The Island Game

... a row boat to sail home. because man doesn't leave by blowjobs alone. ^_^

If you are stuck on that cursed island, would you rather have Oprah (a talk show host) or Ellen (another talk show host) to accompany you?
Ugh, can't really stand Oprah. Ellen. Besides, she played Dory (Finding Nemo).

Stuck on island, rather have Asmo or Diana as your playmate?
Asmo. There are tons of things I am thinking of doing to him, or with him. XD Diana, on the other hand, might do things TO me... >_<;

Stuck on that island, would you rather have me or vay as your tour guide?
You. You are at least not as sarcastically annoying as him. <_<;

Stuck on island, would you choose to read a really good novel or some brain-numbing comic books?
a good novel, i guess. At least there's a chance that I haven't finished that novel before the rescue comes.

Stuck there... would you rather eat dogs or cats?
Dogs. Eating dogs is more normal.

Stuck on that damn-bitch island, would you rather watch South Park or Simpsons?
uhm... simpsons? just because they have more episodes than south park?

stuck inside that island... would you rather drink your own urine or eat your own feces?
Urine. Eating shit is a hella embarrassing.

Stuck on that island, would you do your mom or your dad?
^ dad. at the very least, there won't be any evidence of our wrongdoing... also, a child conceived by me and my mother would be.. uhm... *facepalms*

stuck in that island, would you rather go naked with a gay gymrat? or a hideous old hag?
I'd go with the hag. Just afraid of being raped.

Stuck on an island, would you jack off to a porno starring your mum or jack off to a porno WITH your mum?
starring my mum... at least she'd be prettier that way.

in that island... would you rather be alone with a rabid dog? or with a gay rapist?
I think I'd rather die than be raped by a gay.

Stuck on the island, would you rather sleep on the dirt or sleep on a comfy bed... with Michael Jackson's corpse?
on a bed with MJ's corpse. at the very least, i can throw it off to the sea and to the sharks :D

would you rather be chained naked to a tree? or be chained clothed to a tree with ants crawling all over it?
Naked. I was born naked anyway.

Stuck on an island, would you rather be f-ed against that tree full of ants or f-ed on the filthy ground?
be f-ed on the filthy ground. besides, it's kinkier that way XD

would you rather be raped by a football team? or a baseball team?
Baseball. <_< Getting raped is horrible enough, let alone by a group of smelly redheads.

Getting raped softly all night long or getting raped roughly in a short amount of time?
of course... getting raped softly all-night long... maybe i'll get the chance to rape them back!

raped while being blindfolded? or raped while being gagged?
...all these is turning me on. Ahem.

Getting raped while gagged. Blindfolded is scary.

Stuck on an island, would you rather being handcuffed to the tree full of ants of handcuffing a whole chain link of gay football team members to you?
I'll take the football team. besides, i hate ants crawling into my eyes >_<;
(and lol~ talk about feeling the same way O_o)

would you rather be raped while being tied up in a comfortable position, or raped while being held (but not tied up) in a uncomfortable position?
Held. So that I could still try and outmaneuver the gaytard asshole.

Stuck on an island, would you try and explore it to see if it's the shooting location for The Island, possibly getting lost in the thick jungle forever and ever, or stay where you arrived, a barren desert, and try to look for food in the nearby areas?