The Iwaku Mansion

Uh, maybe.

Why is the rocking chair rocking itself?
It's an electric rocker.

So have you ever felt trapped?
I guess now more than ever.

Why do you ask?
No reason.

What is your favorite letter?
The one I found in the study.

Anyone know who "Mary" is?
I don't know.

So, anyone knows where a comb is to fix my hair?
I think it's on the old vanity in the attic.

Anyone smell any perfume?
Nope, no perfume smell for me.

So, anyone see the corpse labeled bored games downstairs?
Hannibal Lecter had a D&D session last night and forgot to clean up after himself.

Anyone know why the basement is cold?
I think Lector was running the AC and forgot to shut it.

Anyone remember where the carriage with the baby bunny is?
Last time I checked, it was in the pumpkin patch?

Where did we get the baby bunny from?
Oh, it was a present from some soldiers. They said it was deadly.

Anyone see my dog?
I think he went into the woods.

Anyone know anything about the medieval battle that occurred in the backyard last night?
Nope, no idea. Hides time machine

So, anyone see my stash of red juice?
I think Dracula might've taken a jar when he broke in last night.

Anyone know why I have bite marks on my neck?
It was Dracula, he must have bit you.

So, who invited Dracula into the house?
I think Karen had an essiental oil party last week and might've accidentally invited Dracula.

Who invited Karen?
I think Karen invited herself.

Who left the door open?
I think it got blown off in a windstorm.

Why didn't we get the door fixed beforehand?
We did.

Who broke the door after the windstorm then?