The Iwaku Mansion

I think a green ogre had slammed the door in.

Why is a donkey talking?
He was from Pleasure Island.

So, where is that music coming from?
I think it comes from the music box in the abandoned nursery.

Why is a kid asking me to watch a film reel?
He's trying to be a director.

What type of film reel is it?
I don't know, it's just labled as "Halloween Night"

Anyone know anything about the lady with the nightmare-inducing Minnie Mouse mask?
Oh, that's Trisha. She likes scaring people with her creepy masks.

so, do you think we should watch the film reel Halloween night?
Sure, why not? What's the worst that can happen?

Anyone know anything about the spectral maid?
Oh, that's Lucy. She's harmless. I brought her from an abandoned mall.

So, where did everyone else go?
I think they went to the cellar and never came back.

Why is there more film reels?
I don't know.

Where did you get those film reels from?
I don't know, I think they came with the house.

What was on the Halloween Night tape?
No idea. Forgot to watch it.

So, wanna order pizza?
I guess.

Want to watch the Halloween Night reel?
I would advise you dont there's been a creepy girl in my room ever since

Anyway, back from the cellar why was there a dungeon down there?
Why for Dungeons and Dragons of course.

Anyone know where I can find a dragon?
Against all expectations, probably in the attic. They're small enough to fit in there.

Does anyone know where the attic door disappeared to again?
It's in the basement. I just got my dragon from up in the attic.

What should I name him?
Fire Bunbuns, maybe.

Anyone know anything about the creepy girl?
She's apparently the neighbour's grandkid. Said she's been looking for her brother, not sure why he'd be in here though.

... What's that smell?
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Oh that's my werewolf boyfriend. He was playing in the trash again.... and popped in your shoes.

So.... how does one train a werewolf?