The Iwaku Tea Party!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
There's no reason to bring politics into this, Paorou.
He must work for Faux.
Paorou, old bean, would you enjoy a crumpet? How about a SCONE?
*Pinky extends.*

How very droll. *Titters behind fan.*
You want tea? go fish it out of Boston Harbor!!! *throws tea into boston harbor*

Egad, young ruffian; Now be on your way before I engage you in fisticuffs.
*Eats a scone*

Bread for the bread god.
I do tire of your song, and dance.

*Adjusts his bowler, and refrains from sex in order to be more British than everyone else.*
*Continues breaking Tea Boxes and throwing them into Boston Harbor*
*Messes up the British thing with decadent Louis XV style.*


*Catches birds in her giant powdered wig.*
How quaint.

*sips tea from a tiny tiny teacup*
*smokes a pipe in front of his fireplace*
