Being typically short, they enjoy the cold weather of their mountainous homes. A love of jewels, gold, and other wealth is typical to the species. This love often becomes an obession, and they will do anything to acquire these items. Some dwarves, through their shrewdness, cheat their bretheren out of their wealth and amass great mountains of money. The goal of all dwarves is to be richer than their predecessor. Though, there is not such thing as inheritance. This is considered cheating. As such, in the last years of their life, dwarves commonly splurge on anything and everything. Charity is unknown in dwarven society, and as such the elderly live on their own. However, upon their death, the dwarves that were their kin hold a great burial feast. This is more to celebrate the oppulence released into the community, but it's also their way of dealing with grief. Dwarves live long lives, as do elves, so this can also be a way to say "FINALLY!". For some reason, dwarves are unable to use magic, but are also unaffected by it, or at least the effect is dull.(Maybe.)
Elves on the other hand are a tight knit and fair skinned people. Living in close family clans, they wander the forests of the world. The elves love naature in all its glory, taking grat pains to preserve it. Elves have an inherit gift for magic. Generally, the magic manifests itself in the number eight. As such, the eight generation of a new clan is often powerfully gifted. Even better, with each eighth child born to a couple, the whol grow stronger. In addition, the eight son of the eighth son has magic only rivaled by the first elves. Unfortunately, elves are often born infertile. This, along with their high weakness to disease, make them vunerable. However, those that are fertile are gifted a boon of strong lifeblood, enabling the continuance of the family line.
Overall, the Elves are more numerous, but the Dwarves are stronger. The elves are more intelligent, but the dwarves have ruthlessness. The Elves have magic, but it cannot be used on Dwarves effectively. So, basically, the races are equal.
Now we come to our story. The elderly King of the dwarves is drawing ever closer to death. However, he isn't about to die any time soon without a little 'help'. As such, the elven High Queen has seen fit to send one of her assassins to deal with him. However, things may not go exactly as planned when the Dwarf Prince gets in the way.
Name: Elric, son of Gereth the King
Position in life: Prince
Age: 20 (Years are the same as human years. And Dwarves and evles have half again the normal human lifespan. However, both go through the same growing up period.)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Elric is a rather fit looking example of dwarf royalty. While most of his bretheren have a certain... roundness about them; Elric keeps himself lean and toned. His hair is shockingly orange, colored by strawberry locks. A short goatee adorns his chin. Long hair reaches down to the bacck of his neck in wavy curls. Bushy eyebrows and a small mustache comeplete the look. His skin is lightly tanned from the snow glare.
This story takes place in the magical/cliche land of Aravor. Throughout its history, the world has been rocked by war. This war is between two rival factions, the Dwarves, and the Elves. Other denziens and species inhabit that planet, but they are small in number. The two races are exact opposites in demeanour, society, and heritage.
The dwarves are (as usual) a hardy, mountain folk. Being typically short, they enjoy the cold weather of their mountainous homes. A love of jewels, gold, and other wealth is typical to the species. This love often becomes an obession, and they will do anything to acquire these items. Some dwarves, through their shrewdness, cheat their bretheren out of their wealth and amass great mountains of money. The goal of all dwarves is to be richer than their predecessor. Though, there is not such thing as inheritance. This is considered cheating. As such, in the last years of their life, dwarves commonly splurge on anything and everything. Charity is unknown in dwarven society, and as such the elderly live on their own. However, upon their death, the dwarves that were their kin hold a great burial feast. This is more to celebrate the oppulence released into the community, but it's also their way of dealing with grief. Dwarves live long lives, as do elves, so this can also be a way to say "FINALLY!". For some reason, dwarves are unable to use magic, but are also unaffected by it, or at least the effect is dull.(Maybe.)
Elves on the other hand are a tight knit and fair skinned people. Living in close family clans, they wander the forests of the world. The elves love naature in all its glory, taking grat pains to preserve it. Elves have an inherit gift for magic. Generally, the magic manifests itself in the number eight. As such, the eight generation of a new clan is often powerfully gifted. Even better, with each eighth child born to a couple, the whol grow stronger. In addition, the eight son of the eighth son has magic only rivaled by the first elves. Unfortunately, elves are often born infertile. This, along with their high weakness to disease, make them vunerable. However, those that are fertile are gifted a boon of strong lifeblood, enabling the continuance of the family line.
Overall, the Elves are more numerous, but the Dwarves are stronger. The elves are more intelligent, but the dwarves have ruthlessness. The Elves have magic, but it cannot be used on Dwarves effectively. So, basically, the races are equal.
Now we come to our story. The elderly King of the dwarves is drawing ever closer to death. However, he isn't about to die any time soon without a little 'help'. As such, the elven High Queen has seen fit to send one of her assassins to deal with him. However, things may not go exactly as planned when the Dwarf Prince gets in the way.
Name: Elric, son of Gereth the King
Position in life: Prince
Age: 20 (Years are the same as human years. And Dwarves and evles have half again the normal human lifespan. However, both go through the same growing up period.)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Elric is a rather fit looking example of dwarf royalty. While most of his bretheren have a certain... roundness about them; Elric keeps himself lean and toned. His hair is shockingly orange, colored by strawberry locks. A short goatee adorns his chin. Long hair reaches down to the bacck of his neck in wavy curls. Bushy eyebrows and a small mustache comeplete the look. His skin is lightly tanned from the snow glare.